满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It all started with a commercial. I watc...

    It all started with a commercial. I watched the baby take his first_________ on TV, right before his family left for a trip to Disney World. An idea came to my mind: I wanted to go to Disney World. For most young kids, it's a(n)    _______ request, but for me, it is unique. I was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), which doesn't________ me to walk on my own. Over the next three years or so, I worked with physical therapists and practiced walking, standing, and balance all  __________that I would need to turn my goal into a reality.

I remember the feeling when my legs would_________ doing any more work, practically turning to jelly(胶状物). __________ this, everyone else told me I could do it, so I persisted. I walked, stood, balanced, until the ______came. On June 9, 2008, I stood in the tunnel leading into Main Street, looking around at my adoring fans, otherwise ________ as my family and friends. My dad asked me if I wanted any help doing this thing. I promptly replied, “No!” and situated myself ________ the end of the tunnel, feet_________ firmly, heart most likely beating out of my chest. Step, step, step, step, bump. I __________quickly what had happened: I ________ my momentum (冲力)and my focus, bumping into something. _________, we had practiced this type of ________ beforehand. Holding fast onto the handlebars, I gathered all of my six-year-old ___________and straightened out, _________my pace once again. It wasn't too long before the__________became louder because I had made it to the end, where my mom was waiting with tears in her eyes.

Looking back on that experience, I realize something thoughtful. Every once in a while, life will________  a few bumps in the road. _______ it may set you back for a bit don’t let it ________ you. Pick yourself back up and finish. It’s worth it.

1.A.steps B.risk C.photos D.chance

2.A.official B.blind C.explicit D.normal

3.A.leave B.require C.allow D.expect

4.A.skills B.possibilities C.answers D.features

5.A.delay B.protest C.admit D.miss

6.A.Besides B.Against C.Despite D.Beyond

7.A.time B.help C.memory D.person

8.A.appointed B.evaluated C.emphasized D.known

9.A.searching B.missing C.facing D.overlooking

10.A.planted B.controlled C.buried D.tied

11.A.explained B.realize C.confirmed D.proved

12.A.sustained B.lost C.gathered D.acquired

13.A.Partly B.Luckily C.Alternatively D.Abruptly

14.A.technique B.involvement C.situation D.intention

15.A.patience B.curiosity C.dignity D.strength

16.A.laughing at B.worrying about C.picking up D.looking

17.A.cheering B.explosion C.shout D.scream

18.A.guarantee B.spread C.distribute D.throw

19.A.Until B.Unless C.Since D.Though

20.A.threaten B.push C.stop D.cheat


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者从小患有脑瘫,无法独立行走,花了三年的时间练习走路技能,最终能成功独立行走的故事。告诉人们每隔一段时间,生活中就会抛出一些颠簸。虽然它可能会让你倒退一段时间,不要让它阻止你。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在电视上看到这个婴儿就在他的家人动身去迪斯尼乐园之前,迈出了他人生的第一步。A. steps步伐,台阶;B. risk风险;C. photos照片;D. chance机会。结合上文I watched the baby take his first可知是指婴儿迈出了第一步,与后文作者无法走路也形成对照。故选A。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对大多数小孩来说,这是一个正常的要求,但对我来说,这是独特的。A. official官方的;B. blind盲目的;C. explicit明确的;D. normal正常的。对大多数身体正常的孩子来说,去迪士尼乐园是一个正常的要求。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我生下来就患有脑瘫,这使我不能独立走路。A. leave离开;B. require需要;C. allow允许;D. expect期待。结合上文I was born with cerebral palsy, which doesn't可知患有脑瘫使得作者不能独立走路。短语allow sb. to do sth.表示“允许某人做某事”。故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的三年左右的时间里,我与理疗师一起工作,练习过走路、站立和平衡所有技能,这些技能是我将目标变成现实所需要的。A. skills技能;B. possibilities可能性;C. answers答案;D. features特征。结合上文practiced walling, standing, and balance可知作者联系走路、站立和平衡这些技能。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记得当我的腿抗议做更多的工作,几乎不停的颤抖。A. delay延迟;B. protest抗议;C. admit承认;D. miss错过。根据后文practically turning to jelly.可知作者的腿因为太多的练习而抗议做更多的工作,几乎不停的颤抖。故选B。 6.考查介词辨析。句意:尽管如此,每个人都告诉我我能做到,所以我坚持。A. Besides而且;B. Against反对;C. Despite尽管;D. Beyond超过。结合后文everyone else told me I could do it, so I persisted.可知尽管作者练习的困难重重,但每个人都告诉我我能做到,所以我坚持。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我走着,站着,平衡着,直到那个时刻到来。A. time时间;B. help帮助;C. memory记忆;D. person人。结合后文On June 9, 2008可知作者练习技能一直到2008年六月九号自己能够独立走路的时刻到来了。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2008年6月9日,我站在通往缅街的隧道里,看着周围崇拜我的粉丝,也就是我的家人和朋友。A. appointed任命;B. evaluated估计;C. emphasized强调;D. known知道。结合后文as my family and friends.可知短语known as“被称为,被认为”。故选D。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我立刻回答说:“不!”我面对着隧道的尽头,双脚稳稳地站在那里,心几乎要跳出来了。A. searching搜寻;B. missing错过;C. facing面对;D. overlooking俯瞰。结合后文the end of the tunnel可知作者独立面对着隧道的尽头。故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我立刻回答说:“不!”我面对着隧道的尽头,双脚稳稳地站在那里,心几乎要跳出来了。A. planted种植;B. controlled控制;C. buried埋葬;D. tied系。作者要尝试独自行走,因为面对着隧道的尽头,双脚稳稳地站在那里,心几乎要跳出来了。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很快意识到发生了什么:我失去了冲力和注意力,撞上了什么东西。A. explained解释;B. realize意识到;C. confirmed确认;D. proved证明。结合后文quickly what had happened可知此处指作者意识到发生了什么。故选B。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很快意识到发生了什么:我失去了冲力和重心,撞上了什么东西。A. sustained维持;B. lost失去;C. gathered聚集;D. acquired获得。根据后文bumping into something.可知作者失去了动力和重心,撞上了什么东西。故选B。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,我们之前已经练习过这种情况。A. Partly部分地;B. Luckily幸运地;C. Alternatively或者;D. Abruptly突然地。根据后文we had practiced this可知作者要撞上什么东西了,幸运地是他之前练习过这种情况。故选B。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,我们之前已经练习过这种情况。A. technique技术;B. involvement参与;C. situation情况;D. intention目的。此处指上文作者失去重心要撞上什么东西的情况。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:紧紧抓住车把,我使出了六岁的力气——直起身来,再次加快了我的步伐。A. patience耐心;B. curiosity好奇心;C. dignity尊严;D. strength力量。根据后文and straightened out可知作者使出自己的力量直起身来。故选D。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:紧紧抓住车把,我使出了六岁的力气——直起身来,再次加快了我的步伐。A. laughing at嘲笑;B. worrying about担心;C. picking up捡起;D. looking看。根据最后一段中Pick yourself back up and finish.可知此处指作者振作起来,加快了自己的步伐。pick up pace表示“加速”。故选C。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没过多久,欢呼声就变大了,因为我坚持到了最后,妈妈含着泪在那里等着我。A. cheering欢呼;B. explosion爆炸;C. shout叫喊;D. scream尖叫。根据后文became louder because I had made it to the end可知大家都因为作者成功坚持到了最后而欢呼。故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每隔一段时间,生活中就会抛出一些颠簸。A. guarantee保证;B. spread传播;C. distribute分配;D. throw抛,扔。根据后文a few bumps in the road.可知此处指生活中就会抛出一些颠簸。故选D。 19.考查连接词辨析。句意:虽然它可能会让你倒退一段时间,不要让它阻止你。A. Until直到;B. Unless除非;C. Since既然;D. Though虽然。此处为让步状语从句,表示“虽然”故应用though。故选D。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然它可能会让你倒退一段时间,不要让它阻止你。A. threaten威胁;B. push推动;C. stop停止;D. cheat欺骗。根据后文Pick yourself back up and finish. It’s worth it.可知作者认为生活给予的困难可能会让你倒退一段时间,不要让它阻止你。要振作起来走完它。故选C。

—Kobe Bryant was a basketball star with strong fighting spirit.

—_____________. He's always a role model for youngsters.

A.I couldn't agree more. B.I can't help it. C.I couldn't be bothered. D.I beg to differ.



Local governments will step up efforts to keep employment stable, with all-round measures_________ more jobs.

A.being created. B.created. C.having been created. D.to create.



The composition seems imperfect but you should make_________ for the fact that the author is only seven.

A.appointments. B.assumptions. C.allowances. D.arrangements



Designing a powerful beginning is crucial-not only does it make readers stay with your story, ______you develop the plot.

A.does it also help. B.it also helps. C.does also help. D.also helps



None of these arguments are_________ in that they are unconvincing and impossible to justify

A.vague. B.arbitrary. C.valid. D.absurd



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