满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



My crippled(瘸腿) grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway, absolutely shocked. I heard her sing when I opened the door but did not want to interrupt her by shouting I had arrived. She was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly. As long as I could remember, she was once the pet of the dancing world. But it was all over after a sudden accident. She had always limped(一瘸一拐地走)helped with a cane(拐杖).

She turned around and saw me standing in the doorway. Her song ended, and her beautiful movements with it. Grandma turned towards the kitchen. She was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes. I followed her, not believing my eyes.

“So…” I asked surprisedly but happily, “How did your leg heal(康复)?”

“To tell you the truth—my legs have been well all my life,” she said.

“But I don’t understand!” I said, “ I mean… You pretended all these years?

“Very much so,” Grandmother closed her eyes, “And for a very good reason.”

“What reason?”

“Your grandfather.”

“You mean he told you not to dance?”

“No, this was my choice. I am sure I would have lost him if I had continued dancing. I weighed fame(名声)and love against each other and love won.”

“We were talking about engagement(订婚)when your grandfather had to go to war. It was the most terrible day of my life when he left. I was so afraid of losing him, the only way I could stay peaceful was to dance. And then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences:‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’”

Grandma continued to tell me that Grandfather was in hospital and she made her decision not to give him up. She took her leave, and traveled away from the city.

Several weeks later, she returned.


She took a deep breath, leaned on her cane and limped to Grandfather.



Several weeks later, she returned. She had bought herself a cane and wrapped her leg tightly with bandages. She told everyone she had been in a car crash and that her leg would never completely heal again. Her dancing days were over. No one suspected the story—She had learned to limp convincingly before she returned home. Then she traveled to the hospital. She saw my grandfather seated in his wheelchair with a cane on the ground nearby. She took a deep breath, leaned on her cane and limped to Grandfather. She told him she had an accident and a leg was injured seriously. She showed him two engagement rings she had bought the day after he left for the war. “I was not going to waste them on any other man.” Grandma said to him. Then Grandfather bent to take his cane from the ground but Grandma was not going to help. And so he managed it on his own and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章主要讲述了作者的奶奶为表达对爷爷的爱,假装残疾,放弃喜欢的跳舞的故事。 续写分为两段。第一段的开头是:几周后,她回来了。她给自己买了一根拐杖,用绷带把腿裹得紧紧的。她告诉每个人她经历过车祸,她的腿再也不能完全痊愈了。她的舞蹈生涯结束了。没有人怀疑这个故事——她在回家之前已经学得一瘸一拐的。然后她去了医院。她看见祖父坐在轮椅上,拐杖放在附近的地上。第二段的开头是:她深吸了一口气,拄着拐杖一瘸一拐地走到爷爷跟前。她告诉他她出了车祸,一条腿受了重伤。她给他看了两枚订婚戒指,这两枚戒指是在他参战的第二天买的。“我可不想把它们浪费在别的男人身上。奶奶对他说。爷爷弯下腰去拿地上的拐杖,但奶奶不打算帮忙。所以他靠自己做到了,从此以后再也没有坐过轮椅。 续写时应注意故事情节要符合逻辑,基础时态为一般过去时。







Dear John,


Sincerely yours,

Li Hua




1.The moonlight was quiet and __________(反射) off the surface of the lake.

2.No __________(证据) could prove that he was the thief.

3.Buck never allowed himself to do anything that went against his __________(原则).

4.She __________(承认) that she had made a mistake.

5.He is in the library gathering __________(材料) for what he is writing.

6.Man is still far more __________(有智慧的) than the cleverest robot.

7.The exams have been __________(延期) until next month.

8.Keep trying and you’ll find a job e__________(最后).

9.Did you have s__________(充足的) time to do the work?

10.I’m a lot happier than I was in my __________(先前的) job.




The harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. This important1. (agriculture) festival takes place after all the crops2.(gather) in. People celebrate to show that they are grateful3. the year's supply of food. Today in European countries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and get together4. (celebrate) over a meal. During the Mid-autumn Festival in China, families usually gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.

With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas, some traditions may die out and others may be established. In order to avoid air 5. (pollute), many big cities have given up 6. custom of lighting firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits during the typical Chinese Spring festival.

Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with business7. (take)advantage of the celebrations. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much8.(easy) for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones.9. some believe festivals should not be commercialized, others believe the increase in spending 10.(be) good for the economy and public happiness.



    I’d never been to a Day of the Dead festival before. As my dad and I looked around for seats, I _______ Marco, my best friend, hurrying toward us. “Hi, Mr. O’kane,” he _______ my dad. Then he turned to me. “Nate! Will you help me?"

“Whatever you need,” I said.

Marco threw me parts of a _______ : Mexican sandals(凉鞋), a straw hat, a cane(手杖), a gray wig, and an“ old man” mask(面具). “My cousin couldn’t_______ !” Marco’s voice rang with worry.

“It’s part of a traditional dance” he said.

“You expect me to dance? ” I _______ . “I don’t dance!”

Marco smiled. “It’ll be fun. And hurry! We’re _______ late.”

“ We’re going to do a lot of stomping(跺脚). Slow at first. Keep one hand _______ on your back, like an old man with an ache.” added Marco.

The speakers _______ : “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for The Dance of the Little Old Men!”

“Be quick,” Marco _______ to me to follow his lead.

We all began stomping slowly to music. I could only see ________ the small holes of the mask. I continued to stomp, trying to ________ what to do. I leaned on my cane and kept a hand low on my back. After a few minutes of dancing like that, my back ________ started to ache.

The music ________ . And we stomped quickly. Performing with Mexican sandals was ________ . People laughed as we hopped and kicked, but after a moment the laughter turned into cheers.

Marco gave me a thumbs-up. As the audience clapped for our group, I said to him happily, “You were right. That was ________ .”

1.A.watched B.spotted C.monitored D.observed

2.A.satisfied B.ignored C.contacted D.greeted

3.A.suit B.chain C.decoration D.costume

4.A.make it B.get it C.focus on D.go through

5.A.chatted B.despaired C.hesitated D.replied

6.A.staying B.running C.working D.changing

7.A.up B.high C.low D.down

8.A.shouted B.announced C.defined D.issued

9.A.signaled B.pointed C.moved D.complained

10.A.through B.in C.over D.under

11.A.bring about B.carry on C.figure out D.put out

12.A.extremely B.possibly C.truly D.finally

13.A.disappeared B.sped up C.started D.faded away

14.A.typical B.brief C.tough D.flexible

15.A.significant B.creative C.beneficial D.fun



    Many students want to know the best ways to improve their learning. Here are a few useful methods.


One of the best ways to organize your study session is to use the Pomodoro Technique. 1. The idea is to use a timer. Let's say, you set the timer for 20 minutes, and focus only on your studies during that time. You cannot check email, or do anything aside from your task. When the timer goes off, you can reward yourself by listening to some music or having a drink of tea.

Test yourself

When you are studying, you should test yourself often. 2. You can also find all kinds of online tests for many subjects.


3. For example, in one study period you might spend time testing yourself on vocabulary words and then test yourself on grammar. Or, if studying math, you could mix multiplication(乘法) and division(除法)problems. It may be better for long-term learning.


Teaching is also a powerful way to learn. 4. Some did not expect to have to teach information, while others did. When they actually teach a lesson, they develop a deeper understanding of the material.

Closing thoughts

You can create your own plan based on what you need to learn. You might organize your study periods with the Pomodoro technique. Then, you can test yourself and interleave different topics. There are many choices. 5.

A.Researchers compared different groups of students.

B.In other words, they only study one topic at a time.

C.This method is a technique that means you mix different topics.

D.All of these techniques can be put together to make a powerful study plan.

E.It is a powerful, but simple method that helps people focus on a task.

F.When you focus and do tasks that are at the right difficulty level, your brain will become tired.

G.If you are using a textbook, then you can do practice questions from the end of each chapter.



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