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With Chinese consumers hit by quarantine...

    With Chinese consumers hit by quarantine (隔离期)and travel restrictions as well as just cautious about going out to the shops due to the coronavirus epidemic(流行病),companies in China are experimenting with new tricks to make sales.

Oil giant Sinopec — keen to get customers back in their cars and help farmers due to roadblocks — launched a new project last month called "zerotouch" vegetable sales at its 6,000 gas stations in 147 Chinese cities. Consumers place and pay for orders on the app and when they drive up, gas station employees put the vegetables into their car trunk, eliminating any need for human-to-human contact.

"The coronavirus outbreak has made it difficult for people to shop as before," said Li Hong vice president of Sinopec's convenience store sales division. "Travel demand has been falling, but demand for food is pretty rigid."

Mengniu Dairy, China's dairy producer, is racing to add more vending machines to the 10,000 it currently has, saying the epidemic has driven unexpectedly strong demand for the sales channel. Its system allows customers to order products like milk and yoghurt online which can then be picked up from their local vending machine. "The virus outbreak has decreased consumption for dairy products as people are unwilling to go to the supermarket," said Meng Fanjie, head of the company's Communist Party committee. Luckin Coflfee, a competitive rival to Starbucks, now also offers the sanitizer (消毒) products e.g. hand soap besides coffee. Liu Xingliaging, an independent retait analyst, said, however, that Luckin's strategy would have only a modest impact. “At best some users will place an order when they buy coffee, but nobody is deliberately choosing the Luckin app just to buy sanitizer.”

1.According to the passage, why did some companies adopt new selling methods?

A.Citizens were not allowed to go out.

B.The demand for travel and food declined sharply.

C.The coronavirus epidemic changed people's way of life.

D.Companies desired to grasp the chance to defeat their competitors.

2.What does the underlined word "eliminating" in Paragraph 2 most probably refer to?

A.meeting B.removing

C.decreasing D.limiting

3.The passage is written mainly to          .

A.illustrate the difficulty caused by the coronavirus epidemic

B.explain the changes made by some companies in the epidemic

C.describe the challenges some companies met during the epidemic

D.reveal the intelligence people showed in the coronavirus epidemic


1.C 2.B 3.B 【解析】 本文是新闻报道,文章讲述了由于冠状病毒的流行而对外出购物持谨慎态度,中国企业正在尝试“无接触”模式的新销售手段。 1.细节理解题,考查获取事实性信息的能力。由第一段的“With Chinese consumers hit by quarantine (隔离期)and travel restrictions as well as just cautious about going out to the shops due to the coronavirus epidemic(流行病),companies in China are experimenting with new tricks to make sales.”(随着中国消费者受到检疫和旅行限制的打击,以及由于冠状病毒的流行而对外出购物持谨慎态度,中国企业正在尝试新的销售手段。),可知是因为冠状病毒的流行改变了人们的生活方式,企业才采用新的销售手段。故选C项。 2.词义猜测题,考查根据上下文推断单词的含义。由第二段第一句“Oil giant Sinopec — keen to get customers back in their cars and help farmers due to roadblocks — launched a new project last month called "zerotouch" vegetable sales at its 6,000 gas stations in 147 Chinese cities.”(石油巨头中石化上个月在147个中国城市的6000个加油站启动了一个名为“零接触”蔬菜销售的新项目。)和其中的“Consumers place and pay for orders on the app and when they drive up, gas station employees put the vegetables into their car trunk, eliminating any need for human-to-human contact.”(消费者在应用程序上下订单并付款,当他们驱车来到时,加油站员工将蔬菜放入汽车后备箱,消除了任何人与人之间的接触。),可知中石化启动了“零接触”蔬菜销售的新项目,所以是eliminating(消除)了人与人的接触,用removing(去掉)代替。故选B项。 3.主旨大意题,考查理解主旨要义的能力。文章第一段点明文章大意,即由于冠状病毒的流行而对外出购物持谨慎态度,中国企业正在尝试“无接触”模式的新销售手段;第二至四段进行举例说明,第二至三段讲中石化因疫情采取“零接触”蔬菜销售的新项目;第四段讲蒙牛也因疫情采取了网上订购产品,然后从当地的自动售货机上取货的新销售模式;所以本文主要讲一些公司在疫情期间所做的改变。故选B项。

    Do you have a job? If you do, you’ll know the world of work can be tough-long hours, boring tasks and stress. But it can bring benefits too, such as a regular salary. Maybe that's why more of us are now taking on a side hustle — another name for a second job.

For some having two jobs is a necessity — a way to make ends meet and provide extra income. But it now seems that more people want to put their skills and passions into practice to make money. These tend to be entrepreneurial young people who want to work on their own projects alongside their main source of income.

According to Henley Business School, around one in four workers run at least one side hustle business, half of which were started in the past two years. Those aged 25 to 34 are most likely to be involved, with 37 percent thought to run a sideline of some kind. It calculates that the average side hustler makes about 20 percent of their income through their second job.

But what's interesting is that many millennials (千禧一代)are turning their hand to new jobs not just for money and security. Research has found that almost three-quarters of people are following a passion or exploring a new challenge. Becci Mai Ford, who works some of the time for a telecommunications company to pay the bills, spends the rest of her time developing her craft company. She says going full-time is "not financially worth it right now but it fuels my creative soul and makes me happy".

Of course having a side hustle means you are self-employed, which can give you flexibility to work when you like, but it can be risky. You sometime work on a zero-hours contract and may not get offered enough work. Or what was originally your passion may become more of a chore. However; this could be the best way to try out a new career or follow a passion while not giving up the day job.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for people to take on a side hustle?

A.To make money. B.To obtain job satisfaction.

C.To have the flexibility to work. D.To enjoy a risky lifestyle.

2.The author explains the study from Henley Business School by        .

A.describing the process B.making a comparison

C.presenting research findings D.analyzing cause and effect

3.What is the author's attitude towards having a second job?

A.Critical. B.Indifferent.

C.Neutral. D.Favorable.




















Dear editor,

1 am Li Hua,an exchange student from China.I am writing to point out to you some of the mistake in your recent article about the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival.

The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival falls May 5th in the Chinese Lunar Calendar,not the calendar using around the world.Also,we compete with dragon boats,where there was always a dragon head at the front,not rowing boats.To correct the mistakes is constructive but thus readers can have the better understanding of China.However,I quite appreciate your efforts to introduce Chinese culture to our people.In my opinion,it is no doubt that it will sure bridge the gap between our countries.

Thank you for your efforts.Wish you all are the best!


Li Hua




The WeChat official account CNTOLONDON(中国旅游局伦敦公众号)1.(play)an active role in Britain,providing abundant cultural resources to Chinese people in the country.The WeChat account,  2.(run)by the China National Tourist Office(CNTO)in London,has in the past month posted information about Chinese culture,online cultural 3.(activity),Sino-UK cultural exchange programs and cultural resources about  4.countries.

Huang Ping,general secretary of the London Chinatown Chinese Association,said the 5.time)information from CNTOLONDON has been very helpful.

At present Chinese people in Britain are thinking about how 6.(sustain)their normal lives, as they have stopped boring and stressful daily living supplies.CNTOLONDON has provided us 7.pretty useful cultural resources,"Huang said.

Lady Xuelin Bates also 8.(high)praised the resources on the CNTOLONDON as"terrific" and"very attentive”

And the WeChat account 9.(welcome)domestically,as Chinese blogger Feifeima FM said readers were fond of the online cultural services from CNTOLONDON,many of  10.had no idea that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China had been providing such resources as early as February.



    I come from a broken family that many would consider "abnormal" at the very least: marriages, divorces, etc. And that is where this story _______

My sister Jeanne and I were born only 14 months apart, but by the time we were teenagers we had lost _______.By age 15. I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father's restaurant in Virginia. Later, Jeanne got married and _______in Chicago. We lived separate lives in separate states, and our connection somehow_______

Fast-forward about nine years. I was 24 and on a_______ with my fiance to New York City, a place I had never been, to see the _______.We went to the Statue of Liberty, Chinatown, and several Manhattan clubs. I had never seen so many taxicabs in one spot in all my life.It was overwhelming.

During a day of sightseeing, we were crossing a very busy street _______with people when I suddenly heard my name _______from somewhere behind me: "Cheryl!" I _______ in my steps in the middle of the road.Tears ____________immediately in my eyes.I knew without a doubt that it was my sister Jeanne. I yelled back ____________even turning to look:"Jeanne?”

It was her."Oh my God!" I screamed, and I began ____________ people out of my way to get to her. The crowd started to____________.And there we were, standing in the middle of a Manhattan street,facing each other and smiling. I couldn't believe it.

I later asked how she'd known it was me-she never saw me! She said it was my ____________1 wouldn't say my laugh is all that unusual,but I guess to a family member it's ____________.It hits your heart and resonates(回响)in your mind.

Since that time,my sister and I have never been____________.We both moved back to Wisconsin. We talk ____________.Many years have passed,and we are now in our 50s.But our meeting ____________wasn't just a sign.I see it as more of a lesson,a ____________ not to lose touch with loved ones.After our sister- to-sister ____________,I don't plan to let that happen again.

1.A.ends B.begins C.develops D.appears

2.A.memory B.chance C.touch D.parents

3.A.settled B.drove C.walked D.promoted

4.A.reconnected B.happened C.occurred D.ended

5.A.boat B.flight C.trip D.business

6.A.clubs B.taxicabs C.markets D.sights

7.A.loaded B.faced C.equipped D.occupied

8.A.spelled B.yelled C.whispered D.announced

9.A.accelerated B.froze C.hesitated D.shocked

10.A.went out B.got off C.welled up D.fell down

11.A.when B.after C.before D.then

12.A.dragging B.commanding C.winding D.pushing

13.A.part B.crowd C.depart D.gather

14.A.clothes B.laugh C.face D.age

15.A.picky B.different C.infectious D.extraordinary

16.A.forgiven B.forgotten C.regretted D.separated

17.A.daily B.arrogantly C.annually D.rarely

18.A.by chance B.by design C.in time D.on time

19.A.class B.reminder C.suggestion D.souvenir

20.A.yell B.accident C.meeting D.miracle



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