满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Much to her disgust, his confidence_____...

Much to her disgust, his confidence________ on arrogance.

A.edges B.borders

C.splits D.emphasizes


B 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:令她大为反感的是,他的自信近乎傲慢。A. edges使锐利;B. borders接近,与……接壤;C. splits使分开,使分离;D. emphasizes强调。故B项正确。  

As President, he appointed men to high government positions ________ he considered most capable, ________ some of them openly defied his authority.

A.which … as though B./ … though

C.which … even if D.whom … as though



If Lincoln had lived, it________ be that his postwar policies would have brought criticism upon him that would________ his reputation.

A.might as well … have tarnished B.might well … have tarnished

C.might as well … tarnish D.might well … tarnish



The uncontrolled emotional reaction of the nation to Lincoln’s death was incredible and demonstrated the high esteem________ he was held.

A.whom B.for whom

C.which D.in which



According to Thomas Jefferson, it is ________ that keep freedom alive.

A.conflicting ideas and unquestioning agreement

B.not conflicting ideas but unquestioning agreement

C.unquestioning agreement and not conflicting ideas

D.not unquestioning agreement but conflicting ideas



________ a day when few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins except________ an order, Jefferson went out of his way to talk with people of humble origins.

A.On … give B.On … gave

C.In … giving D.In … to give



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