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Fifteen stores have been permanently bar...

    Fifteen stores have been permanently barred from using Alibaba's online shopping platform for selling fake(伪劣的)or substandard surgical masks during the pneumonia outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus(冠状病毒), the e-commerce giant said on Wednesday.

Five of the 15 online shops barred by Tuesday had been referred to public security bureaus(公安局)for further investigation, Alibaba said in a statement.

"We'll continue efforts to fight people making or selling fake goods related to epidemic(流行的)prevention and control on our platform and give them hard punishments, "it said, adding it had zero tolerance for such sellers.

Those engaging in price gouging(哄抬)or false advertising would also be punished more heavily, and the company said it would regularly disclose the names of problematic shops and the punishments they received.

“All the moves are not only to shoulder more responsibility for protecting consumers' interests, but also to show our utmost respect to online sellers who obey the laws and participate in the fight to prevent and control the epidemic,” it said.

Promising to let those engaging in improper or illegal behavior during the epidemic period go broke, with "no space to live in Alibaba", the company also called on other e-commerce platforms to shut their doors to such problematic sellers, and suggested government departments should add them to a dishonesty blacklist.

1.What does the underlined word "barred" most probably mean?

A.Encouraged. B.Banned.

C.Chosen. D.Forgiven.

2.Why are the five online shops invested by public security bureaus?

A.Because they might avoid further investigation.

B.Because they might have no licenses to sell medical articles.

C.Because they might make or purchase surgical masks illegally.

D.Because they might sell surgical masks on other e-commerce platforms.

3.What does Alibaba expose the names of those shops and their punishments for?

A.Advertising Alibaba's online shopping platform.

B.Getting more money from public security bureaus.

C.Punishing buyers who buy fake or substandard goods.

D.Protecting consumers' and online sellers' proper interest.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.Alibaba's zero tolerance for bad dealers.

B.Government's punishment for dishonesty.

C.Support from other e-commerce platforms.

D.Improper or illegal business behavior of sellers.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文是新闻报道。阿里巴巴永久关闭了在疫情期间利用阿里巴巴网上购物平台销售假冒伪劣或不合格的外科口罩的15家网店。阿里巴巴表明了对不诚信卖家的零容忍态度。 1.词义猜测题。根据划线词后的部分“…using Alibaba's online shopping platform for selling fake(伪劣的)or substandard surgical masks during the pneumonia outbreak”,根据背景知识,在新冠状病毒期间,利用阿里巴巴的网上购物平台,销售伪劣的或不合格的外科口罩的行为应该是被禁止的。因此可以推测,bar意思为“禁止”。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中“We'll continue efforts to fight people making or selling fake goods related to epidemic(流行的)prevention”可知,这五家网店因为制造或销售假冒伪劣的外科口罩而被公安局调查的。故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据第五段中“ ‘All the moves are not only to shoulder more responsibility for protecting consumers' interests, but also to show our utmost respect to online sellers who obey the laws and participate in the fight to prevent and control the epidemic, ’”可知, 阿里巴巴披露有问题的商店的名字和对他们的惩罚是为了保护消费者的利益,也是为了向遵守法律的网络卖家表示尊重,保护这些卖家的利益。故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。文章最后一段中提到:阿里巴巴许诺让那些在疫情期间从事不正当或非法行为的人破产,“在阿里巴巴没有生存空间”,并呼吁其他电子商务平台对这些问题卖家也关闭大门,并建议政府部门将他们列入不诚实黑名单。这表明了阿里巴巴对那些在疫情期间不诚信卖家的零容忍态度。故选A项。

New Scientist Discovery

Tour Amazing science-inspired tours across the globe with experts on board and in the company of fellow travelers who enjoy the discovery of science


Space: Past and Future: USA

14 days for £4.799

Departing 6th May and 14th September 2020

Follow the USA's footsteps in exploring space with this comprehensive tour of NASA's space centers and other key sites, including the Very Large Array in attractive New Mexico. Plus, visit the world's first commercial spaceport with leading researchers.


The Science of the Renaissance(文艺复兴): Italy

7days for £1,825

Departing 3rd March and 3rd November 2020

Embark on a cultural adventure to the great science cities of Florence and Bologna, as architecture expert Andrew Spira and science historian Professor David Wootton guide you through the great discoveries and minds of the Renaissance.


Land of Fire and Ice: Iceland

8 days for £2,249

Departing 31st October and 7th November2020

Marvel at erupting geysers(喷泉), glaciers and waterfalls on a trip of volcanic and geological(地质的)adventure. Joined by volcanologist Tamsin Mather, discover the best of Iceland with a chance to see the Aurora Borealis.


Tiger Conservation Safari: India

9 days for £3,850

Departing 10th April 2021

Involve yourself in jungle life in the search for the Bengal tiger. Learn how to protect the rich wildlife you encounter at India's reserves, complete with a masterclass in tracking and stay in a cozy lodge(小屋).

1.Which tour is scheduled in May?

A.Space: Past and Future: USA

B.The Science of the Renaissance: Italy

C.Land of Fire and Ice: Iceland

D.Tiger Conservation Safari: India

2.How much will it cost if you are interested in Florence?

A.£4,799. B.£1,825.

C.£2,249. D.£3,850.

3.What can tourists do during the Iceland tour?

A.Explore space with researchers.

B.See geysersglaciers and waterfalls.

C.Discover the culture of the Renaissance.

D.Learn about protecting wildlife while travelling.



假如你是某中学学生会主席李华,因新型冠状病毒疫情,原定于今年623日将在你校举办的中国传统文化展(the Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)推迟至今年晚些时候。请就此事给之前应邀的英国姊妹学校的学生会负责人Charlie写一封信。内容包括:





新型冠状病毒的流行the COVID-19 epidemic












I’d like to tell you anything about the one -day tour on last weekend. We went to the Wetland Park by bike, with an aim of advocating a green trip. In addition, our main task was do something meaningful, but we volunteered to pick up the rubbish in the park. Besides, we also participated in other interesting activity. We went boating in the river. The most excited activity was the fishing competition, during that I won the first prize. We all had a good time here. When we return in the afternoon, it was already five o’clock.




New parents who clean their homes very often1.protecttheir babies from bacteria and other organisms might want to cut back their efforts.

A new study suggests that high levels of contact with cleaning products are linked to2.increased risk of the childhood breathing condition3.knowas asthma(哮喘).

4.researcherasked a group of parents how often they used 26 common household cleaners during their babies’ first three to four months of life. By age three, the children who5.comein contact with cleaning products the most were 37 percent more likely to have asthma than children with the6.littlecontact.

The study also found that a lot of exposure to cleaning products caused children to be 35 percent more likely to have much difficulty7.breathe.In addition, they were 49 percent more likely to have certain allergies.

The leading researcher Tim Takaro told the Reuters news service he understands that parents want to make their homes safe8.their children. He said parents should read labels and look for products that are free of substances(物质)like9.chemistrycolors and smells. Also, they should consider natural cleaning products instead of harmful10.



    The holidays are simply the best time of the year._______, for those of us who use a wheelchair, there are some unique_______to be overcome when celebrating with family and friends.

When I was 13, I_______my neck in a car accident. Paralyzed(瘫痪)from the chest down, the_______weeks and months that followed were an unbelievable whirlwind(忙乱)of activity. Just days before the_______,the biggest challenge in my life was making sure to turn my homework in_______.

But in just an instant it all_______. My family and 1 were forced to_______surgical options, where to go for_______ and how to pay for everything. All the while, I was________as my world turned upside down. The________physical recovery center was several states away, so when holidays rolled around, taking a trip home to celebrate was near the________of our list. What I would come to learn is that a celebration with family was________what I needed.

My family surprised me with a________that Christmas. I couldn’t travel________, so everyone came to me and turned the small apartment in a________city into a warm home. They brought more food than anyone could hope to eat and plenty of________. More________, for the first time, I felt________again. All of a sudden I was sitting at the same kids’ table and laughing with my cousins like________had happened.

1.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Still

2.A.fear B.shyness C.differences D.challenges

3.A.turned B.broke C.rubbed D.protected

4.A.previous B.casual C.immediate D.vacant

5.A.accident B.operation C.holiday D.examination

6.A.on earth B.on purpose C.on time D.on demand

7.A.improved B.changed C.mattered D.helped

8.A.make preparations for B.make commitments to C.make contributions to              D.make decisions on

9.A.recovery B.occupation C.reflection D.exercise

10.A.relaxing B.appealing C.struggling D.hesitating

11.A.chosen B.finished C.abandoned D.known

12.A.top B.bottom C.back D.edge

13.A.hardly B.impossibly C.repeatedly D.exactly

14.A.prize B.victory C.party D.conclusion

15.A.abroad B.home C.alone D.outdoors

16.A.familiar B.native C.foreign D.strange

17.A.decorations B.fruits C.medicine D.homework

18.A.hopefully B.importantly C.successfully D.differently

19.A.smart B.ambitious C.normal D.healthy

20.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing



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