满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Has your adult child ever accused you of...

    Has your adult child ever accused you of being too critical? Not supportive enough? What about disturbing or needy? One way to handle complaints like this is to assume that your child is overly sensitive. There is such a thing as high sensitivity, which can worsen any problems between parents and adult children.

But imagine approaching your child's reactions as if it were a mirror. Instead of it being about your child's opinion of you, what if that feedback could tell you something about your own relationship with yourself?

It makes sense. Your way of being in the world is at its most basic, its most raw, when you interact with your own children, because often, it feels like you're talking to an extension of yourself. On the upside, a self-confident, ambitious mom will encourage her adult child to start the shoot-for-the-stars business he's been talking about. Since she isn't afraid of failure herself, her child can count on her support if he wants to try something that clearly might not work out.

When the child says,"Thank you for supporting me in trying ths new thing,"he's also holding up a mirror that says," You're not afraid to try new things."

But the mirror reflects everything. We don't just have strengths. We're also troubled by doubts, fears, and limitations.

A mom who silently but constantly puts herself down will hardly notice that encouragement and appreciation are lacking in her conversations with her child. She doesn't speak that language; criticism is her native tongue.

Like a speaker of English who doesn't have to stop and wonder which form of a verb to use with a plural subject, the language of criticism rolls off her tongue without her having to think about it. When the child says," You're so critical," he's also holding up a mirror that says, "You're self-critical."

1.The author suggests that from the child's reactions a mother can

A.know herself better

B.understand the child

C.improve her public image

D.promote the family unity

2.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.English speakers are bad examples of critical parents.

B.A parent should use good grammar in communication.

C.English speakers are sensitive to the language of criticism.

D.A parent could use critical language without even noticing it.

3.We can conclude that a mother is good with emotions if her daughter says to her    

A.You're so honest.

B.I need more privacy.

C.Thank you for letting me cry.

D.I can't be there for you 24 hours.


1.A 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。本篇主要提到了家长与孩子之间的关系其实就是镜像的,孩子对家长的意见反馈其实映射家长自身的问题。 1.推理判断题。根据第三段的Your way of being in the world is at its most basic, its most raw, when you interact with your own children, because often, it feels like you're talking to an extension of yourself.(你与这个世界互动的方式是最基本的,最原始的,当你和你自己的孩子互动时,你会觉得你是在和自己的一部分说话)可知,孩子的反应像是一面镜子,映射父母自身的信息。由此推测,一个母亲可以通过孩子的反应更加了解自己。A. know herself better(更加了解她自己)符合以上推测,故选A项。 2.推理判断题。根据最后一段Like a speaker of English who doesn't have to stop and wonder which form of a verb to use with a plural subject, the language of criticism rolls off her tongue without her having to think about it. (就像一个母语是英语的人不需要停下来思考一个动词复数形式,她不假思索地说出批评的语言)可推测,父母有时不自觉就会对孩子说出批评的语言。D. A parent could use critical language without even noticing it.(父母不自觉地说出批评的语言)符合以上说法,故选D项。 3.推理判断题。本篇文章主要描述了家长与孩子之间的关系是镜像的,家长对孩子的态度是正面的,那么家长自身的态度也会是正面的。反之,家长对孩子的态度是负面的,那家长自身的态度也会是负面的。题干中的a mother is good with emotions(一个妈妈情绪很好)是正面的,由此推断孩子对她说的话也是正面积极的。C. Thank you for letting me cry.( 谢谢你包容我哭泣)是正面积极的话语,故选C项。

    You're at dinner with your friends on Sunday and the waiter comes up to you and says, “Is this going to be on one check or?”

“Separate!” you all said, barely taking a breath to pause from your conversation.

And why would you? It's pretty usual to pay for your own meal, or to go Dutch.

But it wasn't always the custom to split the check when going out with friends. In fact, in early English society, it was seen as selfish to invite someone out to eat and not pay for their meal. The origins of the phrase "going Dutch" are a little complicated, but Steven Pincus, a historian from the University of Chicago who focuses on early modern Europe, helped us track the complex history of this idiom.

We have to take it back all the way to the 1600s. During the Anglo-Dutch Wars, there were multiple conflicts between the English and the Dutch over trade and naval power. That led to a rise in idioms from the English regarding their enemy, the Dutch: phrases like "Dutch courage," the false courage brought on by alcohol; or "Dutch reckoning," which is a ridiculously high bill on which you've likely been cheated. This was because the English saw the Dutch not only as a trading enemy,but also as a people with questionable morals. The English "claimed that the Dutch had been completely corrupted by their commitment to capitalism." (Funny how tides change, isn't it?)of course, as time changes, so does our sense of self. After all, who wants to pay for their friends' meals all the time? Maybe sometimes it's all right to do like the Dutch do.

1.What did people once do in English history if they dined out with friends?

A.They split the check. B.The inviter paid for the meal.

C.They paid for their meals in turn. D.one of the guests paid for the meal.

2.What does the author say about the idioms containing the word "Dutch”

A.They show respect to the Dutch. B.They do harm to English language.

C.They are associated with money. D.They mean something dishonorable.

3.The purpose of the text is to explain

A.the English table manners B.the England and Dutch relationship

C.the origin of some English phrases D.the change in English history



假定你是李华,你的好友印度留学生Ajay来信, 邀请你在本周末与他一起去本地的博物馆看印度文化展。请用英语回信,内容包括:















The reasons why I expect to studying in your university are as follows. The first thing that occur to me is its excellence in finance, which I am interested in it as my major. Varieties of strengths allow me the courage apply for admission. Firstly, good social skills and strong organizing ability are that I have acquired in high school thanks for the experience of serving as monitor. I have learned to keep the good balance between work and study. I also get the award of Outstanding Student Leader last year. Besides. I have several hobbysuch as dancing, playing erhu , and playing badminton.

I will feel great honored if I can be admitted.




Around 200 more warriors from ancient China’s Terracotta Army (兵马俑)have been unearthed at the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The discovery was made during the 1. (late) round of excavations}(挖掘)of No. 1 Pit in an area covering 400 square meters.

Shen Maosheng, who led the dig, said most of the newly found warriors can be divided into two groups. One group is carrying poles, while 2. other carries bows.

The Terracotta Army, 3. (build) around 2,200 years ago, was intended to protect Emperor Qin Shi Huang in his afterlife. The army, 4. consists of about 130 chariots over 500 horses8000 soldierswas gathered in three main pits near to the emperor ‘s tomb.

It was first discovered in 1974 by farmers 5. (dig) in northwest China. The tomb is believed6.(cover) around 38 square miles and, along7. the Terracotta Army, contains a large grave of laborers and craftsmen. The8.(construct) is believed to have taken around 30 years to complete.

Archaeologists started a new excavation at No. 1 Pit in 2009. The 200 new warriors 9. (find) as a result of this effort. 10. (scientist) are still working to understand how this vast army was created.



A parent’s hopes for 2030

When 2010 arrived, my son was only a year old—tiny._______the master of a few basic words, but still mostly the baby we'd _______into the world.

Now my baby has grown into an _______—tall, strong,stout, and smart, a(n) _______ of Akira Kurosawa samurai movies.

A _______from now, in 2030, he will be an adult. I expect the next 10 years to fly by, and be filled with _______. As 2020 begins. I am thinking about the kind of world my son will_______ and experience. I _______ for him, and for all the young people of his age. So I have several  _______for the world my son and his generation will live in

I hope we finally get__________about climate change. Polar ice is melting. The oceans are __________ . The question is __________whether we can stop climate changebut whether we ‘re willing and able to do anything to __________ it.

I’m not sure what a warming planet will__________ for my son's life. I suspect it means he  will live in a world where nations and groups __________  limited resources like clean water and food, which means that the danger of climate change won't come just from rising oceans, but from other humans competing for control over what’s __________

The world is always going to be full of __________about how to solve the challenges we face. I hopetoothat my son’s generation learns to __________justice—but to do so with big heart and humilityrecognizing our common humanity(人性)even with people who __________ us.

The world of 2030 won’t __________ itself. We are creating it now, so my final wish is that we build the kind of world we actually want our children to live in.

1.A.special B.generous C.intelligent D.dependent

2.A.welcomed B.raised C.grown D.congratulated

3.A.athlete B.adolescent C.artist D.engineer

4.A.director B.author C.lover D.reader

5.A.month B.century C.year D.decade

6.A.questions B.experience C.danger D.change

7.A.create B.notice C.face D.shake

8.A.worry B.sacrifice C.provide D.arrange

9.A.plans B.methods C.hopes D.choices

10.A.particular B.serious C.optimistic D.enthusiastic

11.A.drying B.rising C.growing D.cooling

12.A.for sure B.as usual C.no longer D.till now

13.A.slow B.record C.complete D.oppose

14.A.mean B.obtain C.share D.seek

15.A.pick up B.fight     over C.turn    down D.take part

16.A.finished B.continued C.started D.left

17.A.aims B.examples C.disagreements D.results

18.A.escape B.express C.seek D.affect

19.A.differ from B.agree with C.refer to D.call for

20.A.blame B.admire C.prove D.build



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