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假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter给你写信,询问你今年春节因新冠病毒肺炎( n...

假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter给你写信,询问你今年春节因新冠病毒肺炎( novel corona-virus)影响而延长的假期是如何度过的。请你给他回信。内容包括:






Dear Peter,



Li Hua


Dear Peter, I'm glad to hear from you.I really appreciate your concern. As we all know, the Spring Festival holiday this year was extended due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia.During the epidemic, our teachers organized online classes to minimize the loss caused by the delay.Because we are isolated at home, we use local materials and do proper indoor exercises to maintain a good mental state. When faced with difficulties, don't be afraid to challenge yourself.I firmly believe that with the strong support of the government and the joint efforts of medical workers and people from all walks of life across the country, the epidemic will be overcome and work and study will resume as soon as possible. Your, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信:假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter给你写信,询问你今年春节因新冠病毒肺炎( novel corona-virus)影响而延长的假期是如何度过的。请你给他回信。内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.你的学习和生活(如上网课,锻炼等);3.你的感想。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:appreciate your concern(感激你的关心);due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(由于新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响);organized online classes to minimize the loss caused by the delay(组织在线课程,最大限度地减少延误造成的损失);with the strong support of the government(在政府的大力支持下);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







Today, if you look at people around, you'll find many of them can be seen play with their cellphones.

Reasons behind this phenomenon is varous. First, haring an easy way to text messages and games, people tend to get addict to cellphones. Beside, cellphones can be a perfect way to kill time. Although using in many ways, cellphones can lead to a series consequences. For instance, students my possible have difficulty concentrating on their schoolwork, that can result in declining grades.

My suggestions on this are as the follows, People should not use cellphones whenever driving. And schools should take actions to ban their use by students.




In the early years of the Qing Dynasty. Nanhu Lake was a scenic wonderland in Yunnan Province.

In order to get an1.(office) rank, a scholar named Yang studied hard on an island in the middle of the lake. with one stone bridge linked the bank. His wife sent2.(meal) to him every day. She usually made chicken soup with some rice noodle, meat and vegetables. Because of the great distance. when she get there, the food3.(become) cold and unappetizing.

One day, she cooked the food in a heated earthen pot. And she was so surprised4.(find) that the food was will hot when she got to the island. After5.careful study, she found two secrets; there was thick chicken oil on the surface of the soup and the earthen pot did not6.(ready) conduct heat. As a result, the heat of the soup7.(preserve) well.

Since then, the scholar became8.(healthy) and more hardworking. Finally he succeeded in a government ?. He treated his fellow scholars9.the nice noodles with chicken soup. They praised it repeatedly and asked10.the splendid meal was. Thinking of he stone bridge she crossed every day, the wife blurted out (脱口而出) "crossing-over bridge rice noodles".



    A teenager who once became homeless graduated at the top of his class in Houston, Texas this weekend. Derrick Ngo.18, had a_______childhood, growing up without a father and finding his mother in and out of prison through the years.

Ahead of his________. Ngo had been to 12 different school, At 15, be started to________on his own with some help from his mother, but it was barely enough that he________homeless about two yean later. Ngo________his childhood to VOA."We often didn't have that much food. We didn't have that much money. We didn't have a_________source of income and that was one of my biggest________in growing up - that Lack of parental________."

Determined to change his future, Ngo_________all his frustrations (沮丧) into his studies-efforts that________landed him as the top student of his class at Energy Institute High School. "I________that if I didn't use schoold, education and the resources that were________to me, then there would be no way that I would get out of the________I was in," he said.

In December, Ngo learned that he had been________by Harvard, where he will be attending this fall. It was ,at frst, a _________…I just got into Harvard. My heart was________." he said. He was very excited. The young man_________his success to discipline(自制力)and laser-like (激光一样的)________on end goals. "With a dream in your heart, you will have a clear_______that you're working towards. Although it's not real yet, is________that is going to be real one day."

1.A.happy . B.boring C.troubled D.bright

2.A.failure B.difficulty C.independence D.achievement

3.A.live B.work C.learn D.train

4.A.got up B.grew up C.broke up D.ended up

5.A.recorded B.repeated C.recalled D.recommended

6.A.new B.stable C.spare D.balanced

7.A.desires B.features C.struggles D.advantage

8.A.pressure B.guidance C.training D.introduction

9.A.added B.counted C.combined D.directed

10.A.firstly B.slightly C.eventually D.unexpectedly

11.A.bet B.heard C.wondered D.remembered

12.A.donated B.available C.designed D.affordable

13.A.trap B.truth C.danger D.circle

14.A.told B.invited C.dismissed D.accepted

15.A.gift B.pity C.shock D.sympathy

16.A.rising B.racing C.beating D.sinking

17.A.owes B.devotes C.applies D.contributes

18.A.care B.focus C.confidence D.appreciation

19.A.goal B.way C.plan D.position

20.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something



    People all over the world have some strange hobbies, and one of the most unusual in Britain is "trainspotting".   1..You'll see the grown.ups standing around a railway stations and other places where trains pass by, and you'll see them taking photos and exchanging notes with each other. So, what are they doing?

2. - the numbers on the front of the trains, or the make and model of the "locomotive (火车头)" -the part of the train which pulls all the other part. In the same way that some people collect toys or stamps, these men collect and exchange all kinds of details about trains and railways.

The idea goes back as far as 1942. That year, a young man named Ian Allan was working at Waterloo railway station in London.3., and quite a lot of the questions he received were very similar. He found himself getting a little annoyed at sending the sine replies to the same questions .so he had a word with him boss. He asked if he could write a brochure giving the answers to the most frequently asked questions. His boss said if he wanted to waste his time on such a project, that'OK.4..So he did. The brochure he wrote was the earliest version of the FAQs (常见问题) you see on websites nowadays.

The first 2,000 copies were all sold in days, and by the 1950s, a million copies of British Railways Locomotives were selling every year. Ian Allan went to become a successful publisher, and got an Order of the British Empire(OBE,大英帝国勋章) from the Queen in 1995.5..

A.But he should do it in his own time

B.The young man spent much time on it

C.They're looking for the trains they've taken

D.Well, they're collecting information about trains

E.It's usually men over the age of 40, but not always

F.He died in 2015, but his trainspotting hobby lives on

G.It was his job to answer letters from people about trains



    The United States space agency, NASA. says its Mars exploration vehicle recently recorded a high level of methane (甲烷) gas on the planet. The discovery is exciting because the presence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars.

NASA's Curiosity vehicle recently recoded the largest level of methane ever measured during its seven-year Mars mission.

Methane has no color or smell. A special instrument on Curiosity's Man Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level. The device measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Marian atmosphere. In addition to methane, the instrument can record levels of water and carbon dioxide.

Nearly all the methane gas found in Earth's atmosphere is produced by living thing. It usually comes from animal and plant life. But it can also be formed by geological(地质的) processes, such as interactions. between rocks and water.

It was not the first time Curiosity had found methane gas in the Martian atmosphere. About a year ago, NASA announced that Curiosity had discovered sharp seasonal increases in the gas. This time, NASA said the measured methane gas level was clearly larger than any others observed in the past. "It's exciting because microbial (微生物的) life is an important source of methane on Earth," NASA said in a statement announcing the discovery.

However, Curiosity's team carried out a follow-up methane experiment that showed a sharp drop in levels of the gas. That number was "close to the background levels Curiosity sees all the time." NASA said. The rise and fall of the methane gas levels left NASA scientists with more questions than answers.

"The methane mystery continues," said Ashwin Vasavada. Curiosity's project scientist, "We're more motivated than ever to keep measuring and put our brains together to figure out how methane behaves in the Marian atmosphere."

1.What do we know about methane go?

A.It is a must to living things. B.It can be found everywhere.

C.It smells like carbon dioxide. D.It's mainly from biological activity.

2.What do the explorations on Mans tell us?

A.Humans have known much about Mars.

B.There will be more methane gas on Mars.

C.There is no progress in the 7 year's research.

D.The level of methane gas on Mars is not stable.

3.What does the discovery mean in NASA's view?

A.There may exist life on Mars.

B.Methane gas on Mars has a sudden increase.

C.The mystery about Mars will be solved soon.

D.They're known how methane as is formed on Mans.

4.How do the NASA's scientists feel about their future exploration?

A.Aimless. B.Confident.

C.Stressed. D.Serious.



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