满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was August 2018, and Wedelstedt, 56, ...

    It was August 2018, and Wedelstedt, 56, was on her way back down the trail with three friends. A storm was blowing, and they were_______ to get off the mountain. When they_______a rocky drop of a couple of feetWedelstedt decided that______shimmying down(一扭一摆) on her butt- -the safe way to go- -she would_____ . She landed on her left leg and was injured.

Every step after that was painful. Before long, she had to _____.As one friend ran down to get

____ ,  a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Wedelstedt down the_____ trail by walking on either side of her to support her______, but that proved slow and____“One man was so_____to the edge that I could see_______falling down from where he stepped on them,” Wedelstedt says.

Finally, one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman's carry?”_____ she knew it, he had____her over his shoulders.“Now, I’m not tiny," says Wedelstedt, a former college basketball star. Matt______couldn't carry her all the way down by himself. So six hikers and one of her friends took turns carrying her while she tried to_______the difficult situation: “I want to meet a lot of guys, but this isn't the_____ I want to do it.”Three hours later this human conveyor ____finally met the doctors who took Wedelstedt to the_____

She has mostly recovered from her_______hike, but Wedelstedt knows she’11 never shake one thing from that day: the______of the band of strangers who came to her rescue.“I’m still in awe(敬畏).”

1.A.cheerful B.satisfied C.surprised D.anxious

2.A.approached B.arrived C.hiked D.appeared

3.A.because of B.instead of C.except for D.regardless of

4.A.walk B.crawl C.climb D.jump

5.A.tremble B.continue C.stop D.run

6.A.help . B.safety C.relays D.offers

7.A.muddy B.snowy C.narrow D.dirty

8.A.luggage B.weight C.load D.equipment

9.A.dangerous B.gradual . C.comfortable D.enjoyable

10.A.high B.close C.far . D.remote

11.A.leaves B.rocks C.branches D.sand

12.A.After B.When C.Before D.Since

13.A.lifted B.taken C.brought D.fetched

14.A.shortly B.particularly C.nearly D.clearly

15.A.make light of B.take possession of C.pay attention to D.make use of

16.A.purpose . B.decision C.opinion D.way .

17.A.pack B.string C.belt D.stick

18.A.shelter B.tent C.home . D.hospital

19.A.sports-loving B.ill-fated C.part-time D.eye-catching

20.A.spirit B.energy C.memory D.effort


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了女主人公维德斯泰特在登山时因大意而摔伤了脚,但是却得到了其他登山者的帮助,心生敬畏。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:暴风雨就要来了,他们急着要下山。A. cheerful欢快的;B. satisfied满意的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. anxious焦虑的。根据空前的A storm was blowing可知,暴风雨要来了所以都着急(anxious)下山,故选D。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们接近几英尺高的岩石落差时,维德斯泰特决定,与其一扭一摆得下去——这是一种安全的方式——不如纵身一跃。A. approached接近;B. arrived到达;C. hiked徒步;D. appeared出现。根据后面的a rocky slope (斜坡) of a couple of feet可知,她们到了一个几英尺高的斜坡。故选A。 3.考查词组辨析。句意:当他们接近几英尺高的岩石落差时,维德斯泰特决定,与其一扭一摆得下去——这是一种安全的方式——不如纵身一跃。A. because of因为;B. instead of而不是;C. except for除了;D. regardless of不理睬。根据She landed on her left leg and was injured(她左腿着地,受了伤)可知,维德斯泰特受了伤原因是她并没有(instead of)用安全的通过方式(shimmying down on her butt),故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们接近几英尺高的岩石落差时,维德斯泰特决定,与其一扭一摆得下去——这是一种安全的方式——不如纵身一跃。A. walk走路;B. crawl爬行;C. climb攀爬;D. jump跳。根据She landed on her left leg and was injured.(她左腿着地,受了伤)可知,维德斯泰特没有理会安全的方法,即she would crawl在此处表示虚拟,意为“她本应该慢慢爬下去”故选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不久,她不得不停下来。A. tremble发抖;B. continue继续;C. stop停止;D. run奔跑。根据Every step after that was painful.(之后的每一步都是痛苦的)可知,维德斯泰特因为疼痛不得不停(stop)下来,故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当一个朋友跑下去寻求帮助时。A. help帮助;B. safety安全;C. relays接力;D. offers录取通知书。根据Before long, she had to stop.(不久,她不得不停下来。)可知,维德斯泰特受伤了行走困难,她的一个朋友去寻求帮助(help),故选A。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尝试在维德斯泰特两边架着她走下狭窄的山路。A. muddy泥泞的;B. snowy多雪的;C. narrow狭窄的;D. dirty肮脏的。根据下文的One man was so close to the edge(有一个人离悬崖很近)可知,有一个架着维德斯泰特的人离悬崖很近,可见这条山路很狭窄(narrow),故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:走在她的两侧来支撑她的体重,但这被证明是缓慢和危险的。A. luggage行李;B. weight重量;C. load负荷;D. equipment设备。根据前文可知,维德斯泰特受伤了行走苦难,走在两侧的人支撑她的重量(weight)来帮助她行走,故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这被证明是缓慢和危险的。A. dangerous危险的;B. gradual逐渐的;C. comfortable 舒服的;D. enjoyable喜爱的。根据下文的One man was so___10___to the edge that I could see___11___falling down from where he stepped on them(有一个人离悬崖很近,我能看见石头从他踩过的地方掉下来)可知,这样行走时非常危险的(dangerous),故选A。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:韦德尔施泰特说,“有个人走的离边缘很近,我可以看到他脚下石头在掉落。”A. high高的;B. close近的;C. far远的;D. remote遥远的。根据上文的but that proved slow and___9___可知,这段路使得韦德尔施泰特他们走得非常缓慢,而且山路很狭窄,所以这个人离边缘很近(close),故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:韦德尔施泰特说,“有个人走的离边缘很近,我可以看到他脚下石头在掉落。”A. leaves叶子;B. rocks岩石;C. branches树枝;D. sand沙子。根据上文的One man was so___10___to the edge that可知,架着韦德尔施泰特的其中一个人走的离边缘太近,以致于走过地方的石头(rocks)都掉落下去,故选B。 12.考查连词词义辨析。句意:后来,有个登山者马特问她,“你觉得让一个消防员扛着你怎么样?”韦德尔施泰特还没反应过来时,他已经将她举到自己的肩上。A. After在……之后;B. When当……时;C. Before在……之前;D. Since自从。根据___12___ she knew it, he had___13___her over his shoulders可知,had___13___her over his shoulders(被扛在肩上)这个动作发生在knew(知道)之后,before在此处用作连词,意为“在……之前,还没来得及……”,与题意相符,故选C。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,有个登山者马特问她,“你觉得让一个消防员扛着你怎么样?”韦德尔施泰特还没反应过来时,他已经将她举到自己的肩上。A. lifted举起;B. taken带走;C. brought带来;D. fetched抓取。根据下文的Matt___14___couldn't carry her all the way可知,马特把韦德尔施泰特举起来(lifted)扛在了肩上,故选A。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:韦德尔施泰特说,我可不苗条。我之前在大学是篮球明星。马特显然不能一直扛着她下山。A. shortly立刻;B. particularly尤其;C. nearly差不多;D. clearly清晰地。根据上文的Now, I’m not tiny可知,韦德尔施泰特并不苗条,马特显然(clearly)不能一直扛着她。故选D。 15.考查词组辨析。句意:所以6个登山者和她的一个朋友轮流扛着她下山,同时她试图让气氛变得轻松。A. make light of轻描淡写;B. take possession of占有;C. pay attention to注意;D. make use of利用。根据I want to meet a lot of guys, but this isn't the___16___ I want to do it可知,韦德尔施泰特在调侃着聊天试图让这种苦难的境遇变得轻松(make light of)一些,故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我想和很多男孩拍拖,但是这不是我想要的方式。”A. purpose 目的;B. decision决定;C. opinion观点;D. way方法。根据空所在的句子可知,韦德尔施泰特说自己想和很多男孩拍拖,但这样被6个登山者扛着并不是自己想要的方式(way),故选D。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:三个小时后,这个“人体传送带”走过两英里的遍地岩石的山路后,终于遇到了医护人员,他们把韦德尔施泰特送到了医院。A. pack包装;B. string线;C. belt腰带;D. stick棍子。根据So six hikers and one of her friends took turns carrying her可知,这6人轮流扛着韦德尔施泰特,形成了一条人体传送带the human conveyor belt,故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:三个小时后,他们走过两英里的遍地岩石的山路后,终于遇到了医护人员,他们把韦德尔施泰特送到了医院。A. shelter庇护所;B. tent帐篷;C. home家乡;D. hospital医院。根据空前的finally met the doctors可知,韦德尔施泰特他们遇到了医护人员,把她送到了医院(hospital),故选D。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:韦德尔施泰特基本上已经从这次倒霉的徒步旅行中恢复过来了,但是她知道从那天起她将永远无法忘记一件事:A. sports-loving热爱体育的;B. ill-fated不幸的;C. part-time业余的;D. eye-catching引人注目的。根据本文叙述的内容可知,韦德尔施泰特在徒步时因大意而受伤,经过别人的帮助才顺利下山,所以这次徒步旅行是不幸的、倒霉的(ill-fated),故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是她知道从那天起她将永远无法忘记一件事:一群陌生人救了她的记忆。“我仍然心怀敬畏。”A. spirit精神;B. energy精力;C. memory记忆;D. effort努力。根据前文可知,这次徒步经历成为了她的回忆,她的回忆(memory)因为他人的善举而变得不一样,故选C。

    The first time I went to a playground in Berlin, I was surprised. All the German parents were huddled together, drinking coffee, not paying attention to their children who were hanging off a wooden dragon 20 feet above a sand pit. Contrary to stereotypes(模式化观念)most German parents I’ve met are the opposite of strict.1.. Those parents at the park weren’t ignoring their children; they were trusting them. Here are a few surprising things Berlin ’s parents do:

Don't push reading. Berlin ’s kindergartens don’t emphasize academics. In fact, teachers and other parents discouraged me from teaching my children to read.2.. But even in first grade, academics aren’t pushed very hard. Our grade school provides a half-day of instruction interrupted by two outdoor breaks.

3.  A note came home from school along with my excited second grader. They were doing a project on fire. Would I let her light candles and perform experiments with. matches? Together we lit candles and burned things, safely. It was brilliant.

Let children go almost everywhere alone. Most grade school kids walk without their parents to school and around their neighborhoods. Some even take the subway alone.4.of course, but they usually focus on traffic.not abductions(绑架).

Take the kids outside every day. According to a German saying, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”The value of outside time is promoted in the schools.5.No matter how cold and grey it gets, and in Berlin it gets pretty cold, parents still bundle their kids up and take them to the park, or send them out on their own.

A.Encourage kids to play with fire

B.Inspire children to go out for leisure

C.German parents are concerned about safety

D.It's also obvious on Berlin ' s numerous playgrounds

E.Kindergarten was a time for play and social learning

F.They place a high value on independence and responsibility

G.I was told it was something special that the kids learn together when they start grade school



    Back in 1975, economists planned rising life expectancy (预期寿命) against countries’ wealth, and concluded that wealth itself increases longevity. It seemed self- evident: everything people need to be healthy--from food to medical care- costs money.

But it soon proved that the data didn't always fit that theory. Economic booms didn’t always mean longer lives. In addition, for reasons that weren’t clear, a given gain in gross domestic product (GDP) caused increasingly higher gains in life expectancy over time, as though it was becoming cheaper to add years of life. Moreover, in the 1980s researchers found gains in learning were associated with greater increases in life expectancy than gains in wealth were. Finally, the more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated fellow citizens. But such people also tend to be wealthier, so it has been difficult to make out which factor is increasing lifespan.

Wolfgang Lutz and his colleagues have now done that by collecting average data on GDP per personlifespan, and years of education from 174 countries, dating from 1970 to 2010. They found that, just as in 1975, wealth associated with longevity. But the association between longevity and years of schooling was closer, with a direct relationship that did not change over time, the way wealth does.

Lutz argues that because schooling happens many years before a person has attained their life expectancy, this association reflects cause: better education drives longer life. It also leads to more wealth, which is why wealth and longevity are also associated. But what is important, says Lutz, is that wealth does not seem to be longevity, as experts thought- in fact, education is driving both of them.

He thinks this is because education permanently improves a person’s cognitive abilities, allowing better planning and self-control throughout the rest of their life. This idea is supported by the fact that people who are more intelligent appear to live longer.

1.Which of the following best describes economists ’conclusion in 1975?

A.Lifespan could be increased by wealth.

B.Economic growth didn’t always mean longer life.

C.Education influenced longevity more than wealth did.

D.A given growth in GDP caused higher gains in longevity.

2.What did Wolfgang Lutz and his colleagues find?

A.Wealth and longevity did not have any association.

B.Longevity and education were more closely associated.

C.Differences in wealth predicted differences in longevity.

D.Relationship between education and longevity changed over time.

3.What part does education play permanently according to Lutz?

A.It enables people to have better planning and self-control.

B.It always leads to a longer but not necessarily richer life.

C.It improves people’s imaginative and innovative abilities.

D.It helps people acquire time-managing and learning habits.

4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Wealth influences longevity.

B.Education influences longevity.

C.Wealth has nothing to do with longevity.

D.The relationship between education and wealth.



    It often seems that some people possess superhuman eating powers, allowing them to eat an entire pizza while remaining slim. Others only eat a slice but gain five pounds. Now one doctor says there' s evidence that genetics could be behind some of these differences. Regardless of how much you eat, your weight may be out of control.

Vann Bennett, a biochemist at Duke University and his team led a new study and discovered why this happens. They engineered mice to have several common modifications of the gene found in humans. They observed that mice who had mutations of ankyrin-B(锚蛋白B的变异) took more glucose(葡萄糖) into their fat cells, which in turn made more fat. Typically, the cell membrane( ) acts as a barrier to prevent glucose from entering these cells ; the change kept the gate open. The change may serve a useful purpose. “ Probably this is not always a bad thing,” Bennett told Newsweek. “It could help people survive hunger in the past. But today we have so much food that it probably is a bad thing.”

Dieters have long been told to watch their calories and exercise more, but this new finding suggests that a common approach doesn't work for everyone. Our metabolism( 新陈代谢) naturally slows with age, making it harder to maintain the weight of our 30-year-old selves when we' re 50. Now add an uncontrollable ankyrin-B gene, and it may seem impossible to stay slim.

The mice in the study gained more weight when on high-fat diets. Despite being studied in mice, the researchers believe further research on this gene could potentially create a field of customized diets and health plans based on genetics. Bennett imagines such assessments being performed at birth one day. For now, disappointed dieters can take comfort with one saying: It's not you, it's your genes.

1.How did a mouse gain weight with mutations of ankyrin-B?

A.The ankyrin-B could make the mouse eat more.

B.The fat cells in the mouse would take more glucose to create more fat.

C.The glucose could function as a barrier to prevent the fat from reducing.

D.The cell membrane in the mouse could open the gate of fat into the mouse.

2.What was the effect of the change in the past in paragraph 2?

A.It could help people to avoid fat food.

B.It could help people to absorb more nutrition.

C.It could help people to get through the starvation.

D.It could help people to enjoy more delicious snacks.

3.Why is it more difficult to stay slim when we are older?

A.Because we all lack exercise. B.Because we have ankyrin-B genes.

C.Because we watch our calories less. D.Because our metabolism weakens.

4.What can be expected from further research?

A.It may help people to maintain the weight.

B.It may provide more comfort for the depressed dieters.

C.It may change many new-born babies’ gene arrangement.

D.It may present human beings with a series of health plans.



    Keeping your teenager out of the social media world is impossible. Whether we like it or not, our kids are growing up in a digital era- -and although that creates major opportunities, it also comes with some pretty big risks. We saw this firsthand when we asked a group of tweens and teens to give up their phones and social media for a week; it was as though we’d asked them to part with a limb.

A recent study of more than 10 ,000 six- to twelve-grade girls carried out by a nonprofit organization Ruling Our Experiences found that high school girls spend an average of six hours a day on social media. And the effect of too much logged-on time is clear. The study found kids who spend eight hours or more on technology per day are five times more likely to be sad or depressed. Adding to the pressure is that2 out of 3 high school girls report being asked to send a revealing photo to another person, and most of them report that they do send sexual texts and photos to each other.

Another study, carried out by Common Sense Media, found that girls use social media more than boys and are also more likely to experience negative consequences. Most of the girls investigated admitted that content posted online often makes them worry about their appearance or social status, while just a quarter of the boys said the same. An earlier study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet came to a similar conclusion: A third of 12- to 13-year-old girls who used social media believed their peers were mostly unkind to each other online , while only 9 percent of the boys agreed.

Of course, these differences don' t mean we shouldn’t have concerns about boys and the impact of digital overload or online bulling. In fact, other studies have shown that boys and girls can be equally damaged by social media. The most important thing is for teens to feel safe, online and in the real world alike.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The pressure of the high school girls logging-on.

B.The influence of too much logged-on time on high school girls.

C.Too much time spent on social media for high school girls.

D.The increasing population of the high school girls logging-on.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “revealing” in paragraph 2?

A.Exposed. B.Interesting.

C.Funny. D.Romantic.

3.Why are the girls more likely to experience negative effect online than boys?

A.Because the girls' social status is low.

B.Because the girls are mostly unkind to each other.

C.Because the girls use social media more than boys.

D.Because the girls pay more attention to their appearance.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Parents should keep teens out of the social media.

B.Parents keep teens feel safe online and in the real life.

C.It is time to worry about your teens and social media.

D.Boys and girls can be equally damaged by social media.



    Start a summer company : students

How it works

Through a program called Summer Company, you can get:

* start-up money to kick-off a new summer business

* advice and guide from local business leaders to help get the business up and running

Learning how to run your own student business is one of the best summer jobs you can have. You get to be your own boss while learning what it takes to manage a business. Sales marketing, bookkeeping, customer relationship management and networking are just a few of the highly useful skills you’ll develop.

Who is eligible( 具备条件的)

You could be eligible, if you :

* go to high school, college or university

* live in Ontario

* are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident

* are between 15-29 years old( if under 18: a parent or guardian must sign the agreement for the applicant)

* are not already running a business

* are not working at another job or going to school for more than 12 hours a week during the program

* are returning to school after the program ends

You cannot apply again if you have received a Summer Company grant in the past.

Award amount

Maximum award: $3 ,000.

Successful Summer Company applicants get: .

* up to $1,500 to help with start-up costs

* up to $1,500 when you successfully complete the program requirements and hours

How to apply

The program for 2020 is open through May 19. Here are the steps to apply:

* Check to see if you’re eligible for the program

* Complete the online application inquiry

* Select your local program provider

* Assign yourself a password

* Submit your application inquiry

1.The following skills can be developed through the program except_____.

A.sales B.marketing

C.relationship D.networking

2.If you want to start a summer company, which of the following conditions is not suitable?

A.You are between 18-29 years old.

B.You are not already running a business.

C.You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

D.You will attend school for over 12 hours a week during the program.

3.When can you apply for the program?

A.May 18, 2020. B.May 20, 2020.

C.June 18, 2020. . D.June 20, 2020.



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