满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Dear Mr. Haisler,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Mr. Haisler. I would like to put in my request for one week’s vacation that would run from January 23 to 29. My family and I would like to spend the Spring Festival holiday with our extended family back to China and we need to start making arrangements now in order to make the trip as comfortable as possible. You can call my friend David at(555)445-2322 if any unexpected incident happens Your response to this issue would be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信:假定你是在美国学习的交换生李华,请给主管老师Haisler写一封信,请假一周回国与家人团聚,欢度春节。内容包括:1.请假原因及时间; 2.如有突发事件可与你的朋友David联系。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:to put in my request for one week’s vacation(我想申请一个星期的假期);to spend the Spring Festival holiday with our extended family back to China(和我们的大家庭一起回中国过春节);need to start making arrangements(需要开始做安排了);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。


If you come across an 85-year-old woman walking slowly with a walker in the Children’s Hospital of Soochow University, don’t take her as a patient. Instead, she is a doctor1.still insists working in the hospital.

Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935a famous expert in pediatric asthma(儿科哮喘),2.treatabout 30000 children suffering asthma so far. She is known.3.“the most beautiful grandma doctor” by others. Currently, she still sees 404.patientevery day. Sheng has always stuck to her post though she had two bones5.breakin a fall a month ago. So now she can only walk with6.help of a walker. Others don’t understand her. In their eyes, she7.expectto live a peaceful life in this old age. But she wants to cure more children.

One of Sheng’s most8.impressexperiences happened in her 50s. She saw 146 patients from 745 am to 945 pm that day,9.eatnothing except some milk. Though awarded the “lifelong10.achievephysician in pediatrics ”at the 24th Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society in this October, Sheng seems not proud at all. She said it was her goal to be a diligent person and a good doctor.



    About a decade ago, my grandpa who was suffering from Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症)got into my car and drove off. Angel and I_______the police, but before they could find him, two_______kids pulled into our driveway with my grandpa.

They said they overheard him crying about being_______at an empty gas station 10 miles away. My grandpa couldn’t remember our address, but gave the kids his first and last name. They looked him up online, found our address, and_______him home.

I was_______on that incident today while sitting near the edge of a beautiful ocean-side cliff. I am suddenly_______of footsteps behind me. I_______around to see a young lady who was almost in_______slowly walking to where I was sitting. I walked up to her and_______,“What’s wrong?” She told me she was________afraid of heights, but was worried about my safety and wanted to get over her fear. Her braveness and kindness truly warmed my heart.

I’ve spent the rest of the day thinking about what an extraordinary person she is, and about those amazing college kids who helped my________, and about what it means to be a kind and________person. Sometimes you have to go the extra mile, or face your biggest________, or stand up against your own negative tendencies to make an________difference in someone else’s life. It’s________to start doing the hard things-the right things-for others.

1.A.condemned B.contacted C.consulted D.found

2.A.college B.naughty C.homeless D.kindergarten

3.A.careless B.scared C.lost D.forgetful

4.A.left B.drove C.kicked D.carried

5.A.depending B.coming C.reflecting D.going

6.A.afraid B.sceptical C.sure D.aware

7.A.turned B.walked C.got D.looked

8.A.sadness B.surprise C.feelings D.tears

9.A.reacted B.thought C.asked D.replied

10.A.extremely B.worriedly C.anxiously D.surprisingly

11.A.father B.grandma C.uncle D.grandpa

12.A.merciful B.helpful C.careful D.peaceful

13.A.courage B.failures C.fears D.choices

14.A.positive B.little C.optimistic D.opposite

15.A.minute B.time C.honor D.luck



How to Develop Appropriate Self-Confidence

Under most circumstances having self-confidence is a good thing. 1. It is this strong sense of confidence that allows them to go out in the world and reach for their goals.

But can you have too much self-confidence? 2. In most cases, knowing your strengths and having the assuredness to go out and take risks are admirable qualities. But when this confidence makes you inflexible, opposed to trying new things, and incapable of listening to others, it can become harmful to success and well-being. So what can people do to ensure that their self-confidence is realistic, authentic and socially appropriate?

3. Whether you are evaluating your own success or offering praise to your children, try to place a greater emphasis on the work that went into the task rather than just focus on how things turned out. You cannot always control how things go, but you can control the amount of work you put into achieving your goals.

Keep learning new things. Even if you are highly confident about your skills in an area, keep looking for new challenges. It is easy to become overconfident if you think you know everything there is to know about a subject. Finding new challenges to overcome does sharpen your skills. 4.

Listen to what others have to say. Overconfidence can sometimes cause people to become rigid and even arbitrary. Instead of assuming that your way is the right or only way, try to keep an open mind. 5. However, it is important to listen in order to gain a new perspective.

A.Focus on the effort, not the outcome.

B.Is overconfidence definitely a good thing?

C.You might not always agree with other people.

D.Having too much self-confidence is beneficial to us.

E.Are you teaching in a different way and extremely excellent?

F.Confident people tend to be more successful in a wide variety of fields.

G.Finding new challenges also reminds you that there're fresh ways of thinking about things.



    Tests have shown robots can diagnose heart problems in as little as four seconds, as a review of artificial intelligence Al finds machines are now as good at spotting illness as doctors.

Analyzing a patient's heart function on a cardiac MRI (心脏磁共振成像)scan currently takes doctors around 13 minutes. But a new trial by University College London UCL showed an Al program could read the scans in less time with equal accuracy. There are approximately 150,000 such scans performed in the UK each year, and researchers estimate that fully using Al to read them could save 54 clinician-days (临床天数)at each cardiac centre per year. So it can make up for the shortage of doctors.

It is hoped that Al where computer systems are able to learn from data to identify new patterns with minimal human intervention will transform medicine by helping doctors spot dis- eases such as heart disease and cancer faster and earlier. However, most scans are still read by specially trained doctors.

Dr Charlotte Manisty, who led the UCL research, said, "Cardiovascular MRI offers in- comparable image quality for assessing heart structure and function. However, current manual  analysis remains basic and outdated. Automated machine techniques offer the potential to change this and completely improve efficiency and accuracy, and we look forward to further research that could confirm the superiority to human analysis."

She added, “Our dataset of patients with a range of heart disease who received scans enabled us to demonstrate that the greatest sources of measurement errors arise from human factors. This indicates that automated techniques are at least as good as humans, with the potential soon to be  'super-human'—transforming clinical and research measurement precision."

Professor Alastair Denniston said, "Within those handful of high-quality studies, we found that by deep learning Al could indeed detect disease ranging from cancer to eye disease as accurately as health professionals. But it's important to note that it did not absolutely exceed human professional diagnosis. ”

1.Which of the following can best describe this Al program?

A.Time-consuming. B.Environmentally friendly.

C.Extremely unpractical. D.Labor-saving.

2.What is Charlotte Manisty's expectation of automated machine techniques?

A.To treat eye disease faster and earlier.

B.To analyze heart disease efficiently and accurately.

C.To combine manual with automated analysis.

D.To confirm heart structure and function.

3.What did Alastair Denniston say about Al?

A.It would be super-human soon.

B.It couldn't completely replace expert doctors.

C.It would correct professionals' measurement errors.

D.It couldn't detect cancer as accurately as health professionals.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Al has many shortcomings in practice.

B.Al totally shows its superiority to human analysis.

C.Al can reduce medical errors arising from human factors.

D.Al can diagnose heart disease as well as doctors in less time.



    You should try your best to create your own family library so that you and your family are always learning. "It is a great mistake to think that education is finished when young people leave school. Education is never finished even if you grow older," said Mrs Child in The Mother's Book. "Collecting a library of books in your home is really helpful to your family. ”

"What is really interesting about having so many books in your home is that a book you purchase has a chapter about the deeper knowledge of your favorite subject at school," said a university graduate. Researchers in a study tries to identify what parents do has an influence on how well their children do on standardized tests. One positive aspect they find is the availability of a large number of books at home. This has a stronger connection, especially when you read to your children every day. The more books your older kids have access to at home, the more likely they are just to be reading for fun, rather than having to wait for weekly trips to the library.

John Henry, one educated parent, said, "I have been homeschooling my children using the philosophy of A Thomas Jeffer son Education. This philosophy of learning is based on the reading of classic books. ” Clinton Fadiman said, "When you reread a classic, you do not see more in the book than you did before you see more in you than before. " Classic books also make you smarter and wiser! The wisdom comes in the examples in the lives of the characters.

"It is within your power to guide your youth in their reading and to cultivate in their hearts a desire for good books. It is the most unfortunate if a person is not possessed with the desire for good reading. The reading habit, like charity, should begin at home," said Mrs Child.

1.What does the author mainly want to show in paragraph 2?

A.Kids don't need to go to the library any longer.

B.Parents should set a good example at home.

C.It's necessary to create a family library.

D.It's important to let kids pass standardized tests.

2.How does the author explain the effect of reading classic books at home in paragraph 3?

A.By quoting others ’words. B.By questioning.

C.By imagination. D.By analyzing research data.

3.What can we learn from what Mrs Child said?

A.East or west, home is best.

B.One is never too old to learn.

C.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

D.Charity is the soul, rather than the virtues of hand.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Where to Store Your Favorite Books at Home?

B.When to Read the Classic Books to Your Children?

C.Which Is Better, a Home Library or a Public Library?

D.Why Not Have Your Own Library of Books at Home?



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