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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The pas...


The past two weeks have been extremely painful, and 1. (everyone) heart is extremely strained with the outbreak of the COVID-19 in China.

Right now, some 1.4 billion Chinese 2. (spare) no effort in the fight against the outbreak. 3. (count) medical teams from all over China are in Hubei Province assisting in the fight, and saving lives 24/7.

Chinese citizens have devoted themselves to the 4.strict) measures of prevention and control. We have our hearts 5. (set) on one goal — the race against time and fight against the virus. Every day, we witness heroic deeds from ordinary individuals, which brings tears to my eyes.

About 60 medical teams 6. (consist) of 11,000 doctors and medical staff have been sent off from other provinces to Hubei.

Many medical personnel have voluntarily asked 7. this dangerous assignment. A nurse, 8. has worked on the frontline for a week, could only give an air hug to her visiting daughter from a safe distance.

Face masks and protective goggles (护目镜) have left deep marks on the faces of medical personnel after wearing them 9. (day). The hands of some of the nurses have been scarred by constant disinfectant soaking. It’s hard and exhausting, 10. the medical staff have remained firm in their tasks.


1.everyone’s 2.are sparing 3.Countless/Uncountable 4.strictest 5.set 6.consisting 7.for 8.who 9.daily 10.yet/but 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了中国在抗击新冠肺炎疫情方面所做出的努力。 1.考查所有格。句意:过去的两周非常痛苦,在中国爆发新冠肺炎疫情,每个人的心都非常紧张。修饰名词作定语,应用所有格,此处指“每个人的心”。故填everyone’s。 2.考查动词时态。句意:目前,约14亿中国人正在全力以赴抗击疫情。根据前面的right now可知,应使用现在进行时。故填are sparing。 3.考查形容词。句意:来自全国各地的无数医疗队在湖北省协助战斗,全天候拯救生命。修饰名词deeds作定语,应使用形容词,根据上下文应该用 countless/uncountable“无数的,数不尽的”。故填Countless/Uncountable。 4.考查形容词最高级。句意:中国公民致力于最严格的预防和控制措施。根据语境及空前the可知,此处使用形容词最高级,意为“最严格的防控措施”。故填strictest。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的心都放在一个目标上——与时间赛跑,与病毒作斗争。set one’s heart on sth. “渴望得到某物”,此处是have sth. done结构,set的过去分词是原形。故填set。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:约60支由1.1万名医生和医护人员组成的医疗队已从其他省份派往湖北。consist是不及物动词,此处使用非谓语形式作定语,所以用现在分词。故填consisting。 7.考查介词。句意:许多医务人员自愿要求执行这项危险的任务。根据语境可知,此处短语:ask for“要求”。故填for。 8.考查定语从句。句意:一名在前线工作了一周的护士,只能在安全距离之外给前来探望的女儿一个空中拥抱。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是A nurse,指人,关系词在从句中做主语,应使用关系代词who引导。故填who。 9.考查副词。句意:每天戴口罩和护目镜的医务人员脸上都留下了深深的疤痕。根据句意可知,此处使用副词daily作时间状语。故填daily。 10.考查连词。句意:这是艰苦和累人的,但医务人员仍然坚持他们的任务。从结构上看,这里需要连词连接两个句子,逻辑上看是转折关系,所以用yet/but。故填yet/but。

    A young boy is a devoted fan of the University of Tennessee, but he was _______ to not have a shirt to show the world his colors. So his teacher encouraged him to _______ his own. With pride and a smile, the boy drew his orange colors and the U of T logo on a piece of paper and _______ it to his orange shirt.

But after lunch, he came back to the teacher in very _______ spirits. “He came back to my room, put his head on the desk and was crying.” He complained to her that people had approached his table, making fun of his _______ . His feelings were _______ hurt by some girls who themselves weren’t even wearing college colors.

But after she shared the _______ in despair, the post went viral — getting 7,040 _________ .UT’s Interim President Randy Boyd got _______ of the story, and made a ______________ of his own, which read: “I was ______________ to learn of a young Florida school student’s heart for the University of Tennessee, and I LOVED his ______________ behind designing his own shirt. So many of us admire his love for UT and it’s ______________ to see everyone step up to send him some UT clothes! Everywhere UT.” A few days later, a ______________ came to his classroom: a care package from UT staff, addressed ______________ to the young fan. The whole class was ______________ at his gift — but none so much as him!

Then, the boy got an even bigger __________________.

The UT store decided to use the boy’s design to create an ______________ UT shin with income going to STOMP Out Bullying, a national non-profit organization that is ______________to stopping bullying of all forms.

Demand for the student’s T-shirt was so high that it ______________ the university’s online shop that Saturday.

1.A.angry B.sad C.determined D.curious

2.A.buy B.draw C.make D.find

3.A.pinned B.led C.connected D.brought

4.A.high B.unbroken C.rebellious D.different

5.A.sign B.smile C.head D.cry

6.A.easily B.only C.particularly D.slightly

7.A.joke B.story C.color D.paper

8.A.calls B.crosses C.orders D.shares

9.A.rid B.word C.hold D.control

10.A.post B.notice C.design D.drawing

11.A.disappointed B.shocked C.touched D.embarrassed

12.A.sacrifice B.patience C.intelligence D.imagination

13.A.awesome B.funny C.ridiculous D.scary

14.A.letter B.delivery C.bill D.research

15.A.secretly B.suddenly C.directly D.eventually

16.A.frightened B.upset C.satisfied D.amazed

17.A.surprise B.threat C.prize D.challenge

18.A.expensive B.attractive C.official D.instructive

19.A.accustomed B.devoted C.addicted D.reduced

20.A.flashed B.shut C.exploded D.crashed



    Stress is all around us, but there are some ways we can manage our strew regardless of what comes our way .

How many times do we find ourselves doing something just for money? Don’t get me wrong — I like money as much as the next person. But if most everything we do revolves around how much money we might make, we will end up being miserable. I would suggest you do things because they are the right thing to do, or because it feels good to you. The money will follow. 1.

2. Do you know that by helping others you really end up helping yourself? If you give and share from a place of non-expectation, you will reap great rewards. Then you will let go of your problems and it will help reduce your stress.

3. They are either in a hospital or nursing home that have no one left of their family or friends. How about going to visit someone and maybe bring a pet along for the visit? 4. When you see their faces, and get their appreciation all your stress will simply melt away. Try it and see for yourself.

By having options and the right intentions you reduce the possibility of a situation causing you stress. 5. By doing so you will find that you feel better about yourself and end up with less stress in your life.

A.There are many lonely people out there.

B.You can also see how you can help others.

C.Actually, your stress will not melt away immediately.

D.How many times have you reached out a helping hand to others?

E.Some can be done individually, while others are best done in a group setting.

F.If you take this approach you will be a lot happier and healthier in the long run.

G.You would be surprised how much these people would appreciate such a simple act of kindness.



    Creating art or engaging in artistic efforts has numerous benefits for young people — from fewer disciplinary infractions to better academic performance and increased likelihood of struggling for post-secondary education.

And yet students’ participation in arts classes varies by what school they attend. Higher-poverty schools in King County have lower enrollment in arts classes.

That’s one data point evident in a new dashboard released by the cultural funding agency 4Culture and the state superintendent’s office. It shows the percentage of high school students taking different kinds of arts classes in individual schools within King County’s 19 school districts. It’s intended to let anyone in the public research arts class participation and compare schools. For example, more than two-thirds of students at Bellevue’s International School took a music class compared with just 12 percent at Kent — Meridian High School in the Kent School District in the 2018-19 school year.

“We strongly believe the arts can make for a happier, healthier education in every single way,” said Charlie Rathbun, director of arts programs with 4Culture. “So we will be looking at outcomes around the dropout rate, discipline rate, graduation rate, things like that.”

Overall, the dashboard shows higher participation in visual arts and music classes than in theater or dance. “Dance, for example, being almost non-existent in our schools — we have to ask why and think about those students who might respond quite positively to dance,” Rathbun said.

Alternative schools and dropout re-engagement programs have very low participation in arts classes. Students across the state are required to take two arts courses to graduate.

1.What does the underlined word “infraction” in paragraph 1 most probably mean?

A.Obedience. B.Offence.

C.Sense. D.Authority.

2.Why will Charlie Rathbun be looking at the outcomes?

A.To know about students’ academic performance.

B.To understand the reason for his students’ dropout.

C.To prove the function of arts education at school.

D.To encourage students to take dance, not other arts.

3.Which can best describe the conclusion Charlie Rathbun will make about arts participation?

A.Reliable. B.One-sided.

C.Personal. D.Abstract.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Arts Class Participation At School: Yes Or No

B.New Dashboard: Participation In Arts Classes

C.New Dashboard For King County High Schools

D.Low Participation In Arts Classes At High School



    Bats quickly eat the insects that bite us and ruin our crops. They pollinate (授粉) flowers and they replant forests by spreading seeds around. But as agriculture overtakes rain forests and jungles, humans have come into conflict with one bat species: the common vampire bat (吸血蝙蝠).

Well, vampire bats are ugly little animals. They’ve got these wrinkly noses that have infrared (红外线的) heat sensors so they can detect warm blood flowing beneath the skin. They’ve got ears that can pick up the sound of low frequencies. That’s the sound of big animals breathing. And they have super sharp teeth. So when you’re bitten by one of these bats, you don’t even feel it. They also have amazing movement skills. They can fly, but they can also run with their wings,

And vampire bats mainly interact with humans who are raising livestock. They’ll drink the blood of cows and pigs and chickens. You can find newborn cows with bites from vampire bats, chicken coops that are covered in drips of blood. Children will regularly wake up with vampire bat bites on their feet. Actually, the bites aren’t that big of a health problem. The main problem is that very rarely these bats are sick with rabies (狂犬病). And they can spread this fatal disease to cattle and people.

Gerry, a scientist, does experiments where he keeps one of the bats away from food for a night. And that’s something that actually happens in the wild all the time. The bat will go out and it can’t find anything to eat. And if that happens two nights in a row, the bat could actually starve to death. But what happens is that another bat will come in and they’ll rescue that hungry bat. They’ll let out a little blood to feed it. And this behavior is seen between mothers and their children and between siblings. But surprisingly, it’s also seen between bats that aren’t related at all.

1.What does the second paragraph mainly want to tell us about vampire bats?

A.Their physical organs. B.Their super powers.

C.Their living habits. D.Their attacking skills.

2.What is the vampire bat’s biggest threat to human beings?

A.It drinks the blood of livestock. B.It prefers to bite little children.

C.It can spread a fatal disease. D.It is often infected with rabies.

3.What do Geny’s experiments find out?

A.Bats, not related by blood, share blood. B.Bats usually live a hard life in the wild.

C.Different bats live a quite different life. D.Blood is even more important for bats.

4.What can we can infer from the text?

A.Vampire bats are human’s natural enemy.

B.Human should try to get rid of vampire bats.

C.Vampire bats are human’s true friends.

D.Vampire bats should not always be blamed.



    Many people heard about the “Little Free Library”, which was a movement that let people swap a book for another or take it and bring it back. Now, people are joining in the “Little Free Pantry” idea, which shares a similar value of spreading kindness with mini pantries.

One family who live in Boise, Idaho, have a three-year-old son who wanted to build something for his third birthday, so they decided that they would build a community pantry box that they would share with their neighbors. They felt that they had everything they wanted, so they wanted to give a little something back to the community and help the people in need.

The idea is that the family fill this box up with non-perishable (不易腐的) items, which include tins, toiletries, and other goods. However, it’s meant to be a community give and take, so other people would also contribute to adding to this mini-pantry.

It seems that the idea has taken off in other communities who also want to give a little something back and help those in need. It’s the kind of movement that helps the struggling members of the community, allowing them to live knowing that they can have a can of soup for dinner if they have nothing else. Or that sanitary products are available.

The Millers keep their little pantry going, realizing that it’s emptiest toward the end of the month, so they know that it’s really helping people. They don’t believe that anyone has taken advantage of it and that it’s only helped people.

Various other communities have taken on the mini pantries project in order to spread a little kindness within their community.

1.Why is “Little Free Library” mentioned in the first paragraph?

A.To show the striking difference between it and “Little Free Pantry”.

B.To help readers have a better understanding of “Little Free Pantry”.

C.To encourage people to take “Little Free Library” as an example.

D.To prove that most people are just so kind as to help those in need.

2.Why did the family build the “Little Free Pantry”?

A.To let others know about their son’s birthday.

B.To show that they lived in great abundance,

C.To egress gratitude and offer help to others.

D.To test if people in the community are honest.

3.Whom is Free Pantry most helpful to?

A.Those who can’t go shopping often. B.Those who want to show kindness.

C.Those who want to celebrate birthdays. D.Those who live in great poverty.

4.How is the “Little Free Library” idea going?

A.The community pantry box is always empty.

B.People take advantage of others’ kindness.

C.More items are badly needed to refill the box.

D.It is gaining more and more popularity.



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