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Superstar Pink joined a lot of celebriti...

    Superstar Pink joined a lot of celebrities(名人) and world leaders who were infected with COVID-19(新冠肺炎).Two weeks ago, she and three-year-old son Jameson _______symptoms of the disease After_______with healthcare professionals, the two were able to_______a test Pink tested positive for coronavirus(冠状病毒).

She_______their experiences online, stating “Just a few days ago, we were re-tested and are now_______negative.” Pink added that she was_______a huge amount to two different COVID-19 emergency funds(基金会). Various stars have also tried to encourage people to take extra _______against COVID-19.

“It is not wise of our government not to make testing more widely accessible,” Pink said. “This illness is _______and real. People need to know that the illness _______the young and old, healthy and unhealthy, rich and poor, and we must make testing free to ________our children, our families, our friends and our communities.”

Testing for coronavirus is a major ________ across the world. The WHO________urges World governments to conduct mass testing to________COVID-19,along with contact tracing, Widespread disinfection, lockdown and quarantine measures, social distancing, and hand hygiene.

Previous to Pink, a number of other celebrities have tested________for the virus. Various world leaders have been infected________including the British Prime Minister.

Pink expressed her ________for the people working on the front lines. Thank you to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones. “You are our________!” she wrote, she also urged the________of the population to do their part to ________ the spread of the disease.

So ________ man is facing a dark time right now, there's one thing for sure that he is going to win this wan against COVID-19 in the end!

1.A.improved B.showed C.described D.reported.

2.A.consulting B.quarreling C.dealing D.agreeing

3.A.refuse B.give C.mark D.get

4.A.posed B.mailed C.typed. D.gained

5.A.equally B.unfortunately C.thankfully D.merely

6.A.donating B.lending C.loaning D.paying

7.A.pictures B.notes C.trips D.measures

8.A.common B.serious C.genetic D.mild

9.A.kills B.punishes C.affects D.ruins

10.A.cure B.protect C.treat D.love

11.A.concern B.phenomenon C.symptom D.illness

12.A.hesitantly B.gradually C.strongly D.quickly

13.A.discourage B.encourage C.catch D.battle

14.A.active B.positive C.negative D.passive

15.A.as much B.as far C.as well D.as good

16.A.love B.hatred C.pity D.gratitude

17.A.heroes B.enemies C.doctors D.workers

18.A.half` B.minority C.majority D.growth

19.A.reduce B.prevent C.keep D.slow

20.A.as B.once C.because D.although


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了明星Pink患新冠肺炎的过程以及她的感悟。她认为政府不让更多人接受检测是不明智的,指出我们必须免费检测,以保护我们的孩子,我们的家人,我们的朋友和我们的社区。Pink还表达了她对前线工作人员的感激之情,敦促大多数人尽自己的一份力量来阻止疾病的传播。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两周前,她和三岁的儿子Jameson显示出了这种疾病的症状。A. improved改善;B. showed显示,展示;C. described描述;D. reported报告。根据第一句可知 Pink 感染了新冠肺炎,因此这里指两周前她显示出了这种病的症状,故选 B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在咨询了医疗专业人士后,两人接受了检测。A. consulting咨询;B. quarreling争吵;C. dealing处理;D. agreeing同意。healthcare professionals 是医护人员的意思,根据后面他们做了检测可知,这里是在和医护人员咨询后,短语consult with sb 表示“向某人咨询、请教”。 故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在咨询了医疗专业人士后,两人接受了检测。A. refuse拒绝;B. give给予;C. mark标志;D. get接受。根据后面的检测为阳性可知,这里是他们接受了测试,因此选 get。故选D。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在网上分享了他们的经历,并写道:“就在几天前,我们再次接受了测试,谢天谢地现在的结果是阴性的。”A. posed发帖;B. mailed邮寄;C. typed打字;D. gained获得。根据后文their experiences online 可知Pink在网上发布了自己的经历,故选A。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她在网上分享了他们的经历,并写道:“就在几天前,我们再次接受了测试,谢天谢地现在的结果是阴性的。”A. equally同样地;B. unfortunately不幸地;C. thankfully感谢地;D. merely仅仅。根据前面呈阳性,现在是阴性可知,这里要填一个褒义词,Pink 应该是对此觉得感恩,因此选 thankfully。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Pink补充说,她向两个不同的COVID-19紧急基金捐赠了一大笔钱。A. donating捐款;B. lending出借;C. loaning贷款;D. paying支付。根据后文a huge amount to two different COVID-19 emergency funds加上 Pink 是一个超级巨星,可知是她捐了一大笔钱给COVID-19紧急基金会。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多明星也在努力鼓励人们采取更多的措施来抵抗新冠病毒。A. pictures照片;B. notes笔记;C. trips旅行;D. measures措施。根据前面 Pink 捐款,以及这里的 also 和 against COVID-19 可知,是说很多明星也鼓励人们采取更多的措施来抵抗新冠病毒。短语take measures 表示“采取措施”。故选D。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种病是很严重和真实存在的。A. common普通的;B. serious严重的;C. genetic遗传的;D. mild温和的。Pink 前一句说政府不进行大量检测是不明智的,并且所填的词和 real 并列,因此她要说的是这个病是真实存在的,很严重的。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们需要知道疾病影响着年轻人和老年人,健康的和不健康的,富裕的和贫穷的,我们必须让测试免费来保护我们的孩子,我们的家庭,我们的朋友和我们的社区。A. kills杀死;B. punishes惩罚;C. affects感染;D. ruins毁灭。根据空后面的宾语是老少,健康或不健康的人,穷人富人可知,且主语是新冠肺炎可知,这里是说这个病会感染各种人。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们需要知道疾病影响着年轻人和老年人,健康的和不健康的,富裕的和贫穷的,我们必须让测试免费来保护我们的孩子,我们的家庭,我们的朋友和我们的社区。A. cure治愈;B. protect保护;C. treat治疗;D. love爱。根据后文our children, our families, our friends and our communities.可知因此是我们必须免费测试来保护我们的孩子,我们的家庭,我们的朋友和我们的社区。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:检测冠状病毒是全世界关心的一个主要问题。A. concern关心;B. phenomenon现象;C. symptom症状;D. illness疾病。结合后文across the world可知检测新冠病毒是一个全世界主要关心的事。故选 A。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:世卫组织迅速敦促世界各国政府对新冠肺炎进行大规模检测,并追踪冠状病毒。A. hesitantly犹豫地;B. gradually逐渐地;C. strongly强烈地;D. quickly快速地。所填空修饰谓语动词 urges,且urge 这个词本身就表示了强烈的要求,所以不选strongly,而应该用quickly,表示世卫组织快速地敦促各国政府对新冠肺炎进行大规模检测,并追踪接触者。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:世卫组织迅速敦促世界各国政府对新冠肺炎进行大规模检测,并追踪冠状病毒。A. discourage阻止;B. encourage鼓励;C. catch追踪,抓住;D. battle斗争。所填空的宾语是COVID-19,可知此处指做大量测试来追踪冠状病毒。故选C。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在Pink之前,其他一些名人也曾对该病毒检测呈阳性。A. active活跃的;B. positive阳性的;C. negative否定的;D. passive消极的。根据前面 Pink 确诊了可知,这里是在 Pink 之前,很多其他名人也检测呈阳性,positive 的熟词僻义,在医学实验等检测中,表示阳性。故选B。 15.考查短语辨析。句意:包括英国首相在内的世界各国领导人也受到了感染。A. as much也,同样多的;B. as far一样远;C. as well也;D. as good一样好。前面是名人确诊,而这里是领导人也确诊感染了,因此填 as well,表“也”。故选C。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Pink表达了她对前线工作人员的感激之情。A. love爱;B. hatred憎恨;C. pity遗憾;D. gratitude感谢。根据后文Thank you to all of our healthcare professionals and everyone in the world who are working so hard to protect our loved ones.可知,这里Pink表达了对一线工作人员的感谢。故选D。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你们是我们的英雄!”她写道,她还敦促大多数人尽自己的一份力量来阻止疾病的传播。A. heroes英雄;B. enemies敌人;C. doctors医生;D. workers工人。You 指前线工作人员,而且前面 Pink 在表达感谢,因此这里是将医护人员称为“英雄”最符合语境。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你们是我们的英雄!”她写道,她还敦促大多数人尽自己的一份力量来阻止疾病的传播。A. half一半;B. minority少数;C. majority大多数人;D. growth生长。根据前面感谢医护人员,以及该句的 also 可知,这里是 Pink 鼓励大多数人也去尽自己的一份力来阻止疾病传播。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你们是我们的英雄!”她写道,她还敦促大多数人尽自己的一份力量来阻止疾病的传播。A. reduce减少;B. prevent阻止;C. keep保持;D. slow缓慢的。宾语是新冠肺炎的传播,因此这里填 prevent 表阻止,并且是固定搭配 prevent the spread of the disease/ prevent the disease from spreading,其余选项不能接 spread。故选B。 20.考查连词辨析。句意:因此,尽管人类现在面临着黑暗的时刻,但有一件事是肯定的,那就是他最终将赢得这场对抗COVID-19的战争!A. as作为;B. once曾经;C. because因为;D. although虽然。此处为让步状语从句,表示“虽然”应用although。故选D。

-I think you'd better clean your room.

-_________It's clean enough.

A.What for? B.So what? C.You said it. D.You made it.



His work has received only a tiny mention in the newspaper; actually he__________more attention.

A.reserves B.deserves C.observes D.preserves



According to a plan, Hainan___________into a tourism and consumption destination with global influence by 2035.

A.will build B.will have been built C.are built D.have been built



I looked around at the large and beautiful homes, with my mind_______with a question:Wouldn't I feel better about myself if I lived here?

A.racing B.being raced C.to be raced D.raced



-I had butterflies in my stomach before I gave that talk.

-I__________nervous too if I had been in you shoes.

A.was B.would be C.had been D.would have been



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