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Chinese experts, based on the result of ...

    Chinese experts, based on the result of clinical trials, have __________ that Chloroquine Phosphate(磷酸氯喹), an antimalarial drug, has a certain _________ effect on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a Chinese official said here Monday.

The experts have "unanimously" suggested the drug be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and __________ in wider clinical trials as soon as possible, Sun Yanrong, deputy head of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), said at a press conference.

Chloroquine Phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from tens of thousands of existing drugs after _________ rounds of screening, Sun said. According to her, the drug has been under clinical trials in over 10 hospitals in Beijing, ___________ in south Guangdong Province and central China's Hunan Province, and has shown _______ good efficacy.

In the trials, the groups of patients who had taken the drug have shown better indicators than their parallel groups, in abatement(减轻) of fever, improvement of CT images of lungs, the percentage of patients who became _________ in viral nucleic acid tests and the time they need to do so, she said. Patients taking the drug also take a shorter time to recover, she added.

Sun gave an example of a 54-year-old patient in Beijing, who was _________ to hospital four days after showing symptoms. After taking the drug for a week, he saw all indicators  __________ and the nucleic acid turn negative.

_________, no obvious serious adverse reactions related to the drug have been found among the over 100 patients enrolled in the clinical trials, she said.

On February 15, several departments including the MOST, the National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration called a video conference to _________ drug research and clinical experts’ opinions on the drug’s efficacy on COVID-19.

The expert team, led by Zhong Nanshan, a __________ respiratory specialist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, agreed that Chloroquine Phosphate can be used to treat more COVID-19 patients, Sun said.

Previous in vitro (体外的) experiments showed that it can block virus _________ by changing the acidity and basicity value inside the cell and interfering receptors of SARS coronavirus. It also shows immune-modulating (调节) activity, which may __________ its antiviral effect in vivo (体内的) and is widely _________ in the whole body, including the lungs, after oral administration.

1.A.advocated B.assumed C.confirmed D.conserved

2.A.limited B.curative C.side D.potential

3.A.applied B.diagnosed C.recognized D.adapted

4.A.feasible B.reasonable C.authentic D.multiple

5.A.for instance B.as well as C.that is to say D.such as

6.A.unintentionally B.considerately C.scarcely D.fairly

7.A.negative B.neutral C.obvious D.positive

8.A.overlooked B.admitted C.accessed D.refused

9.A.promote B.flaw C.fail D.improve

10.A.In the meantime B.By contrast C.So far D.In consequence

11.A.turn down B.listen to C.engage in D.argue about

12.A.respectful B.conventional C.spiritual D.distinguished

13.A.invasion B.investigations C.infections D.cultivation

14.A.undermine B.enhance C.impose D.withhold

15.A.distributed B.reflected C.extinguished D.substituted


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了中国的医疗团队证实了磷酸氯喹对于新冠肺炎有一定的疗效,并具体说明了临床试验的过程和其药理。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:中国的医疗专家们根据临床试验的结果,已经证实了磷酸氯喹——一种抗疟剂药物——对于新冠病毒有某种治疗效果。A. advocated提倡,拥护;B. assumed假设;C. confirmed证实;D. conserved保护。下文对于磷酸氯喹的疗效作了具体说明,可见这里的消息是证实了具有疗效。故选C项。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:中国的医疗专家们根据临床试验的结果,已经证实了磷酸氯喹——一种抗疟剂药物——对于新冠病毒有某种治疗效果。A. limited有限的;B. curative有疗效的;C. side侧面的;D. potential潜在的。下文对于磷酸氯喹的疗效作了具体说明,对于新冠肺炎的症状有一定的缓解作用,可见是有疗效的。故选B项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该药物应该会列入下一版治疗指导方案中,并在更大范围的临床试验中得到应用。A. applied应用;B. diagnosed诊断;C. recognized认出;D. adapted适应。分析句子可知,这里主语是the drug,地点状语是in wider clinical trial,显然是指在临床试验中使用、应用药物。故选A项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:磷酸氯喹被从上万种药物中层层筛选出来。A. feasible可行的;B. reasonable合理的;C. authentic真实的;D. multiple多样的,许多的。要从种类繁多的药物中找出能治疗新冠肺炎的药物,必然要经过层层筛选。故选D项。 5.考查固定短语。句意:该药物已经在北京的十多家医院进行临床试验,在广东省和湖南省也都进行了试验。A. for instance例如;B. as well as也;C. that is to say也就是说;D. such as比如。这里列举的三个地点都是进行临床试验的地方,是并列的,可以用as well as连接,表示“也,还有”。故选B项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:而且都表现出了相当不错的疗效。A. unintentionally无意的;B. considerately体谅地;C. scarcely几乎不;D. fairly相当地,公平地。这里要用fairly修饰good表示程度。故选D项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:核酸检测转阴性的患者人数有所增加。A. negative消极的;B. neutral中立的;C. obvious明显的;D. positive积极的。根据下文“ the nucleic acid turn negative.”可知,这里在描述磷酸氯喹的临床疗效,negative在这里表示“阴性的”,即病情好转了。故选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她举了北京一位54岁的患者为例,这位患者在出现症状四天后入院。A. overlooked忽视;B. admitted承认,准许进入;C. accessed接近;D. refused拒绝。be admitted to hospital意为“入院,住院”,符合情境。故选B项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的所有指标都有所改善,核酸检测也呈现阴性。A. promote提升;B. flaw使有缺陷;C. fail失败;D. improve提高,改善。根据“the nucleic acid turn negative.”这里表现药物确有疗效,患者在服药后情况是有所改善的。故选D项。 10.考查介词短语辨析。句意:迄今为止,没有出现和该药物相关的明显的严重不良反应。A. In the meantime同时;B. By contrast相反;C. So far至今;D. In consequence因此,结果。句中使用现在完成时,结合句意应该用so far表示“至今为止”,仍然在说明磷酸氯喹的效果良好。故选C项。 11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:多个部门召开一次视频会议,听取药物研究和临床专家的意见。A. turn down拒绝;B. listen to听;C. engage in从事于;D. argue about争论。空白处缺少动词,而其宾语为opinions,根据“ called a video conference”应该是召开会议并听取意见。故选B项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:钟南山,一位杰出的呼吸病学专家,同时也是中国工程院院士。A. respectful恭敬的;B. conventional传统的;C. spiritual精神的;D. distinguished卓越的。根据对于钟南山的了解,无疑他是非常优秀、非常杰出的一个人。故选D项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:之前的体外实验表明该药物能阻止病毒的传染。A. invasion入侵;B. investigations调查;C. infections感染;D. cultivation培养,耕种。根据下文解释的干扰病毒受体的手段,可以推断磷酸氯喹应该是切断了病毒的传染途径。故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也表明了免疫调节活动可能会加强体内的抗病毒效果,并在整个体内广泛分布。A. undermine破坏;B. enhance提高,加强;C. impose强加,征税;D. withhold保留,抑制。根据“It also shows immune-modulating (调节) activity”可知,这里解释药物的机理,免疫调节活动应当是对身体有益的,所以对抗病毒效果有所增益。故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也表明了免疫调节活动可能会加强体内的抗病毒效果,并在整个体内广泛分布。A. distributed分布,分散;B. reflected反映,反射;C. extinguished熄灭,压制;D. substituted替代。这里的地点状语是in the whole body,容易想到应该指全身都会出现免疫调节,尤其是在肺部,从而改善身体状况。故选A项。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A new era of computing may be upon us as Google claims its Sycamore computer has achieved quantum supremacy (量子霸权). But what is quantum supremacy, and what does it mean for the future?

Quantum supremacy is a scientific term. It means that a quantum computer has solved a problem that a classical computer would take too much time and energy to do.

1. (publish) in the journal Nature on Oct 23, Google tasked a computer with finding mathematical probabilities of different “events”. The events were specific values from a random number generator. Sycamore successfully picked out strings (系列) of numbers that were 2. (likely) to occur than others, running the test 1 million times in 200 seconds.

In their research, Google claims that the world’s best supercomputer would have taken 10,000 years 3.(solve) the same problem. However, Google’s claims were questioned by rival company IBM, who argued the same test 4. have been completed in 2.5 days by its Summit supercomputer.

What is quantum computing? The major difference between quantum and classic computers is in how they record and transmit information. Classic computers, from your laptop to your phone to a NASA supercomputer, use bits. Each bit has a state of either zero or one (on or off) and completes each operation one-at-a-time.

However, quantum computers, like Google’s Sycamore, use quantum bits – called qubits (量子位). These can be both zero and one at the same time, allowing them to hold more data and work together to solve problems simultaneously.

Google’s experiment has been applauded 5. a major breakthrough. It is a stepping-stone toward a big dream.

Currently, quantum computers are within the next decade. Tech reporter Jacob Ward told NBC News, “This could revolutionize our every little real-world value, but that can all change whole lives. We’re talking about the development of new medicines, materials, artificial intelligence, all of which, right now, 6. (depend) on a very limited language of computing.?”

While quantum may not be close to 7. (change) our everyday lives right now, it has been compared to the first rocket to reach space. It may be a generation 8. quantum computers become mainstream, so who can say what humans might achieve with the new technology?



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The 2020 Championships Wimbledon have been canceled 1. public health concerns linked to the coronavirus epidemic. The Championships 2.(schedule) to be held from Monday, June 29 through Sunday, July 12. The134thtournament will be held (hold) between June 28 and July 11, 2021. “This is a decision we have not taken lightly and we have done so with the highest regard for public health and the well-being of all those3. come together to make Wimbledon happen,” AELTC chairman Ian Hewitt said. “It 4. (weigh) heavily on our minds that the staging of The Championships has only been interrupted previously by World Wars but, 5.(follow) thorough and extensive consideration of all scenarios, we believe that it is a measure of this global crisis and 6. it is ultimately the right decision to cancel this year’s Championships, and instead concentrate on 7. we can use the breadth of Wimbledon’s  resources to help those in our local communities and beyond.





1. 简要描写图画内容。

2. 说明图画的含义。

3. 谈谈你的看法。


In the picture, we can see that






In the United States, engineering is a profession that has been dominated historically by men. Even today, it’s still true that few women become civil or chemical or mechanical engineers, but that’s something www.EngineerGirl.org aims to change. Young women who visit the web site can find out about a great career choice they might not have considered.

“Women are very much underrepresented in engineering and in engineering education programs and then of course, down the road, in the engineering workforce. So only about 20 percent of engineering undergraduate degrees go to women, and then only about nine percent of working engineers are women.”

Mary Mattis in the National Academy of Engineering says the EngineerGirl website aims to reach young women around ages 11 through 14, when they are just getting old enough to start thinking about their futures.

“We know from the research that middle-school girls are at a critical point in their lives, and that it’s a time when we need to reach them, both with an understanding, increasing their awareness of interesting fields in engineering, what a wonderful productive and exciting career you can have as an engineer. But we also need to reach them at that time because you have to take certain courses, and you can’t start thinking about taking those courses when you’re a junior in high school.”

Engineering is a demanding course of study — there is a lot of science and mathematics, for many girls and even boys, that can be challenging. But Ms. Mattis says that the EngineerGirl website stresses that engineering can also be fun and exciting.

“It’s about designing things. It’s about changing the world for people. It’s about making a difference. And, in addition, you can make a good living; you can be independent economically by becoming an engineer. All of those things are messages that girls need to get.”

While most engineers go into traditional fields such as mechanical and electrical engineering, the EngineerGirl site also highlights unusual engineering careers in fields such as sports engineering and — believe it or not — chocolate engineering.

“There’s a section called ‘why be an engineer,’ and that talks about the many opportunities and increasingly different opportunities like with bio-engineering and environmental engineering, some fields that might appeal to girls who want to make a difference or have a meaning for their careers beyond earning an income.”Even if you are not a girl in the target age group, there’s a lot of interesting information on the site, including biographies of some notable women engineers.


Website1.Girls to learn Engineering

Present2.for the engineering profession in the USA

The majority of men take up the profession throughout3., while only a small number of women work as engineers.

4.of the website

To make young women5.of interesting fields in engineering and what productivity and6.the career of being engineers can bring them.

7.of being engineers

* It can be fun and exciting.
* It can8.the world for people.
* You can make a good living.
* You can gain economic9.by becoming an engineer.

Other fields concerning engineering

Various opportunities are talked about like bio-engineering and engineering10.to sports, and even chocolate.




    Partway through Wonder, Fifth-grader Auggie Pullman finds himself seated across from a new friend in the school cafeteria. “Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?” the friend asks.

“Dude, this is after plastic surgery. It takes a lot of work to look this good,” Auggie says, running a hand through his hair. In other words, what could be painfully depressing turns out to hold lurking(潜藏的) reserves of humour, which is pretty much the story of Wonder.

Auggie, played by Jacob Tremblay, was born with a facial difference, and even after multiple operations, his looks shock his classmates. As he adapts from homeschooling to a new school community, he encounters far worse than that lunchtime sceneone nasty bully(横行霸道者) says he’d kill himself if he looked like Auggiebut he never fully loses heart.

The movie is an adaptation of the 2012 novel by R.J.Palacio, which has sold 6 million copies in North America and launched an antibullying campaign, Choose Kind. Palacio has said she got the idea for the story when her young son began crying at the sight of a girl with a facial difference in an ice cream shop. She took her kids out of the shop, but later regretted her reaction. “What I should have done is simply turned to the little girl and started up a conversation and shown my kids that there was nothing to be afraid of,” she said.

Tremblay, 11, who broke out opposite Brie Larson in the 2015 drama Room, has more than a few things in common with Auggie. “We both love Star Wars, we have awesome families, and we love our dogs.” But Tremblay thinks we all can find something in common with the boy. “Everyone’s like Auggie in one very important way: we want to be accepted and treated equally and with kindness.”

Julia Roberts, who plays Auggie’s mother, became interested in the part because of her own children, “I read it with my kids and fell so in love with it,” she says of the novel. “This book is such a beautiful and gentle introduction into all kinds of topics, including bullying and intolerance and fear, and what fear makes young people do sometimes.”

Both actors have some familiarity with the subject. “I was picked on quite a bit as a young person,” Roberts says, though she won’t say what for. “Even as a 50-year-old mother of three, it’s not a path I like to go up and down.” Tremblay reveals a bit more. “I have been picked on,” he says, “because I’m kind of short for me age. I told my parents, and that’s one of the best things you can do, because my mom said would never want me to carry negative thoughts on my shoulders alone.”

The most challenging parts of filming, says Tremblay, were moments in which he had to cry. Tenderhearted audience members will likely shed tears of their ownespecially during scenes between Auggie and his mom, who repeatedly reassures her son that he is worthy of love. But the movie also has its fair share of hijinks(喧闹): for every tear-filled moment, there is a lightsaber battle or silly science project to lighten the mood. This mixture of pity and humor, says Roberts, “was intrinsic(固有的) in the writing in the novel.” But she credits writer-director Stephen Chbosky with translating that balance into visual terms.

As much as the movie impresses the viewer with compassion for the underdogs, it also finds a way to sympathize with the bullies. “I would say to try to take a moment to be conscious of why a person that is bullying somebody is behaving that way,” says Roberts, “After all”, she adds, “There’s no child that’s born bully.”

1.How did Auggie respond to his friend’s question?

A. He felt so embarrassed that he kept reserved.

B. He flew off the handle the moment he heard it.

C. He answered in a calm but humourous way.

D. He spent quite a while finding the right words.

2.What inspired the story of Wonder?

A. A campaign against bullying in North America.

B. Palacio’s kids being picked on by their classmates.

C. Palacio’s conversation with a girl in an ice cream shop.

D. The way Palacio treated a girl with a facial difference.

3.According to the passage, the theme of the movie Wonder is ________.

A. similar to that of the drama Room

B. focused on the safety of plastic surgery

C. diverse and closely relevant to personal growth

D. a reflection of minority groups’ fate in America

4.What does paragraph 7 mainly talk about?

A. How Julia Roberts got to know Jacob Tremblay.

B. Leading actors’ recalling similar experiences to those in Wonder.

C. Jacob Tremblay’s breakthrough in his acting career.

D. What influence Jacob Tremblay’s mother has on his growth.

5.According to Julia Roberts, Stephen Chbosky _______.

A. is a great lover of Star Wars and wild animals

B. was moved to tears by Jacob Tremblay’s acting

C. is qualified to adapt science fiction into movies

D. succeeded in mixing visual elements with emotion

6.What’s Julia Roberts’ attitude towards the bullies?

A. Uncaring. B. Negative.

C. Sympathetic. D. Cautious.



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