满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was a ...


It was a Sunday morning. Betty woke up earlier than usual. She couldn’t sleep any longer because she was so excited that her uncle Mark was taking her to the beach. She had always loved going surfing with her uncle. She put her swimming suit on and took quickly that she had prepared the night got before and went outside to wait. She jumped up and down with joy when she saw her uncle’s red jeep turn the corner down her street.

Uncle Mark got out of the car and helped Betty get in. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes!” replied Betty. Uncle Mark could see the excitement in her face. Suddenly he said seriously, “Well, before we go, I have to let you know that a shark appeared recently where we're going to surf today.” Scared and shocked, Betty couldn’t say a word. “Haha! I'm kidding you,” Uncle Mark burst out laughing. Betty laughed too. She knew Uncle Mark liked teasing others. “Let’s go and have some breakfast, I know just the place,” Uncle Mark said. They went                to a breakfast shop and ate some tacos (炸玉米饼).

After breakfast the two of them went down to Pacific Beach and got their surfboards ready. “First you have to wax(打蜡)the bottom,explained Uncle Mark. “I know. I’ve watched you do it before!" Betty said as she took the wax from Uncle Mark's hand. It took about 15 minutes to wax the bottom of their boards. When Betty finished, Uncle Mark looked it over to make sure it was done well. “Nice job, Betty, you wax your board like a true surfer.”

Finally, they were ready to get into the water. They carried their boards down to the beach and went out into the water. Betty was overly excited and tried to rush to catch a wave. Predictably, she crashed and had to start over. Next was her uncle's turn. He stood up on his first try and smoothly surfed the wave before jumping into the water. Betty cheered for her uncle's perfect run.





All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot.


“Help! Help!” Betty screamed in horror.



All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot. She began to panic. She tried to climb on top of her surfboard and look to see what was swimming below. She turned around and saw a giant shark fin circling her. Before Betty could call out to her uncle, the shark attacked her surfboard. Luckily the shark missed her but now she was stuck in the water. “Help! Help! Betty screamed in horror. Hearing Betty's scream and seeing the shark, Uncle Mark was quick to act. By the time he arrived, Betty was exhausted from keeping herself afloat without a surfboard. Uncle Mark told Betty to grab onto his surfboard. He swam crazy and quickly brought them both back onto the shore. Betty was crying but felt safe as she knew Uncle Mark would always be there protecting her. 【解析】 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 为完成续写任务,首先需要掌握所给文章的大意,理清其叙事脉络、说明方法或论证方式,可以先从梳理每段的大意开始: 第一段:本段交代了主要人物和故事背景,一个周日的早上Betty很早就起来了,因为这一天Mark叔叔要带她去沙滩上冲浪,她心情激动,迫不及待,这时Mark叔叔的车来了。 第二段:Mark叔叔接上了Betty,跟她开玩笑说这次要去的水域最近报告有鲨鱼出没(这里可以看作一个伏笔),然后两人就去吃早餐了。 第三段:两人来到了沙滩上,进行一些冲浪前的准备动作,主要是给冲浪板打蜡。 第四段:本段主要描写Mark叔叔和Betty准备好后下水冲浪的情景。 可以看到,前四段已经将主要的人物和事件交代清楚,属于记叙文,叙事的脉络就是按照时间顺序来展开的,续写的部分要结合所给的开头部分来继续讲述Betty和Mark叔叔在冲浪时发生的事情。 续写第一段给出的情节是“突然Betty感觉到有东西碰到了自己的脚”,而续写第二段“救命!救命!Betty恐惧地大叫道”表明Betty在水中遭遇了险情,这里就可以呼应到第二段埋下的伏笔,即Betty在水里真的遇到了鲨鱼,但仍然需要一个确认的过程,续写第一段就可以围绕这一点展开,描述Betty如何察觉危险、她的情绪如何变化、她作出何种应对,甚至可以描写鲨鱼进行了攻击但没有命中,渲染危急紧张的气氛。而续写第二段就应该切入另外一个人物Mark叔叔了,听到Betty的求救,他会作何反应,二人又将如何化险为夷,这里是有较大的发挥空间的。另外建议续写比较圆满的结局,这样更加符合一般故事的走向和价值观。











A loyal Liverpool Football Club fan is always making sure to cheer on his beloved team whenever they play and thanks1. a letter from his loving older brother, the team was recently able to return the favor.

Ian, a Liverpool City native, 2.hoped his hometown soccer team would do something special for his brother David, 3.(write) a letter to the club about David’s condition. Since David was starved of oxygen as an infant, he developed differently than other kids. Though David struggled4.(academic), his enduring loyalty to Liverpool FC never left him, and he is well known in the community as being a great kid and a passionate fan.

David is a season ticket holder who  5.(try) to go and see Liverpool play as many times as he can. He could never have expected that one of the 6.(great )members of the team would go to see him while he was at work.

Liverpool FC defender Virgil Van Dijk, 7.(consider)to be the best defender and one of the best players in the world, visited David’s place of work to give him the surprise of a lifetime: 8. trip to Liverpool FC’s training ground to meet the team.

NOT only that, Van Dijk presented David with9.(ticket )for all the rest of the game to make sure they had his support from the stands for every one of the 2510.remain) games this season.



    Being admitted to hospital is boring. Since childhood Kevin Gatlin has been bored by the _______environments of hospital rooms so he came up with a ________solution to help with the hospital depressions as a means of making sure that his children were never forced to. _______ the same boredom.

Gatlin is the ________behind Playtime Edventures, featuring dozens of games and lessons for children______to their hospital beds. Several years ago, Gatlin went to_________his friend's child in hospital. He got the ________for the bed sheets.

It was ________ to see a child spending hours and hours in a plain white room. He ________how his wife had always played games on his son’s bed in order to ________ him to fall asleep. Gatlin then spent the next two years ______ the sheets so that children could be entertained from _________of their own bed.

He also worked with teachers to make the games_________. “We put together bedsheets and sleep bags that _________ everything from geography, math, science, grammar, word find games... all on a three-piece set,” Gatlin said. Up till now , Gatlin knows that his ________ are being used in 10 different hospitals. But since his customers are able to ______ the bedsheets to their own local hospitals, that number could be much higher. Therefore, more kids can_________.

Parents can also ________ he sheets for their own children at home . Catlin hopes that his invention will soon make its way into ________around the world. So ________kids lying in bed won’t get bored.

1.A.unfriendly B.dull C.pleasant D.healthy

2.A.simple B.peaceful C.normal D.complex

3.A.escape B.enjoy C.experience D.increase

4.A.customer B.competitor C.sponsor D.inventor

5.A.addicted B.restricted C.devoted D.accustomed

6.A.train B.adopt C.visit D.examine

7.A.inspiration B.money C.material D.permission

8.A.boring B.scaring C.puzzling D.heartbreaking

9.A.dreamed of B.thought about C.found out D.depended on

10.A.force B.allow C.help D.promise

11.A.developing B.promoting C.advertising D.producing

12.A.quality B.size C.warmth D.comfort

13.A.professional B.educational C.regular D.profitable

14.A.change B.mend C.cover D.differ

15.A.sheets B.cures C.lessons D.games

16.A.discover B.connect C.submit D.donate

17.A.relax B.benefit C.play D.recover

18.A.buy B.design C.sell D.find

19.A.classrooms B.companies C.hospitals D.hotels

20.A.naughty B.lonely C.shy D.sick



    Humans were made for walking. With our upright posture and strong leg muscles, our bodies were actually designed with walking in mind which makes it such perfect exercise. It’s kind to our bodies and great for our waistlines. 1.

Maybe you already love to walk, but you’re getting tired of tracing the same old route day after day, or maybe you’re new to walking and aren’t sure how to get started. 2.Ask yourself, what do you want to get out of walking aside from the health benefits? Do you want to meet other people? See new places? Get out into the countryside or explore a new city? Knowing your goals will help you decide on the type of walk you want to do.

If making friends and socializing is your goal, call up your friends and schedule walks with them.3. Many malls have groups that come every day, or every weekend, to “walk the mall.” These groups are always happy to include one more walker!

4.Many large cities have incredible gardens and parks that include quiet walking trails getting you off the beaten path. Thanks to the Rails to Trails program, railways across the country are being transformed into scenic walking paths that are a perfect way to seek calmness.

From the benefits to your heart to your overall happiness, walking is just plain good for you.5.It’s a fantastic way to get to know a place by the power of your own two feet.

A.Headed to a new city?

B.This month, pick up a map and start walking.

C.Ask your friends where they like to walk and just go there.

D.Either way, it's time to accept the idea of walking with a purpose.

E.And best of all, it’s a great way to see new things and meet new people!

F.Recently, science has proved that walking is good for your body shape.

G.If you're after walking alone, ask about local hikes that get you out of town and into the countryside.



    If you grew up in a household that had its fair share of book shelves, it might say something positive about your personally now that you're all grown up.

This new study found that people who grew up in book filled homes have higher reading, math, and technological skills. The researchers analyzed data featuring 160,000 adults (ages 25 to 65) across 31 nations. All participants were asked how many books there were in their home when they were 16 years old. They chose from a series of alternatives ranging from “10 or less” to “more than 500.”

If a household held at least 80 books, then participants went on to display the average rate of literacy and numeracy(认字和计算). The rate of literacy continued to increase in parallel to the number of books a household contained until the rate didn't increase from 350 books onwards. Furthermore, young teenagers who grew up around books were shown to have the same levels of literacy and numeracy as university graduates who had only grown up around a few books.

Literacy was clarified as “the ability to read effectively to participate in society and achieve personal goals.” Participants took tests that “captured ' a range of basic through advanced comprehension skills, from reading brief texts for a single piece of information to synthesizing information from complex texts.” Numeracy tests measured the “ability to use mathematical concepts in everyday life,” while IT-related tests “assessed the ability to, use digital. technology to communicate with others, as well as to gather, analyze, and synthesize information.”

The results suggest those books made a long-term difference. “Growing up with home libraries improves adult skills in these areas beyond the benefits from parental education or one’s own educational attainment, “the researchers report. Not surprisingly, the biggest effect was on reading ability. “The total effects of home library size on literacy are large everywhere,” the researchers report.

1.What can we learn from the new study?

A.Homes filled with books do much benefit to one’s growth.

B.One’s literacy and numeracy are finally shaped at the age of 16.

C.All participants need to have ten to more than 500 books at home.

D.Those reading a lot are more competent than university graduates.

2.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The benefit of literacy, numeracy and IT ability.

B.The measurement of literacy, numeracy and IT ability.

C.The relation between literacy, numeracy and IT ability.

D.The difference between literacy, numeracy and IT ability.

3.According to the text, books influence one's_________ most.

A.parental education. B.occupational attainment.

C.calculating ability. D.reading ability.

4.What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

A.To describe the importance of receiving good education.

B.To clarify the effect of home library size on one's adult skills.

C.To explain the necessity of acquiring literacy and numeracy.

D.To introduce methods of improving one's literacy and numeracy.



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