满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where is the man fro...


1.Where is the man from?

A.Nebraska. B.Cairns. C.Sydney.

2.What is the man's attitude toward surfing?

A.Bored. B.Excited. C.Worried.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Surf the big waves. B.Surf near the beach. C.Get his sun cream.


1.A 2.C 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: Welcome to Cairns! I'm Sally, and I'll be your surfing coach. M: Hey, I’m Mickey. This is my first time being in the ocean. I'm from a state in the U.S. Have you heard of Nebraska? W: Um, I'm not sure. I’m not very familiar with U.S. geography. I'm from Sydney. Anyway, let's get started. Grab that board and follow me. M: Wait. Are those the waves we are going to surf? They look really big. I've never done this before... W: Relax! I'm a great teacher. You won't get to surf those big waves today. We are going to start on the smaller waves close to the beach. M: Oh, I see. Actually, the sun is really bright today. I forgot to put on sun cream. Maybe I should go back and quickly grab it? W: Don't worry. I've got it right here in my bag. Don't be scared, eh? I'm going to watch you. M: You are? W: Sure. You have nothing to worry about. Now, bend your body and...


1.Where does this conversation likely take place?

A.On the subway. B.On an airplane. C.On a city bus.

2.Why is the woman embarrassed?

A.She can't help the man. B.She finds the man attractive.

C.She has to ask the man to put his shoes back on.

3.How does the man probably feel in the end?

A.Surprised. B.Satisfied. C.Excited.




1.What do we know about the man?

A.He is not a wine drinker.

B.He always knows what he wants.

C.He will not eat his food at the restaurant.

2.What does the man order?

A.Steak. B.Fish. C.Mushrooms.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.Weather. B.A picture. C.A competition.



What does the woman want?

A.To be the winner. B.To sing a song.

C.To have another chance.



What is the man probably doing?

A.Painting the wall quickly.

B.Cleaning the woman's teeth.

C.Checking the woman's body temperature.



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