满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Polly, my stepmom, suggested the sweetest name to our pet dog: Mercy. We don't know why she gave the strange name. We soon learned it was just what this new dog would need.

My parents' bad tempered dog would jump out of bed and go-go-go all day long. So when they brought home a Christmas tree, they expected everything would be out of order. However, to their astonishment, Mercy didn't seem to take any care. She paid zero attention to the tree which suddenly grew in her living room. Nor did she react to the fancy presents under it, including a wrapped box of Milk-Bones.

Dad and Polly were quite careful; they'd never had a dog that didn't force them to move everything to higher ground as if they were expecting a flood. But Mercy seemed to take no notice. He didn't take any glance at it at all.

A few days before Christmas, Polly awoke early in the morning as usual. She passed the dusty living room and then stopped in surprise. Glancing back into the room, she saw that every last present was gone. Only the tree was still there.

Had they been robbed? Why hadn't Mercy barked? Where was she? Had the robbers taken her away? Polly noticed scrap of ribbon(丝带) on the floor, then bit of torn wrapping paper few feet away, some lights beyond that. The clues all made a mark leading toward the back door.

Polly put on the switch, bathing the backyard in light. The perpetrator's(肇事者)head lifted and froze. Alarm and guilt made her eyes wide. Oh, yes, it was Mercy.

She lay under her favorite tree in soft nest of shredde(碎片) wrapping paper, chewed-up boxes, and curling(缠绕) bits of ribbon. Presents, unpacked from their packages, were spread over everywhere. Beautifully wrapped boxes had gaping holes. Pieces of paper were mixed with the last remaining evidence of gifts. All the gift tags(标签) that could have been used as thank-you cards were destroyed.

Clearly Mercy's self-control had failed.


As for Thank-you cards, Mercy provided the answer.



Clearly Mercy's self-control had failed. After midnight when everyone was asleep, she'd silently carried one package after another out of the living room so that she could enjoy in private. Anything eatable was gone, including cookies, chocolates, candy canes, and four pounds of Milk-Bones. She enjoyed her midnight snack in her comfortable nest. My parents were so grateful instead of being angry, they laughed off the ruined presents. Only one problem remained. With all the gift tags destroyed, how could they send out thank-you cards? As for Thank-you cards, Mercy provided the answer. A few days later, Polly returned to her easy chair to find Mercy guiltily cleaning a plate with her tongue where a cookie had just been. Polly took a picture of the shamefaced dog and used it to make thank-you notes. The title read. "Thank you for the mercy." Inside, the whole story was explained. We all laughed and began to know why Polly had the dog named Mercy. And everyone shared the sweet moment Mercy and Polly gave us! 【解析】 这是一篇续写。文章叙述的是,作者的继母,波莉,建议给宠物狗起一个最甜蜜的名字:Mercy。孩子们不知道她为什么会起这个奇怪的名字。但很快就知道这个名字正是这只新狗所需要的。当他们弄回一棵圣诞树时,他们希望一切都井井有条,然而,令他们惊讶的是,Mercy似乎一点也不在乎。她对突然长在她客厅里的那棵树毫无兴趣。她对盒子下面那些精美的礼物也没有反应,圣诞节前几天,波莉像往常一样一大早就醒了,她回头看了看房间,发现所有的礼物都不见了。只有那棵树还在那儿,波莉发现是Mercy干的。 1.第一段给出的首句是Clearly Mercy's self-control had failed.这一句是故事发展的转折点。可以从“午夜过后,大家都睡着了,她悄悄地把一个又一个包裹搬出了客厅,这样她就可以独自享用了。”入手扩展开去。紧接着应该是“所有可吃的东西都不见了,包括饼干、巧克力、拐杖糖和4磅牛奶骨头。她在舒适的窝里吃夜宵。我的父母对此非常感激,他们没有生气,反而对毁坏的礼物一笑置之。只有一个问题。”——无论从何角度拓展,需注意与续写第二段首句呼应,所以该段最后一句“所有的礼物标签都被销毁了,他们怎么能寄感谢信呢?”与第二段首句呼应。 2.第二段所给首句As for Thank-you cards, Mercy provided the answer.这一句呼应前文,紧接着可以从“几天后,波莉回到她的安乐椅上,发现莫茜正在内疚地用舌头清理刚放饼干的盘子。”入手续写。接下来故事情节应该是这样的“波莉给这只害羞的狗拍了一张照片,用它做了感谢便条。标题阅读。“谢谢你的仁慈。”里面解释了整个故事。我们都笑了起来,开始明白为什么波莉要把狗叫Mercy。每个人都分享了Mercy和Polly给我们的甜蜜时刻!”


1. 活动时间、地点;

2. 活动带来的收获。

要求:1. 词数:80左右;

2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





1.All parts of the museum are a__________(可进入的) to wheelchairs

2.The doctor r____________(推荐) swimming as the best all-round- exercise

3.If it's a choice between higher pay and job_____________(保障), I'd prefer to keep my job.

4.She was bit a_____________(担心的) at how much weight she'd lost

5.It's been a pleasure and a p_____________(特别优待) to work with you all




Trees, plants and flowers are all around us and we enjoy their beauty every day. However, we are so used to them 1. we may even take them for granted without  2.(realize) how much inspiration they have given us. In fact, nature has inspired many of the most  3.(fascinate) designs around us, including those in architecture. Nature 4. (present) in various architectural designs.

Today, architects continue to explore ways 5. (capture) the beauty of natural forms, to mimic the way nature works or even to make natural organisms part of a building. ArtScience Museum, Singapore was designed to show the 6. (connect) between nature and the modern city environment in which it sits. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building that so 7.(true) captures the beauty of natural forms. Harare's Eastgate Centre is 8. superb example of biomimicry(仿生学). To use biomimicry is to create structures 9.(base) on natural forms and processes. Creating buildings such as these enables us to live 10. closer harmony with our environment.



    Last week I went shopping in the supermarket. I got to the front of the ___________ and put my groceries through the checkout. I was about to pay, when I ___________ that I didn't have my bankcard with me. I _________.Then I remembered I left it at home when I ___________ something online. All I had was $30 in notes and some coins in my wallet. I was short ___________ at least $25, and I needed to buy most of the items.

I started to ___________ to the checkout lady. "I'm sorry, I stop the queue. Can I put these things back, and then think I'll ___________ these. Oh, no, need that."

An Irish lady was ___________ behind me, next in the queue. "Excuse me, Dear," she said. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I replied, "I'm ___________ you up." "Of course not. I know ____________ you feel. This happens to all of us at some point. Now please use my ____________ to pay the bill and you can be on your way."

I was astonished by her kindness, ____________ even. No matter how I insisted otherwise, she was ________ to help me. Afterwards I asked for her telephone number to ____________ and pay her back. "No," she said, "rather pay it forward. You may do a good deed for the next person in need."

By helping others, can we start chain ____________ of positive feeling and charity that can benefit our whole society?

1.A.table B.supermarket C.queue D.shelf

2.A.realized B.knew C.recognized D.observed

3.A.hesitated B.paused C.panicked D.struggled

4.A.explored B.purchased C.advocated D.delivered

5.A.by B.under C.on D.with

6.A.cry B.apologise C.complain D.explain

7.A.borrow B.drop C.follow D.take

8.A.standing B.supporting C.blaming D.shouting

9.A.turning B.putting C.joining D.holding

10.A.what B.how C.why D.when

11.A.card B.fame C.income D.identity

12.A.abnormal B.anxious C.embarrassed D.desperate

13.A.convinced B.determined C.excited D.reluctant

14.A.fit in B.get through C.look up D.get in touch

15.A.reaction B.sympathy C.satisfaction D.relationship



    The outbreak has forced people to work from home and given many couples the chance to see each other at work. But, after all, living together and working together are not the same. 1.

1. Put the problem on the table

Knowing what your partner does is one thing but seeing them in action is another. "We are forced into the intimacy(亲密), not just with spouses(配偶), but also with kids or whoever else is in the home," said Karen Bridbord, a psychologist in New York City.2. Talk about any insecurities you may have whether it's participating in a video meeting or being eavesdropped on and what you need in terms of a work environment. Then create a schedule and set boundaries when it comes to separating work life and personal life.


You might be learning that your spouse is fan of all the office cliches or holds too many meetings---but it's best to keep that to yourself. Even if you think your intentions are good, don't offer any unsolicited(主动提供的)feedback when it comes to your partner's' work style. And don't mistake complaining as an opportunity to criticize. "Even if a partner is complaining about work, you shouldn't see that as an invitation or opportunity to provide critical feedback," said Anthony Chambers, a chief academic officer. "4."

3. Don't complain a lot

These working conditions aren't ideal for many people right now---especially if you are juggling kids and other care giving responsibilities 5.. However, try not to keep score of who is doing what around the house, or whose work is more pressing.

A.Provide an inside look.

B.Allow them to complain and you just listen.

C.Avoid treating each other like colleagues.

D.This can leave you feeling overburdened and exhausted.

E.The first step in making this situation work is to talk about it.

F.How to do with this "new colleague" to maintain a harmonious relationship?

G.In this way, you're more likely to arouse sympathy from the partner which will help negotiate boundaries.



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