满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

After graduation, Susan was asked to become the executive director of the Floating Hospital. She hesitated at first, as it was a demanding job and she wondered whether she could handle it. But on second thoughts, she agreed to take the job. 1. this job turned out rewarding, she soon got tired of it. 2. (seat) at her desk one day, she wanted to go down to the New School for Social Research all of a sudden. Since she always believed intuition(直觉) was an advantage she 3. trust, she decided to have a go.

Without any plan, she titled the course ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’. Susan was nervous as she faced the first session of the twelve-week course. The two hours went on smoothly, but she then 4. (challenge) with a new fear, for she didn’t know what to present the next week. But surprisingly, every week she found she had more to say. Her confidence level growing, she realized. She had equipped 5. so much over the years about getting over fear and her students were drinking it up. At the end of the course, they were amazed at 6. shifting their thinking really changed their lives.

Susan eventually decided to write a book based on the course she had taught. She faced many obstacles. And after 7. (reject) by four agents and various publishers, she unwillingly put the proposal in a drawer.

After three years of writing, one day she went through the drawer 8. she held her much-rejected book proposal. Picking it up, she had a sharp sense that she held something in her hands many people needed to read. Therefore she set out with much determination 9.(find) a publisher who believed in her book the same way she did. This time, she succeeded. She succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.

She was so happy that she followed her heart and never gave up overcoming fears which stood 10. her way.


1.While / Though/ Although 2.Seated 3.could / should 4.was challenged 5.herself 6.how 7.being rejected 8.where 9.to find 10.in 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了Susan克服恐惧,坚持自己梦想。坚持做自己最喜欢做的事。最后成功的故事。 1.考查连词。前面的句子讲述工作的待遇不错,后面的句子讲的是:她很快就厌烦了。显然前者是后面的一个“让步”,这里是一个让步状语从句。While / Although / Though都是“尽管、即使”的意思,引导一个让步状语从句。故填While / Although/ Though。 2.考查非谓语动词。分句部分无主语,故用非谓语动词做状语。seat的逻辑主语为后句的“she”,与seat表示主动关系。seat的非谓语常用seated的形式表示某种状态。故填seated。 3.考查情态动词。句意:因为她总是相信本能是一种她可以信任的优势。本题考查情态动词can表示能力的用法。又因为语境是过去时,故填could。 4.考查被动语态。句意:两个小时过的很顺利,但是之后她受到了一些新恐惧的挑战。She和challenge 之间是被动关系。这里句子的语境是过去时。且主语是第三人称单数,故填was challenged。 5.考查固定短语。句意:她意识到关于克服恐惧,她自己已经武装了多年了。固定短语 equip oneself(整装;预备自己)。故填herself。 6.考查宾语从句。介词后的从句称为“宾语从句”。若从句部分的第一个词为形容词(shifting:不断变化的),则可根据“肯定句”的解题方法解题:去掉主+谓,从句前部剩余部分还有名词就用what ; 若剩余部分没有名词就用how。故填how。 7.考查非谓语动词。分句部分没有主语,故填非谓语。reject的逻辑主语是she。主语与reject之间表示被动,因为放在after这个介词后,所以需要用being done的形式。故填being rejected。 8.考查定语从句。从句部分不缺主语(she)和不缺宾语(her much-rejected book proposal)。根据定语从句的要求:若从句主语和宾语不缺,则缺状语。从句部分缺状语应该用关系副词,且本题的先行词为drawer,表示地点。故填where。 9.考查非谓语动词。find所处的简单句中已经有动词set out, 所以提示词需填非谓语。根据句意,她带了很多的决心,目的是为了找一个出版商。此处可用 to do 表示目的。故填 to find。 10.考查固定短语。句意:她很开心的是,她坚持梦想并且从没有放弃克服阻碍她的恐惧。固定短语:stand in one’s way (阻碍)。故填in。

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They are planning activities for the weekend.

B.They are looking for an apartment in the city.

C.They are complaining about the urban living environment

D.They are discussing living places and children’s education.


A.The natural environment is beneficial to children.

B.The countryside is a perfect place for weekends.

C.There is much to do besides work and study.

D.It’s convenient for people to go anywhere.


A.There is a lot to see and do for children and adults.

B.The children are too young to benefit from city life.

C.There isn’t enough for children to see and do in the city.

D.Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city.


A.She is a full-time housewife.

B.She does not care for her children.

C.She lived in the suburbs as a child.

D.She will go to a museum next weekend.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.How to do the gardening B.How to get birds to a garden.

C.How to take care of birds. D.How to feed birds in a garden.


A.Shelter. food and water. B.Fruit water and insects

C.Plants. shelter and food. D.Plants. seeds and insects.


A.Not to observe them. B.Not to approach them.

C.Play with them regularly. D.Play some music for them.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Wash his hands thoroughly. B.Practice eating pie quickly.

C.Avoid eating much food. D.Prepare the right taste of pic

2.A.On the table. B.Under the bottom. C.On his lap. D.Behind his back.


A.Swallowing the pie with water.

B.Holding the pie in the right position.

C.Eating from the outside toward the middle.

D.Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbour eats.



A.He can’t get the books on the list. B.He lacks time to take the course.

C.He doesn’t like history at all. D.He must read a lot of books.



A.She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.

B.She enjoys it because she is good at driving.

C.She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

D.She is quite unhappy to have to drive such a long way.



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