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A motorcyclist should generally follow t...

    A motorcyclist should generally follow the driving rules which apply to all motor vehicles. However, because of the nature of the vehicle, the following additional safety measures should apply to the operation of a motorcycle.

1. Because of in stability in case of sudden stops, following distances should be greater than for cars.

2. The proper position of the foot while the motorcycle is moving is resting on peg (脚蹬)and keeping foot straight.

3. Helmets must be worn for head protection in case of an accident.

4. Allow the engine to warm up before starting.

5. Drive slowly and use extreme caution on surfaces which are slippery because of ice, snow, sand, mud, etc. to guard against falling.

6. When operating a motorcycle at night you should travel near the center of the right-hand lane at reduced speed.

7. A passenger shall not be carried unless the vehicle is equipped with a seat designed to carry two persons.

8. Avoid going between the cars. A passenger may suddenly open the door to leave the car.

9. Drive in traffic only after developing skill in the control of the motorcycle away from traffic.

10. A screen must be used or eye glasses worn to protect the eyes.

1.From the contents and the writing style, we can infer it is a(an) ______.

A.note B.instruction C.notice D.advertisement

2.When we operate a motorcycle, we should______.

A.do some warm-up exercises first.

B.wear helmets just in case.

C.avoid driving in traffic.

D.never carry a passenger..

3.Which of the following can best summarize this passage?

A.Good Driving Habits B.Enjoy Driving Motorcycles

C.Functions of Motorcycles D.Avoid Using Motorcycles


1.B 2.B 3.A 【解析】 本文是说明文。摩托车手一般应遵守适用于所有机动车辆的驾驶规则。然而,由于车辆的性质,文章说明了一些摩托车操作应该遵守的额外的安全措施。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段的the following additional safety measures should apply to the operation of a motorcycle.(下列附加的安全措施应适用于摩托车的操作。)和下文的1到10条注意事项可推断,本文是一项说明,既不是便条,也不是通知和广告。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据3. Helmets must be worn for head protection in case of an accident. 可知,必须带头盔保护头部以防事故。故选B。 3.主旨大意题。根据第一段However, because of the nature of the vehicle, the following additional safety measures should apply to the operation of a motorcycle.但是,由于摩托车的性质,驾驶摩托车应采取下列附加安全措施以及通读1到10条额外的驾驶摩托车需要注意的安全事项可知,骑摩托车时要养成良好的驾驶习惯,注意防护,小心驾驶,注意车速车距,避免事故发生。所以A选项“良好的驾驶习惯”最能概括这篇文章。故选A。

Why Thoughtful Gifts Are the Worst Gifts?

During all kinds of holidays, millions of people will buy gifts for loved ones, which is great--- _______ that tons of those people make the same mistakes, and buy the _______ gifts.

Roughly 10 percent of gifts are _______ each year---and the percentage of unwanted gifts is surely higher given that nice people may not want to return presents.

What's going on?

Gift buying _______ a deceiving selfish pursuit. We don't actually look for things people want to receive. _______, and to many of our gifts' detriments, we _______ look for things that we want to give. It’s an important problem.

The research says _______ .

“Gift givers want to prove how well they know a person by choosing a thoughtful gift,” said Mary Steffel, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati _______ research has focused on gift-giving. “But people aren't very good at guessing what others want.”

Research has shown that givers value the gifts they buy more than recipients (接受者).The result seems to come from a simple wrong belief _______ thoughtful presents are the best presents. They are not. In fact, they ________ just be the worst presents. The more thought you put into a present, the more likely you are to stray from buying what the person you're buying the present for actually wants.

“Gift givers focus on what people are like instead of what people actually would like,” said Steffel. “And it's most pronounced when they're shopping for people they are close to.”

In other words, people let their gift-giving egos (自我)get ________ the way of great presents. Especially when the recipient is someone they want to show they know really well.

Fortunately, the answer to our ________ on guessing what people want is simple: stop it.

“People want ________ it is they happen to want in the moment, which can be very specific,” Steffel said. “You are much better off ________ people what they want.”

There is another helpful ________ of thumb. Buy gifts that can be used more broadly. People prefer gift cards to actual gifts, and cash to ________. Here is an example. ________ you have a friend, and your friend really likes margarita (玛格丽特鸡尾酒).You might think of buying that friend a margarita-maker.

But a margarita-maker, ________ it speaks to a specific quality in that friend, is actually a pretty ________ present. Better yet? Give the friend enough cash to buy the device, ________ it, and then accept the reality that they are probably going to buy something else they want much more.

1.A.given B.except C.since D.besides

2.A.wrong B.precious C.valuable D.right

3.A.accepted B.received C.welcomed D.returned

4.A.has become B.had become C.will become D.becomes

5.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Yet

6.A.have to B.lead to C.tend to D.happen to

7.A.so B.it C.such D.this

8.A.where B.whose C.who D.which

9.A.which B.that C.as D.whose

10.A.might B.must C.have to D.should

11.A.on B.by C.in D.with

12.A.difference B.dependence C.insistence D.existence

13.A.whatever B.wherever C.whichever D.whenever

14.A.asking B.asked C.to ask D.ask

15.A.law B.rule C.restriction D.regulation

16.A.none B.all C.both D.neither

17.A.Saying B.Said C.To say D.Say

18.A.even if B.as if C.even now D.if only

19.A.terrible B.nice C.comfortable D.enjoyable

20.A.avoid B.desert C.command D.suggest




1.What did the students do on Monday?

A.They signed a booking form.

B.They handed in a booking form.

C.They were given a booking form.

2.How long will the parents’ meeting last?

A.About 30 minutes.

B.About 20 minutes.

C.About 15 minutes.

3.What is the subject of the special advisor’s lecture?

A.How to improve grades.

B.How to communicate with parents.

C.How to fill out university application forms.

4.Who will benefit from Mr. Jones’ talk?

A.Students who want to be athletes.

B.Students who want to study overseas.

C.Students who want to get a scholarship.




1.How did the man feel at first?

A.Proud. B.Nervous. C.Excited.

2.What is the man about to do?

A.Accept a prize.

B.Make a speech.

C.Receive a degree.

3.Where will the speakers go for a holiday tomorrow?

A.London. B.Paris. C.Beijing.

4.Who are the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Schoolmates. C.Teacher and student.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.In Japan. B.In China. C.In America.

2.What kind of food did the woman want to eat at first?

A.Fast food. B.Street food. C.Home-made food.

3.What will the woman do next?

A.Start cooking. B.Get changed. C.Surf on the Internet.




1.When are the book club meetings usually held?

A.On Fridays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.

2.Why was the woman absent from the meeting last week?

A.She was on holiday.

B.She was seeing a doctor.

C.She was visiting a sick relative.



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