满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 课程的开设目的;

2. 教师简介;

3. 报名时间、地点和方式。

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2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:中国书法Chinese calligraphy;交换生exchange students

Dear John,



Li Hua


Dear John, Knowing you’re crazy about Chinese culture, I’m writing to inform you that a Chinese calligraphy course is to be offered specially to exchange students in our school. The course is aimed at helping foreign students appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy which is a significant part of Chinese culture. Getting to know Chinese calligraphy is very helpful for you in understanding Chinese culture better. The teacher has a good knowledge of calligraphy. Besides, with a high level of fluency in English, he has no trouble communicating with foreigners. If you’re interested, please sign up at the Students’ Union or on the school website before July 15. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是一封书信。你校交流生John对中国文化很感兴趣。近期你校将面向外国交流生开设中国书法课,请你给他写封邮件介绍相关情况。 这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来。动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,不能遗漏要点:1. 课程的开设目的;2. 教师简介;3. 报名时间、地点和方式。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。根据写作要点我们可以初步确定文章可能使用到的词汇和短语及句子有:be crazy about Chinese culture, I’m writing to inform you that a Chinese calligraphy course is to be offered specially to exchange students in our school. be aimed at,help foreign students appreciate the beauty of Chinese calligraphy, a significant part of Chinese culture,be helpful for you,understand Chinese culture better. The teacher has a good knowledge of calligraphy. with a high level of fluency in English,have no trouble communicating with foreigners,sign up at the Students’ Union or on the school website before July 15。可以使用的衔接词:1.表示选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor,or,as well as…,both…and…。2.表示因果关系的连接词:therefore,so,as a result,as a result of …,because of,due to,owing to,thanks to等。3.表示时间顺序的连接词:then,later,meanwhile,at the beginning,in the end,before long,as soon as,at first,for the first(second…)time,the minute,the moment等。4.表示转折对比关系的连接词:yet,but,while,on the contrary,on the other hand,however等。5.表示解释说明的连接词:that is,that is to say,in other words,such as,for instance,and so on等。6.表示递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also),what’s more,what’s worse,besides,in addition,worse still,moreover等。7.表示总结的连接词:in a word,on the whole,in short,briefly,in brief,to sum up,in all等。


1.Please accept my sincere c______________ on your success.

2.Nearly 90 years old as the scientist is, he remains e____________.

3.Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be a____________ to the university.

4.Yesterday it o__________ to me to phone them about the news.

5.I had a strong d__________ to help and care for the old people.

6.Yesterday another student and I ____________ (代表)our university’s Student Union to see him off at the airport.

7.I _________()a photo to my application form and sent it to the company.

8.He_________(发信号) wildly for help, but nobody noticed.

9.Many of my friends ___________(寻求) their fortune in this big city these years, while I just wanted to start a business in my hometown.

10.Before I try and run my program, I will test each part of it _______________(独立地).



    Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro(乞力马扎罗山), the highest mountain in Africa. They _________with them lots of waste. The __________ might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers (冰川) are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.

Hearing these stories, I'm _________ about the place — other destinations are described as "purer" natural experiences.

However, I soon __________ that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of __________ among tons of rubbish. I find a __________ mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are __________ but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be __________.

The best of a Kilimanjaro __________, in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are _______ as spiritual places by many cultures. This view is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as _________ go through five ecosystems (生态系统) within a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends suddenly at 3, 000 meters, _________ lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather __________ — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I counted  twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland desert : gravel (砾石), stones and rocks.  _________ you climb into an arctic-like zone with permanent(永久的) snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.

Does Kilimanjaro deserve(值得) its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists _______ the atmosphere of peace? I found the opposite to be true.

1.A.keep B.mix C.connect D.bring

2.A.stories B.buildings C.crowds D.reporters

3.A.silent B.doubtful C.serious D.crazy

4.A.discover B.argue C.decide D.admit

5.A.equipment B.grass C.camps D.stones

6.A.clean B.quiet C.tall D.faraway

7.A.new B.special C.significant D.necessary

8.A.fading away B.spreading out C.carrying on D.paying off

9.A.atmosphere B.experience C.experiment D.sight

10.A.seen B.observed C.explored D.studied

11.A.scientists B.climbers C.locals D.officials

12.A.holding on to B.going back to C.setting out to D.giving way to

13.A.changes B.clears C.improves D.permits

14.A.Obviously B.Easily C.Absolutely D.Finally

15.A.keeping B.ruining C.replacing D.creating



    In the future, people will work fewer hours a week than today, right?1.Too much work takes up a most all of their time. They are busy and feel very tired. Many people are asking,“When will I get some free time?”

2.One reason is the increase in the cost of living. In order to support a family todaymany people have to work longer hours or work at a second job.3.She works in New Jersey as a social worker from 8:30a.m.until 12:30p.m. In the late afternoon and in the evenings she sees private customers. On the weekends, she works as caterer(宴会承办者) . It costs so much to support her family, she says, that working less is not impossible.

But there is a second reason for peoples overwork. 4.Employees feel that they have no choice. If they don't agree to work overtime, they are afraid that they will he fired by their companies. Changes in technology make it easier for people to be working all the time.With faxes cellphones, and e-mail, people can work even when they are on holiday.

5.If things continue this way into the future, we may never get to leave the office, at least not for long. Or people may begin to say, “This is enough. I need my relaxing time.”

A.Take the example of Lily P.

B.Most of people's work will be replaced by the robots.

C.People working longer hours will be much better paid.

D.More people are working long hours for two reasons.

E.Where will technology and the demands of the workweek take us?

F.Today, many companies are trying to do more work with fewer workers.

G.Actually, more people nowadays are working 10 to12 hours a day, six days a week than ever before.



    Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach’s Bar Louie counter by herself, quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad. What is she reading? None of your business! Lunch is Bechtel’s “me” time. And like more Americans, she’s not alone.

A new report found 46 percent of meals are eaten alone in America. More than half53 percenthave breakfast alone and nearly half46 percenthave lunch by themselves. Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore, 74 percent, according to statistics from the report.

“I prefer to go out and be out. Alone, but together, you know? “Bechtel said, looking up from her book. Bechtel, who works in downtown West Palm Beach, has lunch with coworkers sometimes, but like many of us, too often works through lunch at her desk. A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder. She returns to work feeling energized. “I prefer to go out and be out . Today I just wanted some time to myself.” she said.

Andrew Mazoleny, a local videographer, is finishing his lunch at the bar. He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper. “It’s a chance for self-reflection(自我反思). You return to work energetic and with a plan.” said he.

That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone. There was a time when people may have felt uncomfortable about asking for a table for one, but those days are over. Now, we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table. “It doesn’t feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,” said Laurie Demerit, whose company provided the statistics(数据)for the report.

1.What are the statistics in Paragraph 2 about?

A.Food variety. B.Eating habits.

C.Table manners. D.Restaurant service.

2.Why does Bechtel prefer to go out for lunch?

A.To meet with her coworkers.

B.To catch up with her work.

C.To have some time on her own.

D.To collect data for her report.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A.The advantage of wireless technology.

B.The importance of self-reflection.

C.The stress from working overtime.

D.The popularity of having meals alone.



    Twelve years ago, I arrived in Central Florida from Puerto Rico. I had heard of a job opportunity and decided to pursue it. But it never became a reality. I quickly learned that being alone without resources in an unfamiliar city was not a comfortable situation to be in.

Once my limited funds ran out I became homeless and spent a year and a half living on the streets of Orlando. Apart from feeling not being noticed and missing my family, I had to face another challenge — hunger.

For the first time in my life, I, as a foreign man, who had lived my life in the relative comfort of the middle class, understood the desperation someone feels when they don’t get enough to eat. I clearly remembered having run a distance of more than 7 miles on many occasions just to make it to a local feeding program before they closed at 7 pm.

Once the need for food was met, the next challenge would arise — where to find a place to sleep for the night. Fortunately, local programs like the Coalition for the Homeless, Second Harvest Food Bank and the Wayne Densch Center were an important part of my ability to survive my painful experience.

With the assistance of these programs, I was accepted by a college scholarship program through the Coalition and obtained two degrees from Valencia.

My experience has helped me understand that devoting my life to helping others offers lasting rewards. Today, I am employed as Childhood Hunger Programs Manager at Second Harvest Food Bank and oversee the summer feeding, Hi-Five Kids Pack, and Kids Café programs. I am so proud to be able to distribute food resources to those wonderful programs and help hundreds more like me.

1.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?

A.The author rejected many chances to get a job in Florida.

B.Florida was not a good place for people living there.

C.It was impossible for the author to get a job then.

D.Many local people were out of work in Florida.

2.Before being accepted by a college scholarship program, the author_____.

A.had been struggling financially

B.had won his degree in a university

C.had lived with his relatives happily

D.had lost hope of facing the future

3.From his experience, the author learns that ______.

A.a friend in need is a friend indeed

B.one good turn deserves another

C.misfortune may be an actual blessing

D.where there is a will there is a way



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