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Why Thoughtful Gifts Are the Worst Gifts...

Why Thoughtful Gifts Are the Worst Gifts?

During all kinds of holidays, millions of people will buy gifts for loved ones, which is great--- _______ that tons of those people make the same mistakes, and buy the _______ gifts.

Roughly 10 percent of gifts are _______ each year---and the percentage of unwanted gifts is surely higher given that nice people may not want to return presents.

What's going on?

Gift buying _______ a deceiving selfish pursuit. We don't actually look for things people want to receive. _______, and to many of our gifts' detriments, we _______ look for things that we want to give. It’s an important problem.

The research says _______ .

“Gift givers want to prove how well they know a person by choosing a thoughtful gift,” said Mary Steffel, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati _______ research has focused on gift-giving. “But people aren't very good at guessing what others want.”

Research has shown that givers value the gifts they buy more than recipients (接受者).The result seems to come from a simple wrong belief _______ thoughtful presents are the best presents. They are not. In fact, they ________ just be the worst presents. The more thought you put into a present, the more likely you are to stray from buying what the person you're buying the present for actually wants.

“Gift givers focus on what people are like instead of what people actually would like,” said Steffel. “And it's most pronounced when they're shopping for people they are close to.”

In other words, people let their gift-giving egos (自我)get ________ the way of great presents. Especially when the recipient is someone they want to show they know really well.

Fortunately, the answer to our ________ on guessing what people want is simple: stop it.

“People want ________ it is they happen to want in the moment, which can be very specific,” Steffel said. “You are much better off ________ people what they want.”

There is another helpful ________ of thumb. Buy gifts that can be used more broadly. People prefer gift cards to actual gifts, and cash to ________. Here is an example. ________ you have a friend, and your friend really likes margarita (玛格丽特鸡尾酒).You might think of buying that friend a margarita-maker.

But a margarita-maker, ________ it speaks to a specific quality in that friend, is actually a pretty ________ present. Better yet? Give the friend enough cash to buy the device, ________ it, and then accept the reality that they are probably going to buy something else they want much more.

1.A.given B.except C.since D.besides

2.A.wrong B.precious C.valuable D.right

3.A.accepted B.received C.welcomed D.returned

4.A.has become B.had become C.will become D.becomes

5.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Yet

6.A.have to B.lead to C.tend to D.happen to

7.A.so B.it C.such D.this

8.A.where B.whose C.who D.which

9.A.which B.that C.as D.whose

10.A.might B.must C.have to D.should

11.A.on B.by C.in D.with

12.A.difference B.dependence C.insistence D.existence

13.A.whatever B.wherever C.whichever D.whenever

14.A.asking B.asked C.to ask D.ask

15.A.law B.rule C.restriction D.regulation

16.A.none B.all C.both D.neither

17.A.Saying B.Said C.To say D.Say

18.A.even if B.as if C.even now D.if only

19.A.terrible B.nice C.comfortable D.enjoyable

20.A.avoid B.desert C.command D.suggest


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲礼物给予者购买的礼物往往不是人们真正想要的原因和如何给对方赠送礼物的方法建议。 1.考查连词辨析。句意:在各种各样的节日期间,数以百万计的人们将会给他们的爱人购买礼物,这是一件好事,可惜的是那些人很多都犯了同样的错误,购买了错误的礼物。A. given 考虑到; B. except 除了……之外; C. since 自……以来; D. besides 除……之外还。由该句的前半部分“数以百万计的人们将会给他们的爱人购买礼物,这是一件好事”和后半部分的“那些人很多都犯了同样的错误”可知,前后形成对比转折关系,选项B. except that表示的是只是,只可惜,包含转折意味。故选B。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在各种各样的节日期间,数以百万计的人们将会给他们的爱人购买礼物,这是一件好事,可惜的是那些人很多都犯了同样的错误,购买了错误的礼物。A. wrong 错误的; B. precious 珍贵的; C. valuable 有价值的,贵重的; D. right 正确的。由and前面的句子“可惜的是那些人很多都犯了同样的错误”可知,那些人购买的礼物是错的,和“犯错误”相呼应。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:大概有10%的礼物每年是被退回的,并且考虑到友善的人可能不想要退回礼物,这个不想要的礼物的百分比无疑更高。A. accepted 接受; B. received 收到; C. welcomed 受欢迎; D. returned 返回。由and后面的“考虑到友善的人可能不想要退回礼物,这个不想要的礼物的百分比无疑更高”可知,每年大概有10%的礼物是被退回的。故选D。 4.考查动词时态。句意:购买礼物已经成为一种欺骗性自私的追求。分析句子意思可知,动词become需使用现在完成时时态,表示已经完成的动作对现在造成了影响,主语购买礼物描述的是一件事,表示单数,故需使用has become。故选A。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反地,买不到合适礼物的原因是,我们倾向于寻找我们想要给予的物品。A. Therefore 所以; B. Instead 相反,反而; C. However 然而,可是; D. Yet 但是。由前一句“We don't actually look for things people want to receive.”可知,我们实际上并没有寻找人们想要收到的物品,和本句表达的“我们寻找我们想要给予的物品”形成对比,结合选项,选项B,instead 相反,反而,符合语境。故选B。 6.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:相反地,买不到合适礼物的原因是,我们倾向于寻找我们想要给予的物品。A. have to 不得不; B. lead to 导致; C. tend to 倾向于; D. happen to 偶然发生,碰巧。由第四段第一句“购买礼物已经成为一种欺骗性自私的追求”可知,我们寻找的物品是我们自己想要给与的,和首句“自私的追求”相呼应,选项C, tend to 倾向于和“追求”相呼应。故选C。 7.考查代词辨析。句意:研究是这样说的。A. so 这样; B. it 它; C. such 这样的,如此的; D. this 这个。由第六段第一句““Gift givers want to prove how well they know a person by choosing a thoughtful gift,” said Mary Steffel, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati___8___research has focused on gift-giving.”可知,一名在辛辛那提大学的助理教授Mary Steffel的研究一直是关注礼物给予,他说,“礼物给予者想要通过选择一个体贴的礼物去证明他们有多么了解一个人”。这位教授的研究和本句“the research”相呼应,这位教授说的话和空格相呼应,选项A,so表示这样,指代教授说的话。故选A。 8.考查定语从句关系代词。句意:一名在辛辛那提大学的助理教授Mary Steffel的研究一直是关注礼物给予,他说,“礼物给予者想要通过选择一个体贴的礼物去证明他们有多么了解一个人”。分析句子结构可知,句子“__8___research has focused on gift-giving.”在句子中是定语成分,修饰先行词an assistance professor, 先行词是人物,空格在从句中充当定语成分,故需使用关系代词whose。故选B。 9.考查同位语连接词。句意:这个结果似乎来自于一个简单而错误的信仰,这个信仰是体贴的礼物就是最好的礼物。分析句子结构可知,句子“thoughtful presents are the best presents”是对名词belief表示的内容解释说明,belief后接同位语,用连接词that。故选B。 10.考查情态动词辨析。句意:实际上,他们可能是最差的礼物。A. might 可能; B. must 一定; C. have to 不得不;D. should 应该。由空格后一句“The more thought you put into a present, the more likely you are to stray from buying what the person you're buying the present for actually wants.”可知,你在礼物上花的心思越多,你就越有可能买不到对方真正想要的东西。选项A. “might 可能”和后一句“the more likely 越可能”相呼应。故选A。 11.考查介词词义辨析。句意:换句话说,人们会让送礼物的自我意识妨碍他们送出好的礼物。A. on 在......上; B. by 通过; C. in 在......里; D. with 和。由第八段第一句““Gift givers focus on what people are like instead of what people actually would like,” said Steffel.”可知,Steffel说,“礼物给予者关注的是人们是怎样的人,而不是人们实际想要什么。”由此可知,们会让送礼物的自我意识妨碍他们送出好的礼物。get in the way of“妨碍”。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,对于我们坚持猜测人们想要什么,答案很简单: 停止。A. difference 差异,不同; B. dependence 依赖,信任; C. insistence 强调,坚持; D. existence 存在,生存。由第四段的第二句“We don't actually look for things people want to receive.”可知,我们实际上并没有寻找人们想要收到的物品。由此可知,人们在坚持猜测他人想要什么。故选C。 13.考查连接代词。句意:Steffel说,“人们想要的只是他们当时想要的东西,可以是非常具体的”A. whatever 无论是什么; B. wherever 无论在哪里; C. whichever 无论哪一个; D. whenever 无论什么时候。分析句子结构可知,句子“__13___ it is they happen to want in the moment”空格在从句中充当is的表语,__13___ it is 作want的宾语,选项A. whatever 表示的是无论什么,符合语境。故选A。 14.考查非谓语动词。句意:你最好问问别人想要什么。分析句子结构可知,动词ask在句中充当状语成分,和逻辑主语you是主动关系,需使用现在分词asking。故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:还有另一条有用的经验法则。A. law 法律; B. rule 规则; C. restriction 限制,约束; D. regulation 法规,条例。由后一句“Buy gifts that can be used more broadly.“可知,购买能够被更加广泛地使用的礼物。由此可见,这句话表达的是具体做法,是对前一句的具体说明。选项B. rule 规则在本句中表达的是“经验法则”和下一句的具体购买礼物的做法相呼应。故选B。 16.考查代词辨析。句意:人们比起实际的礼物更喜欢礼物卡,并且比起这两样更喜欢金钱。A. none 什么都没有; B. all 全部,都; C. both 两者都; D. neither 两者都不。分析句子结构可知,空格是对前面礼物卡和实际礼物的指代,这是两件物品,故需使用both。故选C。 17.考查谓语动词。句意:假设你有一个朋友,你的朋友非常喜欢玛格丽塔酒。分析句子结构可知,空格处缺失谓语动词,空格谓语句首,是祈使句结构,需使用动词原形say。故选D。 18.考查连词辨析。句意:但是,一个玛格丽特鸡尾酒调酒器实际上是一个相当糟糕的礼物,即使那位朋友有这种特质。A. even if 即使,虽然; B. as if 好像; C. even now 即使现在; D. if only 只要。本句主句表达的是“一个玛格丽特鸡尾酒制造器实际上是一个相当糟糕的礼物”,从句表达的是“它涉及到那朋友身上的某个明确的品质”,主从句表达的是转折关系,选项A. even if 即使,虽然,符合语境。故选A。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,一个玛格丽特鸡尾酒调酒器实际上是一个相当糟糕的礼物,即使那位朋友有这种特质。A. terrible 糟糕的;B. nice 美好的; C. comfortable 舒服的; D. enjoyable 快乐的,有趣的。由后一句“Better yet? Give the friend enough cash to buy the device, ___20___ it, and then accept the reality that they are probably going to buy something else they want much more.”可知,更好的是?给朋友足够的现金去买这款设备,向他提出建议,然后接受这样一个现实:他很可能会买他更想要的其他东西。后文表达的是一种更好的方法,是对本句直接给朋友购买玛格丽特鸡尾酒制造器的否定,这不是一个好的礼物。选项A terrible 糟糕的,符合语境。故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:给朋友足够的现金去买这款设备,向他提出建议,然后接受这样一个现实:他很可能会买他更想要的其他东西。A. avoid 避免; B. desert 遗弃; C. command 拥有; D. suggest 建议。由本句后半部分表达的是朋友拿着钱去买的是他们更想要的东西而不是设备,和前半部分自己给钱给朋友去买这个设备,自己在给朋友买这个设备提出建议,形成对比,选项D. suggest 建议,符合语境。故选D。


1.What did the students do on Monday?

A.They signed a booking form.

B.They handed in a booking form.

C.They were given a booking form.

2.How long will the parents’ meeting last?

A.About 30 minutes.

B.About 20 minutes.

C.About 15 minutes.

3.What is the subject of the special advisor’s lecture?

A.How to improve grades.

B.How to communicate with parents.

C.How to fill out university application forms.

4.Who will benefit from Mr. Jones’ talk?

A.Students who want to be athletes.

B.Students who want to study overseas.

C.Students who want to get a scholarship.




1.How did the man feel at first?

A.Proud. B.Nervous. C.Excited.

2.What is the man about to do?

A.Accept a prize.

B.Make a speech.

C.Receive a degree.

3.Where will the speakers go for a holiday tomorrow?

A.London. B.Paris. C.Beijing.

4.Who are the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Schoolmates. C.Teacher and student.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.In Japan. B.In China. C.In America.

2.What kind of food did the woman want to eat at first?

A.Fast food. B.Street food. C.Home-made food.

3.What will the woman do next?

A.Start cooking. B.Get changed. C.Surf on the Internet.




1.When are the book club meetings usually held?

A.On Fridays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.

2.Why was the woman absent from the meeting last week?

A.She was on holiday.

B.She was seeing a doctor.

C.She was visiting a sick relative.




1.What do the artists make the sculptures from?

A.Animals' fur. B.Garbage. C.Clay.

2.What will the man probably do?

A.Study art. B.Go to a show. C.Pick up trash in the ocean.



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