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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Many students are suffered from near­sightedness. It is because the overuse of mobile phones, computers and ipads which their sight has been harmed. If your eyes are fixing on a small bright screen for a long time, your eyesight will be badly affected.

Near­sightedness has brought much trouble to the students. It makes them able to see clearly what is being written on a blackboard.

To have good eyesight, we must use eyes in a right way. Let’s take up books and reading for a while in bright light. When reading, we should keep up a distance between the eyes and the books. When feeling tired, we should leave the books for a while and do the eyes exercise for relaxation. Only by using eyes in a health way can we have a pair of bright eyes.


1.suffered→suffering 2.because后加of 3.which→that 4.fixing→fixed 5.able→unable 6.a→the 7.reading→read 8.去掉up 9.eyes→eye 10.health→healthy 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了学生近视产生的原因以及保护好视力的一些具体措施。 第一处:考查现在进行时。分析句意“许多学生患有近视”,所以本句为现在进行时。故将suffered改成suffering。 第二处:考查固定短语。because of后接名词、代词或者动名词,而because后接句子。故将because后加of。 第三处:考查强调句。分析句子可知,本句为强调句型,结构为“it be +强调部分+that”。强调的是:because of the overuse of mobile phones, computers and ipads。故将which改成that。 第四处:考查语态。分析句子可知,主语 your eyes 与谓语fix on是被动关系,所以本句为一般现在时的被动语态。故将fixing改成fixed。 第五处:考查形容词。根据句意“这使他们看不清楚黑板上写的是什么”可知,作宾语补足语的形容词为unable。故将able改成unable。 第六处:考查冠词。根据句意“这使他们看不清楚黑板上写的是什么”,所以本句特指黑板,所以冠词用定冠词the。on the blackboard“在黑板上”。故将a改成the。 第七处:考查动词。and并列连接take up 和read。故将reading改成read。 第八处:考查及物动词。keep为及物动词,后直接接名词。keep a distance“保持距离。”故去掉up。 第九处:考查名词。eye exercise“眼保健操” ,名词修饰名词,用单数形式修饰名词。故eyes改成eye。 第十处:考查形容词。way为名词,形容词healthy修饰名词way。故将health改成healthy。


When someone has 1. (deep) hurt you, it can be very difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible and it can be surprisingly 2. (benefit) to your physical, and mental health. So far, research 3. (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better sleep. “People who forgive show 4. (little) anger and more hopefulness,” says Dr Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. “So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people 5. (feel) more energetic.”

So when someone has hurt you, cool down first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something 6. gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Don’t wait for an 7. (apologize). “Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr Luskin. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things in 8. same way. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting a very long time.”

Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean 9. (accept) the action of the person who upsets you. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things from the other person’s perspective. You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to 10. (you) from that person’s point of view.



    In a clean, clinical room, my best friend was dying in my arms. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon ________ forever. Heartbroken, I said, “Flash, you ________ so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a ________.”

Flash came into my ________ when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he ________ my family with joy.

Then, ________ happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my ________, passed away. My sister developed Crohn’s Disease and while being tested, ________ a heart attack. I was being bullied at school and started to ________ classes and avoid seeing people.

Flash soon gave me all the ________ he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no ________, but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was ________ there for me. I knew he understood.

Now after 15 years, Flash was ________. I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I ________ in a non­profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to ________ children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the ________ I had been on, and even accept the ________ bits.

I still miss Flash. It was him that had somehow ________ me to helping others. Flash’s death was one of the ________ moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that ________ who I was—in the best possible way—forever.

1.A.open B.fade C.shine D.close

2.A.told B.brought C.saved D.owed

3.A.relief B.chance C.reward D.bonus

4.A.world B.room C.mind D.power

5.A.helped B.protected C.filled D.decorated

6.A.disasters B.stories C.wonders D.mistakes

7.A.burden B.trouble C.challenge D.strength

8.A.caused B.noticed C.suffered D.fought

9.A.skip B.give C.take D.enjoy

10.A.comment B.comfort C.expectation D.relaxation

11.A.time B.hope C.money D.use

12.A.frequently B.sometimes C.hardly D.always

13.A.gone B.aging C.missing D.deserted

14.A.searched B.volunteered C.competed D.performed

15.A.talking about B.meeting with C.attending to D.bringing up

16.A.journey B.earth C.holiday D.street

17.A.fantastic B.absurd C.pleasant D.hard

18.A.trained B.forced C.led D.persuaded

19.A.fullest B.saddest C.tiniest D.craziest

20.A.explained B.admitted C.transformed D.described




Our Fears Can Change the Reality of the Situation

At times, our worries and anxieties can defeat us. In addition, our worries can change our understanding of what is reality and what is not. Here is a brief list of techniques that you can use to help gain a better viewpoint on things during the anxious moments.

1.A person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

Remember that our fearful thoughts are made to seem worse and can make the problem worse.2.When unexpectedly having thoughts that make you fearful or anxious, challenge these thoughts by asking yourself positive questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

Be smart in how you deal with fears and anxieties. Do not try to deal with everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that makes you anxious, break the task into small ones.3.

Remember that all the worrying in the world will not change anything. Most of what you worry about never comes true.4.Then you should leave everything else in the hands of God.

It is not easy to deal with all the fears and worries. When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, try to calm down and then get the facts of the situation. The key is to take it slow. All you can do is do your best each day, hope for the best, and when something does happen, take it easy.5.

A.Take it one step at a time and things will work out well at last.

B.When feeling anxious, stop what you are doing and try to do something relaxing.

C.This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety.

D.Instead of worrying about something that probably wont happen, concentrate on what you are able to do.

E.The next time you fell depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.

F.A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

G.Completing these smaller tasks once at a time will make the stress more manageable and increase your chances of success.



    The United Nations Environment Program is calling for urgent action to reduce growing risks from chemicals. Better management of chemicals could save millions of lives and billions of dollars. As estimated, 143,000 chemicals are now produced. Yet the report says only a small number of these chemicals have been studied for their effects on human health and the environment. It says death and disability rates are high from the unsafe use of chemical products.

Sylvie Lemmet, director of the UNEP, says poor management of chemicals has a high economic cost. For example, she says the cost is higher than the amount of overseas development aid, or ODA, for health care in sub-Saharan Africa.

She says, “If you look at the estimated cost of poisoning from pesticide (杀虫剂) in sub-Saharan Africa, only the injury and the loss of working time is estimated to be 6.3 billion US dollars in 2009. This is higher than the total ODA that is going to the health part in the same area.”

The UNEP estimates that chemical sales worldwide will increase by around three percent a year until 2050. Chemical production is moving quickly from developed to developing countries. By 2020, chemical production is expected to increase by 40 percent in Africa and the Middle East and 33 percent in Latin America. One of its biggest concerns is pollution of rivers and lakes by pesticide and fertilizer. Other major concerns are heavy metal pollution from the production of cement (水泥) and textiles (纺织品), and dioxin pollution from mining.

The UN report urges the chemical industry and governments to work together to develop safety policies. It says preventing harm costs less than fixing it.

1.The purpose of Paragraph 3 is mainly to indicate that ______.

A.chemicals have a high production cost

B.Africa needs more development aid

C.the use of pesticide causes a great loss

D.the estimated cost of poisoning from pesticide is incorrect

2.Which of the following is NOT a source of danger according to the text?

A.Pesticide. B.Fertilizer.

C.Heavy metals. D.Minerals.

3.According to the text, what is the main reason for the risks from chemicals?

A.The mass production of cement and textiles.

B.Lack of research funds on chemicals.

C.Poor management of chemicals.

D.Contradictions between chemical producers and governments.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.The truth in Sylvie Lemmet’s comments

B.A UN warning about chemical dangers

C.The unpredictable future of chemical industry

D.Preventing is much better than fixing



    Whenever I hear a recording of John Denver singing “Sunshine on My Shoulders” I find myself smiling, drawn to a love of the sun and the outdoors I’ve had for years as a Michigan native. Walking barefoot to the lake, playing without shirts in the sunlight, and breathing fresh air feel good. As a doctor I can tell you they are also good for your heart.

Studies have found higher rates of high blood pressure among people with the lowest sun exposure. One reason may be due to nitric oxide (一氧化氮), a gas whose function is activated when your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays. It reduces both heart attack and stroke risks. Vitamin D, which sunlight helps your body produce, is also linked to better health. So walk outdoors for 15 to 30 minutes daily.

In Japan, walking through forests to keep healthy has become a popular practice. Apparently they want to enjoy the fresh air. But research on 280 volunteers found that people had a reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure when they walked through a forest than when they spent time in an urban area.

One of the consequences of modern society is that rarely is our body in direct contact with the ground. The earth has an electrical current. Direct contact with it may be stabilizing force for good health. Although “earthing” or “grounding” is considered alternative by mainstream medicine, research shows that the practice seems to be able to reduce heart disease risks.

So, walk around barefoot wherever possible, let your backyard grass tickle your feet, and dig your toes into sandy beaches.

1.The first paragraph is meant to ________.

A.show the author likes the song very much

B.put forward the argument of the passage

C.suggest that the author loves nature crazily

D.indicate the author is a Michigan native

2.Sunbathing is good for heart because _______.

A.the sun’s rays make nitric oxide work

B.sunlight can help people keep warm

C.the sun’s rays can help replace vitamin D

D.vitamin D reduces blood circulation

3.It’s believed that walking through forests can ________.

A.make people popular B.help breathe in fresh air

C.reduce blood pressure D.help escape noisy cities

4.The best title of the passage should be ________.

A.Nitric Oxide Has Magic Functions

B.Walking Barefoot Builds the Body

C.Sunbathing is Good for Health

D.Outdoor Activities Benefit the Heart



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