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Why is it that you can remember the name...

    Why is it that you can remember the name of your childhood best friend that you haven't seen in years yet easily forget the name of a person you just met a moment agoIn other words, why are some memories stable over decades, while others disappear within minutes

Caltech researchers carried out their work about memories in the laboratory. The research team developed a test to examine mice's neural(神经的)activity as they learn about and remember a new place. In the test, a mouse was placed in a straight enclosure( ), about 5 feet long with white walls. Unique symbols marked different locations along the walls. Sugar watera treat for micewas placed at either end of the track.

When a mouse was placed in the track, it was unsure of what to do at first and wandered left and right until it came across the sugar water. In these cases, single neurons were activated when the mouse took notice of a symbol on the wall. Over numerous experiences with the track, the mouse became familiar with it and remembered the locations of the sugar water. As the mouse became more familiar, more and more neurons were activated when seeing each symbol on the wall. Essentially, the mouse was recognizing where it was with respect to each unique symbol.

To study how memories disappear over time, the researchers then kept back the mice from the track for up to 20 days. Upon returning to the track after this break, mice that had formed strong memories encoded(编码)by higher numbers of neurons remembered the task quickly. Even though some neurons showed different activity, the mouse's memory of the track was clearly identifiable when researchers analyzed the activity of large groups of neurons.

This work shows that memories might disappear more rapidly as we age because a memory is encoded by fewer neurons, and if any of these neurons fail, the memory will be lost. The study suggests that one day, designing treatments that could encourage a higher number of neurons to encode a memory could help prevent memory loss.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the topic of the text.

B.To show the examples of bad memory.

C.To compare different people's memories.

D.To prove the importance of childhood memories.

2.During the research, the mouse _______

A.lost interest in the symbols soon

B.had to climb over the long white wall

C.would get sugar water as their rewards

D.wandered left and right nervously all the time

3.What is special about the mice that remembered the task quickly after the break?

A.They had their neurons show different activity.

B.They love sugar water better than other mice.

C.They stayed in the track for over 20 days.

D.They possessed more activated neurons.

4.What does the last paragraph imply?

A.Mice's memory seems better than humans

B.The aging process of humans is unavoidable.

C.Memory loss is expected to be cured in the future.

D.The study has found the way to prevent neurons from failing.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇科普说明文。文章通过老鼠的试验,来说明记忆的丧失。记忆丧失有望在未来得到治愈。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段Why is it that you can remember the name of your childhood best friend that you haven't seen in years yet easily forget the name of a person you just met a moment ago?In other words, why are some memories stable over decades, while others disappear within minutes?“为什么你能记住多年未见的儿时好友的名字,却很容易忘记刚刚认识的人的名字?换句话说,为什么有些记忆几十年不变,而有些却在几分钟内就消失了?”由此可知,第一段的目的是为了引出文章的主题。故选A。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段中Over numerous experiences with the track, the mouse became familiar with it and remembered the locations of the sugar water.“在无数次使用这条轨迹的经历中,老鼠逐渐熟悉了它,并记住了糖水的位置。”由此可知,在研究过程中,老鼠会得到糖水作为奖励。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段中Upon returning to the track after this break, mice that had formed strong memories encoded(编码)by higher numbers of neurons remembered the task quickly.“在这一休息之后回到轨道上时,那些已经形成了由更多的神经元编码的强大记忆的老鼠很快就记住了这个任务。”由此可知,休息后很快记住任务的老鼠的特殊之处是“他们拥有更多被激活的神经元。”故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中This work shows that memories might disappear more rapidly as we age because a memory is encoded by fewer neurons, and if any of these neurons fail, the memory will be lost. The study suggests that one day, designing treatments that could encourage a higher number of neurons to encode a memory could help prevent memory loss.“这项研究表明,随着我们年龄的增长,记忆可能会消失得更快,因为记忆是由更少的神经元编码的,如果这些神经元中的任何一个消失了,记忆就会消失。这项研究表明,有朝一日,设计出一种能够促使更多神经元编码记忆的治疗方法,可能有助于防止记忆丧失。”由此可知,最后一段暗示我们“记忆丧失有望在未来得到治愈。”故选C。

    It's hard to say which was in worse shapethe run-down, century-old gallery or the cancer-ridden(患有癌症的)56-year-old man sitting on its old steps. For years, Greg Thomas would sit on those very steps and think of the times when he walked his dogs along the country roads in rural Minnesota. But in  May 2009, he learned that the severe headaches, earaches, and jaw aches that he had suffered from for the past year were due to inoperable head and neck cancer. Doctors told Greg's family to be prepared to plan his funeral.

"I was sitting at the gallery and thinking one evening, "Greg said." I kept looking at the building and the shape it was in. I said, 'Before I leave this earth, I'd like to do something for you.”

Greg decided to fix the peeling paint and the leaking(渗漏的)roof, and the damaged steps and so on. He approached the gallery's association with a deal He would completely repair the building on one condition"I get a key to the front door so I can go in anytime I want to appreciate the paintings."

The more he worked on the gallery, the better he felt. As Greg continued fixing the gallery, medical scans told him some startling newsHis tumors were reducing. Four years and 23 days after Greg's diagnosis, his doctors were able to remove his feeding tube. Today Greg's tumors are gone. He is considered officially recovered and no longer needs follow-up tests.

After five years of Greg's labor and love, the gallery has been restored(恢复)to its former glory. Greg finished his main project last summer, but he will probably always be involved in recovering its beauty (he still wants to replace some windows, for example). Greg held his third annual open house there near Christmas, inviting the entire community. "While I was restoring the gallery, " Greg says, "something was restoring me."

1.What was Greg's plan that evening?

A.To rent the building.

B.To repair the gallery.

C.To hold an exhibition.

D.To study the paintings.

2.When Greg was doing his work, he _______

A.stopped his medical treatment

B.received a large donation

C.got his health improved

D.prepared his funeral

3.What does the underlined word "startling"in the fourth paragraph mean?





4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Work and love pay.

B.Seniors need more attention.

C.Cancer research progresses quickly.

D.Cultural relics lack proper protection.



    Canadians are blessed with an abundance of natural wonders with enough lakes, mountains and rivers to explore for a lifetime. We’ve also got some of the most shocking waterfalls on Earth.

Pissing Mare Falls-Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland and Labrador

Pissing Mare Falls may have a funny sounding name but they' re no joke: in fact, they' re one of the highest waterfalls in Canada. Located in the beautiful Gros Morne National Park, the falls are only  accessible by boat tour.

Takakkaw Falls-Yoho National Park, British Columbia

Takakkaw translated from Cree loosely means the "magnificent", and it's a suitable word for the second-highest waterfalls in Canada. After a steep drive up a winding road, these falls are only a short hike from the parking lot along a wheelchair accessible path.

Niagara Falls-Niagara Falls, Ontario

Niagara Falls are the most famous waterfalls in Canada.Actually they are made up of three different falls—the Horseshoe Falls, the most powerful in North America, are the only one located on the Canadian side.Melting glaciers(冰川)formed the falls thousands of years ago and the beautiful green color is due to dissolved salt and finely ground(磨)rock.

Bridal Veil Falls-Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park, British Columbia

Pretty and delicate, the Bridal Veil Falls are located just east of Chilliwack, British Columbia, and really do look like a bride with a beautiful veil , with water gently pouring over smooth rock. An easy 15-minute walk to the falls takes you through rich leaves. Picnic tables are available, and there are lots of opportunities for viewing wildlife along the way.

1.Where are Pissing Mare Falls?

A.Near British Columbia.

B.In a beautiful small park.

C.On the highest mountain in Canada.

D.Between Newfoundland and Labrador.

2.How did Niagara Falls come into being?

A.It remains a mystery.

B.It originated from several rivers.

C.It was formed by the melting glaciers.

D.It was made by dissolved salt and finely ground rock.

3.What can you do in Bridal Veil Falls?

A.Hunting wildlife. B.Having a picnic.

C.Collecting salt. D.Buying veils.




That night, I quarreled with my mother, then stormed out of the house. While on the road, I remembered that I did not have any money in my pocket, I did not even take my cell phone with me to make a call home.

$At the same time, I went through a noodle shop, and I suddenly felt very hungry. I wished for a bowl of noodles, but I had no money!

The seller saw me standing before the counter and asked, “Hey little girl, you want to eat a bowl?”

“But … but I do not carry money …” I shyly replied.

“Okay, I’ll treat you.” the seller said, “come in, I will cook you a bowl.”

A few minutes later the owner brought me a steaming bowl of noodles. After eating some pieces, I cried.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Nothing. I am just touched by your kindness!” I said as I wiped my tears. “Even a stranger on the street gives me a bowl of noodles, and my mother, after a quarrel, chased me out of the house. She is cruel (残忍的)!!”

The seller sighed, “Girl, why did you think so? Think again. I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you felt that way. Your mother has been taking care of you since you were little, why were you not grateful and why did you hurt your mom?”

I was really surprised after hearing that.

Why did I not think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel grateful, and my mother has raised me since I was little and I have never felt so, not even a little.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

Just at that moment, many memories came back into my mind.


Paragraph 2:

When arriving home, I saw my mother sitting at the dinner table, worried and tired.





1. 中国茶文化简介;

2. 饮茶的好处;

3. 邀请他来中国体验茶文化。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,



Li Hua




The story happened in Japan 1. a house was redecorated and the wall inside a room was removed. The inside of the wall was hollow. When the owner of the house removed the wall, he saw a gecko (壁虎) inside the wall. Its tail 2.(pin) by a nail 3. (come) through the wall from outside. The owner was very curious why the gecko was still alive. Then the nail caught his eye. Goodness! It is the nail that was driven here ten years ago when the house was built! How amazing it is4.the gecko to have lived in the wall in complete5.(dark) for ten years!

But on second thought, the curious house owner wondered how this gecko could live through 10 years with its tail 6. (nail) down and being unable to go anywhere? So he tried to find out how this small creature could be fed. After a little while, there appeared another gecko with food in its mouth! What a shocking scene! For ten years, this little gecko had never failed to feed the trapped one.

The story touched me so7. (deep) that it is useless to find out 8. relationships they had between them. Parent 9. child? Friends? Lovers? Brothers or sisters? 10. last thing we should do is to abandon your beloved in hardship.



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