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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Cold Fo...


Cold Food Festival is a 1.  (tradition) Chinese holiday celebrated before Qingming Festival, which usually falls on April 4 or 5.

Legend has 2. that Chong'er, a prince of Jin, experienced many hardships while he moved around the warring states. Once, when the prince suffered from 3. (starve), Jie Zitui, offered him food. Later, when Chong'er became the duke of Jin, he ordered a search for Jie who had gone into hiding in the remote mountains with his mother. The duke wanted Jie to serve 4. one of his ministers. Contrary to 5.many people might assume, Jie, who preferred living a simple life in the Mianshan Mountain to 6. (become) a politician, refused the duke's invitation. Chong'er ordered the mountain to be burned down to force Jie out of hiding. 7. (fortune), Jie did not give in and the fire ended up killing him and his mother. Feeling extremely sorry, Chong'er required that the setting of fire 8. (forbid) on the anniversary of Jie's death. This meant all food was eaten cold. Therefore the festival is thus named.

Mianshan Mountain, 9.the tragedy happened, is now a famous tourist destination in Shanxi province. In many areas of Shanxi, locals still remember this tradition. 10.cold food is not the only choice for people during the celebration, the practices of making typical cold dishes for the event have been preserved.


1.traditional 2.it 3.starvation 4.as 5.what 6.becoming 7.Unfortunately 8.be forbidden 9.where 10.Although/Though/While 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述的是寒食节,作为中国的传统节日,它的起源,以及节日习俗。 1.考查形容词。因为第一空前面有a, 后面有Chinese holiday,可知中间是需要一个形容词去修饰后面的名词holiday的,所以这空需要填形容词。tradition变形容词为traditional。故填traditional。 2.考查代词。本题Legend作主语,has作谓语动词。那在这空上需要填宾语。此空没有提示词,所以只有介词,冠词,连词和代词。而只有代词可以作宾语,所以这空填写代词。而后面的that引导的从句可知,这里只是需要形式宾语。故填it。 3.考查名词。from是介词,介词后面加宾语。宾语可以用名词和代词,在这空有提示词。所以填名词。starve改名词为starvation。故填starvation。 4.考查固定短语。根据句意:公爵想让介子推担任他的大臣之一。serve as担任,该短语是固定短语。故填as。 5.考查连词。to在这里是介词,介词后面加的是宾语从句,而这个宾语从句缺少连接词。many people might assume 后缺少宾语。宾语从句缺成分。根据句意:与许多人的猜测相反,选择what。故填what。 6.考查非谓语。to是介词,介词后加宾语。而become a politician作了整个的宾语的结构。所以become换成动名词形式。而这个非谓语的逻辑主语为介子推,和become之间的关系为主动关系。因此,把become改成becoming。本句意为:与许多人的猜测相反,介子推,他宁愿在绵山过着简朴的生活而不愿成为一名政治家,拒绝了公爵的邀请。故填becoming。 7.考查副词。根据上下文句意:重耳下令烧毁这座山,逼介子推逃出藏身之地。介子推没有屈服,大火最终杀死了他和他的母亲。在这里,介子推和母亲被大火烧死,是不幸的事情,所以fortune改为Unfortunately。故填Unfortunately。 8.考查虚拟语气。required作动词,后接宾语从句,宾语从句需要用虚拟语气,用should+动词原形。第八题从句:that the setting of fire ____8____ (forbid) on the anniversary of Jie's death. 从句缺少谓语动词。并且句意为在介之推死亡的纪念日,火是被禁止的。火和禁止之间的关系是动宾关系。故填(should)be forbidden。 9.考查定语从句关系副词。 ____9____ the tragedy happened是一个定语从句,修饰先行词Mianshan Mountain,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故选择关系副词中的where。故填where。 10.考查状语从句连接词。本句话后半部分:“the practices of making typical cold dishes for the event have been preserved.” 作的是整个句子的主句。那么,这句话前半部分作的就是状语从句。根据句意:尽管冷的食物并不是人们在庆祝活动中的唯一选择,但是为庆祝活动制作典型的冷的食物的做法得到了保留。可知第十题这空需要填尽管的意思。故填although/though/while。

    Jane has been married for many years. She is always hoping for romantic moments, just like a little girl wishing for candies. However, her husband is just the _______. He hardly brings romantic moments into their life, _______ has made Jane tired of their marriage. Finally, one day, Jane told her husband that she wanted to divorce (和离婚)him.

“Why?" he asked, in _______ .

"I am tired; there is no _______ for everything in the world!" Jane answered.

Lost in deep thought, her husband sat there, _______, with a lighted cigarette in his hands.

Eventually he asked, "What can I do to change your _______?"

Looking deep into his eyes, Jane answered slowly, "Let's say, if I want a flower on a mountain cliff (悬崖),but picking the flower will cost you your _______ , will you do it for me?"

He answered, "you will have my answer tomorrow?"

Waking up the next morning, Jane found a piece of paper lying on the dining table, which _______: “My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, but please listen to my _______

Though it only ________ the feeling of her disappointment, Jane continued reading: "The moment you leave the house keys ________, I will have to save my legs, rushing home to open the ________ for you. You always like to stay indoors and I ________ that you will feel too lonely, so I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories. You always ________ long at the computer, which will do ________ to your eyes, so I have to save my eyes so that when we grow ________,1 can help to clip your nails. Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you ________ I do, I could not pick that flower yet, and die."

Jane's tears fell on the ________ and she continued reading: “Now that you have finished reading my answer, if you are ________ , please open the front door, for I am standing outside bringing you your favorite bread and fresh milk."

________ , not words, wins arguments.

1.A.opposite B.same C.difficult D.innocent

2.A.it B.that C.when D.which

3.A.complaint B.shock C.doubt D.annoyance

4.A.result B.explanation C.cause D.reason

5.A.anxious B.panicked C.silent D.calm

6.A.attitude B.feeling C.situation D.mind

7.A.life B.injury C.happiness D.trouble

8.A.indicated B.wrote C.read D.expressed

9.A.explanation B.version C.distinction D.contribution

10.A.occupied B.ignored C.reduced D.increased

11.A.off B.out C.away D.behind

12.A.court B.door C.box D.window

13.A.worry B.doubt C.believe D.think

14.A.glance B.stare C.glare D.urge

15.A.impression B.hurt C.harm D.ruin

16.A.weak B.ill C.old D.close

17.A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.less than

18.A.photos B.flowers C.floor D.letter

19.A.determined B.hungry C.satisfied D.convenient

20.A.Consideration B.Love C.Attachment D.Concern



    Among the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), the World Health Organization (WHO) has offered basic protective measures to the public against the virus.

1. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.1.

2.2.If you sneeze or cough into your hands, you may contaminate (污染;传染) objects or people that you touch. Throw tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

3. Keep at least one- meter distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever, because coughs or sneezes of people who are infected with a respiratory (呼吸系统) disease project (喷射) small drops containing the virus.3.

4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth because hands touch many surfaces, which can be contaminated with: the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your contaminated hands, you can transfer the virus from the surface to yourself.

5. Tell your health care provider if you have traveled in an area where the epidemic (流行病). has been reported, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms.

6. Practice general hygiene(卫生) measures when visiting live animal markets, wet markets or animal product markets.4.. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated animal waste or fluids on the soil Or structures of shops and market facilities.

7.5.. Handle raw meat, milk, or animal organs carefully to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked food.

A.Avoid eating animal products

B.If you are too close, you can breathe in the virus

C.This helps knowing the virus if it's on your hands

D.Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products

E.This helps removing the virus if it's on your hands

F.Strictly avoid any contact with other animals in the market

G.Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing and sneezing



A widow with a fish to fry

A YOUNG WOMAN WALKS INTO THE BATHROOM of her Beijing apartment. She plans to ask her husband about their coming vacation, but notices he's facedown in their bathtub. Jokingly, she asks him if he's trying to wash his hair. No answer. He's dead.

These first pages of An Yu's novel, Braised Pork, sound like a domestic thriller. The dead husband . A fancy apartment. And a wife who shows that even if she's shocked by the unexpected death, she wasn't happy with her marriage to begin with. Yu writes, “He had betrayed(背叛)and deserted her."

But then, as she waits for the ambulance, Jia Jia discovers a picture of a strange fish-man left near her bathtub. She remembers her husband describing the creature on a trip to Tibet—it had shown up in a dream. Jia Jia doesn't know it yet, but the drawing will take her miles from home, changing what she knows to be true about herself. It's this experience that changes Braised Pork into an original narrative(叙事)one that doesn't fit into any genre(体裁).

As JiaJia picks up the pieces of her life, she wonders how much of herself she suppressed (压 抑)to please her husband. She was once an artist, but her husband discouraged her from running after her dream. Now she can explore those desires alone, though .

ANOTHER AUTHOR might have chosen to follow a young widow on a journey of finding love after loss. But 28-year-old Yu smartly decides not to. Instead, she uses Jia Jia as a way to explore the anxiety of contemporary womanhood. Jia Jia does want to find love again, which is only a small part of the story. Yu leaves room for her to begin a more material search: uncovering the meaning behind the picture beside her husband's dead body.

There are some images that make us so uncomfortable. It's impossible to look away from them. For JiaJia, it's the fish-man at first, and then more memories of the past, which interrupt her present. In Braised Pork, Yu raises questions about why we keep an eye on those moments-and how they might relate to the company we wish for.

1.What's the genre of the novel Braised Pork?

A.Mystery. B.Narrative.

C.Domestic thriller. D.None of the above.

2.What kind of person would you say Jia Jia is before her husband's death?

A.lonely and suppressed. B.innocent but unlucky.

C.humorous and independent. D.talented and passionate.

3.From the last two paragraphs, we know ________.

A.Jia Jia and Yu both wish for company

B.Jia Jia would rather live in the past than in the future

C.Yu uses Jia Jia to explore the anxiety of contemporary womanhood

D.The novel is mainly about a young widow finding her true love after loss

4.Which of the following is NOT right according to the text?

A.Yu uses uncomfortable images to catch reader's attention.

B.The picture of a strange fish-man will take Jia Jia away from home .

C.Jia Jia can take up art again after her husband's unexpected death.

D.Jia Jia isn't satisfied with her marriage due to her husband's betrayal.



How Plants Branch Out to Access Water

New research has discovered how plant roots sense the availability of water in soil and then adapt (适应)their shape to acquire water. The discovery could enable crops to be raised which are more adaptive to changes in climate conditions, such as the absence of water, and help ensure food safety in the future.

These findings, published in the journal Science, describe a new mechanism(机制) discovered by cooperating teams at the universities of Nottingham and Durham.

Roots are very important for plants to acquire water and nutrients(营养)from the soil. Water is necessary to plant growth , yet changing climatic conditions makes acquiring water from soil even more challenging. Plants are able to adapt to different soil moisture(湿润)conditions by changing their roots.

The researchers discovered that plant roots lacking a branching master gene were no longer able to branch out. They found that when roots have access to moisture, the certain gene remains active and promotes root branching, but when put in air, the gene is in activated, preventing root branching. The research has identified the certain protein which can inactivate root branching.

Professor Sadanandom explained: "This is hugely exciting as it opens up the possibility for us to help develop plants that could continue to branch roots even in challenging conditions such as the absence of water.''

Professor Bennett concluded: "Water is the key to plant growth, development and their survival. By studying how plant roots change their branching in response(回应)to water availability, we have uncovered a new mechanism. This opens the way to develop new crops better adapted to climate change and to help deliver global food safety."

It is absolutely imperative to ensure food safety worldwide. Crop production must double by 2050 to keep pace with global population growth. This target is even more challenging considering the effect of climate change on water availability. In this case, developing crops with better ability to acquire water would provide a solution.

1.The findings of the research may have a positive effect on several global issues EXCEPT

A.ensuring food safety B.preserving the agriculture

C.solving the absence of water D.increasing crop production

2.With the help of the findings, plants may be able to ________.

A.take in more nutrients B.change inactivated roots

C.grow in challenging conditions D.branch out without a special gene.

3.Which of the following best explains “imperative" in the last paragraph?

A.effective. B.hopeful.

C.impractical. D.urgent.

4.What is the new mechanism mentioned by Professor Bennett?

A.How a branching master gene responds to a particular nutrient.

B.How plant roots change their shape according to the soil moisture.

C.Why plants have different abilities to adapt to soil moisture conditions.

D.How the certain protein in activates root branching when accessible to water.



    The origin of coffee? I never really thought about it. When I was a kid, coffee was always around. My parents drank coffee, my grandparents drank coffee, and all the adults I knew drank coffee. I thought I would drink it too when I was older, and of course. I did.

But there must have been a time before coffee. I don't remember coffee making an appearance in any of the Bible(圣经)stories I learned. Jesus changed water into wine, not coffee. Maybe if coffee had been around, he would have changed some of the water into coffee. Maybe that's what “B. C." in those timelines meant: "before coffee."

According to popular legend, the origin of coffee can be traced to a thousand years ago, when an Abyssinian(Ethiopian)goatherd(牧羊人)named Kaidi observed his goats dancing and jumping. When Kaidi investigated, he saw that the goats were happily eating the red berries(浆果)of an unfamiliar tree. Kaidi decided to try some, and when he did he joined the dancing goats and became “the happiest herder in happy Arabia''.

Some time later, a passing monk(和尚)observed Kaidi and the goats. When Kaidi told him about the berries, the monk thought they might be the answer to his prayers(祈祷). It seems that the monk was always falling asleep in the middle of prayers. When he ate the berries, he stayed awake. The unnamed monk came up with the idea of drying and boiling the berries. It came into the world. His fellow monks loved the new drink because it encouraged them to pray and it tasted good too.

So now that I know about Kaidi and his goats, if someday-in the far, far future, of course someone calls me an "old goat", I'll just smile, take another sip of coffee, and maybe do a little dance.

1.Why didn't Jesus change water into coffee?

A.Because Jesus didn't like coffee.

B.Because coffee didn't appear at that time.

C.Because it was not the right time to have coffee.

D.Because Jesus was better at changing water into wine.

2.What is the tone of the author when writing the text?

A.Serious. B.Objective.

C.Scientific. D.Humorous.

3.The underlined word “it" in paragraph 4 refers to ________.

A.a kind of new drink

B.a kind of food made by monks

C.a kind of soup needed to be boiled

D.a kind of drug encouraging people to keep awake

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Origin of Coffee.

B.The Development of Coffee.

C.The Popularity of Coffee in the World.

D.The Coffee-drinking Tradition in My Family.



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