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Some of you may play Ant Forest, 1. game on Alipay. Users collect “energy” to make their “trees” grow. When the “energy” 2. (reach) a certain level, some 3.(organize) and companies will plant a real tree in a desert area of China. And now it seems that the nation’s efforts to make a greener world have paid 4..

According to a study 5. (publish) in the journal Nature Sustainability, China and India are 6. (main) responsible for making the Earth greener over the past two decades. The study has found that since 2000 the Earth’s green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 5 million square kilometers, 7. is an area equal to the total area of the Amazon rainforest. China and India account for one 8. (three) of the increased greening, but contain only 9 percent of the planet’s land area covered in vegetation (植被). China was the major contributor, adding 25 percent 9. this increase, while India added 6.8 percent. There is no denying that China is one of the most successful countries in10.(green) the desert.


1.a 2.reaches 3.organizations 4.off 5.published 6.mainly 7.which 8.third 9.to 10.greening 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了中国在绿化沙漠方面付出的努力终于有了好的结果。 1.考查冠词。句意:你们中有些人可能会在支付宝上玩一种“蚂蚁森林”的游戏。此处泛指“一种游戏”,应用不定冠词,且game的发音是以辅音音素开头,因此用不定冠词a。故填a。 2.考查时态及主谓一致。句意:当“能量”达到一定水平时,一些组织和公司将在中国的沙漠地区种植一棵真正的树。在when引导的时间状语从句中,主句是一般将来时will plant,从句应用一般现在时;主语the “energy”是不可数名词,应用单数第三人称形式。故填reaches。 3.考查名词复数。句意:当“能量”达到一定水平时,一些组织和公司将在中国的沙漠地区种植一棵真正的树。and连接并列成分,因此所填词应该是名词,与companies并列;前面有some,应该用复数形式。故填organizations。 4.考查固定短语。句意:而现在看来,这个国家为建立一个更加绿色的世界所做的努力已经有了结果。短语pay off “取得成功,有了好的结果”,符合句意。故填off。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:根据发表在《自然可持续性》杂志上的一项研究,中国和印度两个国家在过去20年里是让地球变得更绿的主要原因。study和publish之间为逻辑上的被动关系,因此用过去分词做后置定语。故填published。 6.考查副词。句意:根据发表在《自然可持续性》杂志上的一项研究,中国和印度两个国家在过去20年里是让地球变得更绿的主要原因。修饰形容词responsible,应该用副词形式。故填mainly。 7.考查定语从句。句意:研究发现,自2000年以来,地球的绿叶面积增加了5%,即500多万平方公里,这相当于整个亚马逊雨林的面积。分析句子结构,设空处后是非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词over 5 million square kilometers,在从句中作主语,因此用which引导。故填which。 8.考查分数表达。句意:中国和印度占增加了的绿化面积的三分之一,但只包含9%的土地植被覆盖面积。此处是分数1/3的表达法。分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子为one,所填词为分母,因此用序数词形式。故填third。 9.考查介词。句意:中国是主要的贡献者,占增加了的(绿化面积的)25%,而印度占增加了的(绿化面积的)6.8%。短语 add…to“把……增加到”。故填to。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:不可否认,中国是世界绿化上沙漠最成功的国家之一。此处,green是动词,在介词in后,应接动名词作宾语。故填greening。

    There are a thousand heroes in a thousand people’s eyes. In my view, a hero is someone who goes out of his way to make others ___________.

When I was 12 years old, my grandparents passed away. I was really close to them, and ___________ them was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or think; I felt like I couldn’t even _________. It was as if my whole world had fallen down from under me, and I ___________ into this huge hole of depression.

___________ I was batting depression, I was determined to make my high school years the best of my life. It was _______________ to be happy, but I had to try. It was then that I decided to join Women’s Choir. Mr. Wright was the choral director who was so funny that I knew I had made the best _________ of my life. As the year progressed, I began to smile again.

Then one day that all ___________. My friends or those that I thought were my friends—started talking about me behind my back. I was ___________, siting by myself. Mr. Wright came over and asked what was wrong. The look in his eyes told me that I could ____________ him. Trying hard to ____________ back tears, I told him the whole story.

“If you never learn anything from me, learn this: No one is worth ____________ your joy.” What Mr. Wright said really ____________ a chord(心弦) in my heart. He ______________ cared about me and what was going on. I’m really grateful, because he not only saved me but has ______________ my life ever since. Whenever I feel like giving up, I remember Mr. Wright’s words and ____________. Eventually, I beat my depression and now enjoy being in the best choir at my school.

Mr. Wright is a(n) ____________ to me and everyone he meets. He cares about every single person who walks through, his door, and he loves what he does ____________ any other teacher I’ve known. That’s why he __________ to be Educator of the Year. He is worthy of the ______________ not just this year but every year.

1.A.brave B.happy C.ambitious D.secure

2.A.missing B.seeking C.losing D.protecting

3.A.breathe B.sing C.accelerate D.escape

4.A.looked B.broke C.fell D.turned

5.A.If B.Once C.Because D.Although

6.A.important B.challenging C.shameful D.amazing

7.A.suggestion B.decision C.preparation D.offer

8.A.happened B.changed C.appeared D.stayed

9.A.refused B.forgotten C.hurt D.trapped

10.A.trust B.impress C.respect D.satisfy

11.A.win B.fight C.take D.call

12.A.stealing B.sharing C.hiding D.feeling

13.A.braked B.struck C.played D.shook

14.A.cheerfully B.rarely C.exactly D.truly

15.A.explored B.substituted C.understood D.shaped

16.A.give away B.stand out C.push forward D.break away

17.A.teacher B.friend C.hero D.assistant

18.A.more than B.rather than C.regardless of D.instead of

19.A.attempts B.deserves C.pretends D.declines

20.A.title B.job C.help D.effort



    Often, when you buy a computer, the laptop(手提电脑)bag is overlooked, but it is one of the most valuable things a computer owner can have. Most choose a laptop simply because they want to be able to transport it from place to place. 1. The bag not only protects the computer from dirt or damage, it can also be used to carry other laptop parts, such as spare batteries, a computer mouse and any portable equipment you may have.

The first thing to consider when choosing the best laptop bag is what style of bag you may want. The most common styles are the briefcase(公文包)and the backpack. 2.The briefcase gives a sense of professionalism while the backpack may be easier to carry much of the time.

A laptop bag should have both a computer sleeve along with several separate sections. The sleeve helps keep the laptop from moving too much in the bag. The sections are good for storage of documents and other things you may want to transport along with the computer; 3.

Another thing when you buy a laptop bag is making sure it is strongly sewed and has a solid bottom. These two things will make your bag much stronger, especially if it is the backpack style.4. In some cases, it may just be a few months before a computer owner needs a new one. However if made properly, laptop bags can last five or more years.

5. Buying a cloth bag may be a cheaper option, but leather bags are generally made better and are able to stand up to use much better Besides, leather offers a natural barrier to water when the computer is transported through rain or snow.

A.Obviously the former is more important, though.

B.Each one has their own advantages as laptop bags.

C.Materials also make a difference, especially in the briefcase style.

D.But without a good laptop bag, that becomes much more difficult

E.There are lots of choices when it comes to choosing the best laptop bag.

F.This will prevent them rubbing up against the computer and scratching it.

G.Choosing a cheap bag without these could greatly reduce the life of the bag..



    Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless device may be turning friends away from your home. The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes. But few stop to think about the effect these devices may have on house guests. Should you tell your friends, for instance, that they’re being recorded while you all watch the big game together?

“It’s certainly new territory (领地), especially as home security cameras become easier to fix,” says Lizzie Post, president of the Emily Post Institute, America’s distinguished manners advisors. “I think it will be very interesting to see what manners appear in terms of whether you tell people you have a camera or not, and whether guests have a right to ask that it be turned off, if it’s not a security issue.” Post wants to make clear that she’s not talking about legal rights, but rather personal preference.

When it comes to security cameras, Post says it’s a host’s responsibility to make sure guests feel comfortable within their home. If the host casually acknowledges that there is a camera in the room by telling a story about, it that may be enough to provide an opening for a guest to say if they are uncomfortable.

However, if a contractor (合约工) is working in your home, you don’t need to tell them that there are cameras watching. Then again, the camera can also work in contractors’ favor. “If anything does go wrong while they’re in the house, they don’t want to be blamed for it,” she says. “In fact, the camera could be the thing that proves that they didn’t steal the $20, or knock the vase off the table.”

1.What is Lizzie Post mainly discussing about the use of home security cameras?

A.Legal rights.

B.Moral issues.

C.The possible impact on health.

D.Likes and dislikes of individuals.

2.According to Post, what is a host’s responsibility concerning the security camera?

A.Indicating its position.

B.Turning it on all the time.

C.Making their guests feel at ease.

D.Having a casual talk with guests.

3.How can the home security camera help contractors working in your home?

A.It can prove their innocence.

B.It can record their working progress.

C.It can prevent the accidents happening.

D.It can make their work more enjoyable.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the security camera?

A.Negative. B.Pessimistic.

C.Favorable. D.Objective.



    Stepinac has become one of the first high schools in the country to drop all textbooks and replace them with a “digital library”. When students started classes on Monday, they were zipping to an app on their tablets or laptops and bad instant access to all 40 texts in the Stepinac curriculum (课程).

Dennis Lauro, director of an information center which provides technical support to public schools in New York, said neither he nor his colleagues were aware of a similar digital effort in a public school setting. “This is the wave of the future.” Lauro said. “I’m not surprised that a private school would beat the public schools to it. They have the ability to just do it. There is so much politics involved in public schools, when it comes to a move like that, needing approval from boards and committees.”

For Tom Collins, Stepinac’s president, the commitment to digital source material was not so difficult a decision. In the past, students’ families had to spend up to $ 700 a year on textbooks. This year — after the one-time purchase of a tablet or laptop — families only need to pay $ 150. Using the digital library is almost as easy as opening a new book. A student can instantly lap into a digital book and open a map of Egypt or a speech by President John F. Kennedy. A teacher can show a page from a digital book on a whiteboard at the front of the class or send students a link to a particular math problem with notes added in.

The first few weeks may bring some challenges. Stepinac officials expect some parental discomfort over dropping concrete books. They recognize there may be technical faults at first. And they will have to encourage students to leave space-eating photos and music off their tablets — and to keep their tablets charged.

1.What is going on in Stepinac?

A.It’s building a new library.

B.It’s reforming its textbooks.

C.It’s updating its digital resources.

D.It’s changing its management pattern.

2.By saying the underlined sentence. Lauro believes       .

A.public schools face great challenges

B.private schools have their advantages

C.the effort is to cause instant changes

D.it’s a trend for schools to go digital

3.Who may worry about the move in Stepinac?

A.Officials. B.Technicians. C.Parents. D.Teachers.



    There is a certain atmosphere surrounding somebody who lives in Washington. Everybody seems to think that you know more about what is going on, and a fellow who makes his home in Washington can look forward to being invited to lots of parties.

I discovered this when I went up to New York recently. At the first dinner party, everyone was most interested in what was going on in Washington and I was quite honest and admitted I had no idea. Not only did this disappoint the people I was dining with, it also made them angry. They couldn’t believe that I didn’t know and assumed I wasn’t telling the truth.

When I was leaving, the hostess told me, “We didn’t expect you to tell us everything, but I see no reason why you have to protect the Administration.” I decided then I would have to come up with some inside information, or I would have to pay for my own meals in New York

So the next morning I went through all the morning papers and took time to watch TV for  what had happened recently. When I arrived at the party, I was well prepared to discuss almost anything. “What do they say about taxes in Washington?”  a lawyer asked.

“I’ve heard there will probably be a tax cut next year,” I said.

“Can you tell us what the President plans to do about Latin America?”

“I’m sorry!” I said, “There are some things the President discusses with me that I just can’t talk about in public.”

“Quite true,” the lawyer agreed, “You’ve probably told us more than you should anyway.”

For the next three days I had more invitations to dinner parties than I could accept. But it has been quite a strain. I have to go on reading so many newspapers and watching so many TV shows from Washington that sometimes I wonder if it’s worth the trouble.

1.At the first dinner party the people were disappointed and angry because________.

A.the author did not tell them the truth

B.the author refused to pay for the dinner

C.the author did not offer any inside information

D.the author showed no interest in what they discussed

2.How did the author get well prepared for the next party?

A.He tried to catch up on the latest events.

B.He had secret discussions with the President

C.He learned how to protect the Administration.

D.He consulted the lawyer about taxes in Washington.

3.What does the underlined word “strain” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Burden. B.Pleasure.

C.Shame. D.Responsibility.



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