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As we live in social groups, there 1. (be) many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy. Generally speaking, close friendships have three “fruits”: they may comfort the heart, advise the head and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Through friendship, we can become happier, wiser, and more 2. (satisfy) humans. It should be pointed that 3. (enjoy) the company of a crowd is not the same as being with friends. So friends should be carefully chosen 4. relationships should be well developed.


1.are 2.satisfied 3.enjoying 4.and 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章告诉了我们亲密友情的特征,以及亲密友情的作用。 1.考查主谓一致。句意:由于我们生活在社会群体中,我们可以享受友谊的许多好处。分析句子,there be 译为“某处有某物”。be 动词的确定根据“就近原则”。此处be后面的名词“benefits”用了名词的复数。故be也用复数。又因文章时态是一般现在时。故填are。 2.考查形容词。句意:通过友谊,我们可以成为更快乐,更聪明,更满足的人。分析句子,此处需将satisfy改为形容词修饰后面的名词humans。故填satisfied。 3.考查非谓语。句意:需要指出的是,享受一群人的陪伴并不等同于和朋友在一起。分析句子,从句部分无主语,故该处需填非谓语动词。又因此处需做主语。非谓语动词中的动名词可做主语,且表示主动。故填enjoying。 4.考查连词。句意:所以应该慎重选择朋友,应该培养良好的朋友关系。分析句子,此处需填入连词,连接划线前后的句子。分析句意,此处应填“并且”之意的连词。故填and。


The World Health Organization has said the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) does not spread as 1. (effective) as flu. As the WHO gathers more data, the organization understands more about the novel coronavirus, 2. causes more severe disease than seasonal flu. At the moment, there is no specific treatment for the new virus. Globally, about 3.4 percent of people with reported COVID-19 cases have died. In comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far 3. (few) than 1 percent of those infected (感染).




I gave a dress to my granddaughter Anne for her birthday. With a pause at the dress, she smiled lovingly at me and 1. (tell) me it was beautiful. I was happy that she liked it. One day, passing Anne’s bedroom, I heard her talking2.the phone. “My grandma gave me this very pink dress,” she said. “I really appreciate it, but who wears pink these days?” I stood there in awkward silence. Then I walked away, 3. (pretend) not to have heard anything.





1. 养成良好的个人卫生习惯;

2. 避免同学之间的密切接触,遵守学校公共秩序。

注意:1. 字数100字左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus










You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal. But here came a problem; should we clone humans? When being asked about this question, a large number of people which are interested in the topic hold the view that it’s beneficial to clone humans. Therefore, some other people, me including, are against this idea. Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong informations. In the first place, they may not be treated equal as normal people, which I believe will make him suffer a lot. In second place, human cloning may lead in some social disorder, and it is quite dangerous.




More than 1,000 elephants face 1. (starve) in Thailand because of the coronavirus crisis. An almost total absence of visitors 2. (mean) that many caretakers are struggling to afford food for Thailand’s 4,000 captive elephants. The animals can eat up 3. 200kg of food a day.

Lek Chailert, 4. (found) of the Save Elephant Foundation, told the BBC: “If there is no support 5. (keep) them safe, these elephants, some of whom are pregnant, will 6. starve to death or maybe put on to the streets to beg.” Some elephants maybe sold to zoos or they may 7. (return) to the illegal logging business, which 8. (official) banned the use of elephants in 1989.

“It’s very 9. (hope) until some financial help is received immediately,” Lek Chailert adds. It’s a challenge to keep the animals fed and healthy at 10. best of times but now it’s the dry season, which makes the situation even worse.



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