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Bats quickly eat the insects that bite u...

    Bats quickly eat the insects that bite us and ruin our crops. They pollinate (授粉) flowers and they replant forests by spreading seeds around. But as agriculture overtakes rain forests and jungles, humans have come into conflict with one bat species: the common vampire bat (吸血蝙蝠).

Well, vampire bats are ugly little animals. They’ve got these wrinkly noses that have infrared (红外线的) heat sensors so they can detect warm blood flowing beneath the skin. They’ve got ears that can pick up the sound of low frequencies. That’s the sound of big animals breathing. And they have super sharp teeth. So when you’re bitten by one of these bats, you don’t even feel it. They also have amazing movement skills. They can fly, but they can also run with their wings,

And vampire bats mainly interact with humans who are raising livestock. They’ll drink the blood of cows and pigs and chickens. You can find newborn cows with bites from vampire bats, chicken coops that are covered in drips of blood. Children will regularly wake up with vampire bat bites on their feet. Actually, the bites aren’t that big of a health problem. The main problem is that very rarely these bats are sick with rabies (狂犬病). And they can spread this fatal disease to cattle and people.

Gerry, a scientist, does experiments where he keeps one of the bats away from food for a night. And that’s something that actually happens in the wild all the time. The bat will go out and it can’t find anything to eat. And if that happens two nights in a row, the bat could actually starve to death. But what happens is that another bat will come in and they’ll rescue that hungry bat. They’ll let out a little blood to feed it. And this behavior is seen between mothers and their children and between siblings. But surprisingly, it’s also seen between bats that aren’t related at all.

1.What does the second paragraph mainly want to tell us about vampire bats?

A.Their physical organs. B.Their super powers.

C.Their living habits. D.Their attacking skills.

2.What is the vampire bat’s biggest threat to human beings?

A.It drinks the blood of livestock. B.It prefers to bite little children.

C.It can spread a fatal disease. D.It is often infected with rabies.

3.What do Geny’s experiments find out?

A.Bats, not related by blood, share blood. B.Bats usually live a hard life in the wild.

C.Different bats live a quite different life. D.Blood is even more important for bats.

4.What can we can infer from the text?

A.Vampire bats are human’s natural enemy.

B.Human should try to get rid of vampire bats.

C.Vampire bats are human’s true friends.

D.Vampire bats should not always be blamed.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了普通的吸血蝙蝠生活习性及对它们的研究。 1.主旨大意题。阅读第二段可知,本段的确描述了吸血蝙蝠的身体器官,但重点不在于器官,而在于这些器官所产生的超级技能。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句The main problem is that very rarely these bats are sick with rabies (狂犬病). And they can spread this fatal disease to cattle and people.(主要问题是这些蝙蝠很少会感染狂犬病。它们可以把这种致命的疾病传播给牛和人)可知,吸血蝙蝠对人类最大的威胁是它可以传播致命的疾病。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的But what happens is that another bat will come in and they’ll rescue that hungry bat. They’ll let out a little blood to feed it.( 但是另一只蝙蝠会过来,它们会去救那只饥饿的蝙蝠。它们会放出一点血来喂它)及But surprisingly, it’s also seen between bats that aren’t related at all.(但令人惊讶的是,在完全没有亲缘关系的蝙蝠之间也能看到这种现象)可知,Geny的实验发现没有血缘关系的蝙蝠用自已的血拯救饥饿中的同类。故选A。 4.推理判断题。作者记述了蝙蝠恶的一面,也记述了超越血缘关系的大爱。蝙蝠还会给花授粉,传播种子。人类本可与蝙蝠相安无事,但由于农业的发展蚕食了森林才导致了蝙蝠与人类的冲突,所以这不完全怪罪蝙蝠。故选D。

    Many people heard about the “Little Free Library”, which was a movement that let people swap a book for another or take it and bring it back. Now, people are joining in the “Little Free Pantry” idea, which shares a similar value of spreading kindness with mini pantries.

One family who live in Boise, Idaho, have a three-year-old son who wanted to build something for his third birthday, so they decided that they would build a community pantry box that they would share with their neighbors. They felt that they had everything they wanted, so they wanted to give a little something back to the community and help the people in need.

The idea is that the family fill this box up with non-perishable (不易腐的) items, which include tins, toiletries, and other goods. However, it’s meant to be a community give and take, so other people would also contribute to adding to this mini-pantry.

It seems that the idea has taken off in other communities who also want to give a little something back and help those in need. It’s the kind of movement that helps the struggling members of the community, allowing them to live knowing that they can have a can of soup for dinner if they have nothing else. Or that sanitary products are available.

The Millers keep their little pantry going, realizing that it’s emptiest toward the end of the month, so they know that it’s really helping people. They don’t believe that anyone has taken advantage of it and that it’s only helped people.

Various other communities have taken on the mini pantries project in order to spread a little kindness within their community.

1.Why is “Little Free Library” mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.To show the striking difference between it and “Little Free Pantry”.

B.To help readers have a better understanding of “Little Free Pantry”.

C.To encourage people to take “Little Free Library” as an example.

D.To prove that most people are just so kind as to help those in need.

2.Why did the family build the “Little Free Pantry”?

A.To let others know about their son’s birthday.

B.To show that they lived in great abundance,

C.To egress gratitude and offer help to others.

D.To test if people in the community are honest.

3.Whom is Free Pantry most helpful to?

A.Those who can’t go shopping often. B.Those who want to show kindness.

C.Those who want to celebrate birthdays. D.Those who live in great poverty.

4.How is the “Little Free Library” idea going?

A.The community pantry box is always empty.

B.People take advantage of others’ kindness.

C.More items are badly needed to refill the box.

D.It is gaining more and more popularity.



    Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

If you were born in 2003, you could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger (护林人) and work on local natural resource management projects for 8 weeks this summer.

Who is eligible: Students born in 2003 (16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31, 2020)

NOTE: Each team also requires a team lead, who may be any age and may or may not be a student.

Summer Employment Opportunities

Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Ontario Public Service, its related agencies and community groups.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older (Some positions require students to be 15 co 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability due to program funding.)

Native Youth Work Exchange Program

If you self identify as Native you can apply for an 8-week summer job for up to 3 continuous summers, offered through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in partnership with Native communities and organizations.

Who is eligible: Native students: 15-24 years old, and up to 29 years old if you have a disability.

Articling and Summer Law Student Programs

Law students can apply to work for the Ontario government — as either a summer law student or an articling student — If you are experienced with Aboriginal communities or have an interest in Aboriginal law, you can also apply to work specifically in this field as part of the Aboriginal Summer law program.

Who is eligible: The Summer Law Student Program is open to first and second year students enrolled in a law school. To be eligible for the articling program, candidates must have either completed law school at the start of the articling period or have received a certificate of qualification from the National Committee of Accreditation.

1.Tom is not a student but he is interested in summer programs, he can most probably apply to_____________.

A.Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

B.Summer Employment Opportunities

C.Native Youth Work Exchange Program

D.Articling and Summer Law Student Programs

2.What is special about Summer Employment Opportunities?

A.It has an extremely strict limit of age. B.It provides better summer jobs.

C.It can give jobs to disabled students. D.It can help find different jobs.

3.What should participants of Articling and Summer Law Student Programs be like?

A.More professionals B.Much older.

C.Quite creative. D.Physically strong.



下面是苏淮(Su Huai)、他的母亲(Mrs.Su)和他的老师(Mr.Li)线上学习专题受访时的谈话摘录。请认真阅读并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Su Huai:  I had to stay at home,learning online because of COVID-19,but I really enjoyed it.I think courses in the virtual classroom more interesting and it worked.

Mrs.Su:I don't think so.I doubted how much knowledge had been planted in his head.I didn't take proper care of him and our relationship went tense.Sometimes it was like a fight of trapped beasts

Mr.Li:We were going through a test similar ho many parents.We struggled with technology to interact with our students and make sure they could understand.



2. 你对线上学习有何看法?请说明理由(不少于两点)。











The development of penicillin(1928-1945)

In 1928,Alexander Fleming was spending several weeks growing bacteria in piles of dishes for his experiment when he noticed a dish didn't look normal with blue mould in .Much to his astonishment, the mould killed the bacteria surrounding it. After discussing the blue mould with mould expert C. J. La Touche who had his office below Fleming's, they determined the mould to be a Penicillin mould. Fleming then called the active antibacterial agent in the mould, penicillin. He continued to run numerous experiments to determine the effect of the mould on other harmful bacteria. Surprisingly, the mould killed large number of them. He found the mould to be nontoxic and contain a powerful antibiotic.

In 1929, Fleming wrote a paper on his findings, which did not get any scientific interest. His penicillin was still in his lab far from an effective medicine because the development of Penicillin as a drug faced two problems. First, it was difficult for him to purify penicillin to work as a medicine. Second, he was not able to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective

Fleming was praised for the discovery, but it was Howard Florey, Ernst Chain and their Colleagues at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford University who managed to turn penicillin from a lab curiosity into an effective drug. In 1940,they worked with penicillin. Solving these problems and stepping up its large-scale production

The increasingly obvious value and demand of penicillin in World War II accelerated the process of its mass production, which began in 1944.The wide use of penicillin during World War II saved many lives. Without it, many people would have died due to bacterial infections in even minor wounds.

Fleming discovered penicillin. Florey and Chain made it a usable product with a nickname of “wonder drug”. All three of them were awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or  Medicine.

The development 6f penicillin(1928-1945)

The 1.of penicillin

● While growing bacteria for his experiment,Fleming noticed something 2.in a dish,killing the bacteria surrounding it.

●The blue mould,which Fleming found in the lab by 3. rather than on purpose, was named penicillin.

The 4.with Fleming' s further research

● Fleming had 5. making penicillin meet medicine standards of purity.

●He couldn't produce the desired quantities of penicillin to be 6.

The mass production of penicillin

● Two other scientists along with their team 7.in making its large-scale production possible.

●World War II 8.up the process of its mass production for military use.


● Widely 9.to  treat people in war penicillin saved many lives that otherwise would have been lost.

●penicillin started post-1945 revolution of medicines, for which Fleming, Florey and Chain 10.the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work.,





    John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect day. He had filled his bag with all sorts of seashells, enough to study for a month. The island had been a good place to find shell but mow the sun was going down, he must leave before it got dark. He came to the sand reef that connected the island and the shore of the mainland. He stopped for a moment to enjoy the sunset on the ocean water. Then he began to walk along the sand reef toward the shore.

He hurried on. Then, suddenly he stepped into the water. Before he knew what had happened, he dropped down and down. The water was covering his head. He rose to the top of the water, struggling to get back on to the dry sand, surprised. To his horror he saw long grey sharks there in the sea, but where was the sand reef? What had happened to it?

He began to walk back toward the island. While he had searched for shells on the island, the strong ocean waves had washed a large part of the sand reef away. He did not know much about Sharks/but he was a good swimmer. He tried to remember what he had read about sharks. Did sharks find their food by smelling it? If they did, it meant they looked for food at all times, even during the night,

Most of the night he lay down and looked up at the stars thinking. He thought of the people in the village. He was their doctor, the only doctor in the village felt good to be needed. He thought of wood for a fire, wood to signal for help, but there was no wood. At last he thought of sleep. He slept until the sun rose.

The sharks were there because the fish were there. The same waves that had washed the sand reef away had somehow pushed large schools of fish into the area. He watched the sharks kill.

He looked at the sea, if he swam to shore, he would be in the water 5,6 minutes. A lot could happen during that time. A wind blew across the water. Small waves rushed across the top and stopped him from seeing the bottom. He hoped the wind would stop. Somehow, clear water seemed less dangerous.

But first, he looked all around before he took off all his clothes He kept only his belt and his small knife. He silently slipped into the water. He went deep down and looked around. He was about to rise to the top and start swimming when he saw a long grey body below him. He kicked himself up to the top and struggled to the sand.

He stood up and looked around again. How could he make the sharks move out to sea? He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the flesh, blood running out. He caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet, he tied some cloths around his leg to stop the flow of blood. He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, then he threw the shirt into the water and pulled it with a piece of cloth.

The sharks smelled the blood; they came racing toward the shirt. He was leading then away from shore. Suddenly he dropped the cloth turned toward shore and ran as fast as he could He jumped into the water and swam. He kicked and shouted as loud as he could. He touched the shore with his fingers and pulled himself up the stones.

The shark was excited by the smell of blood and the chase went after him; its great body crushed against the stones. The other sharks jumped on it The end came quickly as the sharks’ blood turned the water red. The injured shark was eaten alive as it tried to escape.

Perry slowly got to his feet. So, he said, “you did not get me.”

He looked down at the sharks still eating even though they were full of food.

1.What happened to the sand reef while John Perry was searching for seashells?

A.It was destroyed by the ocean waves.

B.It was covered by the rising tide of the ocean.

C.It fell down hen sharks were running after fishes around

D.It was washed away by the ocean waves created by the sharks.

2.What made him think he was important to the villagers?

A.His seashells. B.His swimming skill.

C.His bravery. D.His occupation.

3.Why didn't he choose to escape in the night?

A.Darkness made no difference to sharks at all.

B.Darkness would increase the risk of his behavior.

C.Sharks could still see him clearly in the darkness

D.Sharks seldom attacked humans during the daytime.

4.Where should the sentence "He decided to swim." be put in the passage?

A. B. C. D.

5.What do you think of John Perry?

A.Cruel and violent. B.Clever and smart.

C.Skilled but careless. D.Courageous but silly.

6.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.A narrow escape from hungry sharks B.An unforgettable day with sharks

C.A close fight against fierce sharks D.An unexpected meeting with sharks



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