满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was the fourth generation to live on a...

    I was the fourth generation to live on a land of woods and fields that had once been a working farm.Through the___,my family watched a city spread all around us. Gradually, neighboring families sold their houses,which were____with housing developments and____centers.

When I was a student in college,a shopping center was built directly behind us.While it was now ___to do our shopping,we also had to get used to the ___noises at night from delivery trucks.

One morning,having finished my exams for the last term,my mother and I walked on the land while talking about my future plans.Megan,our three-year-old dog,had____into the woods.Before long Megan reappeared,carrying some____in his mouth.My mother had always been proud of teaching her children good___ .It was clear by the look on her face that she had the same___ of the dog.

She looked____at the possibility that the dog could be a criminal.Maybe somebody had  thrown it into the trash and Megan had simply____it up.Mum kept a watchful eye on him to ____that it did not happen again.For a while things seemed____However,one Saturday  afternoon my mother sent me to the store to get some last-minute things.

While at the checkout counter I heard the___ worker say,"Oh here comes that dog  again. I watched,__,as everyone laughed.He __ to the bread shelf,took some bread and walked out.All I could think of to do was to offer to___ for the bread.When I got outside,the dog was___ in sight.I found him at home with the bread and told Mum what I  had just seen.My mother took the bread from the dog and shook her head in___.She could  not believe she had____a shoplifter.

Megan was locked inside the house after that.

1.A.farms B.generations C.woods, D.families

2.A.destroyed B.bought C.designed D.replaced

3.A.conference B.game C.shopping D.culture

4.A.important B.necessary C.convenient D.difficult

5.A.loud B.weak C.amazing D.rare

6.A.barked B.looked C.pointed D.disappeared

7.A.meat B.bread C.chocolate D.waste

8.A.values B.skills C.songs D.knowledge

9.A.disappointment B.sympathy C.disagreement D.expectation

10.A.interested B.frightened C.tired D.pleased

11.A.picked B.given C.turned D.kept

12.A.stick out B.break up C.make sure D.think about

13.A.funny B.simple C.ordinary D.good

14.A.woods B.store C.house D.college

15.A.ashamed B.happy, C.helpless D.careless

16.A.left B.knocked C.headed D.threw

17.A.run B.ask C.stand D.pay

18.A.somewhere B.nowhere C.anywhere D.everywhere

19.A.disbelief B.encouragement C.trouble D.demanding

20.A.lost B.known C.raised D.sent


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是作者家的狗从商店偷面包的故事,作者为此感到羞愧。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:几代人以来,我的家人目睹了一座城市的扩张。A. farms农场;B. generations 世代;C. woods树林;D. families家庭。根据第一句中I was the fourth generation to live on a land of woods and fields可知,此处指“几代人”。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,附近的家庭卖掉了他们的房子,取而代之的是房屋开发和购物中心。A. destroyed毁掉;B. bought买;C. designed设计;D. replaced替代。根据第二空前的sold their houses和第二空后的with housing developments可知,住房开发“取代了”房子。故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,附近的家庭卖掉了他们的房子,取而代之的是房屋开发和购物中心。A. conference会议;B. game游戏;C. shopping购物;D. culture文化。根据下段中的a shopping center was built directly behind us可知,住房开发和购物中心取代了房子。故选C。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然现在购物很方便,但我们也必须习惯晚上送货卡车的巨大噪音。A. important重要的;B. necessary必要的;C. convenient方便的;D. difficult困难的。根据上句中的a shopping center was built directly behind us可知,购物“方便”。故选C。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然现在购物很方便,但我们也必须习惯晚上送货卡车的巨大噪音。A. loud大声的;B. weak虚弱的;C. amazing令人惊讶的;D. rare罕见的。根据第5空后的noises at night from delivery trucks.可知,卡车发出“大的”噪音。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们三岁的狗Megan消失在树林里。A. barked吠叫; B. looked看;C. pointed指出;D. disappeared消失。根据下句中的Before long Megan reappeared可知,狗“消失”在树林中。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久,Megan又出现了,嘴里叼着面包。A. meat肉;B. bread 面包;C. chocolate 巧克力;D. waste浪费。根据第16空后的took some bread and walked out.可知,狗嘴里叼着“面包”。故选B。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我母亲一直以教给孩子们正确的价值观为荣。A. values价值观;B. skills技能;C. songs 歌曲;D. knowledge知识。根据第8空前的been proud of teaching her children good可知,以教给孩子们正确的价值观为荣. values“价值观”。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从她脸上的表情可以明显看出,她对那只狗也有同样的期待。A. disappointment失望;B. sympathy同情;C. disagreement不同意;D. expectation期盼。根据第9空前后的内容the same___9___ of the dog可知,母亲对狗也是这样的“期待”。故选D。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:想到这条狗可能是个罪犯,她显得很害怕。A. interested感兴趣的;B. frightened感到害怕的;C. tired感到累的;D. pleased感到高兴的。根据第10空后的the possibility that the dog could be a criminal.可知,母亲“感到害怕”。故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许有人把它扔进了垃圾箱,而Megan只是捡起来了。A. picked挑选;B. given 给;C. turned 转变;D. kept保持。根据第11空前的thrown it into the trash可知,作者认为也许狗从垃圾中“捡起”面包。固定词组:pick up“捡起”。故选A。 12.考查动词词组。句意:妈妈一直盯着他,以确保这种事不会再发生。A. stick out突出,坚持;B. break up打碎,解散;C. make sure 确保;D. think about考虑。根据第12空前的Mum kept a watchful eye on him可知,为了“确保”狗不再偷东西。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一段时间,一切似乎都很好。A. funny有趣的;B. simple简单的;C. ordinary普通的;D. good好的。根据第14空后的However,one Saturday afternoon my mother sent me to the store to get some last-minute things.可知,有一段时间,似乎情况“好转”。故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在收银台,我听到店员说“ 这只狗又来了”。A. woods 小树林;B. store商店;C. house 房子;D. college大学。根据第14空前后的While at the checkout counter I heard和worker say,"Oh here comes that dog again.可知,此处指“商店”里的工人。故选B。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大家都笑了,我羞愧地看着。A. ashamed羞愧的;B. happy高兴的;C. helpless无助的;D. careless粗心的。根据Oh here comes that dog again. 和everyone laughed.可知,作者“感到羞愧”。故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他走向面包架,拿了一些面包走了出去。A. left 离开;B. knocked敲;C. headed朝着;D. threw丢弃。根据第16空后的to the bread shelf,took some bread and walked out.可知,他“朝着”面包架走去。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我所能想到的就是付钱买面包。A. run跑;B. ask问;C. stand站立;D. pay支付。根据第17空后的for the bread可知,此处指作者“付钱”。固定词组:pay for“为……付钱”。故选D。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我走到外面时,那条狗已经不见了。A. somewhere在某处;B. nowhere无处;C. anywhere无论何处;D. everywhere到处。根据第18空下句I found him at home with the bread可知,作者发现狗“不见了”。故选B。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:妈妈从狗手里拿过面包,摇了摇头,表示不相信。A. disbelief怀疑;B. encouragement鼓励;C. trouble麻烦;D. demanding需要。根据第20空前She could not believe可知,妈妈不相信狗偷面包。故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不敢相信自己养了一。A. lost丢失;B. known知道;C. raised饲养;D. sent寄派。根据第20空后的a shoplifter以及狗是由作者家养的,可知,此处指“养”了一个扒手。故选C。

    There are many kinds of book clubs where members discuss a different book every month. What about dinner clubs,where people get together once a month or four times a year to make and

eat dinner?In the dinner club that I joined,the hostess of the dinner club would prepare a big dinner first,and then the members would begin discussing the food.1.

There are two variations of a dinner club.One has a group of people who try a different restaurant once a month.  2. There they all meet and order and share different entrees(主菜)。This is a great idea,especially if you live in a big city where there are hundreds of different restaurants.

The second kind of dinner clubs has many different forms. 3.She is responsible for cooking the entrees.The other members make different courses at home,like salad and dessert,and bring them to the dinner club.For an even more exciting and interactive type of dinner clubs,the entire group comes together in the hostess kitchen and prepares the entire meal in a group effort.In this way the members of the group not only learn about different types of food,but also different methods of cooking.

4.You can make the dinner club even more special one month by inviting partners.If you are a stay-at-home mother,get a couple of other stay-at-home mothers together and start a children's lunch club. 5. If you have a group of friends that love to get together and experiment with different types of food,the possibilities are endless!

A.They want to have unique food from the hostess.

B.One way is to have the hostess for the month decide on a type of food.

C.Couples can get together for some food and great conversations.

D.People hope to have a great time getting together.

E.This was the beginning of our dinner club.

F.The great thing about a dinner club is its versatility(广泛性)。

G.One member usually decides on the restaurant.



    Dr Robert Hutchings Goddard is regarded as the father of modern rocket propulsion(推进)。As a physicist of great insight,Goddard also had his unique gift for invention.It was in honor of this brilliant scientist that NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,Maryland,was set up on May 1,1959.

Goddard first obtained public notice in 1907 in a cloud of smoke from a powder rocket fired in, the basement of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute's physics building.School officials took an immediate interest in the work of the student Goddard. The school's administration,to his surprise,did not expel him.He thus began his lifetime of fine work.

In 1914,Goddard received two U.S.patents.One was for a rocket using liquid fuel.The other was for a two-or three-stage rocket using solid fuel.

By 1926,Goddard had constructed and successfully tested the first rocket using liquid fuel. At that time,Goddard' s rockets left little impression on government officials.Only through modest amount of money from the Smithsonian Institution and the Daniel Guggenheim Foundation was Goddard able to sustain his devoted research and testing.

Goddard' s greatest engineering contributions were made during his work in the 1920s and 1930s.He received a total of $10,000 from the Smithsonian by 1927,and through the personal efforts of Charles A.Lindbergh,he later received financial support from the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation.

Goddard 's work largely anticipated the later German V-2 missiles in technical detail.His rocket flight in 1929 carried the first scientific payload(有效负荷),a barometer(气压计)and a camera.During World War II,Goddard was appointed by the U.S.Navy to the development of practical jet-assisted takeoff and liquid propellant(推进燃料)rocket motors capable of variable thrust.In both areas,he was successful.Robert H.Goddard died on August 10,1945,four days after the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan.

1.What was NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt established for?

A.To attract people's attention.

B.To make Goddard famous.

C.To show respect to Goddard.

D.To introduce Goddard 's invention.

2.According to Paragraph 2,how did the school officials respond to what Goddard did in the physics building in 1907?

A.They wanted to know more about it.

B.They were disappointed at it.

C.They made him drop out of school.

D.They ordered him to stop it.

3.What does the underlined word"sustain"in the fourth paragraph mean?

A.Delay. B.Reduce.

C.Create. D.Continue.

4.When probably was Goddard chosen to work to develop practical jet-assisted takeoff?

A.In 1927. B.In 1929.

C.In 1940. D.In 1946.



    Kids,whose imaginations have no limit,frequently come up with inventive ideas.However,few see them come to life mainly because adults don't believe in their practicality.That is about to change thanks to Little Inventors,an innovative(创新的)project that connects inventors to producers and artists who can help bring even the most impossible invention ideas to life.

The project is the brainchild of Dominic Wilcox,a British artist and inventor,who is world-famous for his fun creations like GPS shoes that can find their way home.Wilcox,who was encouraged to create things at a very young age by his teacher,believes that"we are all born creators"and thinks children's ideas are just as valuable as those of adults'.

The chain of events leading to the founding of Little Inventors dates back to a series of workshops held by Wilcox around his hometown of Sunderland,England in 2015.The 19 events, organized to encourage children aged 5-12 to describe their ideas,were a huge success,attracting over 300 kids and resulting in more than 450 fun inventions.The designs were presented to a group of twenty-three local artists and producers who selected one idea and then worked alongside its young creator to bring it to life.

The success of the workshops has led to the creation of Little Inventors.The website allows inventors from all over the world to submit their invention ideas.Though not all submissions will be built,inventors will receive valuable feedback on their designs and also suggestions on ways to

improve them.So,upload an idea or two to little inventors.org and see if you can make your crazy,or world-changing invention a reality.

1.What is"Little Inventors"?

A.It's a company. B.It's an organization.

C.It's a task. D.It's a school.

2.What is the purpose of the Little Inventors?

A.To help bring children's imaginative ideas to life.

B.To help avoid children's failure.

C.To call on adults to help children invent things.

D.To persuade adults into inventing with children.

3.What can we lean about Wilcox from the text?

A.He took great interest in his teacher's inventions like GPS shoes.

B.He started thinking creatively when he was very young.

C.He was well-known to the world as a British artist.

D.He was encouraged to make inventions by his parents.

4.Which of the following can correctly show the order of the workshops' work?

a. collecting kids' ideas

b.artists and producers helping bringing the ideas to life

c.organizing events

d.encouraging kids to describe their ideas

e.presenting kids' ideas to artists and producers

A.bcdea B.acbed

C.ecdab D.cdaeb



    The 90-minute documentary,Amazing China,is coproduced by China Central Television and China Film Corp.The film focuses on the major achievements the country has made since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.

Wei Tie,the director,says,"The film arouses Chinese pride from deep inside."

The documentary focuses on key Chinese projects in aerospace,high-speed rail,the Hong Kong-zhuhai-macao Bridge and the world's largest single-dish telescope FAST.

The documentary also tells viewers that seven of the world's 10 biggest sea ports are now in China.And the country now has the longest high-speed rail network in the world.

The film helps people to know our country better.The moving stories behind the Chinese wonders reflect the people's spirit of struggle.

A good documentary is usually a vivid impression of a single person's stories rather than slogans,and Amazing China is no exception.

One of the most touching moments in the film is from an interview of Nan Rendong,often called the"father of FAST".Sadly,after more than 20 years of working at the site,the chief scientist and engineer of the project passed away last year due to lung cancer.

The film is a salute to many other heroes like Nan Rendong,supporting the country's progress in science.Amazing China also focuses on common people.It shows that their work is not easy,but their spirit makes it possible to achieve their targets.And they are just representatives of the many Chinese who work hard.

China is the world's second-largest economy.The documentary is a good way for the country to build up self-confidence and to look to a brighter future.

1.According to Wei Tie,what does Amazing China do to Chinese?

A.It makes the people know more about the world's aerospace.

B.It stresses the major transportations of China in recent years.

C.It makes the people feel proud of the major achievements of China.

D.It shows to the people the production of Chinese scientists.

2.What's the function of Paragraph 7?

A.To introduce who Nan Rendong is.

B.To tell readers about the slogan of the film.

C.To make the sad news known to readers.

D.To give an example of a vivid image.

3.According to Amazing China,what's the impression of Chinese common people in the film?

A.They take easy work.

B.They work in high spirits.

C.They can tell moving stories.

D.They represent self-confident people.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A.An amazing documentary.

B.Progress in science.

C.The bright future of high-speed rail.

D.The success of some engineers.



    Some teenagers try their best to make some difference to the world.

Christopher Thornton

Christopher Thornton,17,is a high school student in the US.He grew up in a poor community.People there cannot get cheap and healthy food as there's no fresh food sold in the neighborhood."We want to sell food  that is natural and healthy,"says Christopher.

Now his dream come true . He and his team of about  20 teens are running their own sweet business by selling honey. The honey is used to cover their expenses and help the children in need in their neighborhood.

The sweet business started with the dream  of providing the townspeople: with high quality, nutritional  honey and now it offers a chance to learn skills that may help them start their own business in the future.

Suchetha Satish

A 12 year -old Indian girl.Suchetha Satish  has set a new world record by singing in 102 languages over 6 hours 15 minutes in a concert in Dubui.'The program is titled Music Beyond Boundaries.

Born into  a family of music lovers,  Suchetha showed an interest in singing from a very young age.The talented young girl is also active in large activities for the public good,For example,she encourage the youth to take up music or sports rather than tobacco,alcohol and drugs.

Zayd Menk

A gifted artist has made a wonderful large model of New York City's midtown Manhattan using nothing but rubbish.

Zayd Menk's creation took the determined 17-year-old boy more than three months to build.Some buildings, Zayd said,were particularly challenging-mainly because of their unique shapes.

Layd refers to his art as"recyelism"and describes it as"exploring how man-made rubbish can be used to make art".

1.What was Christopher's dream?

A.To make enough money for his future study.

B.To do business by selling natural healthy food.

C.To train the teens with skills of doing sweet business.

D.To produce natural healthy food for his community.

2.What does Suchetha do to the public good?

A.She teaches the youth to sing songs in foreign languages.

B.She asks the adults in her community to stop using alcohol.

C.She organizes the youth to compete in international contests.

D.She calls on the youth to keep away from drugs.

3.What was challenging to Zayd while making Mini Manhattan?

A.Thinking about how rubbish is sorted.

B.The unique shapes of the buildings.

C.The designing of the model.

D.Exploring how to make rubbish into art.



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