满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was Christmas Eve of 1881. I was 15 y...

    It was Christmas Eve of 1881. I was 15 years old and feeling like the world was ______ for me because there hadn’t been enough money to buy me the rifle that I’d wanted that year.

Pa came back in and there was ice in his beard. “Come on, Matt, “ Pa said. “Dress warmly. It’s cold outside. We’re going to Widow Jensen’s. They are ______ wood.” Widow Jensen lived about two miles down the road. Her husband had died a year or so before and ______ her with three children, the oldest being eight.

I ______went out with Pa and we ______the sled(雪橇) high with wood. ______we went to the store and Pa took down a big ham, some bacon, a sack of flour and some shoes, which were put into a smaller sack. We rode the two miles to Widow Jensen’s in ______. I tried to think through what Pa was doing. I knew we didn’t have much money and Widow Jensen had ______neighbors than us. It shouldn’t have been our ______.

Widow Jensen opened the door and let us in. She had a blanket wrapped around her ______. The children were wrapped in ______ and were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire that ____ gave off any heat at all. “We brought you a few things, Ma’am,” Pa said and set down the sack of flour. I put the meat on the table. Then Pa handed her the sack that had the shoes in it.

She ______ and took the shoes out one pair at a time. I watched her carefully. She bit her lower lip to keep it from ______ and then tears filled her eyes and started running down her cheeks. She looked up at Pa like she wanted to say something, but it wouldn’t ______. “We brought a load of wood too, Ma’am,” Pa said. Then he turned to me and said, “Matt, go bring some in.”

I wasn’t the ______ person when I went back out to bring in the wood. I choked and as much as I hate to______it, there were tears in my eyes too. In my mind I kept ______those three kids huddled around the fireplace and their mother standing there with tears running down her cheeks with so much ____in her heart that she couldn’t speak. Just then the rifle seemed very______. Pa had given me the best Christmas of my life.

1.A.lost B.over C.disgusting D.guilty

2.A.between B.among C.out of D.up to

3.A.offered B.brought C.delighted D.left

4.A.excitedly B.hurriedly C.merrily D.unwillingly

5.A.equipped B.placed C.loaded D.armed

6.A.Now B.Then C.Meanwhile D.Thus

7.A.silence B.regret C.peace D.devotion

8.A.smarter B.tougher C.warmer D.closer

9.A.focus B.concern C.idea D.case

10.A.shoulders B.head C.arms D.feet

11.A.one B.the rest C.another D.the other

12.A.nearly B.hardly C.actually D.merely

13.A.overlooked B.joked C.laughed D.hesitated

14.A.trembling B.moving C.opening D.crying

15.A.come off B.come about C.come up D.come out

16.A.honest B.modest C.same D.disappointing

17.A.allow B.admit C.confirm D.declare

18.A.seeing B.imagining C.cheering D.comforting

19.A.motivation B.gratefulness C.sympathy D.courage

20.A.precious B.hopeless C.unimportant D.valuable


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在帮助别人的过程中心境得到净化的过程,本来因为他没钱买他想要的长枪觉得世界都结束了,但是父亲还要去帮助一位寡妇,作者很不乐意,但是在看到那些可怜的孩子还有感激不尽的母亲的时候作者的心境发生了变化,所以买不到长枪就没有什么关系了。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我当时15岁,感觉整个世界都离我而去了,因为没有足够的钱给我买那把我想要的来复枪。A. lost迷失的;B. over结束;C. disgusting令人厌恶的;D. guilty有罪的。根据后句because there hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle (长枪)that I'd wanted that year.可以知道因为他没钱买他想要的长枪,所以觉得世界都结束了,故选B项。 2.考查介词词义辨析。句意:他们没有木头了。A. between在……之间;B. among在……当中;C. out of缺乏;D. up to直到。根据5题we(5)the sled (雪橇)high with wood可以知道 Widow Jensen家没有木头了,故选C项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的丈夫大约在一年前去世,留给她三个孩子,最大的8岁。A. offered提供;B. brought拿来,带来;C. delighted使高兴;D. left离开。根据本句Her husband had died a year or so before and(3)her with three children,the oldest being eight.她的丈夫大约一年前去世了,留下她带着三个孩子,最大的只有八岁,故选D项。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我不情愿地和爸爸一起出去,我们把雪橇装上了木头。A. excitedly兴奋地;B. hurriedly匆忙地;C. merrily愉快地;D. unwillingly不乐意。根据1题可以知道作者不高兴,故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不情愿地和爸爸一起出去,我们把雪橇装上了木头。A. equipped装备;B. placed放置;C. loaded装载;D. armed武装。根据本句可以知道作者把木头装到雪橇上,故选C项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后我们去了商店,爸爸拿了一个大火腿,一些熏肉,一袋面粉和一些鞋子,把它们放进一个小袋子里。A. Now现在;B. Then然后;C. Meanwhile同时;D. Thus因此。根据两句的含义we(5)the sled (雪橇)high with wood.(6)we went to the store可以看出load和went 是前后的并列动作,故选B项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们默默地骑了两英里,来到了詹森寡妇家。A. silence沉默;B. regret遗憾,后悔;C. peace和平;D. devotion奉献。根据第一题以及I tried to think through what Pa was doing可以知道父子都没有说话,故选A项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我知道我们没有多少钱,而詹森寡妇的邻居比我们更近。A. smarter形容词;B. tougher艰苦的;C. warmer温暖的;D. closer靠近的。根据本句知道作者家里没有多少钱,而且离Widow Jensen的家很远,所以应该是有更近的邻居,故选D项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不该是我们关心的事。A. focus焦点;B. concern关心;C. idea想法,主意;D. case情况。根据上句可以知道作者认为Widow Jensen一家不应该是自家关心的事,故选B项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她肩上裹着一条毯子。A. shoulders肩膀;B. head头;C. arms胳膊;D. feet 脚。根据本句可以知道她应该是在肩上裹着毯子,因为冷,故选A项。 11.考查不定代词。句意:孩子们裹着另一件衣服,坐在壁炉前,旁边的火很小,几乎不发出任何热量。根据上句可以推断出孩子们裹着毯子另一个毯子,故选C项。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:孩子们裹着另一件衣服,坐在壁炉前,旁边的火很小,几乎不发出任何热量。A. nearly差不多,几乎;B. hardly几乎不;C. actually事实上;D. merely仅仅,只不过。根据were sitting in front of the fireplace by a very small fire 可以看出火苗很小,所以几乎不能给出热量,故选B项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她犹豫了一下,一次拿出一双鞋。A. overlooked忽略,不理会;B. joked说笑话;C. laughed大笑;D. hesitated犹豫不决。根据上文可以知道作者家和Widow Jensen一家住的远,而且家里也不富裕,因此Jensen在接东西的时候很犹豫,故选D项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她咬着下唇不让它颤抖,然后眼泪充满了她的眼睛,开始顺着脸颊流下来。A. trembling颤抖;B. moving移动;C. opening打开;D. crying哭。根据上文可以知道Jensen很激动,所以本句的意思是她咬着嘴唇以避免颤抖,故选A项。 15.考查动词词组辨析。句意:她抬头看着爸爸,好像想说什么,但说不出来。A. come off脱离;B. come about发生,产生;C. come up走近,发生;D. come out出现,出版。根据空前可以知道她想要说感谢的话,但是激动的说不出来,故选D项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我出去把木头带回来的时候,我已经不是原来的我了。A. honest诚实的;B. modest谦虚的;C. same相同的;D. disappointing令人失望的。根据11-15题可以知道作者目睹了Widow Jensen一家的困境,看到了她的感激,因此他的不情愿的心态发生了变化,所以本句表示他不在是与刚刚一样的人了,故选C项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我哽咽了,虽然我很不愿意承认,但我的眼里也含着泪水。A. allow允许;B. admit承认;C. confirm确认;D. declare宣布。根据上题可以知道作者的心境发生了变化,但是作为一个别扭的少年,他肯定不愿意承认,故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我的脑海里,我不断地看到那三个孩子蜷缩在壁炉旁,他们的母亲站在那里,泪流满面,心中充满感激之情,说不出话来。A. seeing看见;B. imagining想象;C. cheering欢呼;D. comforting安慰。根据上文知道作者很触动,所以大脑里一直有那些可怜的孩子,故选A项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我的脑海里,我不断地看到那三个孩子蜷缩在壁炉旁,他们的母亲站在那里,泪流满面,心中充满感激之情,说不出话来。A. motivation动机;B. gratefulness感激;C. sympathy同情;D. courage勇气。根据14和15题可以知道她很感激这对父子,故选B项。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就在这时,来复枪显得很不重要了。A. precious宝贵的;B. hopeless无希望的;C. unimportant不重要的;D. valuable有价值的。根据上文可以知道作者的心境发生了变化,所以买不到长枪就没有什么关系了,故选C项。

    It may not be the best way to go about meeting new people, but chat rooms are still among the most popular channels. Want to chat with a stranger now? 1., after which, you need to keep the following rules in mind.

2.. Details such as your phone number and home address or where you attend classes should remain personal. It is actually not a very good idea to share your last name with a stranger. Even if you feel you have met someone you really like and get along with, it is still necessary to withhold some important details.

Be fun and chat about something personal. This doesn’t mean giving away personal details, but you can share your life experiences and stories with strangers as long as you are both going with the flow. There is really no way you will manage to know the strangers better unless you both go beyond your hobbies. 3..

Remain in control at all times. There is really no obligation on you to continue with chats that scare you or make you uncomfortable. 4.. As soon as something annoys you, feel free to leave the chat. Let nobody force you into conversations you find inappropriate.

Try not to download things from strangers. 5., but be careful that you don’t get viruses or hacked by such downloads. You really can’t be sure of who you are talking to, so be cautious about downloads. It is best that you stick to the channels of communication made available to you and also make sure that you have the right computer protection even when you download things.

A. Chat rooms make it possible to share all manner of files

B. Avoid sharing your personal details with random strangers

C. So do not be afraid to get a little personal in your random chats

D. At night it’s not appropriate for teens to stay in chat rooms alone

E. Many files with viruses are often purposefully spread on the website

F. Then you should start by finding a chat room reflecting your interests

G. Remember you are chatting for fun and you should remain fully in control



A culture's values can be mirrored by its humor.Humor has been evaluated by many great minds such as Thomas Hobbes,who,in"On Nature",disliked humor,"Laughter is nothing else but sudden glory arising from sudden thought of feeling far better than others."He thought humor to be a negative quality of human narrow-mindedness.

However,Mordechai Gordon,PhD of Education,insists,"Humor allows us to view the world from an angle that is amusing rather than serious."I agree with Gordon.Learning to look at the world through humor is important.

In the United States,every four years an election occurs.Without humor as a way to express their feelings,how would Americans be willing to support the election?Television shows like "The Daily Show" have become important parts of American culture.They are mothering the masses by unconsciously inputting politics into our mouths.They make politics fun.

Of course, politics is only one type of humor.Social humor helps people through the twists and turns of the human condition.American pop culture promotes an unhealthy self image.On the topic of self-image,Hari Kondabolu stands out.He has a joke about the popular musical group "The Pussycat Dolls",describing their hit song "Don't Cha" as a negative representation of women.He points out an obvious offence in American culture.

A study from Loyola University of Maryland has shown that humor is one determining factor for selecting a mating partner.Amongst other things,mates look for an outstanding funny bone in a potential partner.

Of course,humor is not always used for good purposes.Humor can be linked to vulgarity(粗俗)and racism,but, like everything else,it has potential to unite human beings by allowing us to laugh at ourselves,our failures and our connection with one another.

Though life may seem tough and depressing at times,all I have to do is look in the mirror at my increased wrinkles(皱纹)to know that there is a comedy out there that even Chaplin wasn't aware of.

With that in mind,remember to laugh with humanity and sometimes at humanity.

1.Hobbes believes that humor_______.

A. resulted in narrow-mindedness of human beings

B. was only a way to laugh at others to make oneself feel better

C. had the power to mirror personal glory and national values

D. was for people to view the world from another angle

2.What is the author's attitude towards political humor?

A. Worried    B. Disappointed

C. Curious    D. Appreciative

3.The fourth paragraph is developed mainly______.

A. by process    B. by example

C. by comparison    D. by classification

4.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A. Chaplin wasn't aware of being laughed at

B. The author feels helpless and sad about getting older

C. Never be the one who laughs at other people

D. The author is determined to face life with a sense of humor.



    Winter sports tend to be more dangerous than summer sports — they take place mostly outside at the mercy of ice or snow, involving (牵涉) metal edges, extreme speeds and crashes. Skeleton (俯视冰梭), however, stands apart as one of the most difficult and least accessible of all the winter sports. Adam Edelman, Israel’s first Olympic skeleton athlete, would like to change that.

Edelman was the 10th athlete named to the 2018 Israeli Olympic Team. Qualifying for the Olympics in any sport is impressive. But it’s more impressive if you qualify for the Olympics after only four years in the sport — and without a coach.

Edelman was first introduced to skeleton watching the game on television in late 2013. Sports have always been a part of his life. He grew up playing football and was a goalkeeper on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology football team. Ready for a new challenge, he set his sights on the Olympics.

Without a coach, Edelman learned to drive by watching endless hours of YouTube videos and taking more runs than anybody else on the track. “When everybody else would take three runs per day, I would take six to eight.” he recalled.

Succeeding in skeleton takes a large amount of athletic ability and technical skill, but there’s one more element (因素) required, one that can’t be taught. “These tracks but built in the middle of nowhere, and it’s gray and cold. You haven’t seen your family in seven months and you really just want to give up. To continue, it takes tenacity.” Edelman said.

Edelman is already looking beyond Pyeongchang. The 2022 Olympics could be in his future, but whether he continues to compete or not, he promises to stay in Israeli sports as long as possible-as instructor or as a coach.

1.What might impress people most?

A.Edelman’s gift in winter sports.

B.The challenges Edelman has met.

C.Edelman entering for the Olympics.

D.Edelman’s successful story as a skeleton athlete.

2.Which word can be used to describe Edelman?

A.Modest. B.Generous.

C.Ambitious. D.Reliable.

3.What does the underlined word “tenacity” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A.Will power. B.Extra strength.

C.Good luck. D.Financial support.

4.What might be Edelman’s plan for the future?

A.Setting up a team of his own.

B.Passing on his skills and experience.

C.Calling on more people to take up sports.

D.Ending his sports life after the Olympic Games.



    My husband and I were taking care of Lizzy, our daughter Melanie’s pet dog, on April 17 while Melanie was in the early stage of labour at the hospital. We received a text from our son-in-law, Joe Levanti, that Melanie was about to give birth. Tom and I sprang from our chairs suddenly. It’s a tradition in our immediate family to wait at the hospital for a birth. This would be Melanie and Joe’s first child.

“You take Lizzy out before we leave, and I’ll be waiting for you in the car!” I told Tom. I started the car and waited impatiently. I saw my husband walk out of the front door- but then out shot Lizzy and she was running down the street at great speed.

My husband ran after the dog, and I followed in my car. “Lizzy! Lizzy!” we shouted as fear filled our heart. We chased her up and down our Bellwood Avenue. “She’s running onto Wireless Road!” we both screamed with fear. Lizzy dashed back and forth in the busy street. My husband kept up his chase on foot. I shouted to my husband, “Tom! Be careful when you cross the street!”

Within minutes, traffic was actually stopped on Wireless Road. A half-dozen good people got out of their cars to help. Soon, she ran into a safer area and then back to our street. With the help of six strangers, we caught her within a few anxious minutes. Everyone cheered, and we thanked the helpers again and again.

With Lizzy safely back inside, we drove straight to the hospital and were able to see our daughter in the delivery room. My husband and I are forever grateful to the strangers who might have saved Lizzy’s life and who enabled us to be there at the beginning of a precious new one.

1.Why was the author going to the hospital?

A. Because she didn’t feel herself that day.

B. Because her pet dog was hit by a car.

C. Because her daughter was ill in hospital.

D. Because her daughter was giving birth at the hospital.

2.How did the author feel while Tom was running after the dog?

A. Concerned    B. Impatient

C. Thankful    D. Regretful

3.Where was the dog finally caught?

A. On Wireless Road    B. In a safer area

C. On Bellwood Avenue    D. In the author’s car

4.What is the purpose of writing this text?

A. To show us how they got back their pet dog.

B. To tell us how they managed to see their daughter.

C. To express their sincere thanks to the kind strangers.

D. To tell us what trouble their pet dog has caused them.



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1.What is needed in creating w brochure?

A.Handwriting techniques B.Photographing skills.

C.Communicating strategies D.Graphic design ability

2.Brochure Design Service can offer customers___________。

A.a true show B.PDF versions of brochures

C.a printing machine D.Internet images

3.The main purpose of the text is to_______

A.entertain B.suggest

C.advertise D.warn



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