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As the Camp Fire continued, killing at l...

    As the Camp Fire continued, killing at least 85 people and displacing thousands more in Northern California, Madison waited there.

Gaylord, the Anatolian shepherd mix’s owner, was not able to get to her home in Paradise, when the fire began to spread, meaning Madison was left behind. For weeks, all Gaylord could do was pray for Madison’s safety, according to California-based animal rescue organization Paw Print Rescue.

Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization, had already helped locate Madison’s brother Miguel in a different city. But Madison was even more difficult to find. Sullivan spotted Madison a few times in a canyon (峡谷), apparently guarding his land, and put out fresh food and water regularly in hopes that the dog would turn up, according to a Facebook post by Sullivan. She even placed an article of clothing that smelled like Gaylord near the home “to keep Madison’s hope alive until his people could return,” Sullivan wrote.

When the evacuation (疏散) order was lifted last week and Gaylord went back to her home—which had been ruined by the fire—her prayers were answered: Madison was there, seemingly protecting what little remained of his family’s home. “Well, I’m so happy to report that Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!!!! He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never gave up on his people!” Sullivan wrote in the comment on her Facebook post. “I’m so happy I’m crying as I write this! He didn’t give up through the storms or the fire!” she added.

Soon afterward, Madison was reunited with Miguel for the first time since the fire broke out. An emotional Gaylord said in an interview with the network that she was overcome with joy to see Madison waiting for her. She also expressed how grateful she was to Sullivan. Gaylord said fighting through tears, “You could never ask for better animals. He is the best dog.”

1.What did Madison do during the Camp Fire?

A.He rescued Sullivan.

B.He waited for Gaylord.

C.He stayed with Miguel.

D.He ran away from Paradise.

2.Why did Sullivan place an article of clothing smelling like Gaylord near the home?

A.To keep Madison warm.

B.To get Madison to turn up.

C.To help Madison remember his owner.

D.To encourage Madison not to give up.

3.Where was Madison finally found?

A.In a different city. B.In a canyon.

C.At a camp. D.At his home.

4.What quality is emphasized in this story?

A.Patience. B.Unity.

C.Devotion. D.Wisdom.


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。Gaylord的营地着火后,尽管火势很凶猛,她的狗Madison仍不顾危险坚守在那里等候主人。这让Gaylord很感动,认为世界上没有比Madison更好的狗。 1.推理判断题。由第四段中“Well, I’m so happy to report that Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!!!! He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never gave up on his people!” Sullivan wrote in the comment on her Facebook post.可知,着火之后,狗Madison一直留在附近保护家里的东西,而且没有放弃他的人们。所以Madison在等它的主人Gaylord回家。故选B。 2.细节理解题。由第三段中的She even placed an article of clothing that smelled like Gaylord near the home “to keep Madison’s hope alive until his people could return”可知,Sullivan把闻起来像Gaylord的一件衣服放在家附近是为了在她的主人回来之前保持它的希望。也就是说鼓励Madison不要放弃。故选D。 3.细节理解题。由第四段中的“Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!!!!”可知,终于Gaylord可以回家了,发现Madison还在那里。也就是还在它的家。故选D。 4.推理判断题。从全文的描述中“Gaylord的营地着火之后,Madison不顾危险,一直守在那里等它主人回来”以及由第四段中的“He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never gave up on his people!(他呆在那里保护房子并从没对放弃他的人们)”可知,Madison是很忠诚的。A. Patience耐心;B. Unity团结;C. Devotion忠诚;D. Wisdom智慧。故选C。 【易错分析】 2. Why did Sullivan place an article of clothing smelling like Gaylord near the home? A. To keep Madison warm. B. To get Madison to turn up. C. To help Madison remember his owner. D. To encourage Madison not to give up. 本题容易误选C项,认为Sullivan放了一件闻起来像Gaylord的衣服是为了让Madison记住它的主人,但根据后面的“to keep Madison’s hope alive until his people could return,”可知,是为了保持Madison的希望,也就是鼓励它不要放弃,故选D。

    If you've always wanted to start your own herb or vegetable garden but don't have the yard space or the "green thumb" to pull it off, there's now another option. The OGarden Smart is an indoor gardening system that grows up to 90 plants at one time—20 of which are safe to eat.

Strawberries, green beans, peppers, green onions, and cherry tomatoes are just a few of the fruits and vegetables the OGarden can grow. Up to 30 potted plants can be placed on a lower shelf, where the seeds are allowed to germinate (发芽). Once they germinate, the plants can then be moved to the turning wheel up above, which holds up to 60 plants at a time. It takes about 30 to 40 days to harvest the produce, depending on the type of plant grown.

The system is self-watering and uses automatic LED lights to provide the right amount of sunlight, no matter what season it is. The only work that's required is planting the seeds and refilling the water tank once a week.

The OGarden Smart is the second product introduced by company co-founders Pierre Nibart and Pierre-Etienne Bourget, of Quebec, Canada. The original OGarden appeared in 2017, and the Smart upgrade adds a few new features, including automatic watering, automatic LED lighting, and a water warning system. Some reviewers of the original OGarden commented that the system is easy to use, and that the vegetables taste better than store-bought produce.

The OGarden Smart will set you back $859 Canadian dollars (about $650 USD) if you order it on Kickstarter at a discounted rate, but the company's founders are quick to point out that it will help you save money in the long-run. The system lets you grow organic (有机的) produce at a small part of the price you'd pay at your local grocery store.

To see some of the buying options available, check out the project's Kickstarter page. Any orders that are placed will be delivered this May.

1.What is the OGarden Smart?

A.A self-watering system.

B.A water warning system.

C.An indoor gardening system.

D.An automatic lighting system.

2.What can you learn about the OGarden Smart from the passage?

A.It can be used all year round.

B.It grows up to 60 plants at a time.

C.It is designed for people who have a yard.

D.It moves the plants from the shelf automatically.

3.The OGarden Smart can help you save money in the long-run mainly because of its _______.

A.automatic upgrade

B.free after-sales service

C.low energy consumption

D.harvest of organic produce



Two birthdays, One mistake

Zackary Johnson has a birthday coming up in a few days, so it wasn’t surprising to have an envelope addressed to him last week.

His mom, Glenda, ____ immediately that it was spelled “Zachary” Johnson. She didn’t find that unusual because many people spell Zackary’s name ____. But the sender’s pre-printed label made her confused. That name didn’t ____ up to anyone of her friends or relatives. She asked her husband, “Do you ____ this name?” “Nope,” Steve responded and became somewhat ____.

Still, they agreed to ____ the envelope to their son to see what was in it. Zack opened it to ____ $20 in a birthday card that said “Happy Birthday, Zachary!” He was ____and was ready to go shopping!!

However, the ____ increased for Glenda. The card was unsigned. She was wondering why a ____ would send money to her son and ____ he would know it was Zack’s birthday. A variety of scenes can go ____ parents’ minds, especially when they hear stories about Internet crimes. They knew they would have to make some inquiries not only to give them ____, but also to protect their son.

“I know who that fellow is! He is an old farmer that lives out on Hillberry Road.” Glenda’s dad said when he was informed of the ____.

So the couple quickly drove out into the country and found the house. ____, no one was home. Steve decided to leave a brief but ____ message that the call should be returned as soon as possible.

The next day the old farmer called. The farmer’s great grandson, Zachary Johnson, had recently moved with his parents to Heavenly Drive. That’s the street where Zackary Johnson ____. The farmer was sure surprised by the ____ of events. He figured he’d have to send another card to his grandson. But Zackary Johnson, who is turning eleven years old in a few days, did the right thing. He and his parents ____ their way down Heavenly Drive to the home of Zachary Johnson who is turning four years old in a few days. They ____ Zachary’s great grandfather’s card with the $20. Plus, Zackary Johnson wished Zachary Johnson a very Happy Birthday.

1.A.expected B.guessed C.added D.noticed

2.A.hesitantly B.incorrectly C.quickly D.naturally

3.A.match B.back C.call D.build

4.A.sign B.like C.bear D.recognize

5.A.embarrassed B.discouraged C.concerned D.ashamed

6.A.present B.return C.address D.drop

7.A.hold B.find C.reach D.pay

8.A.relieved B.relaxed C.amused D.excited

9.A.unease B.anger C.regret D.sadness

10.A.relative B.friend C.stranger D.farmer

11.A.who B.what C.when D.how

12.A.over B.beyond C.through D.against

13.A.faith B.peace C.satisfaction D.confidence

14.A.secret B.crime C.conclusion D.situation

15.A.Amazingly B.Unfortunately C.Interestingly D.Undoubtedly

16.A.urgent B.updated C.warning D.flexible

17.A.walks B.travels C.lives D.moves

18.A.turn B.order C.error D.trend

19.A.changed B.made C.pushed D.cleared

20.A.held B.showed C.delivered D.purchased



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

When I was a child, I was a picky eater. There were many 1. (food) that I didn’t like to eat. But there is one meal I have always loved: grilled(烤的)cheese and tomato soup. It’s just two pieces of toasted bread with cheese in the middle,2. (serve) with a bowl of tomato soup. This kind of food 3. (call) “comfort food”. “Comfort food” is simple, easy-to-make and delicious. It always 4. (taste) great. Your parents might make meals like this for you when you are not feeling well.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

I lost my wallet after going shopping last Friday evening. But I didn’t realize it was missing until five hours later. I couldn’t remember 1. I lost it. I stayed up all night and worried about my wallet. The next day, I went back to the shops that I2. (visit) and asked about my wallet. A manager at one store came over and said, “Someone turned this in last night. We thought you might come back to look for it,3. we kept it for you.”



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Which sea animal is 1. (good) at escaping? The answer may be the octopus(章鱼). An octopus’ body is very soft. There are no bones in it. The small animal has just two little hard parts in 2. (it) mouth. So it can go into very small spaces. An octopus weighing about 230g can pass 3. a 2.5cm-wide hole.



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