满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We’ve all been there, running for a ls o...

    We’ve all been there, running for a ls or train on a cold morning only to find that our nose is also running! Grab some tissues and learn the science behind the phenomenon known as “skier’s nose.”

A nose like a running tap in winter is business as usual for many people. People call it “skier’s nose". In a study, researchers found that 96 percent of people surveyed reported experiencing some degree of the condition.

Apparently, getting a runny nose in cold weather is a bodily defense reaction. That' s because the nose has two main purposes: 1) to filter bacteria so they don’t reach our lungs, and 2)to warm and humidify(加湿) the air before it reaches our lungs. Our airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia In the nose, these cilia wave back and forth to remove our mucus (黏液)so that bacteria can be blocked out. In cold weather the cilia are slowed. When cilia slow, bacteria remain in place and multiply, and this is why people get sick in winter. Not that the nose isn't trying to keep you healthy. All that running nose experience is the nose working overtime to produce more liquid to help move bacteria along. To help it out, experts say that you can try physically warming your nose: Rub your hands together, and then breathe into cupped hands or draw in steam from hot green tea and drink it, as green tea helps accelerate the growth and functioning of cilia.

Our nose runs in winter for one more purpose, which is to fight against the drier outside (and inside) air. In winter, or when it’s cold outside, the air is much drier than in summer. Our noses respond by producing more liquid to help humidify the air to a level our bodies need, and that’s when it starts to run out of the end of our nose.

1.What does the underlined word “filter” probably mean in the third paragraph?

A.Kill. B.Prevent.

C.Defend. D.Trap.

2.What can we know about “cilia”?

A.They only exist in the nose. B.They stop working in winter.

C.They can sweep away mucus. D.They help break down bacteria.

3.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.When Do You Have A Running Nose?

B.What Are the Purposes of Your nose?

C.How Can You Deal With “skier’s nose”

D.Why Does, Your Nose Run When It's Cold?


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了skier’s nose现象背后的科学。讲述了冬天流鼻涕的原因以及它如何保护我们的身体。 1.词义猜测题。根据同句中的so they don’t reach our lungs(它们进不了我们的肺部)可知,前句是原因。表示鼻子的功能就是“阻止”细菌进入我们的肺部。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第3段In the nose, these cilia wave back and forth to remove our mucus (黏液)so that bacteria can be blocked out可知,鼻子的这些纤毛来回清除粘液这样可以阻隔细菌。故选C项。 3.主旨大意题。分析上下文后知道,文章一开始引用生活中的实例告诉我们:鼻子在冬天的时候会流鼻涕。接着文章分析了流鼻涕的原因和流鼻涕在保护身体上的作用。故选D。

    True heroes are all around us. Some help others, and others are simply good role models. My hero is my brother Thomas.

When Thomas and I were little, we used to go to the playground a lot. Kids would be scared of him and ask, “Is your arm broken?”

Thomas would respond by explaining what happened: he was born without the left arm. If they ran away, he wouldn’t let it bother him.

Thomas is expert at both cross-country(越野跑) and track. He is a 4:46 miler, which with the setback he has makes it an even greater accomplishment. Missing an arm affects his balance, which affects his leg drive. The work he has put in, however, has made up for this. He practices so hard that anything short of success would seem a disappointment.

Thomas used to play baseball like it was a religion. His idol was Jim Abbott, a pitcher(投球) for the California Angels. Abbot was a very good pitcher who only had one arm. “I looked up to Abbott because I saw what I could achieve,” Thomas said. Thomas had a lot of trouble giving up baseball for: track because he felt like he was taking the easy way out, though he liked track more.

One of Thomas’ best friends, Brad, didn't even notice Thomas only had one arm for a few weeks after meeting him. “He carried himself so confidently, so I felt okay admitting that I hadn’t noticed”, said Brad. Not only is Thomas a confident person who is not ashamed of his arm, he is often the center of attention in sports and school.

Thomas seems to have accepted his disability. I see it as more of a difficulty, and difficulties can be overcome. Sometimes, if you try hard enough, you can overcome impossible things. As the great distance runner Steve Prefontaine said, “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

1.Which of the following words best describe Thomas?

A.Courageous and modest. B.Determined and religious.

C.Confident and strong-willed. D.Energetic and changeable.

2.Why did Thomas give up baseball for track?

A.Because he had a preference for, track.

B.Because his idol encouraged him to change.

C.Because he thought track was easier for him.

D.Because he couldn't play baseball with single arm.

3.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph is intended to remind us __________

A.giving is receiving. B.nothing is impossible.

C.hard work leaves no regrets. D.difficulties are gifts from God



假定你是李华,将代表你班参加学校英语俱乐部的演讲比赛。请以"What are we studying for?"为题写一篇英语演讲稿,内容包括:




注意: 1.词数100左右;



Dear members,

I'm very glad to have the chance to speak on behalf of my class here.


That's all. Thank you!









Dear Peter,

I'm sorry to learn that you are addicted to social media so that my normal life is out of balance. Here is several suggestions for you to give it up.

Firstly, instead surfing the Internet, try turn off your phone once in a while. Secondly, it is a good idea to develop a new hobby, such as hiking, that is related to the nature and can help you a lot. Finally, you can go to visit your friends or staying with your family to communicate with them face to face rather than online. The world is such wonderful; better not be trapping in an unreal world.

Hope the advices will be of help to you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




Without arms or legs, the artist Adama Traore of Abidjan finds a unique way1.makehis art. Missing limbs(肢体)since birth, he attended a center for disabled youth at nine2.he learned ways to paint.

"When I was a child, my mum sent me to this white lady named Marie Odile in a center for3.disabled. I learned to paint there. Thanks to her effort, there were more than 100 disabled people in the Provindence center. The lady passed away and I ended up4.the streets.” said Traore.

It was a difficult life after his teacher died. Getting around was hard, and taxi drivers would not pick him up, 5.assumehe had no money. But he kept painting6.colorlandscapes and portraits, earning some recognition and money. Traore7.slowbuilt up savings from his artwork and used it to open a small art studio. He got married and now8.goto work by taxi.

"Painting is good to9.onehealth and lifts spirits. If I didn't paint, I don't know what I would do. But I do paint, and if I'm just sitting here, people would say this one is doing nothing he's a beggar. But when they see me working, they're saying this one is a10.work." said Traore.

That work earns Traore about 84 dollars for each painting.



    Matthew Warwick, then a 20-year-old college student suffered schizo-affective disorder(精神分裂症. He had to leave his university and stayed in a mental hospital. On a freezing December morning, Matthew_________from the hospital. He_________straight to Waterloo Bridge in London and climbed on the edge of bridge…_________he was informed that his disease was a life sentence.

Hundreds of people passed by. Only one man called Alex Owen, then 25, _________and quietly walked to Matthew's side.

“You're alright, man? Why are you_________on a bridge?”

At first Matthew wanted Alex to_________him alone, but something in Alex's

calm-down-to-earth manner touched his heart. Matthew felt_________, like he could talk to him.

"It's cold here. Why not have some coffee in a warm cafe? Everything will be OK." For the first time after the_________Matthew felt perhaps it really might. He_________back.

The police, having received__________from passers-by, were waiting there. They quickly put him into a police car, __________he was to panic and jump. He lost sight of Alex, the person who'd brought him__________.

Matthew ended up back in hospital.__________,he was well enough to return to the__________and finish his degree. Over the next six years. Matthew often__________the stranger who had__________him round. Eager to thank him in person, he posted a Facebook__________nicknaming(化名)the good man Mike. His Find Mike post was__________millions of times around the world.

Matthew was overexcited when Alex called him two weeks after his__________.They had a reunion, finally having that coffee they had first planned all those years ago.

"Many people walked past, but because of Alex's__________and sympathy, I've lived a good life." Matthew said.

1.A.escaped B.suffered C.separated D.exercised

2.A.looked B.headed C.returned D.rescued

3.A.why B.although C.because D.where

4.A.nervously B.boldly C.curiously D.calmly

5.A.leaning B.shouting C.sitting D.jumping

6.A.wander B.leave C.company D.encourage

7.A.faith B.pressure C.urgency D.regret

8.A.coffee B.accident C.dialogue D.disease

9.A.posed B.climbed C.turned D.packed

10.A.aids B.supports C.calls D.gifts

11.A.in case B.so that C.so long as D.as far as

12.A.benefit B.despair C.memory D.hope

13.A.Eventually B.Automatically C.Immediately D.Initially

14.A.bridge B.university C.cafe D.hospital

15.A.dropped on B.depended on C.thought about D.worried about

16.A.talked B.moved C.shouted D.pulled

17.A.invitation B.praise C.alarm D.message

18.A.received B.shared C.pushed D.pursued

19.A.graduation B.departure C.post D.reunion

20.A.bravery B.generosity C.willingness D.kindness



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