满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Questions are based on the following pas...

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They are planning activities for the weekend.

B.They are looking for an apartment in the city.

C.They are complaining about the urban living environment

D.They are discussing living places and children’s education.


A.The natural environment is beneficial to children.

B.The countryside is a perfect place for weekends.

C.There is much to do besides work and study.

D.It’s convenient for people to go anywhere.


A.There is a lot to see and do for children and adults.

B.The children are too young to benefit from city life.

C.There isn’t enough for children to see and do in the city.

D.Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city.


A.She is a full-time housewife.

B.She does not care for her children.

C.She lived in the suburbs as a child.

D.She will go to a museum next weekend.


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.D 【解析】 【原文】 M: You like living in the city, don’t you? W: Oh. I love it. It’s so convenient. I can take the bus to work or the subway or the taxi. And there is so much to do. M: I know what you mean. I’d like to live in the city but to live in the suburbs is better for children. W: Well, there are a lot of things about suburban living. But, as a working woman. I think a city has all the conveniences, including the best food and fastest news M: But there are more trees grass and fresh air in the suburbs. W: Yeah, but living in the city. It’s convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends. M: Yeah, children are the right age. There are lots of things for them here. W: You are right. They are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people to see and do. M: Not just for young people. What about me? I’ve never been to the Museum of Natural History W: Neither I have I. When I was a child. I used to go to the Museum of Art. M: I’ve been there several times, twice with children. W: Well. I have an idea. Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History. M: OK. That’s really a very nice idea. (Now. listen again. please!) Questions: What are the two speakers talking about?’ What does the man think of living in the suburbs? Which is true about the man’s opinion of the city? What do we know about the woman according to the conversation?

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.How to do the gardening B.How to get birds to a garden.

C.How to take care of birds. D.How to feed birds in a garden.


A.Shelter. food and water. B.Fruit water and insects

C.Plants. shelter and food. D.Plants. seeds and insects.


A.Not to observe them. B.Not to approach them.

C.Play with them regularly. D.Play some music for them.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Wash his hands thoroughly. B.Practice eating pie quickly.

C.Avoid eating much food. D.Prepare the right taste of pic

2.A.On the table. B.Under the bottom. C.On his lap. D.Behind his back.


A.Swallowing the pie with water.

B.Holding the pie in the right position.

C.Eating from the outside toward the middle.

D.Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbour eats.



A.He can’t get the books on the list. B.He lacks time to take the course.

C.He doesn’t like history at all. D.He must read a lot of books.



A.She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.

B.She enjoys it because she is good at driving.

C.She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

D.She is quite unhappy to have to drive such a long way.



A.Their taste in books is different. B.She doesn’t like to read.

C.She only reads books that he doesn’t like . D.The library isn’t open lately.



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