满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据汉语和首字母提示写出单词的正确形式,每空限一词。 1.All parts o...


1.All parts of the museum are a__________(可进入的) to wheelchairs

2.The doctor r____________(推荐) swimming as the best all-round- exercise

3.If it's a choice between higher pay and job_____________(保障), I'd prefer to keep my job.

4.She was bit a_____________(担心的) at how much weight she'd lost

5.It's been a pleasure and a p_____________(特别优待) to work with you all


1.accessible 2.recommended/recommends 3.security 4.alarmed 5.privilege 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:博物馆的所有地方坐轮椅都可以到达。分析句子可知,本句是主系表结构。又根据汉语提示,空格处形容词accessible在句中做表语。故填accessible。 2.考查动词。句意:医生推荐游泳是最好的全身运动。分析句子可知,本句中the doctor做句子主语,recommend在句中做谓语,因为全句没有时间标志,所以可以选用一般现在时或一般过去时。故填recommended/recommends。 3.考查名词。句意:如果要在高薪和工作保障之间做选择,我宁愿保住我的工作。句中if之后,逗号以前为条件状语从句,逗号以后为主句。在从句中,between…and…“在……之间”,由and可以看出,其前后为并列形式,词性要一致。higher pay中higher为形容词,修饰pay;所以在and之后,job也是做形容词用,修饰后面的名词。security为名词,符合语境,故填security。 4.考查形容词。句意:她有点担心自己减掉了多少体重。 本句中how之后的句子做介词at的宾语从句,主句中be alarmed at“对……担心”,其中alarmed为形容词。故填alarmed. 5.考查名词。句意:和你们一起工作是我的荣幸。句中it为形式主语,真正主语为to work with you all。由and可知前后的词性要一致。pleasure为名词,所以and后也要用名词。privilege“特权,优先权”,为名词,符合题意。故填privilege。


Trees, plants and flowers are all around us and we enjoy their beauty every day. However, we are so used to them 1. we may even take them for granted without  2.(realize) how much inspiration they have given us. In fact, nature has inspired many of the most  3.(fascinate) designs around us, including those in architecture. Nature 4. (present) in various architectural designs.

Today, architects continue to explore ways 5. (capture) the beauty of natural forms, to mimic the way nature works or even to make natural organisms part of a building. ArtScience Museum, Singapore was designed to show the 6. (connect) between nature and the modern city environment in which it sits. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building that so 7.(true) captures the beauty of natural forms. Harare's Eastgate Centre is 8. superb example of biomimicry(仿生学). To use biomimicry is to create structures 9.(base) on natural forms and processes. Creating buildings such as these enables us to live 10. closer harmony with our environment.



    Last week I went shopping in the supermarket. I got to the front of the ___________ and put my groceries through the checkout. I was about to pay, when I ___________ that I didn't have my bankcard with me. I _________.Then I remembered I left it at home when I ___________ something online. All I had was $30 in notes and some coins in my wallet. I was short ___________ at least $25, and I needed to buy most of the items.

I started to ___________ to the checkout lady. "I'm sorry, I stop the queue. Can I put these things back, and then think I'll ___________ these. Oh, no, need that."

An Irish lady was ___________ behind me, next in the queue. "Excuse me, Dear," she said. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I replied, "I'm ___________ you up." "Of course not. I know ____________ you feel. This happens to all of us at some point. Now please use my ____________ to pay the bill and you can be on your way."

I was astonished by her kindness, ____________ even. No matter how I insisted otherwise, she was ________ to help me. Afterwards I asked for her telephone number to ____________ and pay her back. "No," she said, "rather pay it forward. You may do a good deed for the next person in need."

By helping others, can we start chain ____________ of positive feeling and charity that can benefit our whole society?

1.A.table B.supermarket C.queue D.shelf

2.A.realized B.knew C.recognized D.observed

3.A.hesitated B.paused C.panicked D.struggled

4.A.explored B.purchased C.advocated D.delivered

5.A.by B.under C.on D.with

6.A.cry B.apologise C.complain D.explain

7.A.borrow B.drop C.follow D.take

8.A.standing B.supporting C.blaming D.shouting

9.A.turning B.putting C.joining D.holding

10.A.what B.how C.why D.when

11.A.card B.fame C.income D.identity

12.A.abnormal B.anxious C.embarrassed D.desperate

13.A.convinced B.determined C.excited D.reluctant

14.A.fit in B.get through C.look up D.get in touch

15.A.reaction B.sympathy C.satisfaction D.relationship



    The outbreak has forced people to work from home and given many couples the chance to see each other at work. But, after all, living together and working together are not the same. 1.

1. Put the problem on the table

Knowing what your partner does is one thing but seeing them in action is another. "We are forced into the intimacy(亲密), not just with spouses(配偶), but also with kids or whoever else is in the home," said Karen Bridbord, a psychologist in New York City.2. Talk about any insecurities you may have whether it's participating in a video meeting or being eavesdropped on and what you need in terms of a work environment. Then create a schedule and set boundaries when it comes to separating work life and personal life.


You might be learning that your spouse is fan of all the office cliches or holds too many meetings---but it's best to keep that to yourself. Even if you think your intentions are good, don't offer any unsolicited(主动提供的)feedback when it comes to your partner's' work style. And don't mistake complaining as an opportunity to criticize. "Even if a partner is complaining about work, you shouldn't see that as an invitation or opportunity to provide critical feedback," said Anthony Chambers, a chief academic officer. "4."

3. Don't complain a lot

These working conditions aren't ideal for many people right now---especially if you are juggling kids and other care giving responsibilities 5.. However, try not to keep score of who is doing what around the house, or whose work is more pressing.

A.Provide an inside look.

B.Allow them to complain and you just listen.

C.Avoid treating each other like colleagues.

D.This can leave you feeling overburdened and exhausted.

E.The first step in making this situation work is to talk about it.

F.How to do with this "new colleague" to maintain a harmonious relationship?

G.In this way, you're more likely to arouse sympathy from the partner which will help negotiate boundaries.



    Foldable phones are once again facing questions about their durability(耐久性).The Galaxy Z Flip and the Motorola Razr are now both available to buy in the US-but early reports suggest the screens are easily damaged.

One media published photos of two layers of the Razr's display separating, affecting the touch screen. The Galaxy flip, meanwhile, boasts(自夸)a "flexible glass" display---but tests appear to show it scratching(刮擦)as easily as plastic.

In a statement, Samsung said the display had a protective layer, and had undergone extensive testing. "While the display does bend, it should be handled with care, "it said.

The Z Flip's "pretty thin glass" is one of Samsung's primary marketing messages for the new phone. But a durability test conducted by popular Zack Nelson, a regular buyer, suggested it was no more durable than soft plastic screen, and could even be dented(痕)by fingernail.

Nelson said Samsung's screen scratched exactly how plastic screen would react. "I don't know what material this is, but Samsung definitely shouldn't be calling it glass," he said. He found that the screen of the Motorola Razr scratched as easily but it is not marketed as "glass".

The Motorola Razr was put on sale 13 days ago in the US, but Raymond Wong, an editor says the flexible screen on his handset has already broken. The upper layer of the Razr's screen separated from the bottom, creating "a giant horizontal air bubble" for no apparent reason. He wrote that the fault appeared after 45-minute train ride during which the phone was in his pocket. The screen was completely warped from hinge-to-hinge with the top layer raised like a poorly applied screen protector. But Mr. Wong said that apart from the visual problem, the damage has affected the responsiveness of the touchscreen.

1.What attitude do the buyers have to the quality of Galaxy Flip and Razr?

A.Suspicious. B.Objective.

C.Optimistic. D.Unconcerned.

2.What is the outstanding feature of the Z Flip by Samsung?

A.Low price. B.Portable style.

C.Extremely thin screen. D.Protective function.

3.Why does Nelson complain about Samsung?

A.He is angry at its post-sale service.

B.He is strict in its screen materials.

C.He is disappointed at its unfair competition.

D.He is unsatisfied with its inexact statement.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A.Cheat always exists in business

B.Foldable phones may not be all that great

C.Different brands have their special features

D.Disadvantages of two kinds of phones



    A planet the size of Jupiter has been discovered and it is one of the hottest ones known to us. This has made scientists think about how planets are formed.

Planets such as Earth have more oxygen than carbon, but what if the composition(组成)is just the opposite? This is a question opened up by a recent discovery of a diamond planet by US and UK scientists. The planet is 1200 light years away from Earth and was observed using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Dr Marek Kukula explained that researchers initially used the Super WASP(Wide Angle Search for Planets) robotic observatories operating continuously, all year around. They detected the planet, then it was observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope, which detected the heat coming from the planet, and from that heat signature they can tell what this planet is made from.

The planet is very different to Earth. "It's giant planet," explains Dr Kukula, "a gas planet, a bit like Jupiter in our solar system. But the interesting thing that they've discovered is that it has a very different composition to the planets in our solar system. This planet has more carbon than oxygen." This suggests that there is more than one way to make a solar system and the range of planets in the universe could be much wider than previously thought.

Dr Kukula says that if there are smaller planets in the same solar system with a similar composition, rich in carbon, their rocks could be rich in minerals such as carbon and diamonds, unlike Earth which has silica(硅石), the sand that rocks on Earth are made from. "This is where this diamond planet idea comes from; they haven't actually detected a diamond planet yet," explains Dr Kukula.it' s hypothetical(假设的), "but you can imagine strange landscapes with black graphite rocks lying around and the surface could be covered with sticky liquids instead of water".

1.What planet has been discovered recently?

A.A planet with more oxygen. B.A planet with more carbon

C.A planet hotter than others. D.A planet bigger than Jupiter.

2.How do scientists decide a planet's composition?

A.By its heat. B.By its size.

C.By telescope. D.By distance.

3.What can we learn about the new planet from paragraph 3?

A.It is in our solar system. B.It looks like Earth.

C.It is completely different from Jupiter. D.It contains a lot of gas.

4.Why do scientists call the planet "a diamond planet"?

A.It is rich in carbon. B.It is rich in silica.

C.It is rich in water. D.It is rich in sticky liquids.



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