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Face shape lets AI spot rare disorders P...

Face shape lets AI spot rare disorders

People with genetic syndromes (综合征) sometimes have revealing facial features, but using them to make a quick and cheap diagnosis can be _______given there are hundreds of possible conditions they may have. A new neural (神经系统) network that analyses photographs of faces can help doctors _______the possibilities.

Yaron Gurovich at biotechnology firm FDNA in Boston and his team built a neural network to look at the overall impression of faces and _______ a list of the 10 genetic syndromes a person is most likely to have.

They _______ the neural network, called DeepGestalt, on 17,000 images correctly labeled to match more than 200 genetic syndromes.The team then asked AI to _______potential genetic disorders from a further 502 photos of people with such conditions. It included the correct answer among its list of 10 responses 91 per cent of the time.

Gurovich and his team also_______the neural network's ability to distinguish between the different genetic mutations (父异) that can lead to the same syndrome.They used photographs of people with Noonan syndrome, which can result from mutations in any one of five genes.DeepGestalt correctly identified the genetic source of the physical appearance 64 per cent of the time. It’s clearly not _______, but it’s still much better than humans are at trying to do this.

As the system makes its assessments, the facial regions that are most helpful in the determination are_______and made available for doctors to view. This helps them to understand the relationships between genetic make-up and physical appearance.

The fact that the diagnosis is based on a simple photograph raises questions about_______. If faces can reveal details about genetics, then employers and insurance providers could, in principle,__________ use such techniques to__________ against people who have a high probability of having certain disorders.__________. Gurovich says the tool will only be __________for use by clinicians.

This technique could bring significant__________ for those who have genetic syndromes. The real value here is that for some of these ultra-rare diseases, the process of diagnosis can be many, many years. This kind of technology can help narrow down the search space and then be confirmed through checking genetic markers. For some diseases, it will cut down the time to diagnosis dramatically. For others, it could perhaps add means of finding other people with the disease and, __________, help find new treatments or cures.

1.A.convincing B.practical C.reliable D.tricky

2.A.narrow down B.result in C.bring about D.arise from

3.A.wait B.return C.mail D.feed

4.A.focused B.touched C.based D.trained

5.A.adjust B.identify C.change D.cure

6.A.recognized B.showed C.tested D.acquired

7.A.perfect B.acceptable C.specific D.workable

8.A.covered B.highlighted C.excluded D.monitored

9.A.privacy B.accuracy C.reality D.objectivity

10.A.legally B.regularly C.secretly D.efficiently

11.A.vote B.fight C.argue D.discriminate

12.A.Furthermore B.Similarly C.Otherwise D.However

13.A.available B.impossible C.ready D.rare

14.A.challenges B.damages C.benefits D.concerns

15.A.by contrast B.on the contrary C.in addition D.in turn


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Yaron Gurovich研究出一种新的分析面部照片的神经网,可以通过分析面部图片帮助医生缩小诊断范围,从而可以实现人工智能看脸识疾病。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:患有遗传综合症的人有时会有明显的面部特征,但利用这些特征进行快速而廉价的诊断可能会很棘手,因为他们可能患有数百种可能的疾病。A. convincing有说服力的;B. practical实际的;C. reliable可靠的;D. tricky棘手的,狡猾的。结合后文given there are hundreds of possible conditions they may have可知,要利用这些特征进行快速而廉价的诊断可能会很棘手。tricky表示“难办到的”。故选D。 2.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一种新的分析面部照片的神经网络可以帮助医生缩小可能性。A. narrow down缩小;B. result in导致;C. bring about引起;D. arise from由……引起。根据上文提到了患有遗传综合症的人拥有的面部特征可能表明患有数百种可能的疾病,所以这种新的分析面部照片的神经网络主要是为了帮助医生缩小这种可能性,从而确诊疾病。最后一段中This kind of technology can help narrow down the search space and then be confirmed through checking genetic markers.也有提示。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:波士顿生物技术公司FDNA的Yaron Gurovich和他的团队建立了一个神经网络来观察人们对人脸的整体印象,并选出了一份一个人最有可能患有的10种遗传综合症的清单。A. wait等待;B. return选出,返回;C. mail邮寄;D. feed喂养。结合后文a list of the 10 genetic syndromes a person is most likely to have.可知,Yaron Gurovich和他的团队建立了一个神经网络来观察人们对人脸的整体印象,并选出了一份一个人最有可能患有的10种遗传综合症的清单。return表示此处“选出”。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们基于名为DeepGestalt的神经网络,对17000张经过正确标记的图像进行分析,以匹配200多种遗传综合症。A. focused专注;B. touched接触;C. based以……为基础;D. trained训练。结合后文the neural network, called DeepGestalt可知,他们的这项技术是基于名为DeepGestalt的神经网络。短语base on表示“基于”。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,研究小组让人工智能从另外502张患有此类疾病的人的照片中鉴定出潜在的遗传疾病。A. adjust调整;B. identify识别,鉴定;C. change改变;D. cure治愈。结合后文potential genetic disorders可知,研究小组让人工智能去鉴定出潜在的遗传疾病。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Gurovich和他的团队还测试了神经网络区分可能导致同一综合症的不同基因突变的能力。A. recognized意识到;B. showed展示;C. tested测试;D. acquired取得。结合后文the neural network’s ability to distinguish between the different genetic mutations that can lead to the same syndrome.可知,Gurovich和他的团队还测试了(tested)神经网络区分可能导致同一综合症的不同基因突变的能力。其它选项不符合语境。故选C。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它显然不是完美的,但它在这方面比人类要好得多。A. perfect完美的;B. acceptable可接受的;C. specific特定的;D. workable可行的。根据后文but it’s still much better than humans are at trying to do this.可知,这项技术还不够完美,但是在这方面已经比人类好得多了。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在系统进行评估时,对判断最有帮助的面部区域会被突出显示,供医生查看。A. covered覆盖;B. highlighted突出;C. excluded排除;D. monitored检测。结合后文and made available for doctors to view. This helps them to understand the relationships between genetic make-up and physical appearance.可知,在系统进行评估时,对判断最有帮助的面部区域会被突出显示,供医生查看。这有助于他们理解基因组成和外表之间的关系。故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:诊断仅基于一张简单的照片,这一事实引发了关于隐私的疑问。A. privacy隐私;B. accuracy准确性;C. reality现实;D. objectivity客观性。结合后文If faces can reveal details about genetics可知,这种诊断会引起人们对泄露隐私的疑问。故选A。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果人脸可以揭示基因的细节,那么雇主和保险公司原则上就可以秘密地使用这种技术来歧视那些有很高可能患有某种疾病的人。A. legally合法地;B. regularly定期地;C. secretly秘密地,偷偷地;D. efficiently有效地。结合后文for use by clinicians.可知,这种技术只能供临床医生使用,那么公司老板和提供保险的人只能偷偷使用。故选C。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果人脸可以揭示基因的细节,那么雇主和保险公司原则上就可以秘密地使用这种技术来歧视那些有很高可能患有某种疾病的人。A. vote投票;B. fight斗争;C. argue争论;D. discriminate歧视。在公司老板的角度看来,老板们会使用这种技术来其实那些有很高可能患有某种疾病的人。故选D。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,Gurovich说,该工具将只供临床医生使用。A. Furthermore此外;B. Similarly类似地;C. Otherwise否则;D. However然而。结合上下文语境可知,前后句意为转折关系,故用连接副词however。故选D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,Gurovich说,该工具将只供临床医生使用。A. available可获得的;B. impossible不可能的;C. ready准备好的;D. rare稀有的。根据第五段中made available for doctors to view.可知,此处指该工具将只供临床医生使用。故选A。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项技术可以给那些有遗传综合症的人带来显著的好处。A. challenges挑战;B. damages破坏;C. benefits好处,利益;D. concerns关心。根据后文This kind of technology can help narrow down the search space and then be confirmed through checking genetic markers.可知,这种技术可以帮助缩小搜索空间,然后通过检查基因标记得到确认,由此可知这种技术可以给那些有遗传综合症的人带来显著的好处。故选C。 15.考查介词短语辨析。句意:对另一些人来说,它可能增加找到其他患者的方法,反过来,也可以帮助找到新的治疗方法或治愈方法。A. by contrast相比之下;B. on the contrary正相反;C. in addition另外;D. in turn反过来。本句注意理解上下文语境,对另一些人来说,这项技术可能增加找到其他患者的方法,那么反过来,也可以帮助找到新的治疗方法或治愈方法。故选D。

Without Her Name

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Pride and Prejudice by English novelist Jane Austen is one of the most popular tales ever written. But behind the global admiration she enjoys today lies a sad fact.1.

In Pride and Prejudice, she was simply the author of Sense and Sensibility, which had carried the title “By a Lady.” The anonymity(匿名) worked so well that even friends of the Austen family had no idea that dear, sweet Jane was a novelist. A friend of Jane' s brother Henry actually told him that Pride and Prejudice was “much too clever to be the work of a woman.”

2.Tom Paine, a Founding Father of the United States, kept his identity hidden for a short time after the publication of his famous Common Sense.

For a woman, however, there was the added burden of societal expectations. Any sort of publishing or public display of talent was considered improper behavior for a woman.

It wasn't only fear about “bad manners” that discouraged women from writing under their own names.3. Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre, once sent her poetry to Robert Southey, a famous poet. Southey simply responded: “Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life.” Bronte used her pen name, Currer Bell, to publish Jane Eyre in 1847.Her sister Emily published Wuthering

Heights as Ellies Bell in the same year.

4.Mary Shelley' s Frankenstein(《科学人》) had come out without her name in 1818.Mary Anne Evans wrote Middlemarch and her other novels under the pen name George Eliot.

The 20th century saw great progress towards gender equality. In theory, it should be unnecessary for women writers to follow Austen' s path any longer, unless driven by personal reasons.5. Joanne Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels, was advised to become J. K. Rowling. That's because boys might dislike the feeling of picking up a book by a woman. Connie Ann Kirk explained in her biography of Rowling.

A.Jane Austen has attracted a great deal of critical attention in recent years.

B.Women 's writing was seldom taken seriously.

C.Politicians, for reasons of safety, also frequently chose to be invisible.

D.In practice, however, certain prejudices just won't go away.

E.in a 2016 interview, Italian novelist Elena Ferrante claimed her use of a pen name let her concentrate on writing.

F.in her own time, Austen 's name never appeared on her books.

G.They joined a long list of women authors who felt they had to hide.



    The Jewish(犹太人)family-had-just finished supper and the woman had placed the dishes in the sink.The kitchen was quite damp and even gloomier than in the main room.It was their third apartment since the start of the war,they had abandoned the other two in a hurry.The woman came back into the room and sat down again at the table.The 3-year-old boy sat with his back straight,his eyes fixed on his father,but it was obvious that he was so sleepy that he could barely sit up.

The man was smoking a cigarette.His eyes were blood-shot and he kept blinking in a funny way.This blinking had begun soon after they fled the second apartment.

It was late,past ten o'clock and they could have gone to sleep,but first they had to play the game that they had been playing every day for two weeks.Even though the man tried his best and he moved very quickly,the fault was his and not the child's.The boy was.marvelous.Seeing his father put out his cigarette,he opened his blue eyes even wider.The woman,who didn't actually take part in the game, stroked the boy's hair.

“We'll play the key game just one more time only today.Isn't that right?"she asked her husband.

He didn't answer because he was not sure.They were still two or three minutes off. He arose and walked towards the bathroom door.Then the woman called out softly,“Ding-dong."At the sound of the bell ringing so musically from his mother's lips,the boy jumped up from his chair and ran to the front door,which was separated from the main room by a narrow corridor.

“Who's there?"he asked.

The woman,remaining in her chair,shut her eyes tight as if feeling a sudden, sharp pain.

“I'l1 open up in a minute,I'm just looking for the keys,"the child called out. Then he ran back to the main room,making a lot of noise with his feet.He ran in circles around the table,pulled out one of the sideboard drawers,and slammed it shut.

“Just a minute,I can't find them,I don't know where Mama put them,"he yelled,then dragged the chair across the room,climbed onto it,and reached up to the top of the shelf.

“I found them!”he shouted triumphantly.Then he got down from the chair, pushed it back to the table,and calmly walked to the door and opened it.

“Shut the door,darling,"the woman said softly."You were perfect.”

The child didn't hear what she said.He stood in the middle of the room,staring at the closed bathroom door.

“Shut the door, the woman repeated in a tired flat voice.Every evening she repeated the same words,and every evening he stared at the closed bathroom door.

At last it opened.The man was pale and his clothes were streaked with lime and dust.He stood there,eyes blinking in that funny way.

“Well?How did it go?"asked the woman.

“I still need more time.He has to look for them longer.I slip in sideways all right,but then...It's so tight in there that when I turn...And he's got to make more noise-he should stamp his feet louder."

The child didn't take his eyes off him.

“Say something to him,"the woman whispered.

You did a good job,little one,"he said mechanically.

“That's right,”the woman said,“you're really doing a wonderful job,darling. You act just like a grown-up.And you do know that if someone should really ring the doorbell when Mama is at work,everything will depend on you?And what will you say when they ask you about your parents?”

“Mama's at work.”

“And Papa?"He was silent.

“And Papa?"the man screamed in terror.The child turned pale.

“And Papa?”the man repeated more calmly.

“He's dead,”the child answered and threw himself at his father,who was standing right beside him,but already long dead to the people who would really ring the bell.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Para.5 mean?

A.The family needed to practise the game for another 2 or 3 minutes.

B.There was still 2 or 3 minutes left before someone knocked at the door.

C.They would become too sleepy to play the game 2 or 3 minutes later.

D.The father needed 2 or 3 more minutes before the kid opened the door.

2.Why did the boy make a lot of noise when he was looking for the key?

A.Because he needed to drown out the noise caused by his father.

B.Because he was too little and just couldn't control his footsteps.

C.Because he was too anxious to find the key to open the door with.

D.Because he met many barriers on his way to where the key was.

3.In Para.12,why did the mother repeat“shut the door”in a tired,flat voice, instead of the previous soft one?

A.She was angry because her son didn't close the door as he had been told to.

B.She felt anxious because she knew her husband would be annoyed at the boy again.

C.She was disappointed because the boy's movement betrayed again where her husband was.

D.She was impatient because she was asked to repeat these words again and again every evening.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.A Scary Night B.The Key Game

C.My Father Is Dead D.An Innocent Boy



Bill Gates on how to fight future pandemics

WHEN HISTORIANS write the book on the covid-19 pandemic, what we've lived through so far will probably take up only the first third or so.The bulk of the story will be what happens next.

I believe that humanity will beat this pandemic, but only when most of the population is vaccinated(接种疫苗).Until then, life will not return to normal.

As the pandemic slows in developed nations,it will accelerate in developing ones.Their experience,however,will be worse.In poorer countries,where fewer jobs can be done remotely,distancing measures won't work as well.The virus will spread quickly,and health systems won't be able to care for the infected.

Wealthy nations can help.But people in rich and poor places alike will be safe only once we have an effective medical solution for this virus,which means a vaccine.

My hope is that,by the second half of 2021,facilities around the world will be manufacturing a vaccine.If that's the case,it will be a history-making achievement: the fastest humankind has ever gone from recognizing a new disease to immunizing (免疫)against it.

Apart from this progress in vaccines,two other big medical breakthroughs will emerge from the pandemic.One will be in the field of diagnostics.The next time a novel virus crops up,people will probably be able to test for it at home.Researchers could have such a test ready within a few months of identifying a new disease.

The third breakthrough will be in antiviral drugs.We haven't been as effective at developing drugs to fight viruses as we have those to fight bacteria.But that will Researchers will develop large diverse libraries of antivirals,which they'll be able to scan trough and quickly find effective treatments for novel viruses.

All three technologies will prepare us for the next pandemic by allowing us to intervene(干预)early when the number of cases is still very low.

Our progress won't be in science alone.It will also be in our ability to make sure everyone benefits from that science.In the years after 2021,I think we'll learn from the years after 1945. With the end of the Second World War, leaders built international institutions like the UN to prevent more conflicts.After covid-19, leaders will prepare institutions to prevent the next pandemic.

These will be a mix of national,regional and global organizations.I expect they will participate in regular"germ games”in the same way as armed forces take part in War games.These will keep us ready for the next time a novel virus jumps from bats or birds to humans.

I hope wealthy nations include poorer ones in these preparations,especially by devoting more foreign aid to building up their primary health-care systems.This pandemic has shown us that viruses don't obey border laws and that we are all connected biologically by a network of microscopic germs,whether we like it or not.

The best analogy(类比)for today might be November 10th 1942.Britain had just won its first land victory of the war,and Winston Churchill declared in a speech: “This is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is,perhaps,the end of the beginning.”

1.What are the three technologies that will prepare us for the next pandemic?

manufacturing a vaccine fast     

diagnosing a virus at home

developing antiviral drugs 

allowing us to intervene early

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

2.As far as poorer countries are concerned,which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A.pandemic disease is more likely to begin in poorer countries

B.Working from home can work well in poorer countries.

C.Health systems are sufficient to care for the infected in poorer countries.

D.Virus will cross borders if poorer countries fail to contain it.

3.Why is the Second World War mentioned in Para.8?

A.The fight against the COVID-19 is similar to the Second World War.

B.People are suffering just as they were in the Second World War.

C.We should cooperate globally just as we did after the Second World War.

D.Countries are fighting each other like in the Second World War.

4.What is the tone of this passage?

A.pessimistic B.optimistic

C.neutral D.indifferent



    My school appeared on the news last week because we had made an important change in our local area. Our class had planted a large garden in what was once only a vacant lot. It was a lot of work but it was all worth it. I got blisters(水泡) from digging, and we all got insect bites, too.

I learned a lot about gardening and collaboration(合作), and then I learned about the media. Our teacher telephoned the TV station and informed them of what we had accomplished. She spoke with the producer. The producer checked with the directors, but they said there were plenty of stories similar to ours. They wanted to know what was special about our particular garden, since many schools plant them.

The teacher explained that, after going on the Internet to learn about the prairie(大草原), we had made a prairie garden. We had gone to a prairie and gotten seeds from the plants, and then we planted them. We did not water the garden, but we did weed it. We decided to let nature water it with rain, since that was how prairies grew in the past. We sent a picture of the garden to the news station. In the picture, the grass was so high that it stood taller than the fourth grade students.

As a result, the producer sent a reporter to our school. He interviewed the headmaster and asked him many questions about the garden. After that, they interviewed us, and we explained to them what we had learned through this project.

That night, we watched the news, and there we were. The news reporter told our story. It was only two minutes long, but it was us. We were famous. All that work, all those blisters, it was worth it. We knew that when we saw the garden every day, but now we knew that the whole city thought so, too.

1.What seemed to be the TV directors’ initial reaction to the garden?

A.They were excited. B.They were surprised.

C.They were worried. D.They were uninterested.

2.What is special about the garden?

A.Weeds were allowed to spread naturally.

B.The grass grew faster than common grass.

C.The seeds came from the plants of a prairie.

D.Underground water was used for the plants.

3.What does the underlined word “that” refer to in the last paragraph?

A.We got blisters on our hands. B.Our hard work was worthwhile.

C.The garden would be famous. D.The project would be finished.

4.How did the author feel about the project?

A.Annoyed. B.Curious. C.Proud. D.Regretful.



    Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time? You can do all the three with Global Development Association(GDA). Whatever stage of life you’re at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you’ll create positive changes in a poor and remote community(社区).

We work with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. Most of our volunteers are aged 17-24. Now we need volunteer managers aged 25-75. They are extremely important in the safe and effective running of our programmes. We have such roles as project managers, mountain leaders, and communication officers.

Depending on which role you choose, you could help to increase a community’s access to safe drinking water, or help to protect valuable local cultures. You might also design an adventure challenge to train young volunteers.

Not only will you help our young volunteers to develop personally, you’ll also learn new skills and increase your cultural awareness. You may have chances to meet new people who’ll become your lifelong friends.

This summer we have both 4-week and 7-week programmes:



4-week programmes

7-week programmes


5 Jul. — 1 Aug.

20 Jun. — 7 Aug.


24 Jul. — 20 Aug.

19 Jun. — 6 Aug.


20 Jul. — 16 Aug.

18 Jun. — 5 Aug.

South Africa

2 Aug. — 29 Aug.

15 Jun. — 2 Aug.


GDA ensures that volunteers work with community members and local project partners where our help is needed. All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.

There is no other chance like a GDA programme. Join us as a volunteer manager to develop your own skills while bringing benefits to the communities.

Find out more about joining a GDA programme:



1.What is the main responsibility of volunteer managers?

A.To seek local partners. B.To take in young volunteers.

C.To carry out programmes. D.To foster cultural awareness.

2.The programme beginning in August will operate in ________.

A.Egypt B.Algeria C.Kenya D.South Africa

3.The shared goal of GDA’s projects to ________.

A.explore new cultures B.protect the environment

C.gain corporate benefit D.help communities in need



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