满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All of us in Monte Vista Christian Schoo...

    All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know we’ll one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken. As the time ______, the girls start to have a ______ about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos, while the boys ______ hardly talk about it. As for me, I ______ for my photos to be taken by the sea.

When I arrived there, I met my photographer, Annie. She asked me to make some poses and I ______ her advice. After that, I asked if she could make me look ______ by taking photos in a different way, ______ I’m less than 1.6 meters tall. To my ______ she responded, “I will make no ______ to make you look like someone you’re not. You look good in your own way.” She ______ that she wouldn’t try to edit the photos either.

I was shocked by what she said. Girls always ______ to look perfect by using different visual angles. When you go to a photo studio, photographers always try to hide your ______ by telling you to stand in a certain way. And picture editors can easily ______ your look by making you appear any you want to. ______, that’s not the case here. Seeing I was ______. Annie explained: “Everyone has his uniqueness. You need to ______ your own beauty. You cannot live in a world of ______ photos.”

It was the first time that I had met a photographer who doesn’t ______ photos at all. After the shoot, I saw the photos — they are ______ special and natural. But what’s even more special are Annie’s ______, which will always stay in my heart.

1.A.flows B.approaches C.shrinks D.develops

2.A.discussion B.request C.reason D.complaint

3.A.by accident B.in addition C.by comparison D.in advance

4.A.accounted B.applied C.searched D.arranged

5.A.considered B.declined C.followed D.consulted

6.A.taller B.prettier C.thinner D.stronger

7.A.unless B.though C.since D.while

8.A.delight B.astonishment C.relief D.satisfaction

9.A.decision B.choice C.promise D.attempt

10.A.added B.swore C.explained D.admitted

11.A.pretend B.manage C.desire D.pay

12.A.preferences B.advantages C.personalities D.imperfections

13.A.expose B.recover C.change D.recognize

14.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Anyway

15.A.annoyed B.confused C.discouraged D.embarrassed

16.A.foster B.admire C.describe D.advocate

17.A.vivid B.colorful C.artificial D.popular

18.A.polish B.organize C.cut D.exhibit

19.A.causally B.roughly C.partially D.truly

20.A.attitudes B.words C.actions D.skills


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。我们所有人都在Monte Vista Christian学校知道我们有一天会拍毕业照。作者在拍毕业照时所得到的感悟是“每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。” 1.考查动词。句意:随着时间的临近,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,在哪里拍照,而相比之下男孩们几乎不谈论这个。A. flows流动;B. approaches靠近;C. shrinks收缩;D. develops发展。 the girls start to have a 2 about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos, 随着时间的临近,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么。故选B。 2.考查名词。句意:随着时间的推移,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,在哪里拍照,而相比之下男孩们几乎不谈论这个。A. discussion讨论;B. request请求;C. reason理由;D. complaint抱怨。about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos.谈论穿什么拍照,在哪里拍照,故选A。 3.考查介词短语。句意:随着时间的推移,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,在哪里拍照,而相比之下男孩们几乎不谈论这个。A. by accident 意外地;B. in addition另外,此外;C. by comparison比较起来;D. in advance提前。while the boys 3 hardly talk about it. 男生不谈论这些,这是和女生相比,选C。 4.考查动词。句意:至于我,我把我的照片安排在海边拍。A. accounted解释,导致;B. applied应用;C. searched 搜寻;D. arranged安排。As for me, I 4 for my photos to be taken by the sea.我安排了一个地点拍照。故选D。 5.考查动词。句意:她让我做一些姿势,我听从了她的建议。A. considered考虑;B. declined下降,拒绝;C. followed跟随; D. consulted咨询。她让我做一些姿势,我听从了她的建议。She asked me to make some poses and I 5 her advice.我听从她的建议,follow one’s advice按着某人的建议,故选C。 6.考查形容词。句意:在那之后,我问她是否可以用不同的方式让我看起来更高。A. taller更高;B. prettier更美丽;C. thinner更瘦;D. stronger更强壮,因为我的身高还不到1.6米。根据下文less than 1.6 meters tall可知,故选A。 7.考查连词。句意:在那之后,我问她是否可以用不同的方式让我看起来更高,因为我的身高还不到1.6米A. unless除非;B. though尽管;C. since既然,因为;D. while当---时候。在那之后,我问她是否可以用不同的方式让我看起来更高,因为我的身高还不到1.6米。此处是since引导的原因状语从句,故选C。 8.考查名词。句意:令我惊讶的是,她回答说:“我不会让你看起来像一个你不像的人。你以自己的方式看起来很好。”A. delight高兴;B. astonishment惊讶;C. relief救济,安慰; D. satisfaction满足。她说的话令我惊讶,To one’s astonishment使某人惊讶的是---,故选B。 9.考查名词。句意:令我惊讶的是,她回答说:“我不会让你看起来像一个你不像的人。你以自己的方式看起来很好。”。A. decision决定;B. choice选择;C. promise许诺;D. attempt企图。我不会让你看起来像一个你不像的人。 make no attempt不尝试,故选D。 10.考查动词。 句意:她补充说,她也不会尝试编辑这些照片。A. added增加;B. swore宣誓;C. explained解释;D. admitted承认。下面的话是她补充说。故选A。 11.考查动词。句意:女孩们总是希望通过使用不同的视角来表现完美。。A. pretend假装;B. manage 管理;C. desire渴望;D. pay付款。女孩们总是希望表现完美。 look perfect by using different visual angles. 故选C。 12.考查名词。句意:当你去照相馆的时候,摄影师总是试图隐藏你的不完美,告诉你以某种方式站着。A. preferences偏爱;B. shortcomings 缺点;C. personalities人格;D. imperfections不完美。by telling you to stand in a certain way.摄影师总是试图隐藏你的不完美,告诉你以某种方式站着。故选D。 13.考查动词。句意:图片编辑可以通过让你看起来任何你想要的样子来改变你的外观。A. expose揭露;B. recover恢复;C. change改变;D. recognize认出。by making you appear any you want to.图片编辑可以改变你照片中的外观。故选C。 14.考查副词。句意:然而,事实并非如此。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Anyway无论如何。that’s not the case here.事实并非如此,表示转折。故选A。 15.考查形容词。句意:看到我很困惑,安妮解释说:“每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里”。A. annoyed使烦恼;B. confused使困惑;C. discouraged使丧失信心;D. embarrassed尴尬。女孩都想图片展现自己美的一面,摄影师的话令我很困惑,故选B。 16.考查动词。句意:看到我很困惑,安妮解释说:“每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里”。A. foster培养;B. admire钦佩;C. describe描述;D. advocate提倡。You need to 16 your own beauty. 你需要欣赏自己的美丽。”故选B。 17.考查形容词。句意:看到我很困惑,安妮解释说:“每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里”。A. vivid生动的;B. colorful富有色彩的;C. artificial人造的; D. popular受欢迎的。“You cannot live in a world of 17 photos.你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。”故选C。 18.考查动词。句意:这是我第一次见到一位不喜欢修改照片的摄影师。A. polish磨光,修改;B. organize组织;C. cut切割;D. exhibit展览。根据上文,这是一位不喜欢修改照片的摄影师。故选A。 19.考查副词。句意:拍摄结束后,我看到了这些照片--它们真地很特别,很自然。 A. causally随便地;B. roughly粗略地;C. partially部分地; D. truly真实地。I saw the photos — they are 19 special and natural. 我看到了这些照片——它们真地很特别,很自然。故选D。 20.考查名词。句意:但更特别的是安妮的话语,它将永远留在我的心里。A. attitudes态度;B. words单词,话语;C. actions行动; D. skills技能。 which will always stay in my heart.安妮的话语将永远留在我的心里。故选B。

    It may not be the best way to go about meeting new people, but chat rooms are still among the most popular channels. Want to chat with a stranger now? 1., after which, you need to keep the following rules in mind.

2.. Details such as your phone number and home address or where you attend classes should remain personal. It is actually not a very good idea to share your last name with a stranger. Even if you feel you have met someone you really like and get along with, it is still necessary to withhold some important details.

Be fun and chat about something personal. This doesn’t mean giving away personal details, but you can share your life experiences and stories with strangers as long as you are both going with the flow. There is really no way you will manage to know the strangers better unless you both go beyond your hobbies. 3..

Remain in control at all times. There is really no obligation on you to continue with chats that scare you or make you uncomfortable. 4.. As soon as something annoys you, feel free to leave the chat. Let nobody force you into conversations you find inappropriate.

Try not to download things from strangers. 5., but be careful that you don’t get viruses or hacked by such downloads. You really can’t be sure of who you are talking to, so be cautious about downloads. It is best that you stick to the channels of communication made available to you and also make sure that you have the right computer protection even when you download things.

A. Chat rooms make it possible to share all manner of files

B. Avoid sharing your personal details with random strangers

C. So do not be afraid to get a little personal in your random chats

D. At night it’s not appropriate for teens to stay in chat rooms alone

E. Many files with viruses are often purposefully spread on the website

F. Then you should start by finding a chat room reflecting your interests

G. Remember you are chatting for fun and you should remain fully in control



    What do people in the outside world do when they want to learn something? They go to somebody who knows about it, and ask him. They do not go to somebody who is supposed to know about everything ---except, when they are very young, to their parents: and they speedily become dissatisfied with that variety of knowledge. They go to somebody who might reasonably expected to know about the particular thing they are interested in, When a man buys a motor-car, he does not say to himself: “Where can I find somebody who can teach me how to run a motor car?" He does not look in the telephone directory under T. He just gets an experienced driver to teach him. He just pays attention and asks questions and tries to do the thing himself, until he learns.

But this case, of course, assumes an interest of the pupil in the subject, a willingness and even a desire to learn about it, a feeling that the matter is of some importance to himself. And come to think of it, these motives are generally present in the learning that goes on in the outside world. It is only in school that the pupil is expected to be unwilling to learn.

When you were a child, and passed the door of the village blacksmith(铁匠) shop, and looked in, day after day, you admired his skill, and stood in awe of his strength; and if he had offered to let you blow the bellows for him and shown you how to make a red-hot penny, that would have been a proud moment. It would also have been an educational one. But suppose there had been a new shop set up in the town, and when you looked in at the open door you saw a man at work painting a picture; and suppose a bell rang just then, and the man stopped painting right in the middle of a brush-stroke, and started to read aloud “How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix"; and suppose when he was halfway through, the bell rang again, and he said, "We will go on with that tomorrow," and started to chisel the surface of a piece of marble; and then, after a little, somewhat exhaustedly, started in to play "The Rock of Ages" on a flute, interrupting the tune to order you to stand up straight and not whisper to the little boy beside you. There's no doubt what you would think of him; you would know perfectly well that he was crazy; people don't do things in that way anywhere in the world, except in school.

And even if he had assured you that what were taught were later in your life going to be matters of the deepest importance and interest, and that you should start in now with the determination of becoming proficient in them, it would not have helped much. Not very much. It's nonsense that children do not want to learn. Everybody wants to learn. And everybody wants to teach. And the process is going on all the time. All that is necessary is to put a person who

knows something---really knows it---within the curiosity-range of someone who doesn't know it: the process begins at once, It is almost irresistible

If there were no teachers---no hastily and superficially trained Vestals who were supposed to know everything---but just ordinary human beings who knew passionately and thoroughly one thing and who had the patience to show little boys and girls how to do that thing---we might get along with our learning pretty well, Of course, we'd have to pay them more, because they could get other jobs out in the larger world; and besides, you couldn't expect to get somebody who knows how to do something, for the price you are accustomed to pay those who only know how to

teach everything,

1.What does the author mainly want to say with this article?

A.An education without teachers is unimaginable,

B.A teacher who knows everything is more welcome,

C.School teachers are far from satisfactory and necessary,

D.We have paid too much for teachers for school education.

2.What does the underlined "somebody" in the first paragraph refer to?

A.A teacher. B.A parent.

C.A man in the outside world. D.A man like the blacksmith,

3.What happened in the "new shop" mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.Useless subjects like painting and poetry, sculpture and music were taught.

B.The man at work became crazy with so many subjects to deal with.

C.One man teaching everything influenced the efficiency of learning.

D.Children listened carefully and often discussed about what is taught with others.

4.According to the author, which of the following can we infer?

A.Teachers are not as useful as parents in helping a child to learn,

B.Schools are the places killing students' interest and willingness to learn,

C.Learning life related skills like blacksmithing is more important than arts.

D.Teachers are ordinary human beings who know thoroughly everything.

5.Which of the following figures of speech(修辞手法) are used in the article?

a. exemplification(举例)    

b. exaggeration(夸张)

c. personification(拟人)     

d. irony(讽刺)      

e. analogy (类比)

A.abc B.ade

C.bcd D.cde

6.In the last paragraph, the author mainly _______.

A.introduces a new idea B.raises a new question

C.gives some new evidence D.stresses his viewpoint



    For several decades, there has been an organized campaign intended to produce distrust in science, funded by those whose interests are threatened by the findings of modern science. In response, scientists have tended to stress the success of science. After all, scientists have been right about most things, from the structure of the universe to the relativity of time and space.

Stressing successes isn’t wrong, but for many people it’s not persuasive. An alternative answer to the question “Why trust science?” is that scientists use the so-called scientific method. But what is called the scientific method isn’t what scientists actually do. Science is dynamic: new methods get invented; old ones get abandoned; and at any particular point, scientists can be found doing many different things. False theories sometimes lead to true results, so even if an experiment works, it doesn’t prove that the theory it was designed to test is true.

If there is no specific scientific method, then what is the basis for trust in science? The answer is the methods by which those claims are evaluated. A scientific claim is never accepted as true until it has gone through a long process of examination by fellow scientists. Scientists draft the initial version of a paper and then send it to colleagues for suggestions. Until this point, scientific feedback is typically fairly friendly. But the next step is different: the revised paper is submitted to a scientific journal, where things get a whole lot tougher. Editors deliberately send scientific papers to people who are not friends or colleagues of the authors, and the job of the reviewer is to find errors or other faults. We call this process “peer review” because the reviewers are scientific peers—experts in the same field—but they act in the role of a superior who has both the right and the responsibility to find fault. It is only after the reviewers and the editor are satisfied that any problems have been fixed that the paper will be printed in the journal and enters the body of “science.”

Some people argue that we should not trust science because scientists are “always changing their minds.” While examples of truly settled science being overturned are far fewer than is sometimes claimed, they do exist. But the beauty of this scientific process is that science produces both creativity and stability. New observations, ideas, explanations and attempts to combine competing claims introduce creativity; transformative questioning leads to collective decisions and the stability of scientific knowledge. Scientists do change their minds in the face of new evidence, but this is a strength of science, not a weakness.

1.Scientists stress the success of science in order to ________.

A.promote basic knowledge of science

B.remind people of scientific achievements

C.remove possible doubts about science

D.show their attitude towards the campaign

2.What can we learn about the so-called scientific method?

A.It’s an easy job to prove its existence.

B.It usually agrees with scientists’ ideas.

C.It hardly gets mixed with false theories.

D.It constantly changes and progresses.

3.What can we learn about “peer” review?

A.It seldom gives negative evaluation of a paper.

B.It is usually conducted by unfriendly experts.

C.It aims to perfect the paper to be published.

D.It happens at the beginning of the evaluation process.

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that ________.

A.it is not uncommon for science to be overturned

B.scientists are very strong in changing their minds

C.people lose faith in those changeable scientists

D.changes bring creativity and stability to science



Spreading truth and knowledge

If you have ever talked to doctors in the hospitals, you may find that many of them are quite serious and speak in a range of terms that may be difficult to understand. But Zhang Wenhong, the leader of the Shanghai team of experts in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia, is one of the exceptions. He caught the public's attention for his recent frank and funny speech.

Zhang's words first went viral (走红) on the internet after he said in late January that he had dispatched (派遣) doctors and nurses who are members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to frontline hospitals to treat coronavirus cases.

“When becoming CPC members, we vowed (发誓) that we would always prioritize people's interests. . . in the face of difficulties,” Zhang said. “This is the moment we live up to the pledge (誓言). All CPC members must rush to the frontline. No bargaining.” Such a hardcore declaration of his attitude won widespread applause among internet users. A person's morals are witnessed most in a critical situation. Nothing could win more recognition from the people than the down-to-earth behavior of the CPC members,” said Yang Haiyan, a 32-year-old Shanghai resident.

One month later, when Zhang advised local residents to reduce the risk of spreading the virus by staying at home, he said in Shanghai dialect: “If you don't stop seeing friends, you will see them again in the ICU.”

Though chased by the media, Zhang described himself as a medical worker who must speak out now, but will return to keeping a low profile after the outbreak ends.

“I spoke because of the fear among the public, owing to limited knowledge of the contagion (传染病),” said Zhang on Feb 26. “However, once the curtain of this coronavirus incident falls, it may be hard to find me. I'll just hide myself in a corner, studying complicated patient cases and doing some reading, silently. ”

1.What has made Zhang Wenhong so popular online?

A.The way he treats his patients.

B.His honest and humorous speech.

C.His pledge to fight against the virus.

D.His broad knowledge of the novel coronavirus.

2.He dispatched CPC members to frontline hospitals because he believed that        .

A.they would bargain less

B.they are more professional

C.they should take the lead as they had vowed

D.they would be calmer in a critical situation

3.What can we conclude from Zhang Wenhong's words in the last two paragraphs?

A.He doesn't like to speak in public.

B.He mainly treats people with complicated diseases.

C.He is not a person who is after fame and attention.

D.He is looking forward to taking a break after the epidemic.



Nonfiction Contest

Make us laugh, move us to tears ... write a brilliant, memorable nonfiction piece and you may be one of our two monthly winners. The sections include: Nonfiction, Focused/Special Issue, College Essays, Heroes, Pride & Prejudice, Health, Points of View and Sports.


Winning articles will be published in Teen Ink magazine, and contest winners will receive a copy of the magazine featuring their work. Plus, they’ll have the opportunity to choose from an exciting selection of Teen Ink products — clothes and other items — available only through Teen Ink.


Teen Ink will only consider original writing by teens. Entries of all kinds are accepted — serious, funny, long or short. We like to read it all!

Submit entries through our website. All nonfiction works submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the monthly contest. See our submission guidelines for more information.


There are no deadlines; entries are accepted throughout the year. Winning nonfiction pieces will be published in Teen Ink magazine and online each month. Keep in mind that if your submission has a seasonal or holiday theme, it’s best to send it early.

Here’s how you can reach us:

Mailing address: Teen Ink, Box 30, Newton, MA 02461

Phone number: (617) 964-6800

Main email address: Editor@TeenInk.com

1.What do we know about the contest?

A.It is held twice a month. B.There will be 12 winners every year.

C.It covers a wide range of topics. D.Winners will receive some prize money.

2.What must we do to take part in the contest?

A.Write an article by ourselves. B.Write a long enough article.

C.Focus on a seasonal or holiday theme. D.Send our work at the beginning of a month.



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