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Staying healthy is a key to living a lon...

    Staying healthy is a key to living a long and happy life. You can improve your health in many ways, but it can be challenging to try all of these changes at one time.1. Here are some tips only for preventing disease.

Wash your hands.

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to avoid getting sick and spreading disease. Wash your hands regularly, particularly after using the restroom and before eating food. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.2.

Quit smoking.

It's no secret that smoking is bad for your health. 3.However, there are ways to help you succeed. Benefits of quitting include decreased risk for heart attack, decreased shortness of breath, reduced risk for mouth and throat cancer. etc.


Many studies have shown that keeping your brain active by doing puzzles can be beneficial to your health and lower your risk for memory loss. Keep a puzzle book handy by your bed or in the bathroom. Try to visit a brain games website

Get an annual check-up with your doctor.

5. Going to your yearly check-ups allows your doctor to know how you are doing and catch any potential illnesses before they begin. Many illnesses are manageable in their beginning stages.

A.Examine your head.

B.Challenge your brain.

C.Dry them well with a clean towel.

D.It's also not easy to achieve your goal.

E.Smoking can make us relaxed and feel cool.

F.A great way to keep yourself healthy is through prevention.

G.The best way is by making small changes that you stick with.


1.G 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.F 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍一些预防疾病的小窍门。 1.根据上文提示“你可以在很多方面改善你的健康,但是一次尝试所有这些改变是很有挑战性的。”再根据下文提示“这里有一些预防疾病的小窍门。”承接上文,G项The best way is by making small changes that you stick with.(最好的方法是坚持做一些小的改变。)切题。故选G。 2.根据上文提示“用温肥皂水洗手至少20秒。”承接上文,C项Dry them well with a clean towel.(用干净的毛巾把它们擦干。)切题。故选C。 3.根据上文提示“众所周知,吸烟有害健康。”再根据下文提示“然而,有一些方法可以帮助你成功。”承接上下文,D项It's also not easy to achieve your goal.(实现你的目标也不容易。)切题。故选D。 4.该空是小标题,用短小精悍的祈使句,在A/B/C中选。再根据下文提示“许多研究表明,通过做智力游戏保持大脑活跃对你的健康有益,还能降低你失忆的风险。”由此可知,B项 Challenge your brain.(挑战你的大脑。)切题。故选B。 5.根据下文提示“去做年度体检可以让你的医生知道你的身体状况,并在任何潜在的疾病发作前及时发现。”承接下文,F项A great way to keep yourself healthy is through prevention.(预防是保持健康的好方法。)切题。故选F。

    It's 51 years since man first stepped on the moon, and were still dreaming of escaping life on Earth for the mysteries of space. If a career as an astronaut isn’t interesting for you, perhaps the promise of a stay in a space hotel might be attractive.

Californian company The Gateway Foundation has released plans for the Von Braun Station, a ship-style hotel floating among the stars. The aim is to get the hotel off the ground by 2025 and make it fully operational for travel by 2027. According to the video and images released by the Gateway Foundation, the station looks like a rotating(旋转)wheel, made up of 24 parts, circling the Earth. Tim Alatorre, senior designer at the Gateway Foundation, says the wheel can create a simulated(模仿的) gravity.

The Gateway Foundation’s hotel design is named for Wernher Von Braun, an aerospace engineer who pioneered rocket technology, first in Germany and later in the United States.

Space tourism is an expensive game-a stay in its space hotel will cost $9. 5 million. The Von Braun Station will sleep 352 people with a maximum capacity of 450.

So what will Von Braun Station be like inside? On board. there’ll be warm suites with carpets and stylish touches and bars that wouldn't look out of place back on Earth, just with star -observing views. There will also be plenty of fun amusement activities for guest to enjoy, says Alatorre. “We’re going to have a number of different amusement activities and games that’ll highlight the fact that you're able to do things that you can’t do on Earth,” he says. “Because of the weightlessness and the reduced gravity, you’ll be able to jump higher, be able to lift things, be able to run in ways that you can't on Earth.”

Given the design is still exactly that just a design there are some questions that remain unanswered about how the space hotel will work in reality. The construction on the Gateway Foundations project is set to begin on October 1, 2021.

1.What can we know about the new hotel according to the second paragraph?

A.It will be put into use by the year of 2025.

B.There will be no gravity in the new hotel.

C.The first customers of the hotel are astronauts.

D.The wheel-like hotel will go around the earth.

2.Why is the new hotel called Von Braun Station?

A.Because is named after the designer of the hotel.

B.Because it is in honor of a great space engineer.

C.Because it is the first space hotel in the world.

D.Because it is the symbol of international cooperation.

3.Which of the following best describes the inside of the hotel?

A.Surprising and risky. B.Creative but uncomfortable

C.Funny and creative D.Interesting and fancy.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The construction of the hotel has started.

B.The project on the earth will be finished by 2021.

C.There are some problems which need to be solved.

D.Some people question whether the hotel should be built.



    Imagine possessing something that you loved so much. Imagine what it would feel like if you lost it. While that item may be something as simple as a toy, you would still feel very upset, but you could replace it with a new one. Now imagine losing something that you depend on for survival and cannot be replaced. That is what it would be like if we lost the natural environment around us.

Firstly, I believe the environment should be protected because it supports human life. One of the largest examples is that we get all of our food and drinks from the environment. If the environment were to be destroyed beyond revival, then the human race would be over in months. Scientists have to find another planet with similar conditions to the Earth, and if it's found, we don’t have the technology to get to that planet in time.

Secondly, I believe that the environment serves as an amazing educational tool for students. When I was in second grade, I had an absolute interest in animals. When we had a field trip to the Daggerwing Nature Center, I was very excited. When we got there, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a bridge to get to the main building, and under the bridge was a small swamp (沼泽) with turtles, fish, and my personal favorite, alligators. I was so surprised that I almost ran into the tour guide. We walked into the building and saw various animals in their habitats. I was so inspired by this visit. Six years later, I have taken an animal behavior class for three weeks. Meeting by chance with the environment can inspire people, and if preserved, it will continue to inspire people.

In conclusion, the environment is so valuable because it can't be replaced, keeps us alive, and serves as a great educational tool.

1.The first paragraph leads to the theme of the text by________________.

A.describing a process. B.presenting differences.

C.analyzing causes. D.showing similarities.

2.The underlined word “revival” in paragraph 2 refers to_________________.

A.health. B.recovery.

C.range. D.survival.

3.What's the function of paragraph 3?

A.To express the writer’s absolute interest in animals.

B.To introduce the Daggerwing Nature Centers scenery.

C.To show the environment can inspire and educate people.

D.To prove the subject he has chosen is promising.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Why the Environment Is So Important?

B.Which Planet Can Replace the Earth?

C.How People Should Protect the Environment?

D.What People Can Do to Stop Pollution?



    The event happened to Hunter as if it were yesterday when he was working in a fancy French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.

Thirty years have passed, but Hunter can't get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction. She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Hunter, “It’s OK. It wasn't your fault.” When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO with a life lesson. You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.

Hunter isn't the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It's hard to get a dozen CEOS to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says nothing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.

Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, “I could buy this place and fire you,” or “I know the owner and I could have you fired.” Those who say such things have shown more about their character than about their wealth and power.

The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.

“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person,” Swanson says. “I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rude to someone cleaning the tables.”

1.What happened after Hunter dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?

A.He was fired. B.He was blamed.

C.The woman comforted him. D.The woman left the restaurant at once.

2.Hunter learned one of his life lessons from____________.

A.his experience as a waiter. B.the advice given by the CEOS.

C.an article in Fortune. D.an interesting best-selling book.

3.Most CEOS have the same opinion about_________ depending on the text.

A.Fortune 500 companies. B.the Management Rules.

C.Swanson’s book. D.the Waiter Rule.

4.From the text we can learn that________________.

A.one should be nicer to important people.

B.CEOS often show their power before others.

C.one should respect others no matter who they are.

D.CEOS often have meals in expensive restaurants.



The 3 Best Marvel Films-ranked

It seems that ranking films well is always a tough task. In the hearts of millions of fans, everyone has his own choice. Superhero films are even more so. Recently, The Guardian has chosen three of the most popular Marvel films.

0.3 Blade (2002)

This film continues the story of an earlier 1998’s Blade and is directed by Guillermo. The story once again concerns the mysterious day walker, played by Wesley Snipes. It is an action film full of high technology and the fighting scenes Guillermo expresses are horribly exciting. Not a typical superhero film, in many ways, but a great one.

No. 2 Black Panther (2018)

This superb film is an entertaining adventure, with a richer component (成分) of fantasy than the other Marvel films. The character of Black Panther is recognized as one of Marvel’s greatest heroes. It is a big hit across the board. It also employs Rachel Morrison who is MCU’S first woman cinematographer, a photographer who operates a movie camera. Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, has promised to get more women writers and directors on board. So far, the only Marvel female writer is Nicole Perlman for Guardians of the Galaxy.

NO 1 Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

It is smart, visually exciting and perhaps above all, funny. And it's funny in a way that only Marvel films can be. It suggests that to some degree comedy can be an important part of the drama. Taika Waititi was an inspired choice as director. Hemsworth plays the role of Thor and Cate Blanchett plays Hela, the goddess of death who also happens to be Thor’s half sister.

1.Which film is the most popular one according to The Guardian?

A.Blade . B.Black Panther.

C.Guardians of the Galaxy. D.Thor: Ragnarok.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Ranking superhero films is easy.

B.Bladeis a typical superhero film.

C.Nicole Perlman is the only Marvel female writer so far.

D.Taika Waititi, Hemsworth and Cate Blanchett act in one film.

3.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To introduce some superhero films.

B.To advertise for some films.

C.To comment on the Marvels history.

D.To advise people to learn from heroes.




It was a Sunday morning. Betty woke up earlier than usual. She couldn’t sleep any longer because she was so excited that her uncle Mark was taking her to the beach. She had always loved going surfing with her uncle. She put her swimming suit on and took quickly that she had prepared the night got before and went outside to wait. She jumped up and down with joy when she saw her uncle’s red jeep turn the corner down her street.

Uncle Mark got out of the car and helped Betty get in. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes!” replied Betty. Uncle Mark could see the excitement in her face. Suddenly he said seriously, “Well, before we go, I have to let you know that a shark appeared recently where we're going to surf today.” Scared and shocked, Betty couldn’t say a word. “Haha! I'm kidding you,” Uncle Mark burst out laughing. Betty laughed too. She knew Uncle Mark liked teasing others. “Let’s go and have some breakfast, I know just the place,” Uncle Mark said. They went                to a breakfast shop and ate some tacos (炸玉米饼).

After breakfast the two of them went down to Pacific Beach and got their surfboards ready. “First you have to wax(打蜡)the bottom,explained Uncle Mark. “I know. I’ve watched you do it before!" Betty said as she took the wax from Uncle Mark's hand. It took about 15 minutes to wax the bottom of their boards. When Betty finished, Uncle Mark looked it over to make sure it was done well. “Nice job, Betty, you wax your board like a true surfer.”

Finally, they were ready to get into the water. They carried their boards down to the beach and went out into the water. Betty was overly excited and tried to rush to catch a wave. Predictably, she crashed and had to start over. Next was her uncle's turn. He stood up on his first try and smoothly surfed the wave before jumping into the water. Betty cheered for her uncle's perfect run.





All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot.


“Help! Help!” Betty screamed in horror.




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