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Autumn Peltier is a youth environmentali...

    Autumn Peltier is a youth environmentalist who has inspired thousands of students to walk out of class and demand action on climate change.

When Autumn Peltier was just 8 years old, she attended a ceremony at a reservation where she saw a sign warning that the water was poisonous. Growing up on a freshwater island in Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory in Canada, Peltier says she had never experienced poisonous water. The memory of that sign stayed with her.

Two years later, at the age of 10, Peltier is fighting for water conservation and water rights for everybody. She says she was inspired by her great aunt, Josephine Mandamin, a well-known activist who walked the shores of all five Great Lakes to raise awareness for water conservation.

When she was 12 in 2015, Peltier met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, telling him she was unhappy with his policies on debating pipeline projects. Trudeau promised her he would preserve the water. Since 2015, 87 long-term water advisories in Canada have been lifted; 56 water advisories remain.

At middle school, Peltier joined an environmental group at her school and later co-founded the Canadian Youth Water Strike-a Canadian branch of the international movement to conserve water.

Last year, Peltier spoke at the UN about the importance of water conservation and water access, explaining the fundamental role water plays in her culture.

“Many people don’t think water is alive or has a spirit. My people believe this to be true. . . . We believe our water is precious because we are born of water.”

After the speech at the UN, Peltier is joined by a group of teenagers who share similar thoughts. Her friends include Greta Thunberg, a Swedish girl who drew the world attention through the talk at World Economic Forum at Davos, Bruno Rodriguez, an Argentinian boy who joined in the UN Climate Summit, and Mari Copeny, an American girl who is dedicated to the cause of saving water. Peltier and her friends believe that together they can make a big difference.

Undoubtedly, Peltier’s many years of hard work has paid off. She has greatly raised people’s awareness of water conservation and taught people to take specific actions to conserve water.

That’s an impressive list of accomplishments for anyone, let alone a middle schooler.

1.How did Peltier feel about the poisonous water when she was 8?

A.Shocked. B.Interested. C.Excited. D.Bored.

2.Who influenced Peltier to start water conservation?

A.UN officials. B.Trudeau. C.Mandamin. D.Thunberg.

3.What does Peltier expect to do in the future?

A.To make more friends. B.To protect more water.

C.To attend more summits. D.To organize more strikes.

4.What can we learn from Autumn Peltier’s story?

A.World leaders can contribute to success.

B.Environment is Canadians’major concern.

C.Fame comes from attending great summits.

D.Achievements result from continuous effort.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了加拿大女孩佩尔蒂尔多年来一直致力于保护水资源,她的事迹激励了无数人行动起来保护水资源。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Peltier says she had never experienced poisonous water. The memory of that sign stayed with her.”可知,佩尔蒂尔说自己从未看到过有毒的水,因此“水有毒”的警告标志一直让她印象深刻,由此判断出,看到“水有毒”的警告标志时,佩尔蒂尔感到非常震惊,故A项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Two years later, at the age of 10, Peltier is fighting for water conservation and water rights for everybody. She says she was inspired by her great aunt, Josephine Mandamin”可知,十岁时,佩尔蒂尔为水源保护和人人享有用水权而奋斗,她说她是受到姨妈约瑟芬·曼达敏的激励(影响),故C项正确。 3.”及“Peltier and her friends believe that together they can make a big difference.”可知,在联合国的演讲结束后,佩尔蒂尔加入了一群有着相似想法(共同目标)的青少年的行列中,他们相信他们在一起努力可以产生很大的影响,由此判断出,以后佩尔蒂尔会致力于保护更多的水资源,故B项正确。 4.

    Who can be volunteering?

A Ugandan NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) was formed by members of a rural community in South-west Uganda in 2007. They developed a local school for children aging from 3 to 15 from poor families, and started community based projects that will equip the young villagers with the skills and knowledge to face a safer and brighter future.

The project itself is well integrated into the community and those undertaking volunteering work are always given a warm welcome, especially by the local children who love spending time with volunteers from all ages and backgrounds.

Volunteering at Uganda Lodge is suitable for families, gap year teenagers, seniors etc.

For medical students we can offer you official medical elective course scores with no additional fees charged. Staying at Uganda Lodge could also count for the residential section of the Gold Award and Queens Scout Awards.

What can I do?

You need to speak English. Even if you are not a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) teacher (although useful!), you can go into the classrooms and make a meaningful difference. Experienced teachers can take over a whole class if they wish, after consulting with the teacher on content.

We now have over 500 students in the Ruhanga Development School and they are in urgent need of teachers. English conversation is needed for the older children in particular, also showing picture books etc. or simply talking to babies helps inspire their mental and physical growth.

Children at our kindergartens and primary schools do love help from our volunteers to learn new rhymes and songs, talk about pictures in books or get inspirations with craftwork and painting.

Find out more about our programme:

Website: ugandalodge.com

Email: ann@ugandalodge.com

1.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To praise volunteers. B.To raise money.

C.To seek help. D.To introduce a school.

2.After the programme, optional course credits can be awarded to

A.medicine-major students B.education-major students

C.IT-major students D.English-major students

3.Who is most wanted at present according to the passage?

A.An American lady who cares about international sports events.

B.A British college student who loves to communicate with kids.

C.An Australian teenager who enjoys reading English books silently.

D.A Canadian white collar manager who does well in performing art.



    Last summer, Steller pulled off the freeway on her way to work in Minneapolis. She stopped at a traffic light, where a man was sitting with a sign asking for help. She ________ down her window.

“Hey!” she shouted. “I’m driving around giving ________ haircuts. If I go and grab my ________, do you want one right now?”

The man looked to be in his 60s. He was heavyset, and ________ a few teeth. He laughed, and then paused, “________, I was really hoping to get a haircut.”

“I’ll be right back,” Steller said.

She drove off, went to the salon she owns, and ________ a red chair into her car.

Quickly she ________ back. Then she cut the man’s curly graying hair. The man told her about growing up in Mississippi, about moving to Minnesota to be closer to his adult children, and how he still talks to his mom every day.

After Steller was done, the man looked in a mirror and ________, “I look good!” he said. “I’ll have to remember to put my artificial teeth in next time.”

To date, Steller has given about 30 such haircuts to people around the city. These clients are all living down and out, so she is clearly aware of the ________ of her cleanup job.

In fact, for Steller, it’s more than a haircut. It is not only a gateway to show value and ________, but also to get to know people. She wants to ________ relationships.

Steller knows that a haircut can ________ a life because one changed hers: As a teen, she suffered from a disease called ulcerative colitis, which was so ________ that her hair thinned severely. Seeing this, her mother arranged for Steller’s first professional haircut.

Sitting down and having somebody look at her made Steller feel that she was a ________ and not just an illness, which helped her feel ________ and less alone.

After that, Steller decided to have her own salon so she could help the people ________ the feeling she’d had that day. Not long after finishing hairdressing school in 2009, she began what she now calls her Red Chair Project, ________ out to people on the streets. Steller listens to people’s stories of ________, suffering, and struggle to get back on their feet. She believes even if she can’t ________ their problems, maybe she can help them feel less alone for a moment. The attention ________ works.

And it all began with a belief in simple acts of kindness, such as a free haircut.

1.A.took B.rolled C.knocked D.tore

2.A.quick B.modern C.free D.luxurious

3.A.chair B.table C.knife D.glove

4.A.growing B.showing C.pressing D.missing

5.A.Actually B.Curiously C.Occasionally D.Particularly

6.A.turned B.loaded C.fastened D.restored

7.A.ran B.walked C.cycled D.drove

8.A.recognized B.wept C.smiled D.guessed

9.A.power B.profit C.reward D.technique

10.A.wealth B.pride C.innocence D.respect

11.A.judge B.build C.break D.clarify

12.A.make B.ruin C.change D.extend

13.A.serious B.regular C.natural D.obvious

14.A.student B.pioneer C.advisor D.person

15.A.commented on B.cared about C.laughed at D.convinced of

16.A.feel B.describe C.remark D.transfer

17.A.showing B.reaching C.speaking D.pointing

18.A.anger B.envy C.loss D.shock

19.A.find B.list C.treat D.fix

20.A.rarely B.accurately C.apparently D.secretly




As humans, we naturally tend to notice the bad events in life more than the good. It is because we need to keep an eye on the negative ones to keep us far away 1. dangers. If we are aware of threats around us, we are more able to switch on a defense. However, if we 2. (active) turn to focus on the positive, we can feel less stress and enjoy life more from an increasingly optimistic point. To enjoy the life in the present moment, we need to notice 3. is going right, and appreciate it. It doesn't mean that you have to pretend you're happy when you're not. On the contrary, it means that you tend to notice the things that lead to greater 4. (happy) when you have a choice.




As Spring Festival begins to be celebrated worldwide, the richness of Chinese cultures spreads widely as well. Recently, two special stamps1.(design) by Han Meilin, a Chinese artist. They were used to mark the New Year of Rat. One of them shows a leaping rat bit the sky to create an opening so that sunshine could come to Earth, 2.symbolizes the wish for a better life. In the second stamp, a rat family of father, mom and baby sit by a small pile of peanuts, looking into the distance expectantly. That image represents the wish for a bountiful harvest and a happy family life. The creativity, well3.(know) as a cultural landmark, goes beyond borders.




I’ll always remember the woman who gave me tissues while I was crying on the train. I 1. (try) so hard to calm down when she handed me the tissues. She said, “We’ve all been there, crying on the train.” As she was getting off, she added, “Whatever’s wrong, it will get 2. (good). That doesn’t mean anything right now, but it really will.” She was just a regular business-casual lady, but she was a hero to me. Also! She inspired me 3. (carry) a little pack of tissues in case I see someone crying.



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