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A mind-reading chip that lets you contro...

    A mind-reading chip that lets you control a computer by just thinking has been made public at a conference in China. Named Brain Talker, the chip could be used to control computers, smart phones and other devices, its creators say. It has been jointly developed by Tianjin University and China Electronics Corporation.

This kind of brain-computer interface (接口) is designed to let a person control a computer, a smartphone or other electronic devices using his/her brainwaves alone-without needing any forms of verbal orders, movements, or button pressing. Brain interfaces would not only allow for the faster operation of various technologies, but also be used to assist people with disabilities, for example by letting an individual drive an electric wheelchair just by thinking.

“Brain-computer interfaces hold a promising future,” said Dong Ming. "The Brain Talker chip advances brain-computer interface technology, allowing it to become more portable, wearable and accessible to the general public.

The brain decoding (解码) chip works by picking out minor neural (神经) electrical signals in the brain and rapidly translating them into a form that the computer can understand. “This brain-computer chip has the ability to identify minor neural electrical signals and decode their information efficiently, which can greatly enhance the speed and accuracy of brain-computer interfaces” said Dr. Dong.

Recent technology advances have allowed researchers to develop the Brain Talker chip, so it is smaller and operates faster, more precisely and with greater efficiency than existing brain-computer interfaces. Although it is not clear exactly how the device will be worn, most brain-computer interface devices are worn on the outside of the body, rather than being fixed directly into the users’ brain. Cheng Longlong, a data scientist, said that the research team will attempt to improve the performance of the Brain Talker. One day brain-computer codec chips will contribute to medical treatment, education, self-discipline, security as well as games and entertainment.

1.Why do the creators develop the Brain Talker?

A.To improve the quality of a smartphone

B.To create more efficient electronic devices

C.To make the computer portable and accessible

D.To assist people to faster drive electronic devices

2.What does Dr Dong expect of the Brain Talker?

A.It has an uncertain future B.It can record people's brainwaves

C.It can be widely used by the public D.It will advance public entertainment

3.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.How the chip controls computer.

B.How the brain works with a computer.

C.How the brain processes information

D.How the chip picks out neural electrical signals.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.The chip will be worn inside the users’ body

B.It's too challenging to improve the Brain Talk

C.The performance of the Brain Talker is satisfying

D.Some patients will benefit from the Brain Talker


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种可以读懂人的思维,并连接到电脑的“读心术”芯片。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段的“This kind of brain-computer interface is designed to let a person control a computer, a smartphone or other electronic devices using his/her brainwaves alone-without needing any forms of verbal orders, movements, or button pressing.”,可知Brain Talker不需要口头指令,动作或者按钮,而是通过脑电波来控制其他设备,因此会帮助人们更快地驱动电子设备。故选D项。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段 “a promising future和The Brain Talker chip advances brain-computer interface technology, allowing it to become more portable, wearable and accessible to the general public.”Brain Talker芯片提高了大脑-电脑接口技术,使其变得更便携、更可穿戴、更便于大众使用。可推知Dr Dong对Brain Talker的期望是被公众广泛的接收和使用。故选C项。 3.主旨大意题。根据第四段“The brain decoding chip works by picking out minor neural electrical signals in the brain and rapidly translating them into a form that the computer can understand.”大脑解码芯片的工作原理是,从大脑中提取出微小的神经电信号,并迅速将其翻译成计算机能够理解的形式。可知本段主要介绍了Brain Talker这个产品芯片的工作原理,所以第四段的大意是芯片如何来控制电脑的。故选A项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段“One day brain-computer codec chips will contribute to medical treatment, education, self-discipline, security as well as games and entertainment.”,可知芯片未来可以利用在医疗,教育等领域,所以推断一些患者会受益于Brain Talker。故选D项。

    What will you get if you ask middle schoolers to show you their city through a camera? There may be images of flowers and friends, street scenes and sneakers, and trees and trains. It can also include colorful images featuring their favorite people, places and things. Such photographs made up an exhibition that was the end result of a special citywide photography lesson called “Everyday DC”.

“DC is a place where people can all come together and be free and be with everyone that they love,” said Lauryn Tharpe, one of the four student curators (馆长) who worked with their art teacher at Brookland Middle School to put the exhibition together. “There’s more to DC than big buildings and important people.”

“Everyday DC” was inspired by a popular Instagram feed called Everyday Africa, which was started by two professional photographers who noticed the personal photos of Africa, from their perspective (视角) showing a different story than their professional work. The goal of the online photo “exhibition” was to show viewers what it’s like to live in Africa, as opposed to what people outside of Africa see in the news.

In Washington DC, students took photos to reflect their lives there. Twelve middle schools each submitted about 10 student photographs, from beautiful portraits to action shots and images of the students’ favorite foods. Tharpe and another three students were selected to be curators by their art teacher, Maame Bawuah, who coordinated (协调) the project for DC Public Schools.

“I have a lot of amazing students, although the four of them are quite exceptional,” said Bawuah, who chose the students to be curators because of their interest in both photography and museum management.

A curator is someone who collects, organizes, cares for and displays anything in a collection. To get ready for the exhibition, the curators had to take care of many tasks, including taking their photos according to different themes.

1.What do we know about the “Everyday DC” exhibition?

A.It promoted the students’ interest in museum management.

B.It reflected the diverse life from the students’ perspective.

C.It was established by Lauryn Tharpe and Maame Bawuah.

D.It exhibited photos featuring influential things and figure.

2.Why does the author mention Everyday Africa?

A.To introduce how Everyday DC came about.

B.To highlight Everyday Africa’s popularity.

C.To compare Everyday Africa with Everyday DC.

D.To show the widespread influence of Instagram.

3.What are the four curators required to do for the project?

A.Decorate the photographs on display.

B.Study professional photography skills.

C.Find fault with the submitted photos.

D.Group the photographs by theme.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A lesson on running museums B.A citywide exhibition

C.Photograph your life D.Admire your city



    Paying it forward is a concept that involves doing something good for someone in response to a good deed done on your behalf or a gift you received. When you pay it forward, howeveryou don't repay the person who did something nice for you. Instead, you do something nice for someone else.

Recently, an inspiring note found inside a random book has inspired thousands of people to pay it forward.

Ashley Jost was shopping at Target when a book caught hex eye. The 27-year-old bought the book Girl Stop Apologizing and began reading it when she got home. After a few minutes her dog started barking so she put the book aside. When she got back, she noticed something on the ground. "A five-dollar note fell out, " Jost said.

She looked through the book, and in one of the last pages, there was a note that read, “To the person who buys this book: I am having a tough day. I thought maybe I could brighten someone else’s with this little surprise. Go and buy a coffee, a hamburger or a face mask. Practice some self care today. Remember that you are loved, you are amazing, and you are strong -Lisa”

Jost decided to post a photo of the note and the money on Twitter and it went like a virus. People are promising their own random acts of kindness.

“In that momentI didn’t necessarily need the pick-me-upbut I feel obligated(有义务的)to share it and I’m hearing back from people who did,” Jost said. “The ripple effect is pretty unbelievable.

After seeing her Twitter post, Lisa mailed Jost a card. "She said it made her cry in a good way,” Jost said. But Lisa still didn’t give away who she was. She left no return address. Lisa wrote it had been a difficult time in her life and she just wanted "to create something positive-she never really expected this to happen the way it has.”

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The origin of"paying it forward". B.The effects of"paying it forward

C.The benefits of"paying it forward" D.The definition of"paying it forward".

2.Why did Lisa put a five-dollar note in a book?

A.To go through the hardest time in her life.

B.To cheer up the person who buys the book

C.To repay the person who did something nice

D.To set off a round of paying it forward

3.What does the underlined word "ripple" in Paragraph 6 mean?

A.Edge B.Chain

C.Mass D.Side

4.Lisa posted a card to Jost to ___________.

A.make friends with Jost B.tell Jost about her story

C.express appreciation to Jost D.let Jost know what made her cry



Epic Fails: The Wright Brothers Nose-diving into History

By Erik Slader and Ben Thompson. Ages 6 to 12.

The first book in the Epic Fails series deals with one of the most ambitious goals humans have pursued to fly. Authors Slader and Thompson focus on life-or-death scenes, such as when the Wright brothers crashed their sailplane over and over on the sandy coast of North Carolina: it took them two more years to get it right.

Epic Fails: The Race to Space: Countdown to Liftoff

By Erik Slader and Ben Thompson. Ages 6 to 12.

Today, everyone is familiar with Neil Armstrong’s famous words as he first set foot on the moon, "That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. "He made it look easy, but America’s Journey to the moon was anything but simple. Our first attempt was a failure. Still we didn't give up. We tried again. And again. And each time we failed, we failed a little bit better.

Fantastic failures:True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First

By Luke Reynolds.Ages 6 to 12

Teacher Luke Reynolds opens each chapter with a quick, impossibly perfect version of one person's life and then says how that person actually had to face huge challenges to accomplish goals. In this book, Reynolds writes about various common men, women and children.

Cyrus Field’s Big Dream: The Daring Effert to Lay the First Transatlantic Telegraph Cable

By Mary Morton Cowan. Ages 6 to 12

In 1853, it took at least a week to relay a message between the United States and Europe because people had to be transported on ships over the Atlantic Ocean. Cyrus Field tried to reduce that transmission ((传送) time to just minutes by laying a long undersea cable. In this book, Cowan describes many failures. Field suffered before he achieved this major breakthrough.

1.What do we know about Fantastic Failures?

A.It was written by a famous actor. B.It tells stories of ordinary people.

C.It is about science fiction stories. D.It is about some celebrities’ success.

2.Cyrus Field made a major breakthrough in the area of         .

A.communication B.entertainment

C.transportation D.sailing

3.What lesson can we learn from the four books?

A.All roads lead to Rome. B.An early bird catches worms.

C.Failure is the mother of success. D.Actions speak louder than words.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


1. 确立班会的主题;

2. 描述你所设计的活动;

3. 谈谈活动设计的理由。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets.

1.被撞倒后,似乎过了好几个小时这位司机才苏醒过来。 (knock)


2.四分之一受访的学生承认过马路时被手机分心。 (survey, distract)


3.按照先前安排,我开车去接她,并送她到办公室。 (As, drop)






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