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World War II began when the UK and Franc...

    World War II began when the UK and France declared war on Germany, after German troops led by Adolf Hitler had invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 to claim land there as their own. Hitler had already invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia, so the war began over his plan to take more land for Germany.

The Siege of Leningrad is a famous event during World War II. For 900 days—from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944—the city of Leningrad in Russia was surrounded by German troops. That meant everyone inside the city had to stay there, and that there wasn't any way for food or other sources like medicine to get in. Many hundreds of thousands of people died during this time because there wasn't enough food or heating to go around, but the people who lived in Leningrad refused to surrender to the Germans.

In 1940, the French port of Dunkirk was the location of a big turning point for the Alliein World War II. Hitler's armies bombed Dunkirk heavily, and many Allied troops were waiting on the beach to be rescued because they didn't have the resources they needed to fight back. From 26 May to 4 June, over 550, 000 troops were ferried to safety across the English Channel-the code name for this was 'Operation Dynamo'. Some British civilianspeople who weren't in the armyeven used their own boats to help save as many people as they could. The rescue operation helped to boost morale(士气)in Britain, where they really needed some good news. This helped in going into the next major event in World War II, the Battle of Britain.

June 6,1944 is also known as D-Day. On that day, the Allied forces launched a huge invasion of land that Adolf Hitler's Nazi troops had taken over. It all began with boats and boats full of Allied troops landing on beaches in the French region of Normandy. They broke through the German defences and carried on fighting them back through Europe for the next 11 months until they reached Berlin, where Hitler was then hiding.

1.What led to the outbreak of the second World War?

A.UK and France's declaring war on Germany.

B.German troops' invading Poland in 1939.

C.Hiter's starting an attack on Austria.

D.Hiter's plan for occupying more land.

2.What can be known from the Siege of Leningrad according to the passage?

A.This event lasted about two and a half years.

B.German troops cut all the supplies to Leningrad.

C.Many people were killed by German soldiers.

D.Leningrad was finally occupied by Germans.

3.Which event was the closest to the end of WWII?

A.The Siege of Leningrad. B.Operation Dynamo.

C.The Battle of Britain. D.The D-day Landings.

4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.Causes of WW. B.Hitler's Invasion.

C.Great Wars in WW. D.War and Peace.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章描述了二战期间几次重大的事件包括了列宁格勒保卫、敦刻尔克大撤退、诺曼底登陆等。 1.细节理解题。根据第1段World War II began when the UK and France declared war on Germany, after German troops led by Adolf Hitler had invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 to claim land there as their own可知,当德国入侵且占领波兰后,英法对德宣战。标志了二战的爆发。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段For 900 days—from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944—the city of Leningrad in Russia was surrounded by German troops可知,列宁格勒保卫战时间持续了900天,约两年半。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段June 6,1944 is also known as D-Day. On that day, the Allied forces launched a huge invasion of land that Adolf Hitler's Nazi troops had taken over. It all began with boats and boats full of Allied troops landing on beaches in the French region of Normandy. They broke through the German defenses and carried on fighting them back through Europe for the next 11 months until they reached Berlin, where Hitler was then hiding可知,在撤退日后,盟军在诺曼底登录进行了对德国的反攻。攻陷了柏林。二战基本结束。根据各战事发生的时间可知,D-day landings离二战结束最近。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。分析文章可知,本文第一段引出二战爆发的事件及原因,接下来三段重点介绍了二战中著名的几大战役。故选C项。

    Donald Kennedy would probably be amused by an old friend's tribute(颂词)to him as “very close to being a Renaissance man.”

It's hard to argue with the facts. The 8 years he served as editor-in-chief of Science was only the final chapter in a long and very exceptional career. He spent most of it at Stanford University, including 12 years as its president, interrupted by a 2-year head of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration under former President Jimmy Carter. But the Harvard University-trained neurobiologist wore those and other honors lightly, driven by a greedy curiosity about the world and a wish to help make it a better place.

Kennedy, who died on 21 April of COVID-19 at age 88, enjoyed his role as a scientist, educator, public servant, and communicator, recalls Tom Grumbly, who was his assistant at FDA. "A brilliant, funny, very special person," says Grumbly, who leads a foundation that claims increased support for agricultural research. "He could talk on any level to people about science, without placing himself above them. And he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the best scientists in the world.”

The combination of a towering intellect and a genuine concern for the individual served Kennedy well at Science. "He was a wonderful partner at the American Association for the Advancement of ScienceAAAS," says Alan Leshner, a former longtime chief executive at AAAS, which publishes Science. "He contributed his wisdom about science and public policy to our efforts on behalf of the community.”

As editor from 2000 to 2008, Kennedy led the journal through some high-profile(备受瞩目)controversies and quickly produced editorials(社论)on all matters affecting its readers. And it wasn't his nature to step backward.

In that 2008 editorial, Kennedy offered advice to Alberts, his successor, on editing a scientific journal. But it could also stand as an epitaph(墓志铭)on his long career in the public stage.

"Be as fair as you can, sympathize with anger, confess institutional error when appropriate, and be firm," Kennedy wrote. "And when the disappointed complain to members of the AAAS Board, remember to smile!"

1.What do we know about Kennedy from the first three paragraphs?

A.He worked at Stanford University after serving in Science.

B.He had a strong desire to make the world work for better.

C.He led a foundation to strongly support agricultural research.

D.He respected ordinary people but looked down on scientists.

2.What did Kennedy intend to tell Alberts in his advice?

A.Working for Science is not as easy.

B.Seeing the editorial work as a career.

C.Holding truth firm with a broad mind.

D.Remembering to smile while working.

3.Which of the following can best describe Kennedy?

A.Curious and funny. B.Amusing and greedy.

C.Crazy and controversial. D.Intellectual and caring.

4.What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?

A.To honor Kennedy. B.To introduce a celebrity.

C.To remind us of Science. D.To tell a life story.



Nashville Vacation Packages

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Best of Nashville TN Vacation

With this package, you’ll go on the Discover Nashville Tour where you’ll see the highlights of the city like historic downtown, the state capital, the Parthenon, and so much more. Also included is a Grand Ole Opry show and the General Jackson Evening Dinner Cruise. This package is the perfect one for your family

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Grand Ole Opry Package

With this package, you can visit the Grand Ole Opry, and see the General Jackson Showboat Dinner Cruise.

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— 3 Nights’ Lodging in your choice of over 84 hotels.

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Nashville Romantic Getaway Package

With this vacation package, you can experience stress-free activities with a personal chauffeur! Take a carriage tour around the city as well as visit the General Jackson Showboat Dinner Cruise where you are able to relax and take a break from your day-to-day life.

Package Includes

— 2 Nights’ Lodging in your choice of over 84 hotels.

— Standard Chauffeur 1-4 Passengers

— General Jackson Showboat Dinner Cruise

— 30 Minute Cinderella Carriage Tour

Starting at $313 per adult*

1.What is included in the package Best of Nashville TN Vacation?

A.Choosing 84 hotels to stay in.

B.Learning about history of cities.

C.Enjoying a dinner with Jackson.

D.Asking for a personal driver with you.

2.Which vacation package will you choose if you want to spend least?

A.Best of Nashville TN Vacation.

B.Grand Ole Opry Package.

C.Gaylord Opryland Resort Country Christmas.

D.Nashville Romantic Getaway Package.

3.What service do these four packages have in common?

A.You can visit Grand Ole Opry show.

B.You can take a boat to travel around.

C.Children could be charged for nothing.

D.Many hotels are offered to choose from.






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Chinese Club

University of London



假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My uncle set up a small business in our city four years ago. He is known as using iron from old cars to make beautifully art pieces. Last summer vacation, I visit him and he showed to me many of his works. Some are larger pieces looked like animals and humans, and others are smaller pieces you can put at home. He often encourages me to be creative like himself. The art tells people the important of environmental protection. What’s more, it shows that even irons can be brought back to life with little creativity.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“Leave a place better than you found it.” is a simple philosophy that I hold dear. I led 20 volunteers  to  help  clean  up  the  Great  Wall  in  April.  Tile  Great  Wall  is  one  of  the 1. (great)structures in the world. Everyone has a responsibility to protect it.

I first went to China to visit the Great Wall in 1986. Since 1990, I 2. (stay)in China with my family, 3. (spend)more than 2,700 days on the Great Wall. I have written several books on the subject, and also fronted documentaries.

I am credited with arousing China’s 4. (nation) consciousness to protect the Great Wall and its environment and I have held several exhibitions. 5. (protect) the Great Wall and assume the role 6. its international ambassador, I got permanent residency(居住权) in China. I live in a village below the Great Wall.

It’s a good thing that people are going out to enjoy 7. (they) and to discover tire great heritage and history, but 8. is also quite dangerous if they don’t understand 9. fragile the environment is. Every person can make a 10. (different). If we can get everybody to protect the environment, the world will be more green, beautiful and healthy.



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