满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was an extremely hot spring day. The ...

    It was an extremely hot spring day. The ______ felt more like July than May. A thunderstorm had passed over earlier but now the clouds were clearing and the sun had ______. Steam was coming off the ______ sidewalk as I parked my car next to the parking meter (a coin-operated timer) and ______ a coin into it. I headed into the local charity store to buy my son a shirt. The air conditioning inside was a welcome ______ from the heat outside.

After I made my purchase I walked back out into the ______. I got in my car but had to wait to ______ because of all the cars lined up at the red stop light. I looked out of my car window and saw ______ on the sidewalk. A single butterfly was ______ moving its wings up and down but not getting off the ground. What’s worse, it was ______ in front of a truck’s tyre. Without thinking I got out of my car, held my hand ______ so the truck driver wouldn't move forward, and ______ down to look at the butterfly. One of its legs was ______ in what looked like spilt milk. I reached down and gently ______ the butterfly in my hands. I lifted its leg up and suddenly it was ______. I opened my hands and up it flew towards the shining sun. My own eyes shone brighter and my own heart felt ______ as I watched it.

Now a lot of people might wonder why I would ______ into traffic like that to rescue a single butterfly. All I can say is that my heart was ______ me at that moment. And when I was done I felt more like my true self than I had all day.

The truth is that the more love you ______ in your life, the more love you will take with you. Fill your days with______ and love then. And your heart will feel as light as a butterfly.

1.A.temperature B.atmosphere C.condition D.climate

2.A.fallen B.disappeared C.returned D.risen

3.A.muddy B.wet C.crowded D.smooth

4.A.withdrew B.dropped C.struck D.threw

5.A.message B.sign C.discovery D.relief

6.A.heat B.rain C.store D.thunderstorm

7.A.live through B.hold up C.pull out D.check out

8.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

9.A.gracefully B.casually C.calmly D.wildly

10.A.right B.simply C.rarely D.properly

11.A.out B.back C.down D.up

12.A.settle B.fell C.lay D.bent

13.A.lost B.absorbed C.stuck D.occupied

14.A.caught B.trapped C.cupped D.pulled

15.A.free B.missing C.alive D.broken

16.A.emptier B.lighter C.heavier D.stranger

17.A.pass by B.come about C.step out D.look out

18.A.guiding B.accompanying C.forcing D.requesting

19.A.obtain B.share C.receive D.demand

20.A.determination B.wisdom C.honesty D.goodness


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了“我”在雷暴雨之后,拯救了一只因受伤而陷入危险境地的蝴蝶,并由此带来了关于爱心与善良的所思所感的美好故事。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个特别炎热的春天,温度给人的感觉像是在七月而非五月。A. temperature温度,室温;B. atmosphere气氛,大气;C. condition情况,环境;D. climate气候。根据首句extremely hot(非常炎热)可知这里指的是温度、室温,故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:早前雷暴雨横扫过境,但现在乌云正在散去,太阳重新出现。A. fallen落下;B. disappeared消失;C. returned回来,恢复,重新出现;D. risen升起。分析上下文语境,这里不是指早上太阳升起或是傍晚太阳落山,而是指暴风雨后乌云散去,太阳重新出现,故选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:水汽正从潮湿的人行道路面往上冒。A. muddy泥泞的,模糊的;B. wet潮湿的,湿漉漉的;C. crowded拥挤的,嘈杂的;D. smooth光滑的,顺利的。根据语境,此时大暴雨过境,太阳正炙烤大地,因此水汽从潮湿(wet)的人行道往上冒,人行道一般不是泥土路,因此不宜用泥泞(muddy),加之全文也无相关依据佐证,应排除,故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我将车停在(投币生效的)停车计时器旁边,并朝里面投掷了一枚硬币。A. withdrew收回,撤退;B. dropped扔下,投掷;C. struck罢工,打击;D. threw扔,丢弃。该句中a coin-operated timer(投入硬币即开始生效的计时器)直接提示了此处应为“投掷硬币”,固定的动词短语为drop a coin,注意此处不能与throw搭配,且throw多有丢弃、抛弃之意,故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:里面的空调缓解了外面的热气,令人愉快。A. message信息;B. sign记号,符号;C. discovery发现;D. relief释压,减轻,缓解。本句中the air-conditioner inside和the heat outside形成一组鲜明的对比,室内空调缓解了室外高温,故选D。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我买完东西之后,就径直走出去,回到外面炎热的环境中。A. heat高温,炎热;B. rain雨;C. store商店;D. thunderstorm雷暴雨。联系上下文语境可知,外面正是大热天,“我”走回外面去,迎接自己的当然还是heat(高温),故选A。 7.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我回到车里,但必须等待才能驶出,因为(路上)所有车都在排队等红灯。A. live through经受过,度过;B. hold up举起,拦截,阻挡;C. pull out驶出,拔出,离开;D. check out检验,结账离开。根据语境,现在大路上都是排队等红灯的车,因而我必须等待才能驶出去(驶上大路),故选C。 8.考查不定代词词义辨析。句意:我朝车窗外看去,发现人行道上有某个东西。A. nothing没有什么(东西);B. something某事,某物;C. anything任何事物;D. everything每件事物,一切。结合上下文可知,人行道上有只蝴蝶,“我”朝车窗外一看发现了它(暂时还看不出来是什么,只看到有某个东西),故选B。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一只蝴蝶正疯狂地上下扑腾翅膀,但就是无法从地面上飞起来。A. gracefully优雅地、温文地;B. casually随便地;C. calmly镇定地;D. wildly狂躁地,野蛮地。根据语境,蝴蝶一直无法离地飞起,肯定是十分激烈地扑腾翅膀,只有D项符合语境,故选D。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:更糟的是,它正好处于一辆卡车轮胎的前方。A. right正好,恰好;B. simply仅仅,只是;C. rarely很少地,难得;D. properly适当地,正确地。蝴蝶飞不起来,却好巧不巧处在卡车轮胎前方,十分危险,只有right(正好,恰好)符合语境,故选A。 11.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我不假思索地从车里出来,抬起手来示意,这样卡车司机才不会往前开。A. hold out坚持,伸出;B. hold back退缩,抑制,阻止;C. hold down抑制,压制;D. hold up举起,阻挡,拦截。在道路交通中,人们往往通过在车前方抬起手来,以示意司机停车,故选D。 12.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:接着我弯下腰去看着蝴蝶。A. settle down定居;B. fell down掉下;C. lay down躺下;D. bent down弯下腰。蝴蝶在地上,我想要仔细看它或帮助它,自然要弯下腰去,D符合语境,故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的一条腿陷进看起来像洒出的牛奶的液体中(这里指被地面上掺杂泥沙的雨水黏住受困)。A. lost丢失;B. absorbed吸收,吸引;C. stuck陷入,卡住,动弹不得;D. occupied占用,使用中。根据语境,蝴蝶的一条腿被卡住,陷入泥水中并黏住了,而非一条腿没了,故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我俯下身,轻轻地把蝴蝶捧在我的双手中。A. caught抓住;B. trapped捕获,困住;C. cupped使(双手)成圆状托起;D. pulled拉。我此时想要帮助一只受伤的蝴蝶,因而是双手捧成圆状将其托起,故选C。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我轻轻抬动它的腿,突然间它能自由飞翔了。A. free自由的,免费的;B. missing失踪的,缺少的;C. alive活着的;D. broken损坏的。之前它由于腿被卡住而飞不起来,在我的帮助下,它的腿被舒展开,可以自由飞翔了,故选A。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我看着它朝着太阳飞去时,我眼睛变得更加明亮,内心也更加充满光明。A. emptier更空的,更空虚的;B. lighter更明亮的,更光明的;C. heavier更沉重的;D. stranger更奇怪的,(作名词时)陌生人。蝴蝶在我的帮助下摆脱险境,飞向太阳,我内心也充满了光明,故选B。 17.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:很多人会疑惑,我为什么要走出去,到车流当中去,只为拯救一只形单影只的蝴蝶。A. pass by经过,走过,逝去;B. come about发生,产生;C. step out(尤指暂时)外出,走出去,离开;D. look out当心,注意。联系上文故事情节,我看到车窗外的蝴蝶后,临时从车里出来,走到路上截停了卡车,故选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我所能说的只是,在那一刻我的心灵指引了我前行。A. guiding指导,指引;B. accompanying陪同,伴奏;C. forcing强迫;D. requesting要求,请求。“我”在那一时刻做出了帮助受伤蝴蝶的行动,是因为有一颗美好、博爱的心在指引我前行,做出这个决定,guiding的搭配最为恰当,故选A。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这世界的真相是,在一生中你越多分享你的爱心,就会给自己带来更多的爱与美好。A. obtain获得;B. share分享;C. receive收到;D. demand强烈要求,需要。“我”帮助了一只受伤的蝴蝶,将爱心分享出去,本句是作者结合此事的所思所感,因此句中提到的爱心(love)是自己分享出去的,而非自己收到爱心,故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那么,让你的一天充满善良与爱心吧。A. determination决心,果断;B. wisdom睿智,学识;C. honesty诚实,正直;D. goodness善良,美德。结合全文故事内容,与拯救受伤蝴蝶这一举动最为契合的词语是goodness和love,故选D。

Professor Zhong Nanshan devoted himself      to the battle against the novel coronavirus.

A.extremely B.roughly

C.entirely D.frequently



As long as you know what you really want, you can choose     kind of life you like.

A.however B.whatever C.whenever D.which



     the students came from different countries, they got along quite well in the summer camp.

A.Because B.Unless C.Once D.While



He      her daughter’s graduation, but he missed this important occasion.

A.should attend B.should have attended

C.would attend D.must have attended



Tom and his family decided to do something for children in their community,       had no place to live in.

A.which B.that C.where D.who



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