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假定你是李华,你校成功举办了校园文化秀(the Campus Culture S...

假定你是李华,你校成功举办了校园文化秀(the Campus Culture Show)。现在,请你按照以下要点给英国网友Wilson写一封邮件,分享这次活动。

1. 活动时间、地点;

2. 活动内容;

3. 活动感受。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



Dear Wilson, I’m writing lo share our school’s Campus Culture Show held last Friday on the second floor of our school’s art center. The event was meant to enrich students' life. Art works including photography and calligraphy were exhibited, from which we could appreciate the beauty of our life and experience the attraction of Chinese characters. What impressed us most was the folk dance and local operas performed by students. Through these activities, we not only got relaxed but also exposed ourselves to traditional Chinese culture. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邮件给英国网友Wilson,分享学校成功举办的校园文化秀活动。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 人称:第一、三人称 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般过去时为主 结构:总-分-总法 要点: 1. 活动时间、地点; 2. 活动内容; 3. 活动感受。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) the Campus Culture Show;school’s art center;art works;Chinese characters;folk dance;local operas;get relaxed;expose to;traditional Chinese culture;look forward to;hear from等 第三步:连词成句 1. I’m writing lo share our school’s Campus Culture Show held last Friday on the second floor of our school’s art center. 2. The event was meant to enrich students' life. 3. Art works including photography and calligraphy were exhibited, from which we could appreciate the beauty of our life and experience the attraction of Chinese characters. 4. What impressed us most was the folk dance and local operas performed by students. 5. We not only got relaxed but also exposed ourselves to traditional Chinese culture. 6. Looking forward to hearing from you again. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 表并列补充关系:and;including;not only…but also… 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 第五步:润色修改


Roofs and windows of buildings aren’t the only surfaces that can be used to produce solar power. In China, 1. constructhas begun of  the  country’s  first solar  highway,  in  which  solar panels  are  placed  underneath transparent concrete.

The solar highway is a 2 km stretch(一段)of road  2.lieon the Jinan City Expressway, and it’s divided into three layers. The see-through concrete protects a set of solar panels of two  3.size. Beneath the solar panels 4. bea layer that separates them from the damp ground.

The road  5.ithas already been completed, and now it’s only a matter of connecting the grid(输电网)6.  is expected to be finished by the end of the year alongside the completion of the Jinan Expressway’s south section.

This isn’t the first solar road China has worked on. Earlier this year, the Qilu Transportation Development Group, also handling the Jinan Expressway solar road,  7.builda 160-meter- long solar road in  8. city of Jinan. It has the ability of heating up to keep the highway clear  9. snow and ice and is able to  10. wireless charge electric vehicles. The new solar highway is expected to one day be equipped with the same features.



    My name is Miranda Gibson. I have been at the top of a tree for five months now. Some people might wonder _______ on earth I would choose to do that.

I have walked through this forest many times. On 12 December 2011, _______rolled into the forest and the destruction(摧毁) began. I couldn’t _______ the thought that these forests would be _______ forever. So, on 14 December 2011, I packed up my life, _______ of my job plans, and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tree. I have been here ever since.

Life in the tree tops can be _______ at times. I have times when I feel frustrated(沮丧) and wish I could _______, to anywhere, just have a _______ of scenery for a minuteThere are times too, when I feel terribly _______. I miss my friends and family. ________ these times, I find myself loving the ________.

Living on the tree has been inspiring. I am willing to ________ up here for as long as it takes, ________ I honestly hope it won’t be too ________ before I can put my feet on the ground below and stand in a forest that will never be ________.

1.A.why B.when C.how D.where

2.A.water B.animals C.machinery D.tourists

3.A.bear B.help C.keep D.spare

4.A.sold B.stolen C.protected D.lost

5.A.grew out B.fell short C.ran out D.let go

6.A.refreshing B.risky C.challenging D.rewarding

7.A.get up B.get away C.give in D.give up

8.A.change B.look C.search D.touch

9.A.confused B.nervous C.sorry D.lonely

10.A.Beyond B.Without C.Despite D.Unlike

11.A.height B.experience C.background D.position

12.A.return B.stop C.stay D.hide

13.A.but B.though C.because D.so

14.A.soon B.long C.near D.bad

15.A.moved B.logged C.burned D.missed



    It's not always easy to run an energy efficient house. But there are some simple things anyone can do.

Go LED with your lighting.

There are sevenal benefis to switching to energy efficient light bulbs. One of them is saving money- though the LED bulbs might cost more than traditional bulbs, the average saving on LED bulbs is $ 75a year._ 1.LED bulbs can last years or even decades.

Don't run your air conditioner constantly

As the weather starts to warm, you might be thinking about the right time to turrn on your air conditioner. _ 2.Air conditioner units are among the most energy-consuming appliances in your home. Using electrical fans instead of your air conditioner is much more efficient and it's a big money saver, too.


On those days when you treat a large crowd and are low on timedon't beat yourself up if you have to use disposable(一次性的) dishware. This method reduces your water usage and saves energy. And as a bonus, if your city offers roadside recycling, your paper plates may qualify.

Update your insulation(隔热)

All that work you're doing to save energy in your home could go to waste if it's not properly insulated. If you can't insulate the whole house, pay special attention to the roof: it reduces air flow from outide. By updating your insulation,you're saving money.4.

Take showers instead of baths

A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of waler.5.Showers are quite dfferent---taking a five-minute shower uses only 10 to 25 gallons!

A.But do you really have to?

B.You should use your air conditioner smartly.

C.Tum off water when not using it.

D.Plus, you needn't change them frequenly.

E.Don't feel guilty about using paper plates.

F.And it's also easier to control your home temperature.

G.Even if you don't fill it to the top, it still uses much more water.



    The ruins of a Maya city have been discovered in Guatemala with the help of the remote sensing technique LiDAR. This lost city envelops sites like Tikal, Holmul, and Witzna, but shows that these famous areas are a small part of this lost urban network.

Hidden under the jungles of the Maya Biosphere Reserve site, more than 60,000 human-made features — homes, canals, highways, and more — have been identified in aerial (从飞机上的)images collected by some international researchers headed by the PAGUNAM Foundation, a Maya cultural and natural heritage organization. Those have experts rethinking the outlines and complexity of the Maya Empire.

These ancient peoples obviously created these imaginative cultures based on their known relics (遗迹), but the new research has suggested that the size of this lost society is far beyond what experts imagined. The findings will be explored in a one-hour documentary called “Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings”, to be broadcast on the National Geographic Channel.

This breakthrough was possible thanks to LiDAR sensors, which can survey lands in 3D by bouncing pulses off the ground from unmanned air vehicles and others. LiDAR is exceptionally useful for detecting archeological(考古的)sites, as it gets through jungles and other features that hold up exploration on the ground. The technique has made many discoveries become a reality in recent years. For instance, major finds at Angkor, Cambodia and Caracol, Belize can explain what it did. The final goal is to survey Guatemala’s lowlands with it.

“There are entire cities we didn't know about now showing up in the survey data,” Francisco Estrada-Belli, one of the lead archeologists on the project, said in Nat Geo's coming documentary. “There are 20,000 square kilometres more to be explored and there are going to be hundreds of cities about the mysterious people who built this urban network there that we don’t know about, and we will push back the frontiers with the technology,” he added.

1.What does the underlined word "Those" in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Jungles. B.Human-made features.

C.Researchers. D.Aerial images.

2.What does the author want to convey in paragraph 4?

A.The working principle of LiDAR sensors.

B.The process of researching Maya civilization.

C.Great importance of Guatemalans lowlands.

D.LiDAR’s contribution to discovering the relics.

3.Which words can best describe the lost Maya city?

A.Small and hidden. B.Famous and high-tech.

C.Vast and complex. D.Fully-explored and imaginative.

4.What will the archeologists do next?

A.Continue to explore the unknown. B.Upgrade the LiDAR technology.

C.Study the documentary carefully. D.Build a massive urban network,



    As Americans live longer and the job market stays competitive, fast-food chains are increasingly hiring from senior centers, churches and aging advocacy groups like AARP, Bloomberg reports. And it's not just death rates and economic trends driving the change. Seniors have more polished social skills, but teens are stopped from growing up online with fewer real-world connections.

“I spend a lot of time with young kids. They can he very disrespectful,” 63-year-old Church's Chicken manager Stevenson Williams tells Bloomberg of his teen coworkers. “You have to coach them and tell them this is your job, not the street,” Williams says. Having “soft skills” such as politeness often comes more easily to the seniors, who have had a lifetime of experience in the workforce to learn how to treat customers compared with young people.

Employers thus get a more mature worker at no additional cost but the reasons for seniors outpacing teen hires are many. The US Census Bureau reported this year that, by 2035, there will be more Americans over age 65 than there are children under age 18. Plus, fewer people in their prime (盛年)are working—thanks to the unaffordable childcare that forces many parents to stay at home, according to a study by Princeton University.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts the number of American workers aged between 65 and 74 will swell 4.5 percent by 2024, while the 16-to-24s will shrink 1.4 percent. By 2024, the BLS projects the labor force will grow to about 164 million people. That number includes about 41 million people aged 55 and older about 13 million of whom are expected to be aged 65 and up.

So don’t be surprised to see even more service with a smile and silver hair in that drive-through lane.

1.What does the underlined part “the change” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The job market gets competitive.

B.Americans live longer.

C.Senior centers are becoming more popular.

D.Fast-food chains hire more senior people.

2.Why are seniors the hot new fast-food employees according to Williams?

A.They demand less pay.

B.Teens are easy to quit.

C.Teens are hard to control and manage.

D.They are good at socializing.

3.Which of the following can be regarded as a “soft skill”?

A.Knowing customers’ needs.

B.Having high education.

C.Having lots of connections with the real world.

D.Being skillful at computer.

4.Why do many parents stay at home?

A.They prefer to look after children.

B.They find it hard to find a job.

C.They find it hard to pay for childcare.

D.They are unwilling to work with senior citizens.



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