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Sitting on the park bench with his head ...

    Sitting on the park bench with his head in hands, a businessman was deep in debt and could see no way out,____if anything could save his company from bankruptcy(破产).

Suddenly an old man appeared before him. “I can see that something is  ______ you,” he said. After listening to the businessman’s troubles, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.” He asked the man his name, wrote out a ______and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared as ______ as he had come. The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500000, ______ by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world! “I can ______my money worries in an instant!” he realized. But _______, he decided to put the uncashed check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the ______ to work out a way to save his business, he thought. With renewed ____, he negotiated better deals. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the ______ with the uncashed check. At the ______ time, the old man appeared. But just as the businessman was about to ______ the check and share his success story, a ____ came running up and grabbed the old man. “I’m so delighted I ______him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s ______escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller. And she led the old man away ______ the arm.

The businessman just stood there, ______. All year long he’d been occupied in buying and selling, ______  he had half a million dollars behind him. Suddenly, he realized that it wasn’t the money, no matter real or ____ that had turned his life around. On the contrary, it was just his ____self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.

1.A.wondering B.suspecting C.estimating D.wandering

2.A.attacking B.disturbing C.interrupting D.amusing

3.A.number B.note C.letter D.check

4.A.calmly B.quietly C.quickly D.proudly

5.A.signed B.handed C.drawn D.deposited

6.A.lose B.remove C.face D.ignore

7.A.instead B.therefore C.rather D.meanwhile

8.A.weakness B.belief C.urge D.strength

9.A.creativity B.permission C.optimism D.curiosity

10.A.hospital B.company C.street D.park

11.A.advanced B.appointed C.announced D.delayed

12.A.hand back B.give out C.put out D.turn over

13.A.policeman B.banker C.nurse D.guard

14.A.beat B.cheated C.pushed D.caught

15.A.never B.seldom C.always D.occasionally

16.A.on B.in C.by D.at

17.A.exhausted B.astonished C.disappointed D.excited

18.A.convinced B.informed C.reminded D.warned

19.A.created B.imagined C.discovered D.donated

20.A.long-lost B.non-existent C.ever-lasting D.newly-found


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个商人东山再起的故事。一个商人欠下许多债务,遇到一个老人给了他一张50万的支票,让他一年后来还。商人把支票放起来,作为一种精神支持。后来他再次成功,去找那个老人却发现那位老人并非John D.Rockefeller,支票也是假的。由此证明,原来,并非金钱,而是信心使商人获得了成功。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个商人坐在公园的长凳上,双手抱着头,他债台高筑,看不到出路。想知道是否有什么可以能使他的公司免于破产。A. wondering 想知道;B. suspecting怀疑;C. estimating估计;D. wandering漫游。根据前文a businessman was deep in debt and could see no way out,可知他想知道(wonder)有没有出路。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能看出来有些东西使你困扰。A. attacking 袭击;B. disturbing使困扰、使烦恼;C. interrupting 打断;D. amusing娱乐。 后文the businessman’s troubles说明,麻烦让商人困扰(disturb)。故选B。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他问这个人的名字,开了张支票,并把它递到男士手里说,拿着这些钱。A. number 数字;B. note便条;C. letter 信;D. check支票。下文The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000说明这里是check(支票)故选D。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后他转身快速地消失了,正如他来时一样。A. calmly平静地;B. quietly安静地;C. quickly迅速地;D. proudly自豪地。根据前文Suddenly an old man appeared before him,可知这里是迅速地(quickly)。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:商人看见自己手里是一张50万的支票,签名是 John D. Rockefeller,世界上最富有的人之一。A. signed签名;B. handed递;C. drawn绘画;D. deposited储存。前文He asked the man his name, wrote out a__3___, and pushed it into his hand saying可知,是在支票上签名(sign)。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以立刻去除资金困扰。A. lose丢失;B. remove移除,去除;C. face面对;D. ignore忽视。根据上文,商人有了50万的支票,就可以去除(remove)资金困扰了。故选B。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:反而,他决定把没兑现的支票放进保险箱。A. instead反而,代替;B. therefore因此;C. rather相当;D. meanwhile与此同时。商人没有用掉支票,反而(instead)将支票放进保险箱了。故选A。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他想着,只要知道支票就在那里也许会给他力量来找到方法拯救公司。A. weakness弱点;B. belief信念;C. urge刺激;D. strength力量。后文,it was just his ___20___ self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.,说明这里是给商人力量(strength)。故选D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:带着新的乐观情绪,他谈判达成了更好的协议。A. creativity创造力;B. permission许可;C. optimism乐观;D. curiosity好奇心。前文give him the __8__ to work out a way to save his business说明,他变乐观(optimism)了。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一年后,商人带着未兑现的支票回到那个公园。A. hospital医院;B. company公司;C. street街道;D. park公园。开头根据Sitting on the park bench with his head in hands可知,这里是回公园(park)。故选D。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在约定的时间,老人出现了。A. advanced先进的;B. appointed约定的;C. announced宣布的;D. delayed延误的。根据前文Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time可知,是约定好的(appointed)。故选B。 12.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是,在商人正要还支票,并分享他的故事时,一个护士跑过来,抓住了老人。A. hand back归还;B. give out分发;C. put out扑灭;D. turn over翻转。根据前文you can pay me back at that time,可知这里是商人归还(hand back)支票。故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,在商人正要还支票,并分享他的故事时,一个护士跑过来,抓住了老人。A. policeman警察;B. banker银行家;C. nurse护士;D. guard保卫。根据下文escaping from the rest home可知,这里是护士(nurse)。故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:太好了,我抓住你了,她尖叫着说。A. beat打;B. cheated欺骗;C. pushed推;D. caught抓住。根据下文He’s __15__ escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.可知,护士是要抓(catch)老人回去。故选D。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他总是从疗养院逃跑,还告诉别人他是John D. Rockefeller 。A. never从来不;B. seldom很少;C. always总是;D. occasionally 偶然地。商人之前就见到了老人,因此老人总是(always)从疗养院逃跑。故选C。 16.考查介词词义辨析。句意:她拉着老人的胳膊,把他带走了。A. on 在…上面;B. in在…里面;C. by通过;D. at在。根据语境,这里是表方式,意为“通过(by)拉着手”将老人带走。故选C。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:商人站在那里,很震惊。A. exhausted筋疲力尽的;B. astonished震惊的;C. disappointed失望的;D. excite兴奋地。由前文可知,老人是个疯子而支票是假的,商人却相信了,很让人震惊(astonished)。故选B。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一年,他忙着买卖,相信他身后有50万美元。A. convinced说服;B. informed通知;C. reminded提醒;D. warned警告。前文Just knowing it was there might give him the _8__ to work out a way to save his business可知,商人一直相信(convince)他身后有50万美元。故选A。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,他意识到,不管是真的还是想象的,不是钱改变了他的生活。A. created创造;B. imagined想象;C. discovered发现;D. donated捐赠。此处填与real相反的词,且故事中的支票是不存在的,因此填想象的(imagined)。故选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:相反,是他新发现的自信给了他力量,去实现他追求的东西。A. long-lost无消息的;B. on-existent不存在的;C. ever-lasting持久的;D. newly-found新发现的。前文With renewed __9__, he negotiated better deals.说明是新发现的(newly-found)信心。故选D。

    Some effective ways to Meet New People

It is universally acknowledged that first impressions matter a lot. If you want to know how to meet people, just follow these steps.

Live in the moment.

To meet new people, the first thing you have to do is enjoy the present moment of the new conversation. Let go of your expectations and fears. 1.

When you approach a new person, don’t ask yourself, “How do I look?” or “How do I sound?” Instead, ask, “What would this person like to talk about?” or “What matters to this person?”

◆  2.     

If you keep up your confidence, people feel that you’re a person who is worth talking to. You should be confident before you walk into a room with new people in it and build your confidence as the conversation goes along. Just smile, talk about the things that you love, and show everyone that you love who you are, where you are, and what you do.

3. Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and don’t fidget (烦躁) with your hands or look at the floor. When you introduce yourself, speak clearly and loudly enough that you’ll be heard.

Be positive.

4. You should smile from time to time. Talk about the things you love, the things that make you happy, and your interests to keep people engaged.

Don’t talk about your long­standing hatred for a certain teacher, or classmate. 5. The occasional “That’s so true!” or “I know exactly what you mean!” will be far more positive.

A.Stay confident.

B.Communicate in a fun and casual way.

C.Body language can help you stay confident.

D.They can prevent a conversation from unfolding smoothly.

E.Don't ask for the person's number in the middle of the conversation.

F.Maintaining a positive attitude will make people want to talk to you.

G.Don't nod and agree with what the person is saying every five seconds.



    Imagine being face-to-face with a woolly mammoth (猛犸象) . It would be quite a sight. Scientists believe it would tower above 11 feet tall and have a sloping back, a long, powerful trunk, and sharp, curved tusks that stretch up to 10 feet. Its thick hair would be up to three feet long. It would weigh six tons—about as heavy as a bus.

You’ve probably never seen a giant furry elephant before. Actually, you definitely haven’t. The species has been extinct for thousands of years.

But a few years from now, you might be able to see a woolly mammoth in person. Scientists believe they have the technology to recreate it.

A team of South Korean and Russian scientists plan to clone a woolly mammoth. How will they do it?

Several woolly mammoth bodies have already been discovered in Siberia, an icy region in Russia. The scientists plan to take cells from these frozen mammoths. In a laboratory, they’ll use them to create a new cluster () of cells called an embryo. The embryo will be placed into the womb of a living female elephant. That elephant will then give birth to a baby woolly mammoth.

The scientists believe the whole process will take five years. Many scientists and animal lovers can’t wait. It will be so exciting to be able to bring a creature that has been extinct for thousands of years back to life. People would travel from around the world for the chance to see a living woolly mammoth. By observing the way the creature looks and acts, scientists might make brand-new discoveries about the history of animal life.

Other experts aren’t so sure about the woolly mammoth project. One big question is what to do with a mammoth. The Earth has changed in the thousands of years since these animals roamed the planet. Where would the creature live, and would it be able to survive in today’s climate ? Some believe that the money being spent on the experiment could be better spent on other important scientific projects, such as fighting diseases.

But the South Korean and Russian scientists are sticking to their plan. They admit they have a big challenge ahead. There is no guarantee that they will succeed, but they’ re hopeful.

1.The first paragraph describes the mammoth’s ________.

A.habitat B.food

C.appearance D.lifespan

2.What is the challenge for scientists to clone a mammoth?

A.Whether they have enough money for the project.

B.Whether the mammoth can adapt to the new environment.

C.Whether the mammoth can survive the modern diseases.

D.Whether their plan wins support from the public.

3.The last paragraph implies that the attitude of scientists to cloning mammoths is ______.

A.negative B.disapproving

C.optimistic D.doubtful

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Scientists are finding ways to deal with mammoths.

B.Scientists try to find out the history of animal life.

C.Scientists plan to bring the mammoth back to life.

D.Scientists pay little attention to the return of the mammoth.



    Sitting on the “Roof of the World”, Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve is one of the world’s hotspots for biodiversity protection. Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, is to be measured again by a Chinese team to make sure its exact height after last official measurement.

“Conducting research and protecting the region can help us learn more about the origin and development of the earth, as well as our human-beings and wildlife,” said Cheng Pengfei, president of the Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping (CASM).

The weather in the Mount Qomolangma area changes frequently. While the maximum temperature in the tent is more than 20 degrees Celsius, or even 30 degrees Celsius at noon, it may start snowing in the afternoon, and a gale may spring up at night, even blowing away the tents. Those taking part in the mission are ready for the task after preparing thoroughly at the base camp.

The complex geological environment has formed diverse landforms in the area. Distinctive snow mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and glaciers can be found. And the unique ecological environment has also established a special biological diversity.

1.What can we learn from the text?

A.The ecological environment around the Mount Everest has nothing to do with its biodiversity.

B.The height of Mount Everest has been measured before.

C.The weather in Mount Everest area is relatively steady with a small temperature change.

D.Learning more about wildlife in the area is one of the most important purposes of the research.

2.What does the underlined word possibly mean in the 3rd paragraph?

A.a name of an animal. B.a kind of grass.

C.a strong wind D.a name of a machine

3.Where can you most probably see the text?

A.In a geography textbook. B.In a travelling brochure.

C.In a government report. D.In a newspaper



    Throughout most states of the USA, there are countless secret swimming holes, and following are 4 of them.

Havasu Falls (Arizona)

This attractive waterfall in the Grand Canyon is undoubtedly a destination spot requiring a 10-mile walk to the falls. You can take a guided tour to the falls, or make it on your own. The Havasu Falls are on the Havasupai Indian Reservation, which means you'll need to get a permit to visit — this has become increasingly difficult as more people discover this hidden place.

Hamilton Pool (Austin)

Hamilton Pool was created when an underground river's roof fell down suddenly; exposing what is now the swimming hole and creating a 50-foot waterfall that flows over the above limestone(石灰岩). You'll have to reserve beforehand to gain entry to the Hamilton Pool Preserve.

Chutes and Ladders (Maui)

To get to this secret swimming hole, you'll have to take a rope 40 feet down the face of a cliff, and then climb down about 8 feet of lava rock to the pool. Once there, however, you'll be glad you made the journey. The swimming hole is on the edge of the ocean — a natural pool, you could say — with a depth that invites you to jump in without crowds of people around to watch.

Homestead Crater (Utah)

The Homestead Crater is hidden under a rock dome(圆顶) with an opening at the top that allows for sunlight and air. It was once only accessible by that top opening, but there is now easy access through a side path for visitors. Go for a swim in this beautiful mineral water spring.




1.People need an official written statement to visit _________.

A.Havasu Falls B.Hamilton Pool

C.Chutes and Ladders D.Homestead Crater

2.What do you need to get to Chutes and Ladders?

A.A tour guide. B.An invitation.

C.More outdoor skills. D.Reservation in advance.

3.Which of the following can best describe the four places?

A.They are hidden in remote areas. B.They are shaped by limestone.

C.They are created by local people. D.They are accessible through a hole.




Polly, my stepmom, suggested the sweetest name to our pet dog: Mercy. We don't know why she gave the strange name. We soon learned it was just what this new dog would need.

My parents' bad tempered dog would jump out of bed and go-go-go all day long. So when they brought home a Christmas tree, they expected everything would be out of order. However, to their astonishment, Mercy didn't seem to take any care. She paid zero attention to the tree which suddenly grew in her living room. Nor did she react to the fancy presents under it, including a wrapped box of Milk-Bones.

Dad and Polly were quite careful; they'd never had a dog that didn't force them to move everything to higher ground as if they were expecting a flood. But Mercy seemed to take no notice. He didn't take any glance at it at all.

A few days before Christmas, Polly awoke early in the morning as usual. She passed the dusty living room and then stopped in surprise. Glancing back into the room, she saw that every last present was gone. Only the tree was still there.

Had they been robbed? Why hadn't Mercy barked? Where was she? Had the robbers taken her away? Polly noticed scrap of ribbon(丝带) on the floor, then bit of torn wrapping paper few feet away, some lights beyond that. The clues all made a mark leading toward the back door.

Polly put on the switch, bathing the backyard in light. The perpetrator's(肇事者)head lifted and froze. Alarm and guilt made her eyes wide. Oh, yes, it was Mercy.

She lay under her favorite tree in soft nest of shredde(碎片) wrapping paper, chewed-up boxes, and curling(缠绕) bits of ribbon. Presents, unpacked from their packages, were spread over everywhere. Beautifully wrapped boxes had gaping holes. Pieces of paper were mixed with the last remaining evidence of gifts. All the gift tags(标签) that could have been used as thank-you cards were destroyed.

Clearly Mercy's self-control had failed.


As for Thank-you cards, Mercy provided the answer.




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