满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Betty retired from teaching. Her gray ha...

    Betty retired from teaching. Her gray hair and increasing wrinkles added_______to her angelic(天使般的) face. Now and then, letters from her former students would come, and memories_______.

Betty came to the town as a new_______in a Sunday school. Before her, several teachers couldn’t_______disrespect from the children and had to quit. Knowing nothing about the_______for frequent chasing off(赶走) teachers in the school, Betty came into the classroom,_______by the headmaster.

By the_______of her dress on size too small, the students felt they had a(n)_______target. Bets were taken how long Miss Betty would_______. As was expected, the first two weeks saw her________  experience with the students.________, she managed to be more than a teacher. Sunday after Sunday, Betty came to class,________her lessons to their everyday lives. Once, pulling up a long tube from her handbag, she________a map of the world. With her fingernail, she pointed to an odd-shaped continent,________the children she was born there. They craned(伸长) their necks and looked________, wanting to know more. “ All of us can do something to help others, wherever we are in this world.” Betty often told her children.

One day, she________her mailbox and pulled out an envelope with a________stamp. She tore it open, a________slid out and she recognized immediately the handsome young man as the naughtiest boy in the Sunday school class. Smiling among the broken rocks, in the city of Delhi, India, he stood with other________who had come to help the earthquake victims. A________on the back road, “Because of you, I am here now.”

1.A.character B.courage C.calmness D.color

2.A.continued B.faded C.followed D.improved

3.A.servant B.graduate C.applicant D.replacement

4.A.realize B.bear C.feel D.admit

5.A.reputation B.talents C.excuses D.excitement

6.A.forced B.prevented C.affected D.protected

7.A.guess B.thought C.look D.touch

8.A.easy B.exact C.tough D.reliable

9.A.wait B.last C.try D.remember

10.A.interesting B.meaningless C.unpleasant D.special

11.A.Therefore B.Meanwhile C.However D.Otherwise

12.A.tying B.owing C.moving D.turning

13.A.unfolded B.uncovered C.unpacked D.unrolled

14.A.reminding B.promising C.telling D.convincing

15.A.happily B.curiously C.naturally D.constantly

16.A.reached into B.came across C.turned over D.looked through

17.A.familiar B.pretty C.free D.foreign

18.A.check B.picture C.book D.coin

19.A.researchers B.teachers C.miners D.volunteers

20.A.motto B.line C.sign D.warming


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了曾经在一所周日学校做代替人员的Betty,在学校时通过自己结合日常生活的授课方式,唤起了曾经淘气的学生的好奇心。并且在她退休后也依旧收到一位学生的来信,感谢她帮助了他。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她灰白的头发和越来越多的皱纹为她天使般的脸庞增添了个性。A. character个性;B. courage勇气;C. calmness冷静;D. color颜色。结合上文Her gray hair and increasing wrinkles可知Betty灰白的头发和越来越多的皱纹为她天使般的脸庞增添了个性。其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她以前学生的来信不时传来,随之而来的是回忆。A. continued继续;B. faded褪色;C. followed跟随;D. improved改善。结合上文letters from her former students would come可知她收到了以前教过的学生的来信,因此也想起了以前的事情,所以此处指随之而来的是回忆。故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Betty来到这个镇上,是一所周日学校的代课老师。A. servant仆人;B. graduate毕业;C. applicant申请人;D. replacement代替者,更换。根据后文Before her, several teachers可知在Betty之前还有好几个老师,因此Betty是学校的课老师。故选D。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她之前,有几个老师无法忍受孩子们的不尊重,不得不辞职。A. realize意识到;B. bear忍受;C. feel感觉;D. admit承认。结合后文disrespect from the children and had to quit.可知在Betty之前的老师无法忍受孩子们的不尊重,不得不辞职了。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Betty对学校里经常赶老师的名声一无所知,在校长的保护下走进了教室。A. reputation名声,名誉;B. talents才能;C. excuses借口;D. excitement激动。结合后文可知for frequent chasing off teachers in the school此处指学校有学生赶走老师的名声。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Betty对学校里经常赶老师的名声一无所知,在校长的保护下走进了教室。A. forced迫使;B. prevented阻止;C. affected影响;D. protected保护。结合上文disrespect from the children可知因为之前有学生赶跑老师的事情,所以校长保护着Betty进了教室。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从她穿的尺寸很小衣服的样子,学生们觉得他们很容易就找到了目标。A. guess猜测;B. thought想法;C. look样子;D. touch触碰。结合后文of her dress on size too small可知此处是在形容Betty穿尺寸很小的衣服的样子。故选C。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从她穿的尺寸很小衣服的样子,学生们觉得他们找到了容易欺负的目标。A. easy容易的;B. exact准确的;C. tough艰苦的;D. reliable可靠的。看到Betty身形小,所以那些欺负过老师的学生觉得找到了容易欺负的目标。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们打赌Betty小姐会任职多久。A. wait等待;B. last继续任职,持续;C. try尝试;D. remember记得。之前的老师都被学生赶跑了,因此人们都在打赌Betty小姐会任职多久。last有“继续任职”的意思。故选B。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不出所料,前两周她和学生们相处得不愉快。A. interesting有趣的;B. meaningless无意义的;C. unpleasant讨厌的;D. special特别的。结合上文As was expected, the first two weeks saw her可知学生都很调皮,Betty作为一个新老师,前两周和学生们相处得不愉快。故选C。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,她想成为的不只是一个老师。A. Therefore因此;B. Meanwhile同时;C. However然而;D. Otherwise否则。结合上下文可知为转折关系,故用连接副词however。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个又一个星期天,Betty来上课,试着把她的课和他们的日常生活联系起来。A. tying尝试;B. owing归因于;C. moving移动;D. turning转向。结合后文her lessons to their everyday lives.可知Betty试着将课程和日常生活联系在一起。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次,她从手提包里抽出一根长管,铺开了一张世界地图。A. unfolded展现;B. uncovered揭露;C. unpacked打开;D. unrolled展开,铺开。结合后文a map of the world可知Betty展开了一张世界地图,结合上tube可知地图被卷成管状,因此此处用unroll更合适,unfold通常指打开被折叠的纸张等物体。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她用指甲指着一个形状古怪的大陆,告诉孩子们她出生在那里。A. reminding提醒;B. promising承诺;C. telling告诉;D. convincing说服。根据后文the children she was born there可知她用指甲指着一个形状古怪的大陆,告诉(telling)孩子们她出生在那里。故选C。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们伸长脖子好奇地看,想知道得更多。A. happily快乐地;B. curiously好奇地;C. naturally自然地;D. constantly不断地。结合后文wanting to know more可知孩子们都伸长脖子好奇地看,想知道得更多。故选B。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一天,她从信箱里拿出一个贴着外国邮票的信封。A. reached into伸手去……拿;B. came across碰巧遇到;C. turned over把……翻过来;D. looked through浏览。结合后文her mailbox可知此处指将手伸进(reached into)信箱里。故选A。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一天,她从信箱里拿出一个贴着外国邮票的信封。A. familiar熟悉的;B. pretty漂亮的;C. free免费的;D. foreign外国的。结合后文in the city of Delhi, India可知信是印度寄来的,因此贴着外国邮票。故选D。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她撕开信封,一张照片滑了出来,她立刻认出了这个英俊的年轻人就是周日学校班上最调皮的男孩。A. check支票;B. picture照片;C. book书籍;D. coin硬币。结合后文she recognized immediately the handsome young man as the naughtiest boy in the Sunday school class.可知信封里有一张照片,照片上是周日学校班上最调皮的男孩。故选B。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在印度德里市,他微笑着站在碎石间,和其他前来帮助地震受害者的志愿者站在一起。A. researchers研究人员;B. teachers老师;C. miners煤矿工人;D. volunteers志愿者。结合后文who had come to help the earthquake victims.可知男孩是去当志愿者,帮助地震受害者的。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在后面的路上,有一行字:“因为你,我现在才来到了这里。”A. motto座右铭;B. line字行;C. sign签名;D. warming升温。结合后文 “Because of you, I am here now.”可知在后面的路上,有一行字(line)。其他选项不符合语境。故选B。

    With COVID-19 floating around, you know getting your hands clean is your best defense from viruses and bacteria. You use either soap or sanitizer(消毒剂).But something that’s not as clear is which works better.

1.Wash your hands with soap whenever possible, and if you can’t get to a sink, sanitizer is good, too, according to Preeti Malanti, a medical professor focused on infectious disease at the University of Michigan.

The way sanitizer works is primarily through the power of alcohol. Alcohol can “murder” many types of bacteria and viruses by destroying their outermost layer, making them unable to take over a host. This isn’t effective with viruses with a hard outer shell, like norovirus. 2.Soap works a little differently. Instead of killing viruses and bacteria, its purpose is to lift away dirt, oil, and other dangerous agents that get on your hands.3.It only disinfects(消毒)bacteria and viruses and can leave insect killers or spores(孢子)on your hands.

Washing away the coronavirus might not sound as violent as stopping it dead in its tracks, but it’s proven to be more effective.4.

It is possible to over wash your hands or use too much sanitizer? Not really, says Sanjay Maggiwar from Washington University--through constantly scrabbing your hands with soap will probably dry them out.

Just be sure to keep washing your hands as regularly as you can.5.They might be at risk of being sneezed on. It might be smart to wipe down your cell phone, too, if you happen to use that a lot on the run.

A.Sanitizer doesn't remove anything.

B.So, what do the experts recommend?

C.Use what you can to stay clean and healthy.

D.How can you make soap work more effectively?

E.There isn't anything that is really better than effective hand washing

F.Still, it'll keep you protected from a lot of the invisible bacteria and viruses.

G.Also remember to disinfect shared surfaces at your home or office when possible.



    The MOOCs (massive open online courses) reached its peak of popularity in 2012. Now while people who drop out outnumber those who sign up for online courses and MOOCs are still the early days, there’s no denying there’s still value in their existence. Courses does not give our figures on its paying learners. Udacity says it has 13,000 people doing its degrees. Whatever the number are, the reinvented MOOCs matter because they are solving two problems they share with every provider of later-life education.

The first of these is the cost of learning, not just in money but also in time. Formal education rests on the idea of qualifications that take a set period to complete. Students in their early 20s can more easily afford a lengthy time commitment because they are less likely to have other responsibilities. However, people in later life, when they manage part-time of distance learning, find balancing learning, working and family life can cause great pressures.

Moreover, the world of work increasingly demands a quick response from the education system to provide people with the desired qualifications. To take one example from Burning Class, in 2014 alone 65,000 American job-vacancy(职位空缺)ads asked for a cyber-security certificate. Since only 50,000 people in America hole such a certificate and it takes five years of experience to earns one, that requirement will be hard to meet. Lets demanding professions also put up huge harriers to entry. If you want to become a licensed cosmetologist(美容师)in New Hampshire, you will need to have gained 1,500 hours of training.

In response, the MOOCs have tried to make their content as digestible and flexible as possible. Degrees are broken onto modules; modules into courses; courses into short periods. The MOOCs test for the most suitable length to ensure people complete the course; six minutes is thought to be the sweet spot for online video and four weeks for a course.

1.What can we infer about the MOOCs?

A.They came into being in 2012.

B.They offer more course to choose from.

C.They are still immature but promising.

D.They help solve problems cause by jobs markets.

2.What may cause pressure to people who take up learning in late life?

A.Time management. B.Education cost.

C.Job hunting. D.Distance learning.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Getting certificates can be quicker by learning online.

B.Young students can't afford formal education.

C.Online learning will guarantee one a good job.

D.Entering less demanding jobs is easier.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Education and Work B.Qualifications and Requirements

C.The Return of the MOOCs D.The Development of the MOOCs



    The latest data form Nature’s Calendar shows that the butterflies, newts and neat-building blackbirds have been spotted months before they would normally appear. An analysis of the conditions in 2019 found that all but one of the 50 spring events the scheme(计划)tracks were early last year, as a result of warmer winter temperatures. The Woodland Trust, which runs the Nature’s Calendar scheme, warns that many species are losing their seasonal cues(提示)as winters warm and seasons shift.

Increasingly unstable weather could tempt some animals out of hibernation(冬眠)too soon, only to be hit by sharply dropping temperatures. And some birds appeared to be breeding too late as they make the most of vital food sources that appear earlier than normal, the Trust said.

Lorienne Whittle, at the Woodland Trust, said, “ It seems that last year we almost lost winter as a season--it was much milder and our data shows wildlife is responding, potentially putting many at risk.”

And she said, “It appears that some species are able to adapt to the advancing spring better than others. Oak trees respond by producing their first leaves earlier and caterpillars seem to be keeping pace. But blue tits, great tits and pied flycatchers are struggling to react in time for their chicks to take advantage of the peak amount of caterpillars--the food source on which they depend.”

Active newts were recorded in late December in Cheshire and a blackbird was spotted building a nest at the beginning of January. Accordingly, a report for The Wildlife Trusts suggested that hedgerows(树篱)be protected from being cut during the nesting season.

1.What does the underlined word“temp" in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Help. B.Attract.

C.Guide. D.Cheat.

2.Why are oak trees mentioned in the text?

A.To explain why plants respond to the climate change.

B.To prove some species fit in with the climate change better.

C.To show how caterpillars react to the changing environment.

D.To suggest plants adapt to warmer winters better than animals.

3.How is the text mainly developed?

A.By listing environmental damages. B.By offering practical suggestions.

C.By making striking comparisons. D.By presenting tracking results.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Some birds are in danger of dying out.

B.Warmer winters increase the threat to wildlife.

C.A scheme will be carried out to protect wildlife.

D.Plants are struggling to survive warmer winters.



    Designing a winter coat that transforms into a sleeping bag for people living on the streets would have been enough for most folks to sit back and revel(陶醉)in a kind deed done well. Others would call it good if they managed to take the attempt a step further by creating jobs for homeless people to sew the garments.

But Veronika Scott, the founder of the Empowerment Plan, wants those achievements to be just two of many stepping stones on the path to dreams fulfilled for single parents struggling to provide homes for their kids. Her vision has grown far beyond the design-school project thought up five years ago, when she was a 21-year-old student and people on the streets started calling her”the crazy coat lady”. Now The Empowerment Plan, is a fully developed business that has provided convertible(可变的)coats to more than 20,000 globally, given jobs and education to more than 40 parents, and helped move more than 80 children out of shelters.

Scott said she’s proud of the sleeping-bag coat she designed, but her main goal is getting people to the point where they and their families would never need one. That means locking past merely giving homeless parents jobs, but also helping them gain the education and skills needed to leave. The Empowerment Plan after a couple years and pursue their dreams.

Scott’s drive comes from her own upbringing as the scared child of parents who both struggled with unemployment and addiction. “The Empowerment Plan was a way of creating something I wish my own family had had growing up: an employment opportunity that would allow them to stabilize and get the financial stability they never had.”

Scott wanted to show parents and their kids “that living in a homeless shelter isn’t a defining (定义性的)characteristic, nor a life sentence.” Her employees all have been able to move into permanent housing with their children within the first four to six weeks of working for The Empowerment Plan, she said.

1.What is The Empowerment Plan's final aim?

A.More sleeping-bag cut can be produced.

B.The homeless can own a permanent house.

C.The project can cover all the homeless people.

D.Homeless families can stand on their own feet.

2.What motivates Scott to start the project?

A.Homeless people's suffering. B.Her enthusiasm for design.

C.Her background of growth. D.Upsetting social problems.

3.Which of the following can best describe Scott?

A.Ambitious and earning. B.Cooperative and generous.

C.Proud and patient. D.Creative and demanding.

4.Which section of a website is this text most likely from?

A.Fun lifestyles. B.Latest News.

C.Diverse Cultures. D.True Stories.



The 2020 Advertisement Design Competition

The Advertisement Design Competition is international design contest organized by the A’ Design Award and Competition, which is the word's largest design competition awarding best designs, design concepts and products & services. This Competition primarily targets to highlight the best advertisement design ideas in Graphics Design. Award Winners usually get recognition  opportunities, appear on various publications and get press attendance.

How to join

Joining the Advertisement Deign Competition is easy: Crete an account at the A’ Design Award and Competition, login to your account and send your work. When you submit your work,it will be checked by the preliminary judges for necessary qualities. Then, your design will be either Approved or Rejected to take part in the competition. If your design is approved you can continue recommending your design by paying the necessary processing fees.

Benefits for Award Winners

A unique public relations campaign will be made for the Advertisement Design Award winners. Your work and your details will be communicated to thousands of press contacts, and also we will prepare a media kit for you. You can use this professionally prepared media kit to contact local press contacts. The winning design and the designer or the design studio will also be featured in the design annual and yearbook which distributed by Design PR Wire to key figures in the design industry such as famous editors, press members and multi-national companies. All Winner Designs will be included in the winners’ book free of charge. The winners will be listed as co-editors of the work.

Submit your design by 25 November 2020. You will be informed of the outcome by 25 December 2020.

1.What's the main purpose of the Advertisement Design Competition?

A.To collect ad designs for a book.

B.To draw special attention to ad design concepts

C.To make ad design international.

D.To promote ad design in popular media

2.What should you do first if you want to join the competition?

A.Submit your wort B.Pay necessary fee.

C.Register an account. D.Recommend your design.

3.What can Award Winners get?

A.Chances to get noted. B.Access to Design PR Wire.

C.Positions as editors. D.Contact with other competitions.



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