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Making choices is hard. That would be wh...

    Making choices is hard. That would be why researcher Moran Cerf has _______ it from his life. As a rule, he always chooses the second menu item at a restaurant.

This is _______ by his research in neuroeconomics(神经经济学)(a somewhat new. divisive field) at Northwestern University. As Business Insider describes, Cerf has extended his ideas—which draw on some controversial ideas in psychology, including ego depletion out-into a piece of advice that, to _______ happiness, people should "build a life that requires _______ decisions by surrounding themselves with people who possess traits they prefer.

On an instinctive level, Cerf's idea _______: Many choices people make are the product of social pressures and the inputs of _______ people around them. One example Cerf furnishes is that. _______ consistently ordering the second menu item, he never picks where to eat. Rather, he _______ his decision to his dining partner—which friend he plans to eat with, probably one he trusts—and always lets them pick.

While it’s _______ what, if any scientific principles underlie those pieces of advice, there is no shortage of research showing that choices can sometimes feel more ________ than liberating. An example from Quanta poits (假设)If you have a clear love of Snickers(士力架),choosing that over an Almond Joy(杏仁巧克力)or a Milky Way(牛奶巧克力)should be a ________. And, as an experiment conducted by neuroscientist Paul Glimcher at NYU shows most of the time it is, ________ you introduce more choices.

When the participants were offered three candy bars (Snickers, Milky Way, and Almond Joy) they had no problem picking their favorite, but when they were given the option of one among 20 including Snickers, they would sometimes drift away from their ________. When the choices were taken away in later trials, the participants would wonder what caused them to make such a bad decision.

As Quanta details, according to a model called “divisive normalization(分裂归一化), which has gained some popularity, the way the brain encodes choices has a lot to do with how it values all its options. So if you have two things that are clearly ________ brain areas involved in decision-making fire in a pattern that makes the decision clear. When the choices are comparable, the brain docs its best to focus on the distinctions between the two, but more choices ________ that ability out.

1.A.relieved B.released C.eliminated D.liberated

2.A.influenced B.inherited C.implemented D.informed

3.A.maximize B.balance C.cherish D.seek

4.A.safer B.fewer C.better D.sounder

5.A.stands out B.comes into force C.makes sense D.plays a part

6.A.distinguished B.trusted C.authorized D.honored

7.A.in addition to B.instead of C.in spite of D.regardless of

8.A.conveys B.relates C.submits D.limits

9.A.evident B.unclear C.critical D.inevitable

10.A.confusing B.inspiring C.worrying D.appealing

11.A.stressor B.no-brainer C.challenge D.headache

12.A.after B.before C.when D.until

13.A.preference B.struggle C.status D.direction

14.A.impressive B.insignificant C.unique D.distinct

15.A.crowd B.figure C.sort D.put


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在做决定时心理学理论和大脑的工作过程。选项越少时,人们更容易选择自己喜欢的事物,但当选项变多时,人们往往会偏离自己喜欢的东西。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:做决定是非常困难的,这就是为什么研究者Moran Cerf把把做决定这一活动从他生命中消除的原因。A. relieved解除;B. released释放;C. eliminated消除;D. liberated解放。分析文章内容可知,后文提到“As a rule, he always chooses the second menu item at a restaurant.”通常来讲,Moran Cerf在餐厅时总是选择菜单第二个选项。由此判断,Moran Cerf已经放弃了选择这个活动,在他的生活中已经不需要选择了。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是他在西北大学神经经济学,这一较新的研究领域中得出的。A. influenced影响;B. inherited继承;C. implemented实施;D. informed通知;了解。分析文章内容可知,Moran Cerf是西北大学的研究员,因此才能根据他的研究得出“Making choices is hard. ”做决定很困难这一结论。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Cerf扩充了他的想法——这些想法借鉴了心理学中一些有争议的想法,包括自我枯竭,他提出了一条建议,即为了使幸福最大化,人们应该多和自己有着相同喜好的人接触以做出更少的决定。A. maximize最大化;B. balance平衡;C. cherish珍惜;D. seek寻求。分析文章内容可知,Cerf认为做决定是一件很困难的事,而且在他的日常生活中他也尽量避免做决定,从神经经济学的角度来讲,这会让他生活的幸福感提升。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Cerf扩充了他的想法——这些想法借鉴了心理学中一些有争议的想法,包括自我枯竭,他提出了一条建议,即为了使幸福最大化,人们应该多和自己有着相同喜好的人接触以做出更少的决定。A. safe安全的;B. fewer更少的; C. better更好的;D. sounder更合理的。后文提到“by surrounding themselves with people who possess traits they prefer.”可以多和与自己有着相同喜好的人接触,喜好相同意味着没有较多的分歧,这样也不需要再做其他额外的决定。故选B。 5.考查动词词组辨析。句意:在本能层面上来讲,Cerf的想法是有道理的:人们所做的许多决定都是来自于社会的压力和周围可信赖人的输入。A. stands out突出;B. comes into force生效;C. makes sense有意义;D. plays a part发挥作用。前文提到“On an instinctive level”Cerf在神经经济学领域得出的结论,在人类本能层面上也能说的通。故选C。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在本能层面上来讲,Cerf的想法是有道理的:人们所做的许多决定都是来自于社会的压力和周围可信赖人的输入。A. distinguished尊敬的;B. trusted信任的;C. authorized授权的;D. honored荣幸的。后文提到“which friend he plans to eat with, probably one he trusts—and always lets them pick.”在和朋友们吃饭的时候,Cerf也会让他信任的朋友们点餐,由此判断有时候做决定的时候是自己信任的人。故选B。 7.考查介词词组。句意:除了不断点菜单里的第二项之外,他从来不选择去哪里吃饭。A. in addition to除此之外;B. instead of而不是;C. in spite of尽管;D. regardless of不管。后文提到Cerf在吃饭地点这件事上从来不做选择,说明他除了点菜单上的第二个菜之外不做任何其他的事情。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反的是,他会把仅有的决定用在决定他的用餐伙伴上——他会决定和哪个朋友一起吃饭,有可能是他信任的朋友——并且总是让他们挑选吃什么。A. conveys传达;B. relates相关;C. submits提交;D. limits限制。分析文章内容可知,Cerf是一个不怎么做决定的人,他会做决定的事只有吃菜单上的第二项和决定自己和谁一起吃饭,由此判断Cerf只会在某些事情上做决定,即限制自己做决定的情况。故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然目前还不清楚,有什么科学原则作为这些建议的基础。但不乏研究表明,选择有时候会比自由更让人困惑。A. evident显而易见的;B. unclear不确定的;C. critical关键性的;D. inevitable不可避免的。第二段第三行提到“Cerf has extended his ideas—which draw on some controversial ideas in psychology”,Cerf的研究结果是借鉴了一些具有争议的观点,而不是具有权威性的理论,因此Cerf这一结果的理论基础是不确定的。故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然目前还不清楚,有什么科学原则作为这些建议的基础。但不乏研究表明,选择有时候会比自由更让人困惑。A. confusing令人困惑的;B. inspiring鼓舞人心的;C. worrying担心的;D. appealing有吸引力的。分析文章可知,第四、五段提到了一个实验,如果只有三个巧克力的话人们很快就能选出自己喜欢的那一个,但如果有二十个选项的话人们反而不知道选择哪一个,即拥有更多的选项反而会让人无从选择。故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你非常喜欢士力架,那么选择杏仁巧克力还是牛奶巧克力就是一件无需动脑筋的事。A. stressor压力;B. no-brainer无需动脑的事;C. challenge挑战;D. headache头痛。分析文章可知,作为巧克力喜爱者在巧克力选项中二选一应该是一件很简单的事情。故选B。 12.考查介词辨析。句意:而且,正如神经学家Paul Glimcher在纽约大学进行的一项实验所显示的那样,大多数情况都是这样的,直到引入更多的选择。A. after在……之后;B. before在……之前;C. when当……时候;D. until直到……才。第五段提到被试者被给出了20个选项来做出选择,在有着20个选项的时候,做决定就变成了一件非常困难的事情。故选D。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当被试者在三种巧克力中选择一个最喜欢的时,对他们而言是完全没问题的,但当他们被给予20个选择时,有时候就会偏离他们的喜好。A. preference偏好;B. struggle挣扎;C. status状态;D. direction方向。该段最后一句提到“…make such a bad decision.”被试者会做出非常糟糕的决定,由此判断在选项很多的情况下,会导致人们不会选择自己喜欢的事物,这就导致被试者觉得自己做了一个不好的决定。故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是明显不同的大脑区域参与决策。A. impressive令人印象深刻的;B. insignificant微不足道的;C. unique独特的;D. distinct与众不同的。前文提到“the way the brain encodes choices has a lot to do with how it values all its options.”大脑选择编码的方式与大脑如何看待所有的选项有很大的关系,即大脑在做不同抉择时所运用的大脑部分是不一样的。故选D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当选项可比较时,大脑会竭尽其所能专注于两者之间的区别,但当选项变多时,这种能力就会被排斥出来。A. crowd挤;B. figure认为;C. sort整理;分类;D. put放。第四、五段提到,当人们只用在三个选项中做出选择时,很快就能选择出自己喜欢的那一个,但如果在二十多个选项中人们就很难做出很好的选择,即做选择的能力就被削弱了,且此处为固定词组crowd out,意为“挤出;驱逐;排斥”。故选A。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word: for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Plants Scream in the Face of Stress

For the first time, researchers appear to have evidence that like animals, those plants deprived of water or 1. (force) to endure bodily harm can let out their pain. The study, 2. has yet to be published in a scientific Journal, adds another dimension to scientists 3. (grow) understanding of how plants detect and interact with their surroundings.

In recent years, it has become very clear that plants are more sensitive than researchers 4. (think). They respond when touched by insects and turn toward sources of light. "Plants are not just robotic stimulus-response devices," said Frantisek Baluska of the University of Bonn in Germany. "They're living organisms which have their own problems/'

Actually making their suffering hearable, however, is another matter entirely. 5. (test) that possibility, a team led by Itzhak Khait, a plant scientist at Tel Aviv University in Israel, placed microphones capable of detecting ultrasonic frequencies (超声波频率)four inches from tomato and tobacco plants. The researcher then either stopped watering them or cut their stems.

Measuring in the range of 20 to 150 kilohertz (千赫).the researchers found that even happy, healthy plants made the occasional noise. But when cut, tobacco plants emitted 6. average of 15 sounds within an hour of being cut 7. tomato plants produced 25 sounds.

8. researchers aren't yet sure how plants produce these sounds, Khait and his colleagues proposed one possibility in their paper 9. as water travels through the plants' tubes, air bubbles will form and explode, producing small vibrations.

All this "screaming” caused by stress wasn't in a range detectable by human ears. But organisms that can hear ultrasonic frequencies—like mice, bats or perhaps other plants—10. possibly hear the plants cries from as far away as 15 feet.




1. 音乐会时间、地点;

2. 音乐会内容;

3. 期待他们参加。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I'm Alex, a boy whom lives in Pakistan. My country has been on war for years. There are bomb blowing up as I am writing this email. Today is my sister's twenty birthday. I hope to buy big cake to celebrate his birthday but it is dangerous to go out to buy one. My uncles try all means to make me to stay at home. They worry about me because my dad died three years ago. These bad people is blowing up everything. There is no safe place to live in my country anymore. Everybody is terrifying. I wish we can all live in peace.




3D printing and virtual reality are cool, but when are we going to be able to clone ourselves? It'd be fantastic for1.weto send our clone off to school or work and sit back and do2.we really want to do. There have been important advances in cloning in the last several decades, leading to the3.successcloning of various animals. So far, however, there4.beno human clones.

In large part, cloning has been5.victim of pop culture to the degree that the general public has grand notions of what it will be like. There is no6.possibleof cloning a grown version of ourselves in a matter of hours or dayslike you see in the movies.

7.general, we already have the tools to make cloning happen today; we just have some moral problems 8.overcomebefore the world won't raise major alarms at scientists cloning someone. That leaves the question 9.us then, the general public, do you think cloning is okay? Would you clone a lost loved one to bring them back, or if you found yourself unable to have kids, would you clone yourself? These are the questions we must answer first before we succeed in10.create human clones.



    In October 2015, Shah began picking up rubbish from the beach every Sunday morning. At first, it was just him and a neighbor, and then he began_________others to join in. Word spread and with help from social media, more volunteers got_________.

Shah hasn't stopped since. He's now spent 209 weekends_________to this mission, inspiring more than 200,000_________to join him in what's been called the world's biggest beach cleanup. By October 2018, Versova Beach was_________clean and Shah's cleanups expanded to another_________as well as a stretch of the Mithi River and other regions of India.

For Shah, the work has_________been a personal journey, but it has earned_________attention. After he was_________as a Champion of the Earth by the United Nations in 2016, Bollywood celebrities and politicians__________his mission and joined in his cleanups.

Today, Shah is also working with coastal communities to__________plastic pollution at one of the sources. In areas lacking waste management systems, __________often endsup in streams and rivers that empty into the__________. Shah and his volunteers__________and assist villagers in reducing, managing and recycling their plastic waste.

"This world__________too much. I think you must talk less and do action__________," he said. “Every citizen on this __________must be in for a long pull. I feel the__________to do something for my planet, so this will__________for life. If each one could start, this journey could become__________Can we do it together?”

1.A.asking B.ordering C.warning D.forcing

2.A.challenged B.encouraged C.involved D.required

3.A.compared B.adapted C.related D.devoted

4.A.workers B.volunteers C.journalists D.clerks

5.A.originally B.finally C.suddenly D.theoretically

6.A.park B.bank C.beach D.market

7.A.occasionally B.hardly C.already D.always

8.A.global B.local C.national D.coastal

9.A.described B.honored C.opposed D.elected

10.A.simplified B.changed C.accepted D.finished

11.A.make B.discuss C.throw D.handle

12.A.trees B.materials C.rubbish D.tools

13.A.ocean B.factory C.mountain D.forest

14.A.protect B.control C.scold D.educate

15.A.talks B.complains C.thinks D.argues

16.A.earlier B.faster C.more D.better

17.A.sea B.planet C.water D.sands

18.A.pity B.need C.pain D.effect

19.A.come on B.get on C.look on D.go on

20.A.great B.complex C.complete D.difficult



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