满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The captain and were accused of abandoni...

The captain and    were accused of abandoning passengers in South Korea ferry disaster.

A.members B.crew C.partners D.team


B 【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:机长和船员被指控在韩国轮渡灾难中遗弃乘客。A. members成员;B. crew船员;C. partners伙伴;D. team团队。船只发生事故,因此受到指控抛弃乘客的是船长和船员。故选B。  

The winners of China’s Got Talent are planning to     a talent-show    around the world next month.

A.carry on… voyage B.carry out… tour

C.complete… trip D.fulfill… journey



Rafael Nadal is a tennis champion equipped with a big heart,     to win and resolution to defeat all his opponents.

A.persuasion B.determination C.fascination D.accumulation



Directions: Write a English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

你是李明你在读高一的表弟张丰依旧在进行居家学习。他在学习时容易分心总是忍不住打网络游戏或看网络小说于是发电子邮件向你求助请你结合自己的经验回复他一封电子邮件谈谈你是如何集中精力开展居家学习(homeschool yourself during the COVID-19 outbreak)的。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.她感觉太无聊了,于是把这本杂志从头到尾看了一遍。 (so… that)




3.每周六早晨,我们都雷打不动地去郊区远足,以增强体质,磨练意志。(a rule)


4.全国上下团结一心,科学家们夜以继日地研制药品,相信战胜灾难的日子近在咫尺。 (before)




Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Now, it may seem strange to learn from someone who writes about pretty dresses every day, but you don’t have to be pretty and you don’t have to spare no effort to be pretty just to please others.You don’t have to feel bothered for your plain looking that makes you unnoticed. After all, every one of us, whether charming or not, is a drop in the ocean and you don’t owe prettiness to anyone.

Admittedly, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be pretty if you want to. Being pretty is pleasant, fun, refreshing and satisfying, making people feel delighted and smile at you unconsciously. But in terms of importance, prettiness stands several steps down from happiness, is way below health, and if done as an obligation, can be far away from independence.

But what does you-don’t-have-to-be-pretty mean in everyday terms? It means you don’t have to blame your parents for not giving you the world-desired appearance and that you don’t have to apologize for wearing things that are held to be “unflattering” or “unfashionable”—especially if, in fact, they make you happy on some level deeper than just being pretty does. As long as you are clean, covered enough, and have bandaged any open woundsyou can wear any color or style you please, holding your heads highif it makes you happy.

Prettiness, it’s sad to say, can have a shelf life. It’s so tied up with youth that, at some point (if you’re lucky), you’re going to have to graduate from prettiness, sometimes before you know it. But you won’t even get there if you think you have to follow all the signs that say “this way to prettiness”. You get there by travelling the route you find most interesting.




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