满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My childhood and adolescence were a joyo...

    My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, an endless pursuit for expression, skill, and experience. _______was only a background to the great delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics.

Then one night at a high school dance, a remark, not intended for my _______, injured my youthful happiness: ''That girl, what a pity she is blind. '' Blind! A(n) _______word that implied everything dark, blank and helpless. _______I turned and called out, ''Please don't feel sorry for me. I'm having lots of fun. '' _______the fun was not to last.

In college years, I began to struggle with the problem of earning a living. Part-time teaching of piano and occasional giving concerts proved only _______sources of economic support. In terms of time and effort involved, the financial return was _______.

Self-doubt and dark moods sparked within me. _______to my misery was the repeated experience of knowing my sisters and friends dating excitedly. How _______I was to my piano, ________I could dissolve my frustration, accompanied by Chopin, Brahms, and Beethoven.

Then one day, I met a girl, an army nurse, whose faith was to change my life. As our acquaintance ________into friendship, she sensed my ________. She said, “Stop knocking on closed doors. I know your opportunity will come. You're trying too hard. Why don’t you relax? And have you ever tried ________?” The idea was strange to me. I had always believed that if you wanted ________, you had to go and get it for yourself. Yet, my sincerity and hard work had yielded poor returns, so I was ________to try anything else. Self-consciously, I performed the daily practice of prayer. I said, ''God, show me the ________for which You sent me to this world. ''

In the years to follow, the answers began to arrive, satisfying ________my most optimistic expectation. One of the answers was Enchanted Hills, where my ________friend and I had the privilege of seeing blind children come alive in God’s out-of-doors. ________are the sources of pleasure and comfort I have found in friendship, and most important of all, I ________closer to God and, through Him, to immortality.

1.A.School B.Society C.Family D.College

2.A.mind B.direction C.eyes D.ears

3.A.rude B.ugly C.dirty D.strange

4.A.Quickly B.Slowly C.Gently D.Quietly

5.A.Thus B.And C.But D.Though

6.A.adequate B.partial C.full D.rich

7.A.discouraging B.uninspiring C.encouraging D.convincing

8.A.Referring B.Contributing C.Adapting D.Adding

9.A.grateful B.excited C.proud D.sensitive

10.A.who B.which C.what D.where

11.A.jumped B.ran C.grew D.became

12.A.joy B.depression C.pleasure D.pity

13.A.practicing B.nursing C.praying D.volunteering

14.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

15.A.able B.willing C.eager D.devoted

16.A.destination B.purpose C.meaning D.answer

17.A.with B.off C.beyond D.from

18.A.doctor B.teacher C.nurse D.prayer

19.A.Other B.Others C.Another D.Either

20.A.draw B.arrive C.drag D.pull


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文叙述的是作者作为一个残疾人在对生活失望消沉时一个女孩改变了自己的一生。经过这件事作者明白了只要坚持就会成功和收获。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校里的音乐、舞蹈和戏剧课让我欢欣不已。A.School学校 ; B.Society社会;C.Family家庭;D.College大学。把握关键词My childhood and adolescence我的童年和青少年,还有后面的关键词lessons in music, dance, and dramatics,故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,一天晚上,在高中的一次舞会上,一句我无意中听到的话霎那间将我年少的幸福击碎——“那女孩是个瞎子,真可惜!”A.mind思维;B.direction方向;C.eyes眼睛;D.ears耳朵。根据关键词not intended for my可知,此处是指这句话不是故意说给作者听的,故选D项。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个令人不快的字眼隐含着一个阴暗、漆黑、空白和无助的世界。A.rude粗鲁的;B.ugly令人不快的;C.dirty脏的;D.strange奇怪的,陌生的。根据下文的Please don’t feel sorry for me可知作者认为那句话是一句令人不愉快的话,故选B项。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我立刻转过身,大声喊道:“请不要为我叹惜,我很快乐!”A.quickly迅速地;B.slowly慢慢地;C.gently温和地;D.quietly悄悄地。结合上下文可知,此处用“立刻转身”符合语境,表示当时作者的心情很糟糕,给予去给与他们回复。故选A项。 5.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但我的快乐自此不复存在。A.Thus 因此;B.And(顺承关系;)C.But但是;D.Though然而。根据句意可知,上下文之间的关系应该是转折关系,故选C项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:兼职教授钢琴和偶尔举办音乐会只是经济的部分来源。A.adequate足够的;B.partial 部分的;C.full满的;D.rich富有的。根据Part-time teaching of piano and occasional giving concerts ,可知此处用“部分”符合语境,故选B项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与投入的时间和精力相比,它们在经济上的回报让人沮丧。A.discouraging令人沮丧的;B.uninspiring 不鼓舞人心的;C.encouraging给人鼓励的; D. convincing令人信服的。根据前句挣得钱不够生活费可知作者付出了很多,但回报让人沮丧,故选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:眼看我的姐妹和伙伴们一次次兴高采烈地与人约会增加了我的消沉空虚。A. Referring参考,指的是;B. Contributing贡献;C. Adapting适应;D. Adding增加。作者是一个盲人,很多事情是不能做的,或者是缺少的,所以其他人的一些活动增加了作者的消沉空虚,此处考查固定短语add to“增加”,故选D项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:感激的是,还有钢琴陪我。A.grateful感激的;B.excited兴奋的;C.proud自豪的;D.sensitive敏感的。自己心情沮丧意志消沉,应该是感激钢琴,可以陪伴我,故选A项。 10.考查关系词词辨析。句意:我的挫败感在肖邦、贝多芬、勃拉姆斯美妙壮丽的音乐构想中消散。这是一个定语从句,先行词piano在从句中充当地点状语,应用关系副词where,故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着我们从相识逐渐成为朋友,她感觉到了我的沮丧。A.jumped跳; B.ran跑; C.grew 逐渐成为;D.became成为。根据acquaintance和friendship可知,这是一个转变过程,此处考查短语grow into“转变成为”,故选C项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。 A.joy高兴;B. depression沮丧;C.pleasure 愉快;D.pity同情,怜悯。根据上一段的内容收人和付出不成正比,别人可以高兴的约会可知作者是抑郁/沮丧,故选B项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你太辛苦了,何不放松一下——试试祷告如何?A.practicing练习;B.nursing护理;C.praying 祷告;D.volunteering义务服务。根据下文的I performed the daily practice of prayer.可知此处用“祷告”符合语境,pray和prayer是同根词,故选C项。 14.考查代词词义辨析。句意:一直以来,我一直相信如果你想要得到某事物,都必须靠个东西自己去努力争取。A.anything任何东西;B.everything 每一件东西;C.nothing 什么也没有;D.something某物。想要某某事物,就得靠自己,故选D项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,因为从前的热诚和辛劳回报甚微,因此我什么都愿意尝试一番。A. able能够的;B. willing乐意的;C. eager渴望的;D. devote致力于。根据Yet, my sincerity and hard work had yielded poor returns可知,此处考查固定短语be willing to do sth.“乐意/愿意做某事”,故选B项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我尝试着每天都祷告:“上帝啊,请告诉我你将我送到世上的目的。”A.destination目的地; B.purpose目的,意图; C.meaning意义;D.answer答案。作者很迷茫,不知道自己应该做么做,想知道上帝送自己到世上的目的,故选B项。 17.考查介词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几年里,我得到了明确而满意的回答,超出了我最乐观的期望值。A.with和…在一起;B.off离开;C.beyond 超出;D.from来自。根据下文的I had the privilege of seeing blind children come alive in God’s out-of-doors.可知作者得到的回答超过自己的期望值,故选C项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:其中一个回答就Enchanted Hills,在那里,我和我的护士朋友每年都有幸看到失明的孩子们在大自然的怀抱中是多么生气勃勃。A. doctor医生;B. teacher老师;C. nurse护士;D. prayer祷告。根据上文的Then one day, I met a girl, an army nurse, whose faith was to change my life.可知作者和一位护士成了好朋友,故选C项。 19.考查代词词义辨析。句意:其他的回答是朋友们真挚的友谊以及美妙的音乐都给我带来无穷无尽的欢乐和慰藉。A.Other 其他的(只做定语);B.Others="other" + 复数名词 (做主语);C.Another (不定数目中的)另外一个;D.Either(二者中的)任何一个。根据上文the answers began to arrive, One of the answers was这些关键句确定为此空是其他的回答,故选B项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最重要的是,我正日益与他靠近,并通过他接近永恒。A. draw拖,拉,牵引;B. arrive到达;C. drag拽;D. pull拉。最重要的是,作者正日益与他靠近,并通过他接近永恒,此处考查短语draw close to “接近”,故选A项。

Reasons You Might Not Be Able to Donate Blood

Donating blood is a generous — not to mention necessary — act, but there are several restrictions on giving that protect you and future recipients of your gift

The medications you're taking

Most medications won’t disqualify you from being able to donate blood. 1.. If you're taking an antibiotic for an infection, you may be asked to wait until you're healthy again; if you're taking aspirin and donating platelets, you must wait two full days after taking aspirin or any medication containing aspirin before donating,

You’ve tested positive for hepatitis or HIV

2., you cannot donate if you’ve tested positive for either condition. Because some types of hepatitis may not be treatable and can lead to fatal health problems, such as liver failure and liver cancer, it is too risky to donate blood if you have these diseases.


If you weigh less than 110 pounds, you're not eligible to donate blood. Underweight individuals tend to have low blood volumes and therefore may not tolerate the removal of the required volume of blood.

Your iron levels are too low or too high

Having low iron — less than 12.5g/dL for women and 13.0g/dL for men — will disqualify you from donating. For this reason, frequent donors, especially women, are encouraged to take iron supplements and eat iron-rich foods to keep their levels in the normal range. 4..

You recently got a piercing or electrolysis

5., if you've recently gotten an ear or body piercing or electrolysis with a reusable gun or reusable instrument. Before you get a piercing or electrolysis, he recommends doing your research on whether the place employs single-use equipment.

A.Having levels that are too high will also disqualify you from blood donation

B.High blood iron levels increase the risk of diseases

C.But some may require a waiting period after your final dose

D.Since HIV and hepatitis can be transmitted through blood

E.You're underweight

F.When you go donate, make sure you have an updated medication list with you

G.You'll have to wait three months before you can give blood



    Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available. While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they're not effective, primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.

The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive (认知的) behavioral therapy (CBT) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor.

Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression, helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors. However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.

A team of researchers from the University of York conducted a randomized (随机的) control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England. The patients were split into three groups: one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants(抗抑郁药).

After four months, the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors.

"It's an important, warning note that we shouldn't get too carried away with the idea that a computer system can replace doctors and therapists," says Christopher Dowrick, a professor of primary medical care at the University of Liverpool. "We do still need the human touch or the human interaction, particularly when people are depressed. "

"Being depressed can mean feeling lost in your own small, negative, dark world," Dowrick says. Having a person, instead of a computer, reach out to you is particularly important in fighting that sense of isolation. "When you're emotionally fragile, you're even more in need of a caring human being," he says.

1.What does the recent study say about online CBT programs?

A.Patients may not be able to carry them through for effective cure.

B.Patients cannot engage with them without the use of a computer.

C.They can save patients trouble visiting physicians.

D.They have been well received by a lot of patients'

2.What has made online CBT programs increasingly popular?

A.Their effectiveness in combating depression

B.The low efficiency of traditional talk therapy.

C.Their easy and inexpensive access by patients.

D.The recommendation by primary care doctors.

3.What is Professor Dowrick's advice concerning online CBT programs?

A.They should not be neglected in primary care.

B.Their effectiveness should not be overestimated.

C.They should be used by strictly following instructions.

D.Their use should be encouraged by doctors and therapists.

4.Which is more important to an emotionally vulnerable person?

A.A positive state of mind. B.Appropriate medication.

C.Timely encouragement. D.Human interaction.



    Facebook lets friends connect. They can give each other updates, share photos and post comments. But that’s not all. Facebook might also stress users out.

In a new study, 88 volunteers how much time they spent on Facebook and the types of Facebook posts and comments that they made. In addition, they answered questions about their feelings and state of mind. They also offered saliva. Researchers tested it for cortisol. This chemical is a stress hormone. Levels of it vary throughout the day.

In this study, people with the most Facebook friends, more than 300, had somewhat higher cortisol levels. Additionally, the more Facebook friends that users had, the more likely they were to feel anxious. On the other hand, youths who gave lots of ''likes'' and supportive comments on Facebook had lower cortisol levels. ''The more social support you give to others, the lower your stress hormone levels will be, '' says Lupien.

''This research decidedly combines the social science approach and the medical science approach on an important question in our social-media age, '' says Wenhong Chen, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin. ''It's ready pleasantly new to see Lupien’s team study cortisol levels-along with questionnaire data. ''

One finding from Lupien's work surprised Chen. Teens who felt they got a lot of support from others also had higher cortisol levels. Usually, she says, those feelings should protect people from stress. ''There are many potential dangers of social media use among young people, '' Chen notes. So, she says, enjoy Facebook, but be aware of the risks.

Lupien suggests that teen Facebook users share information with and support their friends on the site. They shouldn’t just stay silent. ''if anyone is more stressed, it's the watchers, not the sharers, '' she says. Also, she recommends that people who use social media heavily should find time to take active walks, to run or to do other activities. Cortisol increases a person's energy. “The best way to reduce stress hormones is to use the energy, '' she says.

1.Paragraph 2 shows us the ________.

A.research proposes B.research methods

C.research contents D.research results

2.What should we do if we want to feel less stressed?

A.Share as many nine photos as possible.

B.Give more positive comments to others.

C.Listen to music frequently on social media.

D.Communicate less with others on Facebook.

3.What is Wenhong Chen's attitude towards Lupien's study?

A.Cautious. B.Critical.

C.Doubtful. D.Approving.

4.What can be learned from Lupien's suggestion?

A.There are many dangers on social media.

B.Getting support from e-friends makes us healthier.

C.Sharers on Facebook live a happier life than watchers.

D.Doing physical exercise helps reduce the levels of cortisol.



    Six Chinese survived the tragedy of the Royal Mail Ship Titanic, but disappeared soon after. Now a British documentarian, Arthur Jones, will uncover stories and histories of discrimination.

There were eight Chinese between the ages of 24 and 37 on the Titanic, sharing one 59-pound third-class ticket, but only six survived from its sinking. When they arrived in the United States, they were not helped like the other 705 survivors. Instead they were forced to leave the country within 24 hours because of the Chinese Exclusion Act signed in 1882.

Some westerners questioned the six Chinese survivors as stowaways and claimed that they survived because they secretly climbed on the lifeboat or dressed as women to board lifeboats.

But after visiting foreign documents, museums and cooperating with American and Chinese historians, Jones believes they did not do anything disgraceful in order to survive the disaster. ''This is not only a story about the survivors of Titanic, but also a story of a group of brave Chinese people exploring the outside world at that time, '' he said.

When the ship hit an iceberg, like other third-class passengers the eight Chinese were released from the locked gates at last, but not allowed to board the lifeboat. Luckily, four of them boarded a small broken boat, and one was rescued by another lifeboat. Another one, Fang Lang, floated on a piece of wooden board in the sea. The only returning lifeboat saved him from freezing.

To restore their real stories, Jones and his team found Fang Lang's son in Wisconsin, US. Also, Jones will visit Taishan city in south China's Guangdong province, recorded as the survivors' hometown. The filmmakers also established a website, whoarethesix.com, for more clues.

Ordinarily, people think of Titanic as a story of rich white people, but don't know there were people from all over the world, including Chinese. ''Their stories are never told, '' Jones said.

The documentary The Six is expected to be released in China late this year.

1.What can we learn about the Chinese Exclusion Act?

A.It put Chinese at disadvantage.

B.It was completed within 24 hours.

C.It aimed to help Chinese passengers.

D.It forbad Chinese to buy first-class tickets.

2.What might Jones think of the six Chinese survivors?

A.Adventurous but dishonest. B.Lucky but disgraceful.

C.Brave and innocent. D.Poor and questionable.

3.What does Paragraph 6 mainly talk about?

A.Some amazing findings about the survivors.

B.Jones and his team's visit to different people.

C.Jones’ efforts to restore the stories of the Chinese.

D.Some information about the survivors' hometown.

4.What is the purpose of the film The Six?

A.Tell the true story of the six Chinese survivors.

B.Research into the way the six Chinese survived.

C.Criticize American's discrimination against Chinese.

D.Describe the hardship of Chinese living in America.



    Auctions(拍卖行) are everywhere. Here are just a few standouts and some of the areas they specialize in. All have brick-and-mortar(实体的) sales rooms in addition to online buying.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers

Headquarters(总部): Chicago

Founded: 1982

Best bets: contemporary art, jewelry

The founder, Leslie Hindman, has been on an expansion kick from her Chicago base and now runs eight offices across the country. Ms. Hindman said that plenty of items sell at her house for around $500. As in the auction world generally, jewelry and contemporary art receive lots of attention from bidders(出价者) and in2017 a diamond ring sold for $97,000.

Swann Auction Galleries

Headquarters: New York

Founded: 1941

Best bets: books, works on paper, African-American art

Founded as a rare-book auctioneer, Swann still holds dozens of such sales a year. The president, Nicholas D. Lowry, noted that Swann was the first auction house to sell old photographs, in 1952.The house has also had a department of African-American art for 12 years.

Stair Galleries

Headquarters: Hudson, N.Y.

Founded: 2001

Best bets: English and Continental furniture and paintings, modern and contemporary art

Colin Stair, the founder and president, comes from a long line of antiques dealers (商人). Stair is frequented by dealers and bargain hunters, and it's a place to find interesting things like a George I carved walnut wing armchair, coming up as part of a sale on April 28 and 29.

Heritage Auctions

Headquarters: Dallas

Founded: 1983

Best bets: coins, sports memorabilia, movie posters

With roots in coin auctions, Heritage has grown quite large. But their bread and butter are items that the company president, Greg Rohan, calls "the kinds of things that everyone has. " "People aren’t buying what were selling for decoration or for resale, " he added. "They’re buying things they absolutely love. "

1.At which place can you buy old photographs?

A.Stair Galleries. B.Heritage Auctions.

C.Swann Auction Galleries. D.Leslie Hindman Auctioneers.

2.Who once sold antiques?

A.Colin Stair. B.Greg Rohan. C.Leslie Hindman. D.Nicholas D. Lowry

3.What can be learned about these auctions?

A.They all have online shops.

B.They all sell valuable artworks.

C.They are all run by local people.

D.They are all located in New York.



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