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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Prince ...


Prince William Forest School (PWF), the first forest school in China designed for young children aged 26, opened 1. (it) doors on July 26. Lin Yucheng, founder and CEO of Prince William Preschool, announced 2.the press in Shenzhen.

According to Lin, it's on September 10  3.  the school will offically open. Forest schools are based on an outdoor educational model in which children or adults visit natural 4.spaceto learn interpersonalsocial and 5.(techniqueskills. It has been recognized as an inspiration process that offers childrenyoung people and adults regular chances 6. achieveand develop confidence through hands-on leaning in a woodland environment

"We want to set up a Kindergarten where children can run freely and our innocent childhood memories can  7.easybe woken up. The forest school caters to children's instinct(本能)to explore the world. We hope our children can become global citizens 8.  are physically and mentally strong and can do good for society"said Lin.

9. locatein Yangtai Mountain Park near Shenzhen University Townthe school covers n an area of over 50000 square meters and a construction area of 20000 square meters. PWF  10.createa unique educational system on the basis of British Early Years Foundation Stage so far.


1.its 2.to 3.that 4.spaces 5.technical 6.to achieve 7.easily 8.who/that 9.Located 10.has created 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,位于深圳的威廉王子森林学校即将对外招生,文章对这所学校及其特点做了详细介绍。 1.考查代词。句意:中国第一所森林学校威廉王子森林学校在7月26日对外打开了它的大门。横线后面使用了名词doors,横线处应该使用形容词性物主代词,所以要填its。 2.考查介词搭配。句意:威廉王子幼儿园的CEO兼创办人林雨城在深圳向媒体宣布此事。动词短语announce sth to sb意为“向某人宣布某事”,所以句中要填to。 3.考查强调句型。句意:根据他的说法,这所学校将在9月10日正式开幕。本句是一个强调句型,强调时间状语on September 10。强调句型的基本结构是“It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分”,本句强调的是表示时间的on September 10,所以句中要填that。 4.考查名词单复数。句意:森林学校以户外教育模式为基础,在这种教育模式中儿童或成年人进入户外的自然空地中去学习人际交往、社交以及技术方面的技能。本句中名词space意为“空地”,是可数名词,句中表示复数概念,所以要填spaces。 5.考查形容词。句意:森林学校以户外教育模式为基础,在这种模式中儿童或成年人进入户外空地去学习人际交往、社交以及技术方面的技能。英语里通常使用形容词充当定语修饰名词,本句中skills前面应该使用形容词,与interpersonal和social构成并列关系,所以要填technical。 6.考查不定式做状语。本句中不定式短语to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on leaning充当目的状语,说明这个学校给儿童、年轻人和成年人提供机会的目的。所以要填to achieve。 7.考查副词做状语。在英语里副词通常做状语,修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子,本句中使用副词修饰谓语部分can be woken up,所以句中要填副词easily。 8.考查定语从句关系词。本题定语从句的先行词是global citizens,定语从句中缺少主语,当先行词是表示人的名词,且定语从句中需要使用关系代词做主语的时候,我们可以使用that/who引导定语从句。所以句中要填that/who。 9.考查分词用法。句意:位于深圳大学城附近的羊台山森林公园,这所学校占地面积大约5万平方米。过去分词located转化为形容词,意为“位于…”,在句中说明这所学校的位置。所以要填Located。 10.考查时态。句意:到目前为止,这所学校已经创立了一种以英国早期阶段教育为基础的独特的教育体系。本句的时间状语so far意为“到目前为止”,通常与现在完成时连用,本句主语是单数名词,所以要填has created。

    It was a cold rainy day. I had no _______ to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn's houseBut she had insisted that I come to see something at the top.

So here I was______  making the two-hour journey  _______ fog that hung like veils(面纱),Sadlyby the time I saw how _____  it was near the summitI'd gone too far to _____ . Nothing could be worth thisI thought as I _____ along the dangerous highway.

“I'll stay for lunch______ I'm heading back down immediately the fog  _____,” I announced when I arrived. At my words, Carolyn asked me to walk along a quiet path thick with old pine needles.  Gradually the ______ of the place began to fill my mind

I stopped at a comer, _____  , Rivers of flowers in bloom! Varieties of   ___  -from the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the _____  orange pink -shined brightly like a carpet before sun I looked as though the sun had tipped over and ____ gold down the mountainside.

___  occupied my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

As we drove home, we saw a (n)  _____ that read; "One Woman -Two Hands, Two Fe, and Very Little Brain." "One at a Time." "Started in1958", She _______ the world.  Forty years had passed but she still  ____  it.

The wonder of it would not let me go. "Imagine," I said, "if I`d had a  _____ and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might I have  _____ ?"

Carolyn smiled "Start tomorrow," she said " _______ yet, start today."

1.A.reason B.desire C.chance D.courage

2.A.excitedly B.hurriedly C.unconsciously D.unwillingly

3.A.under B.towards C.through D.above

4.A.thick B.high C.far D.fresh

5.A.tum back B.hold out C.give in D.look for

6.A.marched B.inched C.walked D.dashed

7.A.but B.or C.so D.while

8.A.falls B.flows C.lifts D.moves

9.A.loneliness B.peace C.atmosphere D.imagination

10.A.disappointed B.puzzled C.pleased D.amazed

11.A.fruits B.colors C.hills D.trees

12.A.most interesting B.dullest C.most vivid D.rarest

13.A.poured B.exposed C.spread D.threw

14.A.Questions B.Doubts C.Worries D.Hopes

15.A.notice B.sign C.advertisement D.motto

16.A.changed B.controlled C.beat D.challenged

17.A.defended B.prepared C.kept at D.searched for

18.A.method B.rule C.job D.dream

19.A.promoted B.accomplished C.appreciated D.promised

20.A.And B.Sooner C.Not D.Better



    We think of winter as cold and flu seasonbut the cold temperatures have powerful biological upsides too.

Boosts your brain

1. .Studies have found that people perform some cognitive(认知的)tasks like making decisions better when the temperature is cooler. Research has also shown that people are less willing to handle complex tasks in the summer than in the winter.

Burns calories(卡路里)

When it's coldyour body works harder to keep your core temperaturewhich is typically. about 98.6 degrees. "Our bodies use a considerable amount of energy to keep us warm and to dampen the air we breathe when we're out in the cold"explains Stacy Tuckeran expert from Kansas City. 2.  . A recent study showed that participants burned 34 percent more calories when they hiked in 14-to 23-degree temperatures than they did hiking on 50-degree days.

Activates healthy fat

We know accumulating too much ordinary fat or "white fat" can endanger our health. But adults also have small amounts of beneficial "brown fat" that can quicken their metabolism(新陈代谢)and bum more calories 3. .

Encourages better sleep

Your body's core temperature drops when you're trying to sleep. 4. but it's much faster in wintersays Tucker. Pluswith darker morningsyou naturally sleep later.


Yesyou might get more colds during the winter. Howeverstudies have shown that the immune system can be activated by colder temperatureswhich improves our ability to fight infectionsexplains Tucker. That saidthe flu virus becomes strong in colddry airand time spent indoors increases your chance of infection. To reduce riskget your annual flu shotwash your hands frequentlyand go outside.

A. Fights infections

B. So fasten your boots

C. Suffers from infections

D. Colder temperatures can help you think more clearly

E. And cold temperatures can activate this useful fat

F. Exercising in the winter makes heart muscles stronger

G. This process can take up to two hours in the summer



    Buildings can become greener. They can use more recycled steel and can be built in off-site factoriesgreatly reducing lorry journeys. But no other building material has environmental credentials(认证)as exciting and overlooked as wood.

The energy required to produce a laminated(复合的)wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength. As trees take carbon out of the atmosphere when growingwooden buildings contribute to negative emissions by storing the stuff. When a mature tree is cut downa new one can be planted to replace itcapturing more carbon. After buildings are pulled downold beams and panels are easy to recycle into new structures. And for improving older buildings to be more energy efficientwood is a good insulator(绝缘体),A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel one of the same thickness and over a thousand times as much as an aluminium one.

A race is on to build the world's tallest fully wooden skyscraper. But such buildings are still uncommon. Industry disunitycut-throat competition for contracts and low profit margins(差额)mean that most building firms have little money for greener construction methods beyond what regulation requires

Governments can help urge the industry to use more woodparticularly in the public section. That would help wood-building specialists achieve greater scale and lower costs. Zero-carbon building regulations should be changed to take account of the emissions that exist in materials. This would favour wood as well as novel ways of producing other materials.

Construction codes could be adjusted to make building with wood easier. Here the direction of travel is wrong. Britainfor instanceis banning the use of wood on the outside of tall buildings after 72 people died in a tower fire in London in 2017.That is a nonsense. Grenfell Tower was covered in aluminium and plasticnot wood. Modern cross-laminated wood panels perform better in fire tests than steel ones do.

Carpentry alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world's buildings into line.

1.What's the text mainly about?

A.Wood is the first choice for green buildings.

B.The public section makes good use of wood.

C.Building companies cannot afford greener construction.

D.Steel can reduce the environmental costs of buildings.

2.What does Paragraph 2 focus on?

A.Origins of wood structures.

B.Advantages of wood for building.

C.Reasons for green window frames.

D.Differences between steel and wood

3.Which of the following will discourage greener construction?

A.The races of wooden skyscrapers. B.Strict regulations on materials.

C.The push of the government. D.Fierce industry competition.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Wood is to blame for a big building fire.

B.Britain will lift the ban of using wood on the outside wall.

C.Building with wood is facing an unfavorable situation.

D.The environmental costs of buildings rely on carpentry.



    An international team of astronomers in Washington D.C. announced Wednesday it had success fully captured the first-ever image of a black hole and published it.

The picture shows the black hole having a dark centerencircled by a bright orange and yellow ring spreading outward. Black holes are areas in space where gravity is so strong that nothing-not even light-can escape them. They are believed to be formed by collapsed(陨落的)stars. The presence of black holes affects the surrounding environment in extreme ways. They are not easy to capture on camera because they are surrounded by thick dust material and extremely hot gases.

But scientists say they were able to produce the new image from data collected from a series of radio telescopes around the world. Harvard University scientist Sheperd  Doelemanwho leads the Event Horizon TelescopeEHTprojectannounced the image discovery. "We are delighted to be able to report today that we have seen what we thought was unseeable. We have also taken a picture of it." He explained that the image resulted from a combined effort involving all eight of the EHT radio telescopes working at the same time. It has a mass 6.5 billion times greater than Earth's sun.

Researchers said that the EHT project created an Earth-sized "virtual(虚拟的)telescope" to capture the highest possible image quality. The size and shape of the shadow matches the precise Predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Sheperd Doeleman said the new image provides the first visual evidence to confirm that theory. It also helps to unlock the mystery of black holes. "We didn't see something that was unexpected. We saw something that really had a ring to it. "

Even though the data was first gathered in 2017, it required a huge effort to produce the image published on Wednesday.

1.Which is True about the black hole?

A.It has a dark surface.

B.It consists of thick dust.

C.It is visible to the eye

D.It swallows everything approaching it.

2.What does the underlined word "They" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Black holes.

B.Collapsed stars.

C.Extreme ways.

D.Hot gases.

3.How did scientists get the image?

A.By collecting available data.

B.Through the cooperation of radio telescopes.

C.With the help of a huge camera.

D.From Einstein's general theory of relativity.

4.What does the image discovery contribute to?

A.Uncovering the secret of black holes.

B.Confirming people's wisdom.

C.Testing the function of virtual telescopes.

D.Providing first-hand evidence for astronomers.



    Ed Jackson"I want to be the first quadriplegic(四肢瘫痪者)to climb Everest"

Former Wasps player was told he would never walk again after an accident in 2017.

"It was a lovely day like this and we had a barbecue." Ed Jackson says as he remembers the accident which broke his neckended his rugby career and left him paralyzed(瘫痪)with a medical prediction that he would never walk again. "I walked to the edge of a feature pool with a waterfall at one end. I couldn't tell which was the deep end so I dived infell straight to the bottomand hit the top of my head. When I tried to stand up I couldn't. Luckily my dad was in the pool. He's a retired doctor and he knew it was a spinal cord(脊柱)issue."

Jackson survived surgery but was told that his paralysis was almost certainly permanent. "After five days of trying to move my toes with nothing happeningI thought there's a good chance they're right."

"Every night on my ownI imagined what it would be like for my wife to look after me for the rest of my life. If this was going to continue all my lifeI would never have forgiven myself." In the darkhis mind was at war with itself. "That fear of the unknown is terrifying. Every day I would stare at my toe and try to move it."

On day six his toe twitched(抽动)!The next few months became a series of his exciting moments. Jackson kept chasing those wins.

Once Jackson could walk he decided to climb Snowdon to coincide with the first anniversary of the accident. On 1 April 2018with a heavy brace on his legJackson reached the summit of Snowdon.

Climbing is exhausting and dangerous for a quadriplegic butwith his face lit by sunshineJackson uncovers a previously secret dream. "I want to be the first quadriplegic to climb Everest. I would love that to be where the story of my recovery ends. And then I just want to go on laughing and living.

1.What was Jackson doing when the accident happened

A.Barbecuing. B.Swimming.

C.Playing rugby. D.Diving.

2.What do we know about Jackson?

A.He was able to walk six days later.

B.Doctors' prediction had no effect on him.

C.The accident left him deadly injured.

D.He climbed Snowdon to repay his family's concern.

3.What might be the main drive for Jackson to get better?

A.His father's first aid. B.The successful surgery.

C.His affection for his wife. D.His desire to climb.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.An Accident to Change a Man B.A Quadriplegic to Climb Everest

C.A Secret Dream to Success D.A Man Crazy About Climbing



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