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She couldn't help _______ into tears whe...

She couldn't help _______ into tears when she heard the news.

A.burst B.bursting C.bursts D.to burst


B 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:当她听到这个消息时,她忍不住大哭起来。短语can’t help doing…“忍不住/禁不住做……”,后接动名词作宾语。故选B项。  

_______ to smoking, he gradually developed lung cancer and died young.

A.Abandon B.Abandoning C.Abandoned D.To abandon



    It has been five years. No one's quite sure how Sasha, the 6-year-old black cat, _____ it from Portland to New Mexico after five years. But apparently it isn't uncommon for cats — who are known for their _____ character-to go hitchhiking(搭便车).

"It's like he never left. He's so _____ " said its owner Usov. "I guess he was on a great American _____

When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might have _____ wolves. But not every cat that disappears _____ a bad end. "It's very common for a cat to _____ on a train or the back of a truck, but for a cat to travel 1, 200 miles and then go back to its ownerThat _____ happens."

Sasha's fur was matted(乱成一团的)when he was found _____ the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter this month. They set out to find his owner. "Sasha didn't miss a meal, " Kirdar, a worker at the shelter, said.

The shelter reunites families with their _____ pets every day, _____ this is the first time Kirdar has done an in-person delivery. Sasha's _____ would not have been possible had he not been microchipped(植入微芯片的). "The microchip is the best form of _____ "said Kirdar. However, just getting your pet microchipped isn't enough. It's important to _____ the microchip's producer if there is a _____ in your contact information.

1.A.hated B.made C.received D.learnt

2.A.complex B.popular C.independent D.weak

3.A.happy B.annoying C.pitiful D.helpful

4.A.adventure B.farm C.island D.holiday

5.A.teamed with B.fallen victim to C.made friends with D.fought against

6.A.brings B.demands C.meets D.expects

7.A.bite B.live C.sleep D.jump

8.A.actually B.rarely C.normally D.hopefully

9.A.clearing B.blocking C.wandering D.checking

10.A.thrilled B.unlucky C.missing D.crazy

11.A.and B.but C.because D.though

12.A.return B.illness C.disappearance D.movement

13.A.technology B.civilization C.identification D.explanation

14.A.download B.record C.copy D.update

15.A.fact B.number C.name D.change



    Youngsters usually benefit from having a relationship with someone older and wiser to mentor(指导) them. The mentor might be a teacher, family member or more experienced peer. However, not everyone is suitable to be an influential, positive role model. 1. Here are some common characteristics of good role models.

They are confident. Most people admire those who have much confidence in themselves. 2. So they are able to acknowledge their skills and achievements without becoming arrogant ( ). Just as Child Development Specialist Dr.Robyn Silverman suggests, healthy self-confidence shows as pride in who you are and what you've learned throughout your life.

3. Role models show their commitment to a desired goal by their actions and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort to achieve success. They don't give up easily and continue trying when faced with challenges. Their determination to succeed encourages youngsters to follow through and reach the goals they set for themselves.

They are respectful. 4. Young people appreciate being treated with respect and admire those who treat them and others that way. Role models who show selflessness and an equal, non-prejudiced view of those different from them earn the admiration of others.

They are optimistic and creative. Role models inspire others with a positive outlook on life. For example, a community leader faced with a financial setback 挫折) might welcome the opportunity to organize a fund-raising project that pulls everyone together in a constructive manner. 5.

A.They are hard-working.

B.They are knowledgeable.

C.Role models show respect for others.

D.Pick someone having the same hobbies and similar qualities as you.

E.Good role models have a healthy appreciation of their accomplishments.

F.Effective role models possess desirable characteristics that make them easy to look up to.

G.Role models tend to see the bright side in difficult situations and can find creative solutions.



    Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. It's also good for children to understand that books are  a useful source of information and that good reading skills are important for success in their future lives.

Children who can read well are more likely to have higher confidence levels. This will benefit them in school as they’ll feel able to participate fully in activities. Another part of building confidence is to know where you fit into the world. Stories can help with this process by showing children what people's lives are like where they live and in other parts of the world.

Stories are a great way to introduce new words and ideas into a child's language--starting with picture books for the very young, working up to more complex novels for teenagers. Fiction based on real life can also help children with their own life experience--it shows them how diverse the world is and that some people's lives are vastly different from theirs. And the process is done in a natural way. There's no actual teaching involved at all, but they learn from simply reading the story.

Reading helps children understand that there are other children who feel the same way and they are not alone. This helps children understand that feelings are normal and should be expressed. Watching their responses to the feelings of the characters in the stories will give you some idea of how a child feels about certain situations and emotions. For example, how the child responds to the character in the story feeling sad or scared will give you some idea of how the child thinks.

As you can see, children's stories are important for a number of reasons and form a vital part of the growing process. Being part of that process can bring children a sense of satisfaction as well as being great fun. So, go and get your children some wonderful books to allow them to enjoy a relaxing bedtime story.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 1?

A.Reading stories benefits children a lot.

B.Reading is the best way to gain information.

C.Reading stories helps children make more friends.

D.Reading skills should be developed at a young age.

2.How could reading stories raise children's confidence?

A.Inspiring children to get good grades.

B.Supporting children's language development.

C.Aiding children with living in a better family environment.

D.Allowing children to explore their suitable positions in society.

3.What does the author think about learning through reading?





4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Most teenagers are fond of complex novels.

B.Picture books are lacking in real life situations.

C.Most children have difficulty in expressing themselves.

D.Parents can know kids better from kids' reading responses.



    Why is it that you can remember the name of your childhood best friend that you haven't seen in years yet easily forget the name of a person you just met a moment agoIn other words, why are some memories stable over decades, while others disappear within minutes

Caltech researchers carried out their work about memories in the laboratory. The research team developed a test to examine mice's neural(神经的)activity as they learn about and remember a new place. In the test, a mouse was placed in a straight enclosure( ), about 5 feet long with white walls. Unique symbols marked different locations along the walls. Sugar watera treat for micewas placed at either end of the track.

When a mouse was placed in the track, it was unsure of what to do at first and wandered left and right until it came across the sugar water. In these cases, single neurons were activated when the mouse took notice of a symbol on the wall. Over numerous experiences with the track, the mouse became familiar with it and remembered the locations of the sugar water. As the mouse became more familiar, more and more neurons were activated when seeing each symbol on the wall. Essentially, the mouse was recognizing where it was with respect to each unique symbol.

To study how memories disappear over time, the researchers then kept back the mice from the track for up to 20 days. Upon returning to the track after this break, mice that had formed strong memories encoded(编码)by higher numbers of neurons remembered the task quickly. Even though some neurons showed different activity, the mouse's memory of the track was clearly identifiable when researchers analyzed the activity of large groups of neurons.

This work shows that memories might disappear more rapidly as we age because a memory is encoded by fewer neurons, and if any of these neurons fail, the memory will be lost. The study suggests that one day, designing treatments that could encourage a higher number of neurons to encode a memory could help prevent memory loss.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the topic of the text.

B.To show the examples of bad memory.

C.To compare different people's memories.

D.To prove the importance of childhood memories.

2.During the research, the mouse _______

A.lost interest in the symbols soon

B.had to climb over the long white wall

C.would get sugar water as their rewards

D.wandered left and right nervously all the time

3.What is special about the mice that remembered the task quickly after the break?

A.They had their neurons show different activity.

B.They love sugar water better than other mice.

C.They stayed in the track for over 20 days.

D.They possessed more activated neurons.

4.What does the last paragraph imply?

A.Mice's memory seems better than humans

B.The aging process of humans is unavoidable.

C.Memory loss is expected to be cured in the future.

D.The study has found the way to prevent neurons from failing.



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