满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Walking out of the forest, I thought to ...

    Walking out of the forest, I thought to myself what if we didn’t put out the fire? I ended up asking this thought as a _______ to my friends. Without saying anything, Elias went about ten yards back to the small fire that we had  _______. It was at this point where Elias went from calm, to _______. He shouted, “It’s on fire!”

My heart was _______ out of my chest when we got to the fire — it had enlarged into a _______ with a 15-foot diameter (直径). A pond about ten feet away, was our only _______. My quick thinking told me to_______into the pond and splash (泼洒) water onto the fire closest to the pond. Micah, took a bucket, and then filled it with _______, to fight the fire that was spreading out of our_______.

Elias and I got the fire, nearest to the water, under control. Micah, ________, could not rest. Although he ran back and forth, it only kept ________.It suddenly________to us that we could use the wet grass in the pond to________put out the fire. Therefore, with ________ in hand, we went into the fire, and ________ back to get more even though we were ________ Finally, our teamwork ________, as there was only ________left on a charred (烧焦的) battlefield. We stayed for another 30 minutes to________it starting again.

Our journey now came to an end and the battleground would soon become ________and beautiful as time passed.

1.A.secret B.question C.joke D.choice

2.A.saved B.put C.lit D.collected

3.A.cautious B.delighted C.curious D.terrified

4.A.speeding B.beating C.knocking D.pushing

5.A.circle B.way C.place D.hole

6.A.excuse B.request C.option D.duty

7.A.jump B.grow C.dig D.break

8.A.sand B.power C.strength D.water

9.A.mind B.order C.reach D.sight

10.A.however B.therefore C.otherwise D.moreover

11.A.stopping B.growing C.making D.changing

12.A.turned B.referred C.occurred D.added

13.A.roughly B.repeatedly C.regularly D.thoroughly

14.A.grass B.water C.fire D.air

15.A.drove B.dashed C.escaped D.withdrew

16.A.exhausted B.amazed C.disappointed D.interested

17.A.laid off B.gave off C.paid off D.put off

18.A.flame B.smoke C.noise D.light

19.A.leave B.observe C.keep D.prevent

20.A.old B.common C.quiet D.green


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者和朋友一次在森林中不小心忘了把火扑灭,结果导致回去时火已经扩大成一个直径15英尺的圆圈。作者和朋友一起努力才终于将火扑灭了的故事。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,我向朋友们提出了这个问题,Elias什么也没说,走到我们点燃的小火堆旁,大约十码处。A. secret秘密;B. question问题;C. joke玩笑;D. choice选择。根据上文what if we didn’t put out the fire?可知,作者向朋友提出了上文的这个问题。故选B。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我向朋友们提出了这个问题,Elias什么也没说,走到我们点燃的小火堆旁,大约十码处。A. saved拯救;B. put放置;C. lit点燃;D. collected收集。根据上文the small fire that we had可知,Elias什么也没说,走到我们点燃的小火堆旁,大约十码处。故选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就在这个时候,Elias从平静变成了恐惧。A. cautious谨慎的;B. delighted高兴的;C. curious好奇的;D. terrified恐惧的,害怕的。根据后文He shouted, “It's on fire!”可知,Elias看到着火了,因此是从平静变成了恐惧。故选D。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们到达火场的时候,我的心都快跳出来了——它已经扩大成一个直径15英尺的圆圈。A. speeding加速;B. beating打;C. knocking敲;D. pushing推。根据后文with a 15-foot diameter.可知,火已经扩大了,因此作者当时非常紧张,心都要跳出来了。表示心脏“跳”常与beat搭配使用。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们到达火场的时候,我的心都快跳出来了——它已经扩大成一个直径15英尺的圆圈。A. circle圆圈,循环;B. way方式;C. place地方;D. hole洞。根据后文with a 15-foot diameter.可知火烧成了一个直径15英尺的圆圈。故选A。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个十英尺外的池塘,是我们唯一的选择。A. excuse借口;B. request请求;C. option选择;D. duty义务。火烧大了,到十英尺外的池塘取水去救火是作者他们唯一的选择。故选C。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的快速反应告诉我跳进池塘,把水泼到离池塘最近的火上。A. jump跳跃;B. grow生长;C. dig挖掘;D. break打破 。根据后文into the pond and splash water onto the fire closest to the pond.可知,作者跳进了池塘里,把水泼到离池塘最近的火上。故选A。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Micah拿了一个桶,盛满了水,要扑灭蔓延到我们够不到的大火上。A. sand沙地;B. power能力;C. strength力量;D. water水。要灭火肯定是拿桶装满水。故选D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Micah拿了一个桶,盛满了水,要扑灭蔓延到我们够不到的大火上。A. mind思维;B. order命令;C. reach范围;D. sight视力。结合上文to fight the fire that was spreading out of our可知Micah拿桶装水来扑灭作者他们够不到的火。短语out of reach表示“够不着”。故选C。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而Micah却不能休息。A. however然而;B. therefore因此;C. otherwise否则;D. moreover而且。结合上下文语境可知,为转折关系,故用连接副词however。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然他来回奔跑,但火势仍在不断扩大。A. stopping停止;B. growing扩展,生长;C. making制作;D. changing改变。结合上文although表示“尽管”引导让步,虽然他来回奔跑,但火势仍在不断扩大。故选B。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们突然想到,我们可以用池塘里的湿草把火彻底扑灭。A. turned转变;B. referred涉及;C. occurred发生;D. added添加。此处为固定用法it occurs to sb.表示“某人突然想起……”。结合后文可知,作者他们突然想到了用湿的草去彻底灭火的办法。故选C。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们突然想到,我们可以用池塘里的湿草把火彻底扑灭。A. roughly粗糙地;B. repeatedly重复地;C. regularly定期地;D. thoroughly彻底地。结合常识池塘里的湿草盖住了火,就可以将火彻底扑灭。故选D。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,我们手里拿着草,走进火里,又跑回去拿更多的草,尽管我们已经筋疲力尽了。A. grass草地;B. water水;C. fire火;D. air空气。根据上文we could use the wet grass可知,作者他们手里拿着湿的草,走进火里去灭火。故选A。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,我们手里拿着草,走进火里,又跑回去拿更多的草,尽管我们已经筋疲力尽了。A. drove驾驶;B. dashed跑,猛冲;C. escaped逃离;D. withdrew收回。根据后文back to get more even可知,大火在扩散,作者他们动作应当很快,因此是跑着回去拿更多的草。其它选项不符合语境。故选B。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,我们手里拿着草,走进火里,又跑回去拿更多的草,尽管我们已经筋疲力尽了。A. exhausted筋疲力尽的;B. amazed惊讶的;C. disappointed失望的;D. interested感兴趣的。结合上文可知,作者他们在想到这个办法之前,已经对火展开了一段时间的扑灭,加上现在来回跑着拿草,因此已经是筋疲力尽了。故选A。 17.考查动词短语辨析。句意:最后,我们的团队合作得到了回报,烧焦的战场上只剩下烟雾了。A. laid off下岗;B. gave off发出;C. paid off取得回报,付清;D. put off推迟。结合后文left on a charred battlefield.可知,作者他们的合作得到了回报,大火被控制住了。故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,我们的团队合作得到了回报,烧焦的战场上只剩下烟雾了。A. flame火焰;B. smoke烟;C. noise噪音;D. light光。根据后文left on a charred (烧焦的) battlefield.以及常识可知,火灭了,剩下的只有一些烟雾。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们又呆了30分钟,防止它再次烧起来。A. leave离开;B. observe观察;C. keep保持;D. prevent阻止。根据上文We stayed for another 30 minutes to可知,作者他们又呆了30分钟,是为了阻止大火再次烧起来。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在我们的旅程结束了,随着时间的流逝,战场很快就会变得青翠而美丽。A. old老的;B. common普通的;C. quiet安静的;D. green绿色的。大火过去了后,新的草又会长出来,作者他们抗击火灾的战场又很快会变得青翠而美丽。故选D。

Benefits of Deep Cleaning Your Home

The researchers have discovered an average of 7,000 different types of bacteria per household.

One study shows the dirtiest objects in the home found over 340 different bacteria on 30 different objects. So what actually are the benefits of deep cleaning? Let’s find out!

1.Dust can cause sore eyes, coughing, hay fever (花粉病) and asthma (哮喘) attacks.2.For instance, dust can be found behind cabinets, on top of doors, windows and so on. Deep cleaning involves cleaning those places to wipe out the dust particles around them. With the absence of dust particles in the air, it will help improve the air quality in your home significantly.

Remove harmful bacteria and viruses.3.Some bacteria divide every 20 minutes with the right temperature and nutrients. Places like the kitchen, living room, and especially toilets contain the most bacteria and viruses. Quick wipe downs are quick and convenient but it’s ineffective, only a deep clean can eliminate the majority of bacteria and viruses laying around.

Reduce stress. People might find it odd how deep cleaning can actually reduce stress levels in the house. It may not be obvious but when conducting deep cleaning, you will be moving, rearranging and organizing household items. 4.You may even need a helping hand with getting rid of the large amount of clutter (杂乱物) around the house.

So, by deep cleaning your house every so often, you can get rid of clutter and the trouble of misplacing items around the house.5.

A.Separate dust particles.

B.Better indoor air quality.

C.Dirty homes are shelters for bacteria and viruses.

D.Dirty and messy homes are linked to many illnesses and infections.

E.There are more dust particles lying around your home than you know.

F.You will meet useless items by accident laying around for who knows how long.

G.You will even be awarded extra living space from removing all that dust-collecting items.



    “Are personal sad stories a must to win talent shows?” “Shouldn’t talent be judged on the basis of itself without needing a sad story of struggle to win?” These are questions Sanya Malhotra posed on a recent Facebook post.

This morning I came across this interesting post by Sanya Malhotra. She revealed that she loved dancing and dreamt of becoming an actress, but got defeated in “Dance India Dance” because her background story wasn’t sad and inspiring enough. That’s when she started doubting her artistic gift.

This really set me thinking. Why are people attracted to sob stories? Why do we always appreciate only those people who have achieved something after going through a lot of hardships?  Why does the headline of a newspaper “Taxi-driver’s Son Stands First In UPSC Exam” find more readers? I think it is because most people, who are in a similar situation, find it comforting that someone has succeeded with so many hardships. I know it is really very difficult for people with financial, health, or family problems to overcome obstacles and succeed. I really feel proud of them and I am often touched and inspired by their stories.

Now come back to what Sanya has said. I think this is a talent show rather than a story-telling competition. When it comes to a competition of singing or dancing or any fine arts, all the competitors should be judged without any bias (偏见). No one should lose because they don’t have a sad story of struggle to tell. It’s very unfair. They can be given opportunities otherwise, but should not be judged because of their stories.

Maybe, the TV channels do it to attract more viewers, because the most important element of any reality show is these touching stories. But as Sanya has said, it’s unfair to those who haven't such a story and are equally talented.

1.What do we know about Sanya Malhotra?

A.She entered a talent show. B.She won “Dance India Dance”.

C.She had a sad story to tell. D.She was rejected in a film.

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer that Sanya Malhotra________.

A.experienced many hardships B.is a famous actress in Indian

C.has a great gift for gymnastics D.used to be confident in her artistic talent

3.Which of the following headlines appeals to the readers most according to the passage?

A.A Millionaire Donated Money To Harvard University.

B.A Gifted Indian Teenager Won “Dance India Dance”.

C.An Armless Girl Was Admitted To Harvard University.

D.A Freshman Paid Off Loans By Getting A Part-time Job.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Winners Should Be Determined By Public Judges

B.Sanya Malhotra Displayed A Great Artistic Gift

C.Competitors Should Not Be Judged By Sob Stories

D.Talent Shows Competitors Can Tell Their Stories



    California’s Yosemite National Park is home to many stunning waterfalls. However, from mid-to-late February each year, the unlikely star of the preserve is Horsetail Fall-a small waterfall that forms over the eastern edge of the park’s famous vertical rock formation, El Capitan, every winter. That’s because, during the two-week-period, the temporary1,000-foot fall frequently transforms into a red “firefall” for about ten minutes a day during sunset.

For the phenomenon to occur, several conditions need to coincide. There must be enough snow and snow must be melted to form the waterfall. During drought years, Horsetail Fall is reduced to a trickle flowing slowly in drops or does not appear at all. Additionally, the skies have to be entirely clear. Even a slight mist is enough to ruin the illusion (错觉) of fire falling down the cliffs. Finally, the sun has to strike the water from the right angle to set the waterfall “burning” brightly.

The “firefall” has been popular with professional and amateur photographers since the 1940s.However, in recent years, thanks to social media, its fame has risen to new heights, with thousands of people flocking to the national park each February. In 2019, over 2,200 people crowded into the small viewing areas on February 22, the best day to see the light show last year. However, the visitors not only stepped on sensitive vegetation but also left behind large amounts of rubbish.

To prevent a repeat of the unfortunate incident, in 2020, the park service closed two of the ideal viewing areas. The only one open required a 1.5-mile-long hike. However, the 3-mile round-trip, as well as a warning by the officials that a dry spell turned the fall into a trickle, leaving the possibility of a “firefall” in doubt, didn’t not seem to have deterred fans. Hundreds of people made their way to Horsetail Fall to catch a glimpse of the light show. Hopefully, Horsetail Fall enthusiasts would be more respectful of the natural environment this time.

1.When can the “firefall” be seen?

A.About at dawn.

B.Exactly at noon.

C.Just before dusk.

D.Late at night.

2.Which of the following conditions must be met for the “firefall” to be visible?

A.The temperatures have to be warm enough.

B.Horsetail Fall must be reduced to a trickle.

C.There has to be enough slight fog in the sky.

D.The waterfall must be frozen down the cliff.

3.What do we know from Paragraph 3?

A.The “firefall” was discovered by a photographer.

B.The viewing areas were equipped with telescopes.

C.Social media offer new tools to view the “firefall”.

D.The tourists caused the environmental pollution.

4.What does the underlined word “deterred” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Disapproved. B.Discouraged.

C.Disturbed. D.Distinguished.



    Peter and Cheryl Pitzer met in 1999. After training together, they fell in love and finally married in 2011. The Pitzers have been using their professional aviation skills to help people around the world regain sight. They are both volunteers for Orbis, a non-profit organization that turns airplanes into teaching hospitals and brings eye care and ophthalmology (眼科学) training to places around the world. The organization’s Flying Eye Hospital that the Pitzers fly together is an ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft.

The Pitzers flew their first flight together with Orbis in November, a journey that took them from Dubai to Saudi Arabia and finally to Ghana, a country in West Africa. The couple stayed an extra week after landing the plane in order to be on the ground to help other Orbis volunteers treat people in need, and to train medical staff in the community. “There was a woman named Mary. When we met her on Monday she was almost completely blind and when we left she could see,” recalled Peter.

“They also did surgeries in the local hospitals with the local doctors and their equipment, and they provide continuing education afterwards,” Cheryl said of the team’s work in Ghana.“The idea is to leave the knowledge behind so that people will have access to proper eye care after the plane is gone.”

The couple say they are grateful to share an occupation that they love-one they can do together and that allows them to give back. “It's awesome to see so many people in poverty regain sight. Our work is worth it,” said Peter. “Cheryl and I have a great personal and working relationship. It's just an interesting and incredible way to give back.”

Cheryl noted the intense (紧张的) planning and coordination it takes to fly a major plane carrying a teaching hospital to remote locations. She said she and her husband have an advantage with that complex task because they “understand each other.”

1.What are Peter and Cheryl Pitzer by trade?

A.They are doctors. B.They are pilots.

C.They are physicians. D.They are teachers.

2.What do we know about Flying Eye Hospital?

A.It is a mobile teaching hospital.

B.It is a modern general hospital.

C.It is a private hospital in Dubai.

D.It is a famous hospital in Africa.

3.Flying Eye Hospital is intended for__________.

A.the wealthy B.the poor

C.the disabled D.the wounded

4.What does Peter think of his volunteer work?

A.It is tiring. B.It is boring.

C.It is rewarding. D.It is upsetting.




The spring semester is here, and we’re excited to welcome both returning and new students to campus. The start of a new semester is an exciting time of the year. It’s the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and create memorable new experiences.

During the first four weeks of the semester, Wisconsin Welcome offers events for students to meet new friends and find community. We've highlighted just a few of the events offered below:

MSC Comeback Carnival — Thursday, January 23

Ready to get involved in a multicultural student organization? Want to catch up with friends over some free food and fun activities? Stop by the MSC to meet with over 45 multicultural student organizations, have fun, and connect with new and old friends! -6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, MSC Lounge on the 2nd Floor of the Red Gym.

Public Service Fair — Wednesday, January 29

The Morgridge Center for Public Service hosts two Public Service Fairs per year. The fairs draw hundreds of students eager to learn about work and internship (实习) opportunities with local and national organizations. -3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Gordon Dining &Event Center.

Winter Carnival — Tuesday, February 4 to Sunday, February 9

The Wisconsin Union's Winter Carnival is a long-standing tradition. It challenges you to embrace the cold, snow and play crazily! When you need to warm up a bit, head indoors for hot chocolate and food specials! -Memorial Union.

Spring Student Organization Fair — Tuesday, February 11

The Student Organization Fair is a great opportunity to explore your hobbies and meet different student organizations on campus. Stop by, meet new people, and maybe join a new student organization! - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Kohl Center.

These are just a few of the many events you can check out during Wisconsin Welcome. Go to www.go.wisc.edu/welcome for more events and information, and use WiWelcome on social to stay connected.

We hope you have a great semester!

1.If you want to improve your foreign languages, which event are you expected to join in?

A.MSC Comeback Carnival.

B.Public Service Fair.

C.Winter Carnival.

D.Spring Student Organization Fair.

2.Public Service Fairs will help students ___________.

A.make friends B.develop hobbies

C.find jobs D.purchase textbooks

3.Which of the following is true of the Wisconsin Union’s Winter Carnival?

A.It has a quite short history.

B.It will be held in the open air.

C.It will take place on Monday.

D.It will offer free hot chocolate.



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