满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you have big dreams, you have to keep...

    If you have big dreams, you have to keep on trying in order to make them come true. Here are five tips that might help you.

1.If you really want to do it, then, ask yourself a question: Do I really have any talent for this? This question is important because you don't want to waste your energy on something in which you're not talented.

● Now think about how you are going to achieve this. Do you have to study? Which university should you choose? Which qualifications do you need?2.Make sure you know why you want to do this. Write down the answer, and keep it where you can always see it, so that it will always keep you motivated.

● Know what makes successful people successful. Successful people have willpower, confidence and optimism. A successful person will never give up easily. Take Walt Disney for example. At first, nobody liked his ideas, but he believed in himself and continued working on them.3.If you really want to do something, it doesn't matter what others say. Keep on working at it, and you will get what you want in the end.

● Work hard. Even if you have to work ten hours a day, do not get lazy.4.You have to be willing to pay for it. Your hard work really pays off.

● Fight for your goals. Is lack of money a problem? Then do something about it! There's always a solution, as long as you keep looking for it. There are many musicians, writers, singers and actors who were poor at first.5.

A.Everything in life has its price.

B.Finally things went well!

C.But they worked their way up.

D.Now you are on your way.

E.Figure out what you want to do.

F.Gather all the information you can.

G.Never believe in anybody else!


1.E 2.F 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。为了实现梦想,需要持续的尝试,文章就如何实现梦想提出五个技巧。 1.由下一句“If you really want to do it, then, ask yourself a question: Do I really have any talent for this?”可知,如果你真的想要去做这件事,那么,问自己一个问题:我真的在这方面有天赋吗?代词it,this都是在指代空格处的内容,it,this表示的想要做的事物,选项E“弄清楚你想做什么”切题,故选E。 2.由空格前三句“Do you have to study? Which university should you choose? Which qualifications do you need?”和空格后一句“Make sure you know why you want to do this.”可知,你必须学习吗?你应该选择哪个大学?你需要哪个资质?这三句都是在表达怎么样去实现梦想的提问,而空格后一句:确保你知道你为什么想要做这个,该句是祈使句的肯定句结构,选项F,是祈使句的肯定句结构,而且表达的内容是“尽你可能地收集信“”是对空格前三个疑问句的回答,切合题意,故选F。 3.由前一句“At first, nobody liked his ideas, but he believed in himself and continued working on them.”和最后一句“Keep on working at it, and you will get what you want in the end.”可知,空格前一句表达的是一开始,没有人喜欢他的想法,但是他相信自己并且继续设法说服他们,最后一句表达的是继续在这方面工作,然后你最终将得到你所想要的,最后一句的前半句继续工作,和空格前一句他相信自己并且继续设法说服他们相照应,那么空格处表达的内容和最后一句的后半句相照应。选项B“ 最后一切都进展顺利”切题。故选B。 4.由后一句“You have to be willing to pay for it.”可知,你不得不乐意为它付出代价,提示空格处是有价值的东西,选项A“生活中的所有事物都有其价值”切题。故选A。 5.由前一句“There are many musicians, writers, singers and actors who were poor at first.”可知,有很多音乐家,作者,歌唱家和表演者一开始都是贫困的,而选项C中的代词they是对这群人的指代,表达的内容是“但是,他们努力向上”和前一句的贫困处境形成转折,故选C。

    Many people say that looking back is meaningless because it can neither change the past nor bring it back to life, but I disagree as I enjoy the sense of nostalgia (怀旧感), which can remind me of how life used to be when I was younger. Don't get me wrong, however. I'm not one of those who love to talk ad nauseam about "the good old days".

As we know, there are moments when the past springs into the present. It's often a smell that will remind me of a particular place or person. A perfume, the scent of a flower, baking bread, bonfires...they all create an instant picture. For me it is the smell of a freshly painted room. We moved so many times when I was younger and each time the first thing my parents would do is decorate our bedrooms. The windows would be kept open to get rid of the smell of the paint but it would always linger on (留存) for days. Even today it fills me with a sense of new beginnings.

Those memories are fleeting (飞逝). But when I visit the seaside resort where we used to spend many of our family holidays, I can replay entire days in my head. I can vividly remember the weather, the salty smell of the sea, our dogs playing in the water, an ice cream and that feeling of exhaustion after a day in the fresh air.

Although having many photos of those days, I rarely look at them as I prefer to allow my memory to create the pictures. Today we can so easily capture (捕捉) the present with phones and cameras, upload the images and share that moment with our friends online. But, for me, that somehow takes away the unique connection.

1.The underlined part "ad nauseam" in Paragraph 1 may be replaced by       .

A.wisely B.endlessly

C.simply D.honestly

2.According to the writer, a freshly painted room represents       .

A.a new start B.a new home

C.another move D.another holiday

3.Where is the passage most likely from?

A.A magazine. B.A guidebook.

C.A book review. D.A science fiction.

4.How does the writer feel about the past?

A.Dull. B.Bitter.

C.Unforgettable. D.Regretful.



    During my first year in college I was forced to do something I didn't want to do: Plan a budget. With great resentment (愤慨) for 6 months I used pens to mark my expenses into 10 different categories. I then came up with a monthly average for each category. It was not until a decade later that I realized the simple exercise of learning to manage money is the best investment.

For most of you, college may be the first time you'll be managing money on your own, and it's easy to blow past your college budget. But overspending could leave you broke or worse, buried in debt. According to Edvisors, 64% of college students have run out of money before the end of the semester. And the consequence is that it will take them the following several years to pay back that big amount.

Before sharing with you my approaches 10 dealing with the situation, I'd like to make you aware of something first. Based on researches, over-spenders mainly fall into one of the following categories.

a. Image spenders use money in highly visible ways, caring much about their appearance. Their motto is "If I look beautiful, I am beautiful."

b. Compulsive (难控制的) shoppers use shopping as a distraction (分心) from unwanted negative feelings. Whenever down, they purchase to "drown" the bad feeling.

c. Bargain-hunting spenders care more about "getting the deal". Their satisfaction comes from the bargaining process or grabbing the bargains.

1.What did the writer do in college?

A.She never made both ends meet. B.She recorded the money she spent.

C.She enjoyed making investment. D.She had to buy things she disliked.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.A plan of making a budget. B.The danger of overspending.

C.A style of paying off debts. D.The value of attending college.

3.What do compulsive shoppers and bargain-hunting spenders have in common?

A.Paying great attention to their appearance. B.Seeing the harm of overspending.

C.Satisfying themselves by spending on food. D.Buying too many unwanted items.

4.What may probably be mentioned next by the writer?

A.Ways to manage money. B.Examples of success.

C.Consequences of overspending. D.Secrets of happy life .



    Solar cars aren't so familiar to us as solar water heaters on top of buildings. However, they're already in races. Solar-powered cars, to be exact, are powered by solar cells that convert (转换) solar energy into electricity. Every few years a collection of strange-looking low black vehicles gather in Australia for the World Solar Challenge, a solar-powered car race covering 3,020 kilometer from Darwin to Adelaide. Various teams from around the world will join in the race, most of which are sponsored (赞助) by universities and companies. The most successful team in the past decade has been a Dutch team from Delft University. Another team, consisting of Hawaiian high school students, was the subject of a famous film, Race the Sun.

The solar-powered cars are allowed to drive through the Outback, the remote and arid areas in the centre of the country in the World Solar Challenge. averaging over 90 km/hr. The purpose of the race is to promote the development of solar-powered cars. This aim has been more than realized, as solar technology has improved so much since the first race in 1987 that the cars can now go well over the legal speed limits. In fact, new rules have been introduced to reduce speeds.

The new aim for solar powered vehicles makers is to develop cars larger and more comfortable than the racing models. In December, Swiss teacher Louis Palmer completed a 17-month, 52,000 km trip around the world in a "solar taxi". His three-wheeled car pulled a trailer with solar cells and batteries. Palmer's solar car can travel 300 km on a single charge, and reach the speed of 90 km/hr. The prototype (原型) was expensive but he hopes that, if mass produced, it would sell for around 10,000 Euros.

1.According to Paragraph 1, solar-powered cars are       .

A.invented in Australia B.used as taxis in daily life

C.powered by electricity D.produced in large numbers

2.The passage shows the World Solar Challenge       .

A.takes place every year B.is sponsored by universities

C.aims to develop solar cars D.features cheap and comfortable cars

3.What do we know about Louis Palmer?

A.He's the winner of the race this year. B.He's travelled around the world by air.

C.His solar car can travel 300 km per hour. D.His solar car cost more than 10, 000 Euros.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Solar-powered Cars B.Race the Sun

C.Car Race in Your Dream D.Future Transportation



    Now come some money-saving ideas from a web forum (论坛), which may help you save a penny in the UK.

Nancy: Many people nowadays seem to buy clothes, wear then a couple of times and then give them to charity shops so that's where I do my shopping. You can pet some cheap but really good stuff and you know you’re your money is helping other people so it's a win-win situation in my opinion.

Ailsa: I'm a student and I have a part time job during term time and then work full-time during the holidays. You really can find some good bargains at the end of the day when a lot of food is reduced because it has reached its sell-by date (保质期). It's amazing how much you can save that way.

Gary: I must admit I don't think much about how or where I shop but I try to save money on electricity and gas in the house. Instead of turning up the temperature I put on another sweater and I close the doors. I encourage roommates to turn off the lights when they leave and we don't leave the TV or computer on standby (待机) as that uses up unnecessary energy.

Matthew: I've just moved to the UK. Someone told me about the "freecycle" scheme and I've managed to get almost everything without spending any money. Basically, you advertise what you don't need on its website for someone to collect it. No one makes any money so it really is a good exchange.

1.What's the saving idea shared by Nancy and Ailsa?

A.Using the student card for discounts. B.Buying things at lower prices.

C.Getting food from the charity. D.Saving money by earning

2.According to the passage, where can you get something you need for free?

A.In a charity shop. B.In a local supermarket.

C.On the freecycle website. D.On the university campus.

3.Who may be most interested in this passage?

A.Business people who travel a lot. B.People who care about education.

C.Women who like following fashion. D.Students who plan to study abroad.



假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情 (COVID-19 epidemic) 期间线上教学(online classes)的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 课程与时间;  2. 你的学习状态;  3. 你的期待。


Dear Peter,



Li Hua



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