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Six Chinese survived the tragedy of the ...

    Six Chinese survived the tragedy of the Royal Mail Ship Titanic, but disappeared soon after. Now a British documentarian, Arthur Jones, will uncover stories and histories of discrimination.

There were eight Chinese between the ages of 24 and 37 on the Titanic, sharing one 59-pound third-class ticket, but only six survived from its sinking. When they arrived in the United States, they were not helped like the other 705 survivors. Instead they were forced to leave the country within 24 hours because of the Chinese Exclusion Act signed in 1882.

Some westerners questioned the six Chinese survivors as stowaways and claimed that they survived because they secretly climbed on the lifeboat or dressed as women to board lifeboats.

But after visiting foreign documents, museums and cooperating with American and Chinese historians, Jones believes they did not do anything disgraceful in order to survive the disaster. ''This is not only a story about the survivors of Titanic, but also a story of a group of brave Chinese people exploring the outside world at that time, '' he said.

When the ship hit an iceberg, like other third-class passengers the eight Chinese were released from the locked gates at last, but not allowed to board the lifeboat. Luckily, four of them boarded a small broken boat, and one was rescued by another lifeboat. Another one, Fang Lang, floated on a piece of wooden board in the sea. The only returning lifeboat saved him from freezing.

To restore their real stories, Jones and his team found Fang Lang's son in Wisconsin, US. Also, Jones will visit Taishan city in south China's Guangdong province, recorded as the survivors' hometown. The filmmakers also established a website, whoarethesix.com, for more clues.

Ordinarily, people think of Titanic as a story of rich white people, but don't know there were people from all over the world, including Chinese. ''Their stories are never told, '' Jones said.

The documentary The Six is expected to be released in China late this year.

1.What can we learn about the Chinese Exclusion Act?

A.It put Chinese at disadvantage.

B.It was completed within 24 hours.

C.It aimed to help Chinese passengers.

D.It forbad Chinese to buy first-class tickets.

2.What might Jones think of the six Chinese survivors?

A.Adventurous but dishonest. B.Lucky but disgraceful.

C.Brave and innocent. D.Poor and questionable.

3.What does Paragraph 6 mainly talk about?

A.Some amazing findings about the survivors.

B.Jones and his team's visit to different people.

C.Jones’ efforts to restore the stories of the Chinese.

D.Some information about the survivors' hometown.

4.What is the purpose of the film The Six?

A.Tell the true story of the six Chinese survivors.

B.Research into the way the six Chinese survived.

C.Criticize American's discrimination against Chinese.

D.Describe the hardship of Chinese living in America.


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个英国文献家正在努力收集相关证据,准备讲述六个在泰坦尼克号幸存下来的中国人的真实故事,揭露种族歧视的故事和历史。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段的Instead they were forced to leave the country within 24 hours because of the Chinese Exclusion Act signed in 1882.(然而由于1882年签订的排华法案,他们被迫在24小时内离开美国)可知,排华法案让中国人处于劣势。A. It put Chinese at disadvantage.(它让中国人处于劣势)符合以上说法,故选A项。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段的Jones believes they did not do anything disgraceful in order to survive the disaster. ''This is not only a story about the survivors of Titanic, but also a story of a group of brave Chinese people exploring the outside world at that time, '' he said.(琼斯认为他们并没有做任何可耻的事情来度过这场灾难。他说:“这不仅仅是一个关于泰坦尼克号幸存者的故事,也一个关于一群勇敢的中国人探索外部世界的故事。”)可推测,Jones认为中国幸存者是无辜且勇敢的。C. Brave and innocent.(勇敢且无辜的)符合以上说法,故选C项。 3.主旨大意题。根据第六段To restore their real stories, Jones and his team found Fang Lang's son in Wisconsin, US. Also, Jones will visit Taishan city in south China's Guangdong province, recorded as the survivors' hometown. The filmmakers also established a website, whoarethesix.com, for more clues.(为了还原他们的真实故事,琼斯和他的团队在威斯康辛州找到了方郎的儿子。琼斯还拜访了位于中国南部的广东省的城市台山市,那里是幸存者家乡。电影制作者们还成立了网站来收集更多的线索)可知,本段主要讲述了琼斯和其团队为还原中国幸存者的真实故事所付出的努力。C. Jones' efforts to restore the stories of the Chinese.(琼斯为还原中国幸存者的故事所付出的努力)符合以上说法,故选C项。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数一二段的Ordinarily, people think of Titanic as a story of rich white people, but don't know there were people from all over the world, including Chinese. ''Their stories are never told, '' Jones said. The documentary The Six is expected to be released in China late this year.(通常,人们认为《泰坦尼克号》是一个关于富有的白人的故事,但却不知道有来自世界各地的人,包括中国人,他们的故事从来没有人讲过。The Six这部纪录片预计将于今年晚些时候在中国上映)可推测,The Six这部纪录片将讲述6个在泰坦尼克号上幸存下来的中国人的故事。A. Tell the true story of the six Chinese survivors.(讲述六个幸存的中国人的真实故事)符合以上说法,故选A项。

    Auctions(拍卖行) are everywhere. Here are just a few standouts and some of the areas they specialize in. All have brick-and-mortar(实体的) sales rooms in addition to online buying.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers

Headquarters(总部): Chicago

Founded: 1982

Best bets: contemporary art, jewelry

The founder, Leslie Hindman, has been on an expansion kick from her Chicago base and now runs eight offices across the country. Ms. Hindman said that plenty of items sell at her house for around $500. As in the auction world generally, jewelry and contemporary art receive lots of attention from bidders(出价者) and in2017 a diamond ring sold for $97,000.

Swann Auction Galleries

Headquarters: New York

Founded: 1941

Best bets: books, works on paper, African-American art

Founded as a rare-book auctioneer, Swann still holds dozens of such sales a year. The president, Nicholas D. Lowry, noted that Swann was the first auction house to sell old photographs, in 1952.The house has also had a department of African-American art for 12 years.

Stair Galleries

Headquarters: Hudson, N.Y.

Founded: 2001

Best bets: English and Continental furniture and paintings, modern and contemporary art

Colin Stair, the founder and president, comes from a long line of antiques dealers (商人). Stair is frequented by dealers and bargain hunters, and it's a place to find interesting things like a George I carved walnut wing armchair, coming up as part of a sale on April 28 and 29.

Heritage Auctions

Headquarters: Dallas

Founded: 1983

Best bets: coins, sports memorabilia, movie posters

With roots in coin auctions, Heritage has grown quite large. But their bread and butter are items that the company president, Greg Rohan, calls "the kinds of things that everyone has. " "People aren’t buying what were selling for decoration or for resale, " he added. "They’re buying things they absolutely love. "

1.At which place can you buy old photographs?

A.Stair Galleries. B.Heritage Auctions.

C.Swann Auction Galleries. D.Leslie Hindman Auctioneers.

2.Who once sold antiques?

A.Colin Stair. B.Greg Rohan. C.Leslie Hindman. D.Nicholas D. Lowry

3.What can be learned about these auctions?

A.They all have online shops.

B.They all sell valuable artworks.

C.They are all run by local people.

D.They are all located in New York.










参考词汇:自助游self-guided trip

Dear Elkins,

I'm writing to tell you that


Yours gratefully,

Li Hua









Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome on the Museum of Natural History! I'm Joe Smith. Let me tell you about some of the thing you should not miss here.

Here in the Entrance Hall, you can see some beautifully paintings of flowers and plants. Upstairs on the left are a famous animal exhibition. I can see the models of some dinosaurs and some strange animals. On the right, there is a small theatre, where you can watch a movie about what our planet looks like millions of years ago. The film that lasts 45 minutes plays every hour. After you leave this museum, please don't forget visit the shop inside it. Some wonderful models of animals, T-shirts or many other things can be bought there.

The museum will be not close until 5:00 pm, so enjoy yourselves.




Tomato-throwing Festival is considered one of the 1. (happy) of all the festivals around the world. Every year hundreds of tons of tomatoes get ruined in the happy activities in Spain. However, Spain's famous Tomato-throwing Festival is now 2."pay-to-join" event. This is because of the 3.(country) poor economy.

The town of Bunol is charging tourists $13 4. Tomato-throwing Festival. However, all 15,000 tickets for the hour-long tomato fight 5.(sell) so far. Town residents will get free tickets. It costs 150,000 euros for Bunol 6.(organize) the Tomato-throwing Festival. The town must pay for the tomatoes 7.are used in the sreet battles. It is always flooded with juice.

Tourists from all over the world visit the Tomatina. Bunol's mayor said 8.was difficult to control the number and that the charge was for financial and 9.(secure) reasons. The festival began after the end of World War II because of a fight between teenagers near a vegetable market, which ended with the kids throwing tomatoes at each other 10.(excite).



    I've always been afraid of heights. Even ______ a ladder to change a light bulb makes me feel quite_________, so imagine everyone's ________when I announced I would be trekking (跋涉) to Everest Base Camp(珠峰大本营). Well, it's all about overcoming your _____ and challenging yourself, isn't it?

I've wanted to ______money for charity for long and, when I saw an advertisement in the paper, I jumped at the _____and signed up. Of course as soon as I'd made my decision, I started to_____ .What was I thinking? I'd never be able to get fit enough so I wouldn't be able to________.

What kept me _____ , however, was the thought that I was doing this for my _______, who greatly influenced me. This would be the best way to commemorate (纪念) him as he was a great. _____ and used to tell me stories of his exploration around the world. He'd always wanted to see the great ______ but had never succeeded.

_____was hard but I was determined to continue. I went to the gym several times a week. Besides, I had to do something for the charity. I sent out letters to everyone ______ to sponsor me. I_______ coffee mornings and went to local schools to give talks.

And finally the______ day arrived and soon we were standing in Lukla, at the ______ of the mountain, ready to start. Although I was______ fit, nothing could have prepared me for the mental challenge. I had to face my fear of heights. Crossing rope bridges hundreds of feet above rough rivers made my______ turn but I thought of my grandfather..

So fulfilled did I feel when I came ________ that I decided to try new challenges.

1.A.keeping up B.mixing up C.climbing up D.bringing up

2.A.sick B.tired C.eager D.crazy

3.A.silence B.surprise C.relief D.respect

4.A.injuries B.sadness C.shyness D.fears

5.A.spend B.raise C.lend D.change

6.A.opportunity B.advice C.choice D.preparation

7.A.work B.arrange C.research D.panic

8.A.manage B.fall C.escape D.recover

9.A.paying off B.carrying on C.backing away D.dropping in

10.A.father B.brother C.grandfather D.cousin

11.A.teacher B.painter C.explorer D.physicist

12.A.mountain B.river C.desert D.volcano

13.A.Teaching B.Studying C.Living D.Training

14.A.strange B.selfish C.familiar D.helpless

15.A.enjoyed B.held C.counted D.expected

16.A.victory B.graduation C.magic D.departure

17.A.top B.middle C.foot D.peak

18.A.slightly B.physically C.hardly D.tightly

19.A.eyes B.face C.hands D.stomach

20.A.back B.along C.over D.round



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