满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck...

    Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck. We survived on my husband’s low-paid job and my disability. We have kids. Also, I was experiencing a terrible tumor (肿瘤)on my neck, leaving me staying in bed in extreme pain, but the operation was to be $8,000, out of pocket, because Medicare only covers 80%.

To take me to the hospital, my husband took a day off work. At 7 am, his boss called. He was being placed on paid leaving, waiting for an investigation into a mistake he had made at work.

We both panicked. Having slowly worked our way out of poverty (贫穷) for 8 years, we were so close to being OK and it was ail falling away. As my husband was a great worker, we decided to stay positive and hope for the best. However, two days later he received the official phone call-he was fired.

Having no savings to pay bills, we cried hopelessly. We went to the welfare office only to be told that he couldn’t collect unemployment for 8 weeks, meaning he had the possibility of having $0 income for two months. It was terrifying.

With only enough food to last for about a week, we applied for food stamps and Medicaid. Then we worked together- diving into job applications. After sending out resumes (简历)to everywhere in the field, he came across some promising companies. We kept our fingers crossed. Hopefully, we could get out of trouble as early as possible.

Soon I got a phone call-my neck operation was going to be free now that we were poor again. And my husband got an email invitation for a video interview and it went great. He would be paid $3 more an hour than his last job. What a roller coaster ride!

1.What was the family like before the husband got fired?

A.They showed little concern for each other.

B.They lived in an extremely poor area.

C.They could hardly make ends meet.

D.They led a rich and comfortable life.

2.Why did the boss call the husband?

A.To ask him about the truth. B.To tell him about a decision.

C.To persuade him to quit his job. D.To warn him to mind his work attitude.

3.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

A.We were uncertain about our future. B.We waited hopelessly.

C.We felt more and more nervous. D.We wished ourselves good luck

4.What life lesson has the author learned from her experience?

A.Many hands make light work.

B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.When one door shuts, another opens.

D.One false step makes a great difference.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者在文章中描述了家庭的种种困难,更糟糕的是在家庭收入入不敷出时丈夫又失业了没有收入,作者和丈夫绝望地哭了起来。但是当一扇门关闭的时候,生活会为你开启另一扇门,最后作者的颈部手术免费,丈夫收到了一个视频面试的电子邮件邀请,一切都很顺利,而且每小时的工资将比上一份工作多了3美元。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck. We survived on my husband’s low-paid job and my disability. We have kids. 三个星期前,我们靠薪水过日子。我们从丈夫的低薪工作和我的残疾中坚持生活。我们有孩子。可知,丈夫被解雇前,他们家里的生活几乎入不敷出。故选C项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段中At 7 am, his boss called. He was being placed on paid leaving, waiting for an investigation into a mistake he had made at work. 早上7点,他的老板打来电话。他被安排带薪休假,等待对他在工作中犯下的错误进行调查。可知,老板打电话给丈夫是告诉他一个决定。故选B项。 3.词义猜测题。根据第五段中After sending out resumes (简历)to everywhere in the field, he came across some promising companies. We kept our fingers crossed. Hopefully, we could get out of trouble as early as possible. 在四处投递简历后,他遇到了一些很有前途的公司。我们祈求好运。希望我们能尽早摆脱困境。由作者表达希望他们能早日摆脱困境,可知,作者祈祷他们得到好运,因此猜测划线句We kept our fingers crossed意为“我们祈求自己好运”。故选D项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段Soon I got a phone call-my neck operation was going to be free now that we were poor again. And my husband got an email invitation for a video interview and it went great. He would be paid $3 more an hour than his last job. What a roller coaster ride! 不久,我接到了一个电话——由于我们又变穷了,我的颈部手术将免费。我丈夫收到了一个视频面试的电子邮件邀请,一切都很顺利。他每小时的工资将比上一份工作多3美元。真是坐过山车啊!可知,作者从她的经历中明白了当一扇门关闭的时候,生活会为你开启另一扇门的道理。故选C项。

    If you really want to enjoy what Bermuda has to offer, cruising (乘船游览) there is the way to go. Not only is it fun, it is also affordable. It’s advisable to come in summer (Mid May- August).


Most tourists prefer small cruise lines that dock in downtown Hamilton. It’s an ideal destination since it’s right on Front Street, from where you can easily get to Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, and other parts of the island. Large cruise lines dock at Royal Navy Dockyard, which is inconveniently situated at the far western end of the Island.


Getting off a small cruise, you can easily go to Hamilton and other places by bus. From Royal Navy Dockyard, you can take a bus, a taxi or a boat. The most saving way of travelling around is by buying a day’s pass. You will enjoy unlimited transportation services using any public means.


The Bermuda Caves (洞穴)

This is a popular attraction that you have to tour. Anyone who loves to explore caves will definitely enjoy this place. You’d better wear sports shoes as some caves are a bit wet and slippery.

Beaches of Bermuda

Your trip to Bermuda is surely incomplete without spending some time at the amazing pink-sand beaches. Try Tobacco Bay and Horseshoe Bay, which are suitable for family visits. Bermuda is the world’s most famous shipwreck (沉船) site. If you’re a good diver, there are too many shipwrecks waiting to be discovered.

Sea Glass

If you want to pass time doing something for fun, head straight to the Alexander battery beach to collect lots of sea glass.

1.When is the best time to cruise Bermuda?

A.April. B.July. C.October. D.November.

2.What does the author suggest a tourist do?

A.Buy a day’s pass to travel around the island.

B.Book a small ship at Royal Navy Dockyard.

C.Keep away from the crowded beaches.

D.Collect sea glass at Horseshoe Bay.

3.What is most likely to be an adventurer’s dream about Bermuda?

A.Exploring the far eastern end of the island.

B.Taking a bus to visit the capital city.

C.Diving to discover sunken ships.

D.Walking in the Bermuda Caves.




1.How can you pay in the TWU Cafeteria?

A.By signing your name.

B.By using your mobile phone.

C.By using your ID cards.

2.Where can you cook?

A.In the Globe. B.In the TWU Cafeteria. C.In the Douglas Hall.

3.What do we know about the Wellness Center?

A.It is open on workdays.

B.It offers service free of charge.

C.It only gives advice on mental health.

4.When can the students take the TWU Express?

A.At 7 a.m. on Sundays. B.At noon on Thursdays. C.At 2 p.m. on Saturdays.




1.Why can't the woman stand the man living upstairs?

A.He often knocks on her door.

B.He plays the piano too late into the night.

C.He always borrows things from her.

2.Who is Susan?

A.The woman's sister.

B.The woman's neighbor.

C.Jennifer's former roommate.

3.What does the woman say about Susan?

A.She is a nice girl.

B.She does well in exams.

C.She sleeps well every night.

4.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Call Susan for help.

B.Move into a new apartment.

C.Prepare for her exams.




1.How did the woman sound at first?

A.Excited. B.Bored. C.Angry.

2.Why didn't the man want to come downstairs at first?

A.He wasn't feeling well.

B.He was too lazy to move.

C.He was watching a movie.

3.What did the woman show the man?

A.A new camera.

B.A snow-covered tree.

C.A fantastic building.




1.What does the man's apartment look like?

A.Beautiful. B.Untidy. C.Large.

2.What are the speakers going to do?

A.Have a meal together. B.Clean up the room. C.Go home.



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